Package eu.medsea.mimeutil

Source Code of eu.medsea.mimeutil.MimeUtil

package eu.medsea.mimeutil;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Collection;

import eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.DetectedMimeType;
import eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.DetectedMimeTypeSet;
import eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.MimeTypeDetectorRegistry;

* Central utility class for mime-type detection and mime-type handling
* (e.g. in web servers, browsers and the like).
* @author Steven McArdle
* @author marco schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de
public class MimeUtil
   * Mime type used to identify no match. In your application, you should normally handle it the same way as
  public static final String UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-unknown-mime-type";

   * Mime type used to identify a generic octet-stream. This usually means the same as {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE}.
  public static final String OCTET_STREAM_MIME_TYPE = "application/octet-stream";

   * Mime type used to identify a directory
  public static final String DIRECTORY_MIME_TYPE = "application/directory";

   * Get the native byte order of the OS on which you are running. It will be either big or little endian.
   * This is used internally for the magic mime rules mapping.
   * @return ByteOrder
  public static ByteOrder getNativeOrder() {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getNativeOrder();

   * Get the mime type of the data in the specified {@link InputStream}. Therefore,
   * the <code>InputStream</code> must support mark and reset
   * (see {@link InputStream#markSupported()}). If it does not support mark and reset,
   * an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
   * @param the stream from which to read the data.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if the specified <code>InputStream</code> does not support mark and reset (see {@link InputStream#markSupported()}).
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMimeType(InputStream in)
  throws MimeException
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        in, null, DetectionStrategy.ONLY_CONTENT
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Get the mime type of a file using a path which can be relative to the JVM
   * or an absolute path. The path can point to a file or directory location and if
   * the path does not point to an actual file or directory the {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE}is returned.
   * <p>
   * Their is an exception to this and that is if the <code>fname</code> parameter does NOT point to a real file or directory
   * and extFirst is <code>true</code> then a match against the file extension could be found and would be returned.
   * </p>
   * @param fname points to a file or directory
   * @param extFirst if <code>true</code> will first use file extension mapping and then then <code>magic.mime</code> rules.
   * If <code>false</code> it will try to match the other way around i.e. <code>magic.mime</code> rules and then file extension.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if while using the <code>magic.mime</code> rules there is a problem processing the file.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMimeType(String fname, boolean extFirst) throws MimeException {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        (RandomAccessFile)null, fname, DetectionStrategy.ONLY_CONTENT
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * This is a convenience method where the order of lookup is set to extension mapping first.
   * @see #getMimeType(String fname, boolean extFirst)
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMimeType(String fname) throws MimeException {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getMimeType(fname);

   * Get the mime type of a file using a <code>File</code> object which can be relative to the JVM
   * or an absolute path. The path can point to a file or directory location and if
   * the path does not point to an actual file or directory the {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE}is returned.
   * <p>
   * Their is an exception to this and that is if the <code>file</code> parameter does NOT point to a real file or directory
   * and extFirst is <code>true</code> then a match against the file extension could be found and would be returned.
   * </p>
   * @param file points to a file or directory
   * @param extFirst if <code>true</code> will first use file extension mapping and then then <code>magic.mime</code> rules.
   * If <code>false</code> it will try to match the other way around i.e. <code>magic.mime</code> rules and then file extension.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if while using the <code>magic.mime</code> rules there is a problem processing the file.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMimeType(File file, boolean extFirst) throws MimeException {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        file, file.getName(), extFirst ? DetectionStrategy.FILE_NAME_AND_CONTENT : DetectionStrategy.CONTENT_AND_FILE_NAME
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * This is a convenience method where the order of lookup is set to extension mapping first.
   * @see #getMimeType(File, boolean)
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMimeType(File file) throws MimeException {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        file, file.getName(), DetectionStrategy.FILE_NAME_AND_CONTENT
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Gives you the best match for your requirements.
   * <p>
   * You can pass the accept header from a browser request to this method along with a comma separated
   * list of possible mime types returned from say getExtensionMimeTypes(...) and the best match according
   * to the accept header will be returned.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * The following is typical of what may be specified in an HTTP Accept header:
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * Accept: text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/html;q=0.9, text/plain;q=0.8, video/x-mng, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif;q=0.2, text/css, *&#47;*;q=0.1
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * The quality parameter (q) indicates how well the user agent handles the MIME type. A value of 1 indicates the MIME type is understood perfectly,
   * and a value of 0 indicates the MIME type isn't understood at all.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * The reason the image/gif MIME type contains a quality parameter of 0.2, is to indicate that PNG & JPEG are preferred over GIF if the server is using
   * content negotiation to deliver either a PNG or a GIF to user agents. Similarly, the text/html quality parameter has been lowered a little, to ensure
   * that the XML MIME types are given in preference if content negotiation is being used to serve an XHTML document.
   * </p>
   * @param accept is a comma separated list of mime types you can accept including QoS parameters. Can pass the Accept: header directly.
   * @param canProvide is a comma separated list of mime types that can be provided such as that returned from a call to getExtensionMimeTypes(...)
   * @return the best matching mime type possible.
  public static String getPreferedMimeType(String accept, String canProvide) {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getPreferedMimeType(accept, canProvide);

