Package org.jostraca

Source Code of org.jostraca.Generator

* Name:    Generator
* Authors: Richard Rodger
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Richard Rodger
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

// package
package org.jostraca;

// import
import org.jostraca.format.FormatManager;
import org.jostraca.util.Standard;
import org.jostraca.util.PropertySet;
import org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler;
import org.jostraca.util.RecordingUserMessageHandler;
import org.jostraca.util.ListUtil;
import org.jostraca.util.StandardException;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;


/** A utility class that you can use inside your own applications for generating code.
<p> You will need to include <code>jostraca.jar</code>
*  (found in the {@link <a href="">lib</a>} folder of the distribution)
*  in your classpath.
*  The simplest example is:
<pre style="foreground:#336;background:#f0f0ff;display:block;border:1px solid #669">
*    Generator g = new Generator(); 
*    g.generate( "template.jtm" );  
*  You can specify the template using a String file path or a File object.
<code>Generator</code> uses the default internal configuration so that it will
*  work without any configuration files. To use Jostraca configuration files,
*  specify a configuration folder using the constructors {@link #Generator(File)}
*  or {@link #Generator(String)}.
*  You can also specify the settings to use when generating by passing in a
{@link PropertySet} object, with your required settings.
*  For example:
<pre style="foreground:#336;background:#f0f0ff;display:block;border:1px solid #669">
*    Generator   g  = new Generator();     
*    PropertySet ps = new PropertySet();   
*    ps.set( "main.MakeBackup", "no" );    
*    g.setCmdPropertySet( ps );           
*    g.generate( "template.jtm" );        
*  For a complete list of all configuration settings see the
*  {@link <a href="">Configuration Settings</a>} reference.
*  To generate more than one template, use the {@link #generate(String[])}
*  and {@link #generate(File[])} methods.
*  You can use the same <code>Generator</code> object multiple times.
<p>If the template you are generating only generates one output file, you
*  can retrieve the result of the generation by calling {@link Template#getResult} on the
{@link Template} object that is returned by the <code>generate</code> methods.
*  Note that this only works when you are using Java as the template script, and when you
*  execute the template CodeWriter internally (this is the default).
*  To gain access to any error messages use the {@link #getUserMessageHandler} method.
*  This returns a {@link org.jostraca.util.RecordingUserMessageHandler} object by default,
*  which you will need to cast from the {@link org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler} interface returned by getUserMessageHandler.
*  To use your own UserMessageHandler,
*  use the method {@link #generate(String,UserMessageHandler)} and its equivalents.
*  To send output to <code>STDOUT</code>, use the {@link org.jostraca.util.CommandLineUserMessageHandler}
*  as the UserMessageHandler parameter.
public class Generator {

  private static final String WNFM = " was null for method: ";
  private static final String ARG  = "Argument ";
  private static final String CF   = ARG+"pConfigFolder";
  private static final String TM   = ARG+"pTemplate";
  private static final String UMH  = ARG+"pUserMessageHandler";
  private static final String TMS  = ARG+"pTemplates";
  private static final String UMHP = ", UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler )";
  private static final String GM   = "generate( ";

  private Service            mService            = null;
  private File               mConfigFolder       = null;
  private UserMessageHandler mUserMessageHandler = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();
  private PropertySet        mCmdPropertySet     = null;
  private Object             mContext            = null;
  private boolean            mAlwaysGenerate     = true;

  /** Create a new Generator with the default configuration. */
  public Generator() {
    init( new File( Standard.DOT ) );

  /** Create a new Generator with configuration files in the specified configuration folder.
   *  Jostraca stores configuration files in the {@link <a href="">conf</a>}
   *  folder of the distribution, so you can use these to get the defautl behaviour.
   *  @param pConfigFolder folder path
  public Generator( String pConfigFolder ) {
    String MN = "Generator( String pConfigFolder )";
    if( null == pConfigFolder ) {
      throw new JostracaException( CF+WNFM+MN );
    init( new File( pConfigFolder ) );

  /** Create a new Generator with configuration files in the specified configuration folder.
   *  @param pConfigFolder config folder
    * @see #Generator(String)
  public Generator( File pConfigFolder ) {
    String MN = "Generator( File pConfigFolder )";
    if( null == pConfigFolder ) {
      throw new JostracaException( CF+WNFM+MN );
    init( pConfigFolder );
  /** Initialise from config folder.
   *  @param pConfigFolder config folder
  protected void init( File pConfigFolder ) {
    if( !pConfigFolder.exists() ) {
      throw new JostracaException( "Argument pConfigFolder='"+pConfigFolder.getAbsolutePath()+"' specifies a folder that does not exist" );

    if( !pConfigFolder.canRead() ) {
      throw new JostracaException( "Argument pConfigFolder='"+pConfigFolder.getAbsolutePath()+"' specifies a folder that does not have sufficient read permissions" );

    mService        = new Service();
    mConfigFolder   = pConfigFolder;
    mCmdPropertySet = new PropertySet();

