* Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 Funambol, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
* added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite
* 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address info@funambol.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
* version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
* "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
* feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
* the words "Powered by Funambol".
package com.funambol.syncclient.blackberry;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.microedition.rms.*;
import com.funambol.syncclient.util.Log;
import com.funambol.syncclient.util.StaticDataHelper;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentStore;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentObject;
import net.rim.device.api.util.Persistable;
* Configuration class for configuration details
public class Configuration {
//------------------------------------------------------------ Constants
// This is the default polling interval
private static final int INTERVAL = 5;
// This field contains a version string of the configuration data
// It is the date of the last change made to the conf data.
public static final String VERSION = "20060721" ;
// Return values for load()
public static final int CONF_OK = 0 ;
public static final int CONF_NOTSET = -1;
public static final int CONF_INVALID = -2;
public static final int PARAM_NOTSET = 1;
//------------------------------------------------------------ Static Members
public static String RETRY; // XXX: what's this?
public static String MAXMSGSIZE = "16000";
public static String PROTOCOL; // XXX: what's this?
// TODO: make them private with access methods
// Connection params
public static String syncUrl ;
public static String userName ;
public static String password ;
// Contacts params
public static boolean syncContact ;
public static String contactSourceUri ;
// Calendar params
public static boolean syncCalendar ;
public static String calendarSourceUri ;
// Mail params
public static boolean syncMail=false ;
public static String mailSourceUri ;
public static String mailAddress ;
public static boolean enablePolling ;
public static int pollInterval ;
public static boolean enableSmsSync ;
// Network params
public static String gatewayApn ;
public static String gatewayIp ;
public static String gatewayPort ;
public static String listeningPort ;
public static int logLevel = Log.DEBUG ; // FIXME: use cofig screen
// Inner class for the data stored.
private static class ConfigData extends Hashtable implements Persistable {
* Get the value 'key' from config data and return it
* if valid. Otherwise, defval is returned
public String getValue(String key, String defval) {
String v = (String)get(key);
if (v != null){
Log.debug("getValue: key="+key+", val="+v);
return v;
else {
Log.error("Parameter not found: " + key);
return defval;
public boolean getValue(String key, boolean defval) {
String v = (String)get(key);
if (v != null){
Log.debug("getValue: key="+key+", val="+v);
return ("true".equals(v) ? true : false );
else {
Log.error("Parameter not found: " + key);
return defval;
public int getValue(String key, int defval) {
String v = (String)get(key);
if (v != null){
Log.debug("getValue: key="+key+", val="+v);
return Integer.parseInt(v) ;
else {
Log.error("Parameter not found: " + key);
return defval;
* Set the value 'key' in the config data
public void setValue(String key, String val) {
put(key, val);
public void setValue(String key, boolean val) {
put(key, (val)?"true":"false");
public void setValue(String key, int val){
put(key, new Integer(val).toString().trim());
static {
// This constructor must be called once at the beginning of the
// application.
Configuration(Class c) throws Exception {
// load the language.xml configuration file
// in the 'language' string...
StaticDataHelper sdh = new StaticDataHelper();
// ... and load the default properties from
// that file (and **not** from a .jad file)
// into private static fields of StaticDataHelper
Configuration() {
private static void copyDefaults() {
StaticDataHelper sdh = new StaticDataHelper();
syncUrl = sdh.getHomePageDefault();
userName = sdh.getUserDefault();
password = sdh.getPasswordDefault();
syncContact = sdh.getSyncContactDefault() ;
contactSourceUri = sdh.getContactSourceUriDefault() ;
syncCalendar = sdh.getSyncCalendarDefault();
calendarSourceUri = sdh.getCalendarSourceUriDefault() ;
//syncMail = sdh.getSyncMailDefault();
mailSourceUri = sdh.getMailSourceUriDefault() ;
mailAddress = sdh.getEmailIdDefault() ;
enablePolling = sdh.getEnablePollingDefault();
// FIXME: hardcoded value in minutes. Change ConfigurationScreen too
pollInterval = INTERVAL ;
enableSmsSync = sdh.getSmsServerAlertedSyncDefault() ;
gatewayApn = sdh.getGatewayApnDefault() ;
gatewayIp = sdh.getGatewayIpDefault() ;
gatewayPort = sdh.getGatewayPortDefault() ;
// XXX: for direct push, not used now
listeningPort = sdh.getAlertingPortDefault() ;
//------------------------------------------------------------ Public methods
* Load the current config from the persistent store.
