* This file is part of 3DzzD http://dzzd.net/.
* Released under LGPL
* 3DzzD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 3DzzD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with 3DzzD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Copyright 2005 - 2009 Bruno Augier
package net.dzzd;
import net.dzzd.core.*;
import net.dzzd.access.*;
import net.dzzd.extension.loader.IExtensionLoader;
import net.dzzd.extension.loader.ExtensionLoader;
import java.awt.Component;
* 3DzzD API general factory classes.
* <p>
* <u><b>Overview:</b></u>
* <p>
* This is 3DzzD API general factory
* all constants used in 3DzzD API.
* </p>
* <p>
* You may use this class to create new 3DzzD API objects : <br>
* - Scene3DObject(Mesh,Camera,etc..)<br>
* - SceneObject(Material,Texture,etc..)<br>
* - Others(Face3D,Point3D,etc..)<br>
* etc..<br>
* </p>
* @author Bruno Augier
* @version 1.0, 01/01/04
* @since 1.0
* @see DzzDApplet
* @see DzzDJSApplet
public class DzzD
* Hidden constructor
private DzzD()
* Texture drawing mode : texture must be stretched.
final public static int TXT_STRETCH=0;
* Texture drawing mode : texture must be tiled (repeat by x and y).
final public static int TXT_TILE=1;
* Render3D background mode : Background is invisible.
final public static int BG_TRANSPARENT=0;
* Render3D background mode : Background use a solid color.
final public static int BG_COLOR=1;
* Render3D background mode : Background use a texture.
final public static int BG_TEXTURE=2;
* Progress state : unknow or not initialised.
final public static int PR_STATE_UNKNOW=0;
* Progress state : initialising/initialised.
final public static int PR_STATE_INIT=1;
* Progress state : loading/loaded.
final public static int PR_STATE_LOAD=2;
* Track3D interpolation key mode : no interpolation.
final public static int P4D_NONE=0;
* Track3D interpolation key mode : linear interpolation.
final public static int P4D_LINEAR=1;
* Track3D interpolation key mode : cosin interpolation.
final public static int P4D_COSIN=2;
* Track3D interpolation key mode : cubic interpolation.
final public static int P4D_CUBIC=3;
* Render mode : enable/disable lighting.
final public static int RM_LIGHT=1;
* Render mode : enable/disable materials.
final public static int RM_MATERIAL=2;
* Render mode : enable/disable diffuse texture.
final public static int RM_TEXTURE_DIFF=4;
* Render mode : enable/disable textures mipmap.
final public static int RM_TEXTURE_MIPMAP=8;
* Render mode : enable/disable bilinear filtering.
final public static int RM_TEXTURE_BILINEAR=16;
* Render mode : enable/disable detail textures.
final public static int RM_DETAIL_TEXTURE=32;
* Render mode : enable/disable lighting.
final public static int RM_LIGHT_FLAT=64;
* Render mode : enable/disable bump texture.
final public static int RM_TEXTURE_BUMP=128;
* Render mode : enable/disable env texture.
final public static int RM_TEXTURE_ENV=256;
* Render mode : enable/disable fog
final public static int RM_FOG=512;
* Render mode : enable/disable all.
final public static int RM_ALL=0xFFFFFFFF-DzzD.RM_LIGHT_FLAT;
* Texture type : type RGB
final public static int TT_RGB=1;
* Texture type : type ARGB
final public static int TT_ARGB=2;
* Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent normal of the surface
final public static int TT_NORMAL=3;
* Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent normal of the surface and A height
final public static int TT_HNORMAL=4;
* Texture type : type NORMAL RGB represent environment texture
final public static int TT_ENV=5;
* Jogl native source URL
public static String extensionBaseURL=null;
* Allocate an return a new Render3D using the specified implementation.
* For now only predefined implementation name are allowed:<br>
* newRender3D("SOFT") : return the internal software renderer<br>
* newRender3D("JOGL") : return the internal JOGL hardware renderer <br>
* <br>
* if requested renderer is not available the internal software renderer is returned
* @param implementationName name of the implementation
* @return newly allocated Render3D
* @since 1.0
public static IRender3D newRender3D(Class c,String implementationName,IProgressListener pl)
boolean nopl=false;
pl=new ProgressListener();
return new Render3DSW();
IExtensionLoader loader=ExtensionLoader.getLoader(c);
IRender3D r=(IRender3D)loader.loadExtension(DzzD.extensionBaseURL,
//IRender3D r=(IRender3D)Class.forName("net.dzzd.extension.jogl.Render3DJOGL").newInstance();
return r;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
return new Render3DSW();
public static IRender2D newRender2D(Class c,String implementationName,IProgressListener pl)
boolean nopl=false;
pl=new ProgressListener();
return new Render2DSW();
IExtensionLoader loader=ExtensionLoader.getLoader(c);
IRender2D r=(IRender2D)loader.loadExtension(DzzD.extensionBaseURL,
return r;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
return new Render2DSW();
* Allocate an return a new URLTexture.
