* Dijjer - A Peer to Peer HTTP Cache
* Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Change.Tv, Inc
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package dijjer.io.comm;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import dijjer.Dijjer;
import dijjer.io.BlockInfo;
import dijjer.io.download.Download;
import dijjer.io.store.DataStore;
import dijjer.io.store.HashStore;
import dijjer.io.xfer.BlockReceiver;
import dijjer.io.xfer.BlockTransmitter;
import dijjer.io.xfer.InputStreamBlockReceiver;
import dijjer.io.xfer.PacketThrottle;
import dijjer.io.xfer.PartiallyReceivedBlock;
import dijjer.io.xfer.http.HttpBlockReceiver;
import dijjer.util.AbstractThread;
import dijjer.util.Misc;
import dijjer.util.VeryLongInteger;
import dijjer.util.logging.Logger;
* This class handles otherwise unhandled incoming messages and deals with them accordingly
* TODO: The way the various different types of request are handled is inconsistent, this should be tidied up
* @author ian
public class Dispatcher {
public static final String VERSION = "$Id: Dispatcher.java,v 1.60 2005/09/14 06:01:14 chronos Exp $";
private final UdpSocketManager _usm;
private final RoutingTable _rt;
private final DataStore _ds;
private final HashStore _hs;
private final Set _seedNodes;
private final HashSet _seenUids = new HashSet();
private static Dispatcher _disp;
public Dispatcher() {
this(UdpSocketManager.getUdpSocketManager(), RoutingTable.getRoutingTable(), DataStore.getDataStore(),
HashStore.getHashStore(), Dijjer.getDijjer().getSeedNodes());
public Dispatcher(UdpSocketManager usm, RoutingTable rt, DataStore ds, HashStore hs, Set seedNodes) {
_usm = usm;
_rt = rt;
_ds = ds;
_hs = hs;
_seedNodes = seedNodes;
public boolean handleMessage(final Message m) throws Exception {
if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.ping)) {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createPong(m));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.pong)) {
if (m.isSet(DMT.SEND_TIME)) {
System.currentTimeMillis() - m.getLong(DMT.SEND_TIME));
if (_rt.getPeerInfo(m.getSource()) == null) {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createWhoAreYou());
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.introduce)) {
Peer externalAddress = (Peer) m.getObject(DMT.EXTERNAL_ADDRESS);
int build = m.getInt(DMT.BUILD);
int firstGoodBuild = m.getInt(DMT.FIRST_GOOD_BUILD);
_rt.setPeerInfo(m.getSource(), new RoutingTable.PeerInfo(build, firstGoodBuild, externalAddress));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.whoAreYou)) {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createIntroduce(m.getSource()));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.joinRequest)) {
final Integer uid = new Integer(m.getInt(DMT.UID));
if (!_seenUids.contains(uid)) {
new AbstractThread() {
protected boolean loop() throws InterruptedException {
return false;
protected void cleanUp() {
} else {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createRejectDueToLoop(m.getInt(DMT.UID)));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.requestData)) {
final Integer uid = new Integer(m.getInt(DMT.UID));
if (!_seenUids.contains(uid)) {
new AbstractThread() {
protected boolean loop() throws InterruptedException {
try {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createAcknowledgeRequest(m.getInt(DMT.UID)));
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb = new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Dijjer.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK,
retrieveData(new BlockInfo(m), m.getInt(DMT.TTL), m.getSource(), m.getInt(DMT.UID),
(LinkedList) m.getObject(DMT.FORWARDERS), prb, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warning("Error while retrieving data for another peer", e);
return false;
protected void cleanUp() {
} else {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createRejectDueToLoop(m.getInt(DMT.UID)));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.requestHash)) {
