import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.freerealm.tile.Tile;
import org.freerealm.Realm;
import org.freerealm.Utility;
import org.freerealm.unit.Unit;
import org.freerealm.settlement.Settlement;
import org.freerealm.tile.improvement.TileImprovementType;
public class AStarPathFinder implements PathFinder {
private Realm realm;
private ArrayList<Node> closed = new ArrayList<Node>();
private ArrayList<Node> open = new ArrayList<Node>();
private int maxSearchDistance;
private Node[][] nodes;
public AStarPathFinder(Realm realm, int maxSearchDistance) {
this.realm = realm;
this.maxSearchDistance = maxSearchDistance;
nodes = new Node[realm.getMapWidth()][realm.getMapHeight()];
for (int x = 0; x < realm.getMapWidth(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < realm.getMapHeight(); y++) {
nodes[x][y] = new Node(x, y);
public Path findPath(Unit unit, Coordinate target, boolean ignoreOtherPlayers) {
return findPath(unit, unit.getCoordinate(), target, ignoreOtherPlayers);
private Path findPath(Unit unit, Coordinate start, Coordinate target, boolean ignoreOtherPlayers) {
if (!isValidLocation(unit, target, ignoreOtherPlayers)) {
return null;
nodes[start.getAbscissa()][start.getOrdinate()].cost = 0;
nodes[start.getAbscissa()][start.getOrdinate()].depth = 0;
nodes[target.getAbscissa()][target.getOrdinate()].parent = null;
int maxDepth = 0;
while ((maxDepth < maxSearchDistance) && (open.size() != 0)) {
Node current = open.get(0);
if (current == nodes[target.getAbscissa()][target.getOrdinate()]) {
Coordinate currentCoordinate = new Coordinate(current.x, current.y);
Enumeration<Coordinate> enumeration = Utility.getNeighborCoordinatesEnumeration(realm, currentCoordinate);
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
Coordinate coordinate = enumeration.nextElement();
if (isValidLocation(unit, coordinate, ignoreOtherPlayers)) {
Tile tile = realm.getTile(coordinate);
float nextStepCost = current.cost + tile.getMovementCost();
Node neighbour = nodes[coordinate.getAbscissa()][coordinate.getOrdinate()];
if (nextStepCost < neighbour.cost) {
if (open.contains(neighbour)) {
if (closed.contains(neighbour)) {
if (!open.contains(neighbour) && !(closed.contains(neighbour))) {
neighbour.cost = nextStepCost;
neighbour.heuristic = tile.getMovementCost();
maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, neighbour.setParent(current));
if (nodes[target.getAbscissa()][target.getOrdinate()].parent == null) {
return null;
Path path = new Path();
Node targetNode = nodes[target.getAbscissa()][target.getOrdinate()];
while (targetNode != nodes[start.getAbscissa()][start.getOrdinate()]) {
path.prependStep(targetNode.x, targetNode.y);
targetNode = targetNode.parent;
return path;
private boolean isValidLocation(Unit unit, Coordinate coordinate, boolean ignoreOtherPlayers) {
if (coordinate == null) {
return false;
if (coordinate.getOrdinate() < 0) {
return false;
Tile tile = realm.getTile(coordinate);
if (tile == null) {
return false;
if (!unit.getPlayer().isCoordinateExplored(coordinate)) {
return false;
Move moveAbility = (Move) unit.getType().getAbility("Move");
if (moveAbility == null) {
return false;
if (!ignoreOtherPlayers && isTileBlockedByOtherPlayers(tile, unit)) {
return false;
//TODO : Use set movement point instead of checking for roads
TileImprovementType road = realm.getTileImprovementTypeManager().getImprovement("Road");
if (tile.hasImprovement(road)) {
return true;
if (!moveAbility.hasTileType(tile.getType())) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean isTileBlockedByOtherPlayers(Tile tile, Unit unit) {
if (tile.getSettlement() != null) {
Settlement settlement = tile.getSettlement();
if (!unit.getPlayer().equals(settlement.getPlayer())) {
return true;
if (tile.getNumberOfUnits() > 0) {
Unit tileUnit = tile.getUnits().get(tile.getUnits().firstKey());
if (!unit.getPlayer().equals(tileUnit.getPlayer())) {
return true;
return false;
private class Node implements Comparable {
private int x;
private int y;
private float cost;
private Node parent;
private float heuristic;
private int depth;
public Node(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int setParent(Node parent) {
depth = parent.depth + 1;
this.parent = parent;
return depth;
public int compareTo(Object other) {
Node o = (Node) other;
float f = heuristic + cost;
float of = o.heuristic + o.cost;
if (f < of) {
return -1;
} else if (f > of) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
public String toString() {
String string = new String();
string = string + x + "," + y + " - " + cost;
return string;