package org.jostraca.comp.antlr;
/* ANTLR Translator Generator
* Project led by Terence Parr at
* Software rights:
* $Id:,v 1.3 2004-11-19 17:50:50 rjrodger Exp $
import org.jostraca.comp.antlr.collections.impl.Vector;
class RuleSymbol extends GrammarSymbol {
RuleBlock block; // list of alternatives
boolean defined; // has the rule been defined yet?
Vector references; // list of all nodes referencing this rule
// not strictly needed by generic symbol table
// but we will almost always analyze/gen code
String access; // access specifier for this rule
String comment; // A javadoc comment if any.
public RuleSymbol(String r) {
references = new Vector();
public void addReference(RuleRefElement e) {
public RuleBlock getBlock() {
return block;
public RuleRefElement getReference(int i) {
return (RuleRefElement)references.elementAt(i);
public boolean isDefined() {
return defined;
public int numReferences() {
return references.size();
public void setBlock(RuleBlock rb) {
block = rb;
public void setDefined() {
defined = true;