* Name: GenericParser
* Authors: Richard Rodger
* Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Rodger
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// package
package org.jostraca.process;
// import
import org.jostraca.Property;
import org.jostraca.Template;
import org.jostraca.TemplateParser;
import org.jostraca.UserText;
import org.jostraca.Constants;
import org.jostraca.section.SectionSet;
import org.jostraca.section.Section;
import org.jostraca.util.InstanceManager;
import org.jostraca.util.PropertySet;
import org.jostraca.util.Standard;
import org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler;
import java.util.List;
/** Processing class for parsing templates.
public class GenericParser extends TemplateHandlerSupport {
protected InstanceManager iTemplateParserIM = new InstanceManager();
public GenericParser() {
// do nothing
protected void processImpl( Template pTemplate ) {
Template template = pTemplate;
PropertySet tmps = pTemplate.getMergedPropertySet();
SectionSet sectionSet = new SectionSet();
String src = template.getSource();
TemplateParser templateParser = getTemplateParser( tmps );
templateParser.setPropertySet( tmps );
templateParser.setSectionSet( sectionSet );
templateParser.setSourceText( src );
templateParser.setTemplate( template );
mUserMessageHandler.debug( UserText.get(UserText.TXT_parsing), src.length()+" characters" );
// FIX: how about .parse(template) and remove sets above?
sectionSet = templateParser.getSectionSet();
template.setSectionSet( sectionSet );
// FIX: do we need a way to stop processing?
boolean displaytmdoc = displayTemplateDocumentation( tmps, sectionSet, mUserMessageHandler );
if( displaytmdoc ) {
PropertySet ops = pTemplate.getPropertySet( Constants.CONF_override );
ops.set( Property.main_CompileCodeWriter, Standard.NO );
ops.set( Property.main_ExecuteCodeWriter, Standard.NO );
protected void completeImpl( List pTemplateList ) {
// do nothing
protected TemplateParser getTemplateParser( PropertySet pPropertySet ) {
String tmpp = Property.main_TemplateParser;
if( pPropertySet.has( tmpp ) ) {
String templateParserClassName = pPropertySet.get( Property.main_TemplateParser );
TemplateParser tp = (TemplateParser) iTemplateParserIM.getInstance( templateParserClassName );
return tp;
else {
throw ProcessException.CODE_prop_missing( "propname", tmpp );
/** Display template documentation if it exists */
public boolean displayTemplateDocumentation( PropertySet pPropertySet, SectionSet pSectionSet,
UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler )
if( pPropertySet.isYes( Property.main_ShowDocumentation ) ) {
String documetationText = pSectionSet.getSection( Section.NAME_documentation ).getContent();
if( 0 < documetationText.length() ) {
mUserMessageHandler.info( documetationText );
else {
mUserMessageHandler.info( "No documentation available." );
return true;
else {
return false;