    // REVIEW: load system, local config using ConfigFolder
    mService.loadConfigFromFolder( mConfigFolder, new ArrayList() );

  /** Specifically set some configuration properties. These settings are handled equivalently
   *  to command line options.
   *  @see <a href="">Configuration Settings</a>
  public void setCmdPropertySet( PropertySet pCmdPropertySet ) {
    if( null == pCmdPropertySet ) {
      throw new JostracaException( "Argument pCmdPropertySet was null for method: setCmdPropertySet( PropertySet pCmdPropertySet )" );

    // this ensures that internally set settings are preserved if not specified by user
    mCmdPropertySet.overrideWith( pCmdPropertySet );

  /** <p>
   *  Set a context object (which can be anything) for the template. This object is then
   *  available directly to the template by calling <a href="">_getContext</a>.
   *  </p><p>
   *  NOTE: this will only work if the template scripting lanaguage is <i>Java</i> and
   *  the template is generated <i>internally</i> (this is the default).
   *  </p>
  public void setContext( Object pContext ) {
    if( null == pContext ) {
      throw new JostracaException( "Argument pContext was null for method: setContext( Object pContext )" );
    mContext = pContext;

  /** Always generate template, even if up-to-date (default: <code>true</code>).
   *    <p>Set this to false is you do not wish to regenerate templates
   *  that are up-to-date. Note that this means that some templates may not return
   *  any results from the the {@link org.jostraca.Template#getResult} method as they will not have
   *  been executed.</p>
   *    <p>If you set
   *  <a href="">main.ExecuteCodeWriter</a> directly using {@link #setCmdPropertySet} then that setting has precedence and this option is ignored.</p>
   *  @param pAlwaysGenerate always generate template
  public void setAlwaysGenerate( boolean pAlwaysGenerate ) {
    mAlwaysGenerate = pAlwaysGenerate;

  public FormatManager getFormatManager() {
    return mService.getFormatManager();

  /** Generate the specified template.
   *  @param pTemplate template file path
  public Template generate( File pTemplate ) {
    String MN = GM+"File pTemplate )";
    if( null == pTemplate ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    Template tm = generate( pTemplate.getAbsolutePath(), mUserMessageHandler );
    return tm;

  /** Generate the specified template. Messages are sent to the
   *  specified {@link org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler}.
   *  @param pTemplate template file path
   *  @param pUserMessageHandler UserMessageHandler implementation
  public Template generate( File pTemplate, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"File pTemplate"+UMHP;
    if( null == pTemplate ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    Template tm = generate( pTemplate.getAbsolutePath(), pUserMessageHandler );
    return tm;

  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @see #generate(File)
  public Template[] generate( File[] pTemplates ) {
    String MN = GM+"File[] pTemplates )";
    if( null == pTemplates ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );

    Template[] tma = generate( pTemplates, mUserMessageHandler );
    return tma;

  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @see #generate(File,UserMessageHandler)
  public Template[] generate( File[] pTemplates, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"File[] pTemplates"+UMHP;
    if( null == pTemplates ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    int numTM = pTemplates.length;
    String[] tmpaths = new String[ numTM ];
    for( int tmI = 0; tmI < numTM; tmI++ ) {
      if( null == pTemplates[tmI] ) {
        throw new JostracaException( "Argument element pTemplate["+tmI+"]"+WNFM+GM+"File[] pTemplates )" );
      tmpaths[ tmI ] = pTemplates[tmI].getAbsolutePath();
    Template[] tma = generate( tmpaths, pUserMessageHandler );
    return tma;

  /** Generate the specified template.
   *  @param pTemplate template file path
  public Template generate( String pTemplate ) {
    String MN = GM+"String pTemplate )";
    if( null == pTemplate ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    Template[] tma = generate( new String[] { pTemplate } );
    if( 0 < tma.length ) {
      return tma[0];
    else {
      throw new JostracaException( "No template generated" );

  /** Generate the specified template. Messages are sent to the
   *  specified {@link org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler}.
   *  @param pTemplate template file path
   *  @param pUserMessageHandler UserMessageHandler implementation
  public Template generate( String pTemplate, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"String pTemplate"+UMHP;
    if( null == pTemplate ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );

    Template[] tma = generate( new String[] { pTemplate }, pUserMessageHandler );
    if( 0 < tma.length ) {
      return tma[0];
    else {
      throw new JostracaException( "No template generated" );

  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @see #generate(String)
  public Template[] generate( String[] pTemplates ) {
    String MN = GM+"String[] pTemplates )";
    if( null == pTemplates ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    Template[] tma = generate( pTemplates, mUserMessageHandler );
    return tma;

