package test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import ass.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import ass.DependencyResolver;
import ass.Project;
public class DependencyResolverTest {
private DependencyResolver dep;
private Board b;
private Project p1;
private Project p2;
private Project p3;
//private ProjectManager man;
* @throws Exception in case Dependency Resolver not exist
public void setUp() throws Exception {
final int i=7,j=20,k=34,w=40;
this.dep = new DependencyResolver("man",i);
Vector<Integer> projectDependenciesList = new Vector<Integer>();
Vector<Resource> res = new Vector<Resource>();
Vector<Integer> dependenciesOfP2 = new Vector<Integer>();
this.p1 = new Project(i, j, "gui", "man", projectDependenciesList, res, this.b);
this.p2 = new Project(k, w, "system", "Gal", dependenciesOfP2, res, this.b);
* @throws Exception t
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
* @preconditions: 1. The project list of the manager is initialized.
* 2. the project we want to add does not exist on the list
* @postconditions: 1. The project that we added is on the manager's project list
* } 2. the size is bigger.
public void testAddProjectToDependencyList() {
assertEquals(true, this.dep.getProjectList() != null);
assertTrue(this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1) == false);
int currentsize = this.dep.getProjectList().size();
assertTrue((this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1)) == true);
assertTrue (this.dep.getProjectList().size() == (currentsize+1));
* @preconditions: 1. The project is actually completed - the status of the project is "finished"
* and currentProjectSize=0.
* 2. The project is currently on the manager's project list, which means that the
* addProjectToDependencyList method was applied on the project, and all it's preconditions
* are also valid.
* @postconditions: 1. The project that we finalized is no longer the the manager's project list
* 2. All the projects that the finalized project appears on their dependency list are updated.
public void testFinalizeProject() {
// assertTrue(this.p1.getCurrentProjectSize() == 0);
// assertTrue(this.p1.getStatus().equals("finished") == true);
// assertTrue((this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1)) == true);
try {
catch (Exception e){assert(false);}
assert((this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1)) == false);
// boolean hasProjectOnList = false;
// for (int i=0; i<this.dep.getListOfAllProjects().size() & !hasProjectOnList ; i++){
// if ( this.dep.getListOfAllProjects().get(i).containsDependentProject(this.p1) == true )
// hasProjectOnList = true;
// }
// assertTrue (hasProjectOnList);
* @preconditions: 1. The project list of the manager is initialized.
* @postconditions: 1. The returned project is in status "not published yet", currentSize = size.
* 2. The returned project has no dependencies. (also check that if we have several
* projects on the list - the one returned is the project with no dependencies).
public void testGetProjectToPublish() {
assert(this.dep.getProjectList() != null);
try {
this.p3 = this.dep.getProjectToPublish();
catch (InterruptedException e) {
assertTrue( this.p3.getCurrentProjectSize() == this.p3.getProjectSize() );
assertTrue(this.p3.getCurrentProjectSize() == this.p3.getProjectSize());
assertTrue(this.p3.getDependencies().isEmpty() == true);
assertTrue(this.p3.getID() == this.p2.getID());
* @preconditions: 1. The project list of the manager is initialized.
* 2. The project is on the manager's list.
* @postconditions: 1. the project list does not contain the removed project.
public void testRemoveProject() {
assertTrue(this.dep.getProjectList() != null);
assertTrue((this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1)) == true);
assertTrue( (this.dep.removeProject(this.p2)) == false );
assertTrue( this.dep.getProjectList().contains(this.p1)== false );