final Integer uid = new Integer(m.getInt(DMT.UID));
if (!_seenUids.contains(uid)) {
new AbstractThread() {
public boolean loop() {
try {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createRequestHashAck(m.getInt(DMT.UID)));
VeryLongInteger hash = retrieveHash(new BlockInfo(m), m.getInt(DMT.TTL), m.getInt(DMT.UID),
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createReplyHash(m.getInt(DMT.UID), hash));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;
} else {
_usm.send(m.getSource(), DMT.createRejectDueToLoop(m.getInt(DMT.UID)));
return true;
} else if (m.getSpec().equals(DMT.corruptionNotification)) {
final Integer uid = new Integer(m.getInt(DMT.UID));
if (!_seenUids.contains(uid)) { // We don't bother with the rejectDueToLoop
new AbstractThread() {
public boolean loop() {
try {
handleCorruptionNotification(new BlockInfo(m), m.getInt(DMT.UID), m.getSource(), m
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void registerUid(int uid) {
_seenUids.add(new Integer(uid));
public void unregisterUid(int uid) {
_seenUids.remove(new Integer(uid));
public boolean retrieveData(BlockInfo bi, int ttl, PartiallyReceivedBlock prb, Download dl) throws IOException,
RetrievalException {
int uid = Misc.nextInt();
boolean ret = retrieveData(bi, ttl, null, uid, new LinkedList(), prb, dl);
return ret;
public boolean retrieveData(final BlockInfo bi, int ttl, final Peer requestor, final int uid,
final LinkedList forwarders, final PartiallyReceivedBlock prb, Download download) throws IOException,
RetrievalException {
boolean cached = false;
Logger.info("Dispatcher: Retrieving " + bi + " at ttl " + ttl);
// See if we have it in our local store
byte[] data = _ds.getDataForBlock(bi.getHashKey());
if (data != null) {
(new InputStreamBlockReceiver(prb, new ByteArrayInputStream(data))).start();
if (requestor != null) {
forwardData(requestor, prb, uid, forwarders, true);
return true;
Peer best = null;
Peer last = null;
HashSet exclude = new HashSet(); // We don't want to bother the seed with
// requests for data
while (true) { // We loop until we get the data or give up
best = _rt.findClosest(bi.getHashKey(), exclude);
// If the ttl has run out, there is nowhere to route, or if the next hop is further away in hash-space from
// the data, we download it ourselves.
// TODO: Make this robust against download failure
if ((ttl < 1) || (best == null) || bi.getHashKey().closerTo(_rt.getPeer().getHash(), best.getHash())) {
HttpBlockReceiver hbr = new HttpBlockReceiver(bi, prb);
if (requestor != null) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
forwardData(requestor, prb, uid, forwarders, false);
* Only add the block to the DS if we didn't request it, this helps to prevent the datastore
* getting "flushed" every time we do a request
try {
_ds.addDataAsBlock(bi.getHashKey(), prb.getBlock());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;
// Ok, we are going to ask another peer for the data, first construct our request
// And send it to our best guess
if (!forwarders.contains(_rt.getPeer())) {
_usm.send(best, DMT.createRequestData(uid, bi, forwarders, ttl - 1));
// Now we expect an Ack, give it 4 seconds
Message ar = _usm.waitFor(MessageFilter.create(4000, DMT.acknowledgeRequest).addType(DMT.rejectDueToLoop)
.setField(DMT.UID, uid));
if (ar == null) {
// No response in 4 seconds, flag this guy to be recontacted and continue the while loop to find another
// or possibly just download it ourselves
if (best == last) exclude.add(best);
if (ar.getSpec().equals(DMT.rejectDueToLoop)) {
Logger.warning("requestData (uid: " + uid + ") rejected by " + best + " due to loop");
// Got the ack, we give it 5 minutes to account for the time it might take a peer to download it from
// a slow server
MessageFilter succFilt = MessageFilter.create(30000, DMT.requestSuccessful).addType(DMT.requestFailed)
.setSource(best).setField(DMT.UID, uid);