   * Utility method to get the quality part of a mime type.
   * If it does not exist then it is always set to q=1.0 unless
   * it's a wild card.
   * For the major component wild card the value is set to 0.01
   * For the minor component wild card the value is set to 0.02
   * <p>
   * Thanks to the Apache organisation or these settings.
   * @param mimeType a valid mime type string with or without a valid q parameter
   * @return the quality value of the mime type either calculated from the rules above or the actual value defined.
   * @throws MimeException this is thrown if the mime type pattern is invalid.
  public static double getMimeQuality(String mimeType) throws MimeException{
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getMimeQuality(mimeType);

   * Get the mime type of a file using the <code>magic.mime</code> rules files.
   * @param f is a file object that points to a file or directory.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if the file cannot be parsed.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMagicMimeType(File file) throws MimeException {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        file, (String)null, DetectionStrategy.ONLY_CONTENT
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Utility method to get the major part of a mime type
   * i.e. the bit before the '/' character
   * @param mimeType you want to get the major part from
   * @return major component of the mime type
   * @throws MimeException if you pass in an invalid mime type structure
  public static String getMajorComponent(String mimeType) throws MimeException {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getMajorComponent(mimeType);

   * Utility method to get the minor part of a mime type
   * i.e. the bit after the '/' character
   * @param mimeType you want to get the minor part from
   * @return minor component of the mime type
   * @throws MimeException if you pass in an invalid mime type structure
  public static String getMinorComponent(String mimeType) throws MimeException{
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getMinorComponent(mimeType);

   * Get the extension part of a file name defined by the file parameter.
   * @param file a file object
   * @return the file extension or null if it does not have one.
  public static String getFileExtension(File file) {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getFileExtension(file);

   * Get the extension part of a file name defined by the fname parameter.
   * @param fileName a relative or absolute path to a file
   * @return the file extension or null if it does not have one.
  public static String getFileExtension(String fileName) {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getFileExtension(fileName);

   * While all of the property files and magic.mime files are being loaded the utility keeps a list of mime types it's seen.
   * You can add other mime types to this list using this method. You can then use the isMimeTypeKnown(...) utility method to see
   * if a mime type you have matches one that the utility already understands.
   * <p>
   * For instance if you had a mime type of abc/xyz and passed this to isMimeTypeKnown(...) it would return false unless you specifically
   * add this to the know mime types using this method.
   * </p>
   * @param mimeType a mime type you want to add to the known mime types. Duplicates are ignored.
   * @see #isMimeTypeKnown(String mimetype)
  // Add a mime type to the list of known mime types.
  public static void addKnownMimeType(String mimeType) {

   * Check to see if this mime type is one of the types seen during initialisation
   * or has been added at some later stage using addKnownMimeType(...)
   * @param mimeType
   * @return true if the mimeType is in the list else false is returned
   * @see #addKnownMimeType(String mimetype)
  public static boolean isMimeTypeKnown(String mimeType) {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.isMimeTypeKnown(mimeType);

   * Get the first in a comma separated list of mime types. Useful when using extension mapping
   * that can return multiple mime types separate by commas and you only want the first one.
   * Will return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE if the passed in list is null or empty.
   * @param mimeTypes comma separated list of mime types
   * @return the first in a comma separated list of mime types or the UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE if the mimeTypes parameter is null or empty.
  public static String getFirstMimeType(String mimeTypes) {
    return eu.medsea.mimeutil.magicfile.Helper.getFirstMimeType(mimeTypes);

