package com.zaranux.os.client.access;
import com.zaranux.client.api.AsyncCallback;
import com.zaranux.client.api.exceptions.ResourceNotFound;
import com.zaranux.client.api.types.Access;
import java.util.Set;
import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log;
public class ACL {
public static void getACL(final String path, final AsyncCallback<ACL> callback)
getACL(new File(path), callback);
public static void getACL(final File file, final AsyncCallback<ACL> callback)
// check if the corresponding resource exists.
file.exists(new AsyncCallback<Boolean>()
public void onSuccess(Boolean exists)
if(! exists)
callback.onFailure(new ResourceNotFound());
String name = file.getName();
final String aclDirPath = file.getParent() + "/.zaranux/.meta/";
String aclPath = aclDirPath + name + ".zconfig";
final File aclFile = new File(aclPath);
// see if the resource has already an acl;
aclFile.exists(new AsyncCallback<Boolean>()
public void onSuccess(Boolean b)
if(b) // resource has an acl
// load it
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(aclFile);
final Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load(fis, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>()
public void onSuccess(Boolean b)
if(properties.get("@public") == null)
properties.put("@public", "");
if(properties.get("@users") == null)
properties.put("@users", "");
callback.onSuccess(new ACL(file,properties,aclFile));
public void onFailure(Throwable t)
final File metaDir = new File(aclDirPath);
// acl does not exist. check if meta dir exists
metaDir.exists(new AsyncCallback<Boolean>()
public void onSuccess(Boolean b)
if(b)// meta dir exists
// return and empty property
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("@public", "");
properties.put("@users", "");
callback.onSuccess(new ACL(file,properties,aclFile));
metaDir.mkdirs(new AsyncCallback<Boolean>()
public void onSuccess(Boolean b)
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("@public", "");
properties.put("@users", "");
// return the default property
callback.onSuccess(new ACL(file,properties,aclFile));
public void onFailure(Throwable t)
public void onFailure(Throwable t)
public void onFailure(Throwable t)
public void onFailure(Throwable t)
private final File file;
private final Properties aclProperties;
private final File aclFile;
private ACL(File resource, Properties aclProperties, File aclFile)
this.file = resource;
this.aclProperties =aclProperties;
this.aclFile = aclFile;
// set of user ids in that ACL
public Set<Object> getUsers()
return aclProperties.keySet();
// never null
public Access[] getAccesses(String user)
Access[] accesses = null;
String accessList = (String) aclProperties.get(user);
if(accessList != null)
return new Access[0];
String fields[] = accessList.split(",");
if(fields != null)
accesses = new Access[fields.length];
for(int i = 0; i< fields.length ; i++)
if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.DELEGATE))
accesses[i] = Access.DELEGATE;
else if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.DELETE))
accesses[i] = Access.DELETE;
else if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.LIST))
accesses[i] = Access.LIST;
else if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.READ))
accesses[i] = Access.READ;
else if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.WRITE))
accesses[i] = Access.WRITE;
else if(fields[i].equals("" + Access.READ))
accesses[i] = Access.READ;
accesses[i] = null;
Log.error("Unknown access type >" + fields[i] + "<");
return accesses;
public boolean grantAccess( String user,Access access)
boolean result = false;
String accesses = aclProperties.getProperty(user);
if(accesses == null) // user is not int list
aclProperties.setProperty(user, "" + access);
result = true;
if(accesses != null)
if( accesses.indexOf("" + access) < 0 ) // user does not have already the access
accesses += "," + access;
aclProperties.setProperty(user, accesses);
result = true;
return result;
public void setAccess(String user, String accessList )
aclProperties.setProperty(user, accessList);
public void clear()
public void save(final AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback)
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(aclFile);, "comments test", callback);