package com.mystictri.neotexture;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import engine.base.Utils;
* This is the public interface to the NeoTexture procedural texture generation
* library. Note that the current version is heavily under development and none
* of the interfaces, class names and features are final. Note also that the
* current version is not yet optimized for speed. This will be done when the
* interface and functionality becomes more stable.
* Visit for the latest version
* and do not hesitate to contact me about feature requests or bug reports.
* @author Holger Dammertz
public final class TextureGenerator {
static private String version = "0.6.5-devel";
static private boolean useCache = false;
static private int cacheTileResolution = 256;
* To simplify the interface and texture access only a single graph existis
* in which all textures are loaded. This removes the possibility to use
* duplicate names but if a user needs this he simply has to manage it in
* the client code by clearing and reloading the graphs.
static private final TextureGraph graph = new TextureGraph();
* Returns the current version string. Compatibility between the editor and
* the runtime library is currently only guaranteed when the same version is
* used.
public static String getVersion() {
return version;
* Parses a well formatted texture graph as saved by
* @param is
* @return true if the loading produced no critical error
public static boolean loadGraph(InputStream is) {
return graph.load(new Scanner(is));
* Enables or disables the use of the channel caching system when evaluating
* a texture. Default is true. Using the caching system can greatly increase
* the required memory during evaluation. Use the clearCache method after
* evaluating all needed textures or else the cache will be retained.
* @param v
* used to enable/disable the cache.
public static void setUseCache(boolean v) {
useCache = v;
* Sets the resolution of a single cache tile. For each node in the graph a
* cache will be created. Default size is 256
* @param res
* the x resolution in pixel
public static void setCacheTileResolution(int res) {
cacheTileResolution = res;
* Scans the currently loaded TextureGraph for all export names in the
* nodes.
* @return A list of all the export names in the currently loaded graph
public static List<String> getTextureNames() {
LinkedList<String> l = new LinkedList<String>();
for (TextureGraphNode n : graph.allNodes) {
if (n.texChannel.exportName.get() != "") {
return l;
private static int[] tempGetImage(int[] img, int globalXres, int globalYres, TileCacheEntry e) {
for (int y = 0; y < e.yres; y++) {
int gy = (y + * e.yres);
if (gy >= globalYres)
for (int x = 0; x < e.xres; x++) {
int gx = x + e.px * e.xres;
if (gx >= globalXres)
img[gx + gy * globalXres] = Utils.vector4ToINTColor_ARGB(e.sample(x, y));
return img;
//!!TODO: merge with method above
private static int[] tempGetImage_ABGR(int[] img, int globalXres, int globalYres, TileCacheEntry e) {
for (int y = 0; y < e.yres; y++) {
int gy = (y + * e.yres);
if (gy >= globalYres)
for (int x = 0; x < e.xres; x++) {
int gx = x + e.px * e.xres;
if (gx >= globalXres)
img[gx + gy * globalXres] = Utils.vector4ToINTColor_ABGR(e.sample(x, y));
return img;
// !!TODO; centralize the image computation method (join it with the one
// from the Channel class)
// and figure out a way to use the cache for the library
private static int[] getImage_ARGB(int xres, int yres, Channel c) {
int[] img = new int[xres * yres];
if (useCache) {
int cxres = cacheTileResolution;
int cyres = cacheTileResolution;
int globalXres = xres;
int globalYres = yres;
for (int py = 0; py < globalYres / (cyres + 1) + 1; py++) {
for (int px = 0; px < globalXres / (cxres + 1) + 1; px++) {
TileCacheEntry e = CacheTileManager.getCache(c, px, py, cxres, cyres, globalXres, globalYres);
tempGetImage(img, globalXres, globalYres, e);
} else { // don't use cache
for (int y = 0; y < yres; y++) {
// if (progress != null)
// progress.setProgress(y/(float)img.getHeight());
for (int x = 0; x < xres; x++) {
float u = (float) x / (float) xres;
float v = (float) y / (float) yres;
img[x + y * xres] = Utils.vector4ToINTColor_ARGB(c.valueRGBA(u, v));
return img;
// !!TODO: merge this with the method above
private static int[] getImage_ABGR(int xres, int yres, Channel c) {
int[] img = new int[xres * yres];
if (useCache) {
int cxres = cacheTileResolution;
int cyres = cacheTileResolution;
int globalXres = xres;
int globalYres = yres;
for (int py = 0; py < globalYres / (cyres + 1) + 1; py++) {
for (int px = 0; px < globalXres / (cxres + 1) + 1; px++) {
TileCacheEntry e = CacheTileManager.getCache(c, px, py, cxres, cyres, globalXres, globalYres);
tempGetImage_ABGR(img, globalXres, globalYres, e);
} else { // don't use cache
for (int y = 0; y < yres; y++) {
// if (progress != null)
// progress.setProgress(y/(float)img.getHeight());
for (int x = 0; x < xres; x++) {
float u = (float) x / (float) xres;
float v = (float) y / (float) yres;
img[x + y * xres] = Utils.vector4ToINTColor_ABGR(c.valueRGBA(u, v));
return img;
* Clears the cache of each channel. Currently there is no internal maximum
* of cache entries thus manual clearing of the cache might be necessary.
* This will probably change in a future update...
public static void clearCache() {
* Evaluates the node with the given name (it is the export name of the
* node) and returns a new int array with the ARGB8 data.
* @param name
* the export name of the node that should be evaluated into an
* image texture
* @param xres
* @param yres
* @return null if the name was not found in the list of export names else a
* new int[xres*yres] array filled with the RGBA image data
public static int[] generateTexture_ARGB(String name, int xres, int yres) {
for (TextureGraphNode n : graph.allNodes) {
if (n.texChannel.exportName.get().equals(name)) {
return getImage_ARGB(xres, yres, n.texChannel);
return null;
public static int[] generateTexture_ABGR(String name, int xres, int yres) {
for (TextureGraphNode n : graph.allNodes) {
if (n.texChannel.exportName.get().equals(name)) {
return getImage_ABGR(xres, yres, n.texChannel);
return null;