   * Get the mime type of a file using file extension mappings. The file path can be a relative or absolute or can be a completely
   * non-existent file as only the extension is important.
   * @param file is a <code>File</code> object that points to a file or directory. If the file or directory cannot be found
   * {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if the file cannot be parsed.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} instead.
  public static String getExtensionMimeTypes(File file) {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        (RandomAccessFile)null, file.getName(), DetectionStrategy.ONLY_FILE_NAME
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Get the mime type of a file using file extension mappings. The file path can be a relative or absolute or can be a completely
   * non-existent file as only the extension is important.
   * @param fname is a path that points to a file or directory. If the file or directory cannot be found
   * {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if the file cannot be parsed.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getExtensionMimeTypes(String fname) {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        (RandomAccessFile)null, fname, DetectionStrategy.ONLY_FILE_NAME
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Get the mime type of a file using the <code>magic.mime</code> rules files.
   * @param fname is a path location to a file or directory.
   * @return the mime type. Never returns <code>null</code> (if the mime type cannot be found, {@link #UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE} is returned).
   * @throws MimeException if the file cannot be parsed.
   * @deprecated Use {@link #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)} or {@link #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)} instead!
  public static String getMagicMimeType(String fname) throws MimeException {
    DetectedMimeTypeSet detectedMimeTypeSet = MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(
        (RandomAccessFile)null, fname, DetectionStrategy.ONLY_FILE_NAME
    Collection c = detectedMimeTypeSet.getDetectedMimeTypes();
    if (c.isEmpty())
      return UNKNOWN_MIME_TYPE;

    return ((DetectedMimeType)c.iterator().next()).getMimeType();

   * Try to determine the mime type(s) from the file name or the contents read from the {@link InputStream}
   * (magic numbers).
   * <p>
   * If you pass a parameter combination that does not make sense (e.g. <code>null</code> as
   * <code>inputStream</code> and the
   * <code>DetectionStrategy</code> {@link DetectionStrategy#ONLY_CONTENT ONLY_CONTENT}), the method will still succeed,
   * but the resulting {@link DetectedMimeTypeSet} will be empty.
   * </p>
   * @param inputStream <code>null</code> or the stream to read the data from. It must support <code>mark</code> &amp; <code>reset</code> (see {@link InputStream#markSupported()}.
   * @param fileName <code>null</code> or the simple name of the file (no path!).
   * @param detectionStrategy how to proceed detection. If the detect strategy is not supported by your implementation or
   *    it does not match the data specified (e.g. <code>randomAccessFile</code> is <code>null</code> but the strategy
   *    is {@link DetectionStrategy#ONLY_CONTENT}) you should silently return and skip your checks.
   * @return a collection of all mime-types that were detected wrapped in a {@link DetectedMimeTypeSet} instance.
   * @see #detectMimeTypes(File, DetectionStrategy)
  public DetectedMimeTypeSet detectMimeTypes(InputStream inputStream, String fileName, DetectionStrategy detectionStrategy)
    return MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(inputStream, fileName, detectionStrategy);

   * Try to determine the mime type(s) from the file name or the contents of the file (magic numbers).
   * Note, that the specified <code>file</code> instance does not need to point to an existing
   * file. It can be used to solely pass the file's name, in order to determine the mime type from the
   * file extension.
   * <p>
   * If you pass a parameter combination that does not make sense (e.g. a non-existing file and the
   * <code>DetectionStrategy</code> {@link DetectionStrategy#ONLY_CONTENT ONLY_CONTENT}), the method will still succeed,
   * but the resulting {@link DetectedMimeTypeSet} will be empty.
   * </p>
   * @param file <code>null</code> or the file to read the data from or a simple file name wrapper
   *    (of a file that doesn't need to exist - maybe without path).
   * @param detectionStrategy how to proceed detection. If the detect strategy is not supported by your implementation or
   *    it does not match the data specified (e.g. <code>randomAccessFile</code> is <code>null</code> but the strategy
   *    is {@link DetectionStrategy#ONLY_CONTENT}) you should silently return and skip your checks.
   * @return a collection of all mime-types that were detected wrapped in a {@link DetectedMimeTypeSet} instance.
   * @see #detectMimeTypes(InputStream, String, DetectionStrategy)
  public DetectedMimeTypeSet detectMimeTypes(File file, DetectionStrategy detectionStrategy)
    String fileName = file == null ? null : file.getName();
    return MimeTypeDetectorRegistry.sharedInstance().detectMimeTypes(file, fileName, detectionStrategy);

Related Classes of eu.medsea.mimeutil.MimeUtil

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