* @return newly allocated URLTexture
* @since 1.0
public static IURLTexture newURLTexture()
IURLTexture obj=new URLTexture();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Material.
* @return newly allocated Material
* @since 1.0
public static IMaterial newMaterial()
IMaterial obj=new Material();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new MappingUV.
* @return newly allocated MappingUV
* @since 1.0
public static IMappingUV newMappingUV()
IMappingUV obj=new MappingUV();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Mesh3D.
* @return newly allocated Mesh3D
* @since 1.0
public static IMesh3D newMesh3D()
IMesh3D obj=new Mesh3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Mesh3D.
* @param vertice Vertex3D array
* @param faces Face3D array
* @return newly allocated Mesh3D
* @since 1.0
public static IMesh3D newMesh3D(IVertex3D vertice[],IFace3D faces[])
IMesh3D obj=new Mesh3D(vertice,faces);
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Light3D.
* @return newly allocated Light3D
* @since 1.0
public static ILight3D newLight3D()
ILight3D obj=new Light3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Camera3D.
* @return newly allocated Camera3D
* @since 1.0
public static ICamera3D newCamera3D()
ICamera3D obj=new Camera3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Face3D.
* @return newly allocated Face3D
* @since 1.0
public static IFace3D newFace3D()
IFace3D obj=new Face3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Face3D.
* @param v1 vertex 1
* @param v2 vertex 2
* @param v3 vertex 3
* @return newly allocated Face3D
* @since 1.0
public static IFace3D newFace3D(IVertex3D v1,IVertex3D v2,IVertex3D v3)
IFace3D obj=new Face3D(v1,v2,v3);
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Point3D.
* @return newly allocated Point3D
* @since 1.0
public static IPoint3D newPoint3D()
IPoint3D obj=new Point3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Vertex3D.
* @return newly allocated Vertex3D
* @since 1.0
public static IVertex3D newVertex3D()
IVertex3D obj=new Vertex3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Vertex3D array.
* @param size desired size for the array
* @return newly allocated Vertex3D array
* @since 1.0
public static IVertex3D[] newVertex3DArray(int size)
IVertex3D obj[]=new Vertex3D[size];
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Face3D array.
* @param size desired size for the array
* @return newly allocated Face3D array
* @since 1.0
public static IFace3D[] newFace3DArray(int size)
IFace3D obj[]=new Face3D[size];
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new SolidSphere3D.
* @return newly allocated SolidSphere3D
* @since 1.0
public static ISolidSphere3D newSolidSphere3D()
ISolidSphere3D obj=new SolidSphere3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new SolidSphere3DResult.
* @return newly allocated SolidSphere3DResult
* @since 1.0
public static ISolidSphere3DResult newSolidSphere3DResult()
ISolidSphere3DResult obj=new SolidSphere3DResult();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Track3D.
* @return newly allocated Track3D
* @since 1.0
public static ITrack3D newTrack3D()
ITrack3D obj=new Track3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Axis3D.
* @return newly allocated Axis3D
* @since 1.0
public static IAxis3D newAxis3D()
IAxis3D obj=new Axis3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Scene3DRender.
* @return newly allocated Scene3DRender
* @since 1.0
public static IScene3DRender newScene3DRender()
IScene3DRender obj=new Scene3DRender();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Scene3D.
* @return newly allocated Scene3D
* @since 1.0
public static IScene3D newScene3D()
IScene3D obj=new Scene3D();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new DirectInput for the given component.
* @param component component to use for this directInput source
* @return newly allocated DirectInput
* @since 1.0
public static IDirectInput newDirectInput(Component component)
IDirectInput obj=new DirectInput(component);
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Scene3DObjectAnimator.
* @return newly allocated Scene3DObjectAnimator
* @since 1.0
public static IScene3DObjectAnimator newScene3DObjectAnimator()
IScene3DObjectAnimator obj=new Scene3DObjectAnimator();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new HeightMap3D.
* @param minLevel minimum tesselation level
* @param maxLevel maximum tesselation level
* @return newly allocated HeightMap3D
* @since 1.0
public static IHeightMap3D newHeightMap3D(int minLevel,int maxLevel)
IHeightMap3D obj=new HeightMap3D(minLevel,maxLevel);
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new URLHeightMap.
* @return newly allocated URLHeightMap
* @since 1.0
public static IURLHeightMap newURLHeightMap()
IURLHeightMap obj=new URLHeightMap();
return obj;
* Allocate an return a new Scene3DLoader
* @return newly allocated Scene3DLoader
* @since 1.0
public static IScene3DLoader newScene3DLoader()
IScene3DLoader obj=new Scene3DLoader3DS();
return obj;
* Allocate and return a new Timer
* @return newly allocated Timer
* @since 1.0
public static ITimer newTimer()
return new net.dzzd.core.Timer();
* Pause current thread for given millisecond time
* @param ms time to pause current thread in ms
* @since 1.0
public static void sleep(long ms)
catch(InterruptedException ie)