* Name: RegExpTest
* Author: Richard Rodger
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Richard Rodger
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// package
package org.jostraca.util.test;
// import
import org.jostraca.util.RegExp;
import org.jostraca.util.RegExpMatch;
import org.jostraca.util.RegExpProvider;
import org.jostraca.util.RegExpException;
import org.jostraca.util.GnuRegExpProvider;
import org.jostraca.util.OroRegExpProvider;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
/** Test cases for RegExp providers. */
public class RegExpTest extends TestCase {
/* Test Framework << */
public RegExpTest( String pName ) {
super( pName );
public static TestSuite suite() {
return new TestSuite( RegExpTest.class );
public static void main( String[] pArgs ) {
TestRunner.run( suite() );
/* Test Framework >> */
/* Public Methods << */
public void testGnuRegExp() throws Exception {
GnuRegExpProvider rep = new GnuRegExpProvider();
doMatchRegExpTests( rep );
doReplaceRegExpTests( rep );
doMatchAllTests( rep );
public void testOroRegExp() throws Exception {
OroRegExpProvider rep = new OroRegExpProvider();
doMatchRegExpTests( rep );
doReplaceRegExpTests( rep );
doMatchAllTests( rep );
public void doReplaceRegExpTests( RegExpProvider pREP ) throws Exception {
RegExp re01 = pREP.make( "a", "b" );
assertEquals( "b", re01.replaceAll( "a" ) );
assertEquals( "bb", re01.replaceAll( "aa" ) );
assertEquals( "ba", re01.replaceFirst( "aa" ) );
assertEquals( "xb", re01.replaceFirst( "xa" ) );
RegExp re02 = pREP.make( "a" );
assertEquals( "", re02.replaceAll( "a" ) );
try {
RegExp re03 = pREP.make( "*" );
catch( RegExpException ree ) {
//System.out.println( ree );
RegExp re04 = pREP.make( "a(b+)c", "ca$1" );
assertEquals( "cabbbabbbc", re04.replaceFirst( "abbbcabbbc" ) );
RegExp re05 = pREP.make( "A", "b", new RegExp.ModeSet( RegExp.Mode.CaseInsensitive ) );
assertEquals( "bbc", re05.replaceFirst( "abc" ) );
RegExp re06 = pREP.make( "A.", "b", new RegExp.ModeSet( RegExp.Mode.CaseInsensitive, RegExp.Mode.DotMatchesNewline ) );
assertEquals( "bbc", re06.replaceFirst( "a\nbc" ) );
public void doMatchRegExpTests( RegExpProvider pREP ) throws Exception {
RegExp re01 = pREP.make( "a(.*?)c" );
assertEquals( "abc", re01.match( "abcc" ) );
assertEquals( "b", re01.matchFirstSub( "abcc" ) );
RegExp re02 = pREP.make( "\\$a" );
assertEquals( "$a", re02.match( "$ab" ) );
RegExp re03 = pREP.make( "a.b.", new RegExp.ModeSet( RegExp.Mode.DotMatchesNewline ) );
assertEquals( "a\nb\n", re03.match( "ca\nb\n" ) );
RegExp re04 = pREP.make( "^[ \\t]*\\n(.*)", new RegExp.ModeSet( RegExp.Mode.DotMatchesNewline ) );
assertEquals( "b\n", re04.matchFirstSub( "\nb\n" ) );
public void doMatchAllTests( RegExpProvider pREP ) throws Exception {
RegExp re01 = pREP.make( "a(.)\n" );
RegExpMatch m[] = re01.matchAll( "x\naa\nab\nac\ny\n" );
assertEquals( 3, m.length );
assertEquals( "aa\n", m[0].match() );
assertEquals( "ab\n", m[1].match() );
assertEquals( "ac\n", m[2].match() );
assertEquals( "a", m[0].matchSub(1) );
assertEquals( "b", m[1].matchSub(1) );
assertEquals( "c", m[2].matchSub(1) );
/* Public Methods >> */