  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @see #generate(String,UserMessageHandler)
  public Template[] generate( String[] pTemplates, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"String[] pTemplates"+UMHP;
    if( null == pTemplates ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    int       numTM   = pTemplates.length;
    ArrayList tmpaths = new ArrayList();
    for( int tmI = 0; tmI < numTM; tmI++ ) {
      if( null == pTemplates[tmI] ) {
        throw new JostracaException( "Argument element pTemplate["+tmI+"]"+WNFM+GM+"String[] pTemplates )" );
      try {
        tmpaths.add( new BasicTemplatePath( pTemplates[tmI] ) );
      catch( TemplateException te ) {
        throw new JostracaException( "Argument element pTemplate["+tmI+"] could not be used to define a template: "
                                     +te.getMessage() );
    List tmlist = generate( tmpaths, pUserMessageHandler );
    return (Template[]) tmlist.toArray( new Template[tmlist.size()] );

  /** Generate the specified template. The template is specified by using
   *  the abstract template path description {@link org.jostraca.TemplatePath}.
   *  @param pTemplatePath template file path
   *  @see #generate(File)
  public Template generate( TemplatePath pTemplatePath ) {
    String MN = GM+"TemplatePath pTemplatePath )";
    if( null == pTemplatePath ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    List tmlist = generate( ListUtil.make( pTemplatePath ) );
    if( 0 < tmlist.size() ) {
      return (Template)tmlist.get(0);
    else {
      throw new JostracaException( "No template generated" );

  /** Generate the specified template. Messages are sent to the
   *  specified {@link org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler}.
   *  @param pTemplatePath template file path
   *  @param pUserMessageHandler UserMessageHandler implementation
   *  @see #generate(TemplatePath)
  public Template generate( TemplatePath pTemplatePath, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"TemplatePath pTemplatePath )";
    if( null == pTemplatePath ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    List tmlist = generate( ListUtil.make( pTemplatePath ), pUserMessageHandler );
    if( 0 < tmlist.size() ) {
      return (Template)tmlist.get(0);
    else {
      throw new JostracaException( "No template generated" );


  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @return List of Template objects
   *  @see #generate(TemplatePath)
  public List generate( List pTemplatePaths ) {
    String MN = GM+"TemplatePath[] pTemplate )";
    if( null == pTemplatePaths ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TMS+WNFM+MN );
    List tmlist = generate( pTemplatePaths, mUserMessageHandler );
    return tmlist;

  /** Generate more than one template.
   *  @return List of Template objects
   *  @see #generate(TemplatePath,UserMessageHandler)
  public List generate( List pTemplatePaths, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"TemplatePath[] pTemplate"+UMHP;

    if( 0 == pTemplatePaths.size() ) {
      return new ArrayList();
    if( pTemplatePaths.get(0) instanceof Template ) {
      return generateTemplates( pTemplatePaths, pUserMessageHandler );
    if( null == pTemplatePaths ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TMS+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    try {

      mService.setTemplatePaths( pTemplatePaths );

      List tmlist =
      return tmlist;
    catch( StandardException se ) { throw se; }
    catch( Exception e ) {

      // REVIEW: this is a hack - need to move formatting out of RecordingUserMessageHandler
      RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();
      rumh.error( e );
      throw new JostracaException( rumh.toString() );

  public Template generate( Template pTemplate ) {
    String MN = GM+"Template pTemplate )";
    if( null == pTemplate ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TM+WNFM+MN );
    List tmlist = generate( ListUtil.make( pTemplate ) );
    if( 0 < tmlist.size() ) {
      return (Template)tmlist.get(0);
    else {
      throw new JostracaException( "No template generated" );

  public List generateTemplates( List pTemplates, UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler ) {
    String MN = GM+"TemplatePath[] pTemplate"+UMHP;

    if( null == pTemplates ) {
      throw new JostracaException( TMS+WNFM+MN );
    if( null == pUserMessageHandler ) {
      throw new JostracaException( UMH+WNFM+MN );

    try {

      List tmlist =
      return tmlist;
    catch( StandardException se ) { throw se; }
    catch( Exception e ) {

      // REVIEW: this is a hack - need to move formatting out of RecordingUserMessageHandler
      RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();
      rumh.error( e );
      throw new JostracaException( rumh.toString() );

  private void prepareGenerate(UserMessageHandler pUserMessageHandler) {
    if( mAlwaysGenerate ) {
      if( !mCmdPropertySet.has( Property.main_ExecuteCodeWriter ) ) {
        mCmdPropertySet.set( Property.main_ExecuteCodeWriter, Standard.YES );

    mService.addPropertySet( Service.CONF_cmdline, mCmdPropertySet );
    mService.setUserMessageHandler( pUserMessageHandler );
    mUserMessageHandler = pUserMessageHandler;
    if( null != mContext ) {
      mService.setContextForTemplate( mContext );

  /** Return the {@link org.jostraca.util.UserMessageHandler} used during generation.
   *  By default this is a {@link org.jostraca.util.RecordingUserMessageHandler}, unless you
   *  have provided your own via a method such as {@link #generate(File,UserMessageHandler)}.
   *  Use the <code>toString</code> methods to gain access to the error message Strings.
  public UserMessageHandler getUserMessageHandler() {
    return mUserMessageHandler;

  /** Return the internal instance of the {@link org.jostraca.Service} object used to perform the generation. */
  public Service getService() {
    return mService;


Related Classes of org.jostraca.Generator

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