final Message resp = _usm.waitFor(succFilt);
if ((resp == null) || (resp.getSpec().equals(DMT.requestFailed))) {
if (resp == null) {
if (requestor != null) {
_usm.send(requestor, DMT.createRequestFailed(uid, RetrievalException.TIMED_OUT,
"Timed out waiting for requestSuccessful"));
throw new RetrievalException(RetrievalException.TIMED_OUT,
"Timed out waiting on requestSuccessful for block " + bi.getBlockNo());
} else {
if (requestor != null) {
_usm.send(requestor, DMT.createRequestFailed(uid, (resp.isSet(DMT.REASON) ? resp
.getInt(DMT.REASON) : RetrievalException.UNKNOWN), (resp.isSet(DMT.DESCRIPTION) ? resp
.getString(DMT.DESCRIPTION) : "Unknown")));
throw new RetrievalException((resp.isSet(DMT.REASON)
? resp.getInt(DMT.REASON)
: RetrievalException.UNKNOWN), (resp.isSet(DMT.DESCRIPTION) ? resp
.getString(DMT.DESCRIPTION) : "Unknown"));
// Ok, the data has been retrieved and should be on its way
if (requestor != null) {
(new Thread() {
public void run() {
forwardData(requestor, prb, uid, forwarders, resp.getBoolean(DMT.CACHED));
if (prb.allReceived()) {
try {
_ds.addDataAsBlock(bi.getHashKey(), prb.getBlock());
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error("Error writing data to datastore", e);
// We add the new peer to our RT *after* the transfer as this is when it will start trying to contact us
_rt.addPeer((Peer) resp.getObject(DMT.DATA_SOURCE));
// Note that we only add the data to our DS if someone else requested it from us
BlockReceiver br = new BlockReceiver(_usm, best, uid, prb);
return resp.getBoolean(DMT.CACHED);
protected void forwardData(Peer dest, PartiallyReceivedBlock prb, int uid, LinkedList forwarders, boolean wasCached) {
_usm.send(dest, DMT.createRequestSuccessful(uid, _rt.getPeer(), wasCached));
BlockTransmitter bt = new BlockTransmitter(_usm, dest, uid, prb);
synchronized (forwarders) {
for (Iterator i = forwarders.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Peer p = (Peer) i.next();
protected void handleJoinRequest(Message jr) {
int ttl = jr.getInt(DMT.TTL);
int uid = jr.getInt(DMT.UID);
Peer joiner = (Peer) jr.getObject(DMT.JOINER);
if (joiner.isNull()) {
joiner = jr.getSource();
if (joiner.equals(_rt.getPeer())) {
Logger.warning("Received join request from self! Ignoring");
_usm.send(jr.getSource(), DMT.createJoinRequestAck(uid));
HashSet dontConsider = new HashSet();
// Don't route to the joiner, or the guy who sent it to us
LinkedList exclude;
if (jr.isSet(DMT.EXCLUDE)) {
exclude = (LinkedList) jr.getObject(DMT.EXCLUDE);
} else {
exclude = new LinkedList();
while (true) {
Logger.info("LOOP: Forward joinRequest");
Peer best = _rt.findClosest(joiner.getHash(), dontConsider);
* Terminate request and respond if: 1) TTL has expired 2) We couldn't find anywhere to route to
if ((ttl == 0) || (best == null) || ttl < Dijjer.JOINTTL) {
LinkedList peers = new LinkedList();
_usm.send(jr.getSource(), DMT.createJoinResponse(uid, peers));
exclude.add(new Integer(RoutingTable.getRoutingTable().getPeer().hashCode()));
_usm.send(best, DMT.createJoinRequest(uid, joiner, jr.getInt(DMT.TTL) - 1, exclude));
Message jra = _usm.waitFor(MessageFilter.create(6000, DMT.joinRequestAck).addType(DMT.rejectDueToLoop)
.setField(DMT.UID, uid));
if (jra == null) {
if (jra.getSpec().equals(DMT.rejectDueToLoop)) {
Logger.warning("joinRequest (uid: " + uid + ") rejected by " + jra.getSource() + " due to loop");
Message jrs = _usm.waitFor(MessageFilter.create(1000 * (ttl + 3), DMT.joinResponse).setSource(best)
.setField(DMT.UID, uid));
if (jrs == null) {
LinkedList peers = new LinkedList();
_usm.send(jr.getSource(), DMT.createJoinResponse(uid, peers));
} else {
LinkedList peers = (LinkedList) jrs.getObject(DMT.PEERS);
if (_rt.getPeers().size() < _rt.getMaxSize()) {
// If any are null assume they are the sender of the joinResponse
for (ListIterator i = peers.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Peer p = (Peer) i.next();
if (p.isNull()) {