* @return:
* <li><b>CONF_OK</b>: if all the data were present in the store.
* <li><b>CONF_NOTSET</b>: if the store is not present.
* Configuration remains untouched.
* <li><b>CONF_INVALID</b>: if the store does not contain valid data.
* Configuration is reverted to default.
* Note: if a parameter is not present in the store, the current value
* is kept for it.
// * <li><b>A positive number</b>, representing the number of parameters
// * wrong, if the store does not contain one or more values.
// * The missing params maintain the current value.
public static int load() {
PersistentObject pobj = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(SyncClient.CONFIG_KEY);
try {
ConfigData contents = (ConfigData)pobj.getContents();
if (contents == null) {
Log.info("Configuration not set, using current values.");
return -1;
if (contents.get("VERSION") == null) {
Log.error("Configuration invalid: reverting to default.");
return -2;
logLevel = contents.getValue("LOG_LEVEL", logLevel) ;
syncUrl = contents.getValue("SYNC_URL", syncUrl);
userName = contents.getValue("USERNAME", userName);
password = contents.getValue("PASSWORD", password);
syncContact = contents.getValue("SYNC_CARD", syncContact);
contactSourceUri = contents.getValue("CARD_URI", contactSourceUri);
syncCalendar = contents.getValue("SYNC_CAL", syncCalendar);
calendarSourceUri = contents.getValue("CAL_URI", calendarSourceUri);
//syncMail = contents.getValue("SYNC_MAIL", syncMail) ;
mailSourceUri = contents.getValue("MAIL_URI", mailSourceUri) ;
mailAddress = contents.getValue("MAIL_ADDR", mailAddress) ;
enablePolling = contents.getValue("POLL_ENABLE", enablePolling) ;
pollInterval = contents.getValue("POLL_TIME", pollInterval) ;
enableSmsSync = contents.getValue("SMS_ENABLE", enableSmsSync) ;
gatewayApn = contents.getValue("GW_APN", gatewayApn) ;
gatewayIp = contents.getValue("GW_IP", gatewayIp) ;
gatewayPort = contents.getValue("GW_PORT", gatewayPort) ;
listeningPort = contents.getValue("PUSH_PORT", listeningPort) ;
return CONF_OK;
catch (ClassCastException cce){
Log.error("Configuration invalid: reverting to default.");
return -2;
* Save the current config to the persistent store.
public static int save() {
PersistentObject pobj = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(SyncClient.CONFIG_KEY);
ConfigData contents = new ConfigData();
// This field can be used to check which version of the sw
// saved the data. If not present, it is assumed it's an
// old version and the saved config is discarded.
contents.setValue("VERSION", VERSION);
contents.setValue("SYNC_URL", syncUrl);
contents.setValue("USERNAME", userName);
contents.setValue("PASSWORD", password);
contents.setValue("SYNC_CARD", syncContact);
contents.setValue("CARD_URI", contactSourceUri);
contents.setValue("SYNC_CAL", syncCalendar);
contents.setValue("CAL_URI", calendarSourceUri);
contents.setValue("SYNC_MAIL", syncMail) ;
contents.setValue("MAIL_URI", mailSourceUri) ;
contents.setValue("MAIL_ADDR", mailAddress) ;
contents.setValue("POLL_ENABLE", enablePolling) ;
contents.setValue("POLL_TIME", pollInterval) ;
contents.setValue("SMS_ENABLE", enableSmsSync) ;
contents.setValue("GW_APN", gatewayApn) ;
contents.setValue("GW_IP", gatewayIp) ;
contents.setValue("GW_PORT", gatewayPort) ;
contents.setValue("PUSH_PORT", listeningPort) ;
contents.setValue("log_LEVEL", logLevel) ;
synchronized (pobj) {
return 0;