_usm.send(jr.getSource(), DMT.createJoinResponse(uid, peers));
public VeryLongInteger retrieveHash(final BlockInfo bi, int ttl, int uid, boolean cacheResult) throws IOException,
RetrievalException {
VeryLongInteger lo = _hs.getHash(bi.getHashHashKey());
if (lo != null) {
return lo;
HashSet exclude = new HashSet(); // We don't want to bother the seeds with
// requests for hashes
while (true) {
Peer best = _rt.findClosest(bi.getHashHashKey(), exclude);
if ((ttl == 0) || (best == null) || (bi.getHashHashKey().closerTo(_rt.getPeer().getHash(), best.getHash()))) {
// We are going to download and retrieve it ourselves
VeryLongInteger dataHash = retrieveHashFromServer(bi);
_hs.put(bi.getHashHashKey(), dataHash);
return dataHash;
// Ok, we are going to try forwarding it to the next closest peer
_usm.send(best, DMT.createRequestHash(uid, bi, ttl - 1));
Message requestHashAck = _usm.waitFor(MessageFilter.create(5000, DMT.requestHashAck).addType(
DMT.rejectDueToLoop).setField(DMT.UID, uid));
if (requestHashAck == null) {
if (requestHashAck.getSpec().equals(DMT.rejectDueToLoop)) {
Logger.warning("requestHash (uid: " + uid + ") rejected by " + requestHashAck.getSource()
+ " due to loop");
Message replyHash = _usm.waitFor(MessageFilter.create(30000, DMT.replyHash).setField(DMT.UID, uid));
if (replyHash == null) {
Logger.info("Timed out waiting for replyHash from " + best);
ttl = 0;
VeryLongInteger dataHash = (VeryLongInteger) replyHash.getObject(DMT.HASH);
if (cacheResult) {
_hs.put(bi.getHashHashKey(), dataHash);
return dataHash;
private void handleCorruptionNotification(BlockInfo bi, int uid, Peer source, boolean forHash) {
try {
// Ok, first lets see if its valid
if (forHash) {
VeryLongInteger myHash = _hs.getHash(bi.getHashHashKey());
if (myHash == null) {
Logger.info("Ignoring corruptionNotification because we don't have the hash in our HashStore");
VeryLongInteger actualHash = retrieveHashFromServer(bi);
if (actualHash.equals(myHash)) {
Logger.warning("Received bogus corruptionNotification from " + source + ", dropping from RT");
LinkedList r = new LinkedList();
_rt.removePeers(r, "You sent a bogus corruptionNotification");
} else {
byte[] localData = _ds.getDataForBlock(bi.getHashKey());
if (localData == null) {
Logger.info("Ignoring corruptionNotification because we don't have the data in our DataStore");
VeryLongInteger myHash = new VeryLongInteger(localData);
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb = new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Dijjer.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK, Dijjer.PACKET_SIZE);
(new HttpBlockReceiver(bi, prb)).start();
VeryLongInteger actualHash = new VeryLongInteger(prb.getBlock());
if (actualHash.equals(myHash)) {
Logger.warning("Received bogus corruptionNotification from " + source + ", dropping from RT");
LinkedList r = new LinkedList();
_rt.removePeers(r, "You sent a bogus corruptionNotification");
// It is valid, broadcast it to other peers
for (Iterator i = ((ArrayList) _rt.getPeers().clone()).iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Peer p = (Peer) i.next();
if (!p.equals(source)) {
_usm.send(p, DMT.createCorruptionNotification(uid, bi, forHash));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.warning("Exception while processing corruptionNotification", e);
protected VeryLongInteger retrieveHashFromServer(BlockInfo bi) throws RetrievalException {
PartiallyReceivedBlock prb = new PartiallyReceivedBlock(Dijjer.PACKETS_IN_BLOCK, Dijjer.PACKET_SIZE);
HttpBlockReceiver hbr = new HttpBlockReceiver(bi, prb);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RetrievalException(RetrievalException.IO_ERROR, e.getMessage());
return new VeryLongInteger(prb.getBlock());
public RoutingTable getRoutingTable() {
return _rt;
public DataStore getDataStore() {
return _ds;
public HashStore getHashStore() {
return _hs;
public static void init() {
_disp = new Dispatcher();
public static Dispatcher getDispatcher() {
return _disp;