Package unibg.overencrypt.utility

Source Code of unibg.overencrypt.utility.TokensResource

* OverEncrypt project hosted by Università degli Studi di Bergamo
*   -> for PrimeLife project {@link}
package unibg.overencrypt.utility;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;

import unibg.overencrypt.protocol.TokenStruct;
import unibg.overencrypt.server.ServerConfiguration;
import unibg.overencrypt.server.managers.SessionManager;

* Class that allows to simply manage all .tokens files.
* Can create a reference to this abstract (WebDAV) files with constructor,
* can save new token and retrieve token informations through folder name.
* @author Flavio Giovarruscio & Riccardo Tribbia
* @version 1.0
* @see TokenStruct
public class TokensResource {

  /** Logger for this class. */
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TokensResource.class);

  /** Private field that identifies xml document. */
  private Document xmlDocument;

  /** Private field that identifies File object. */
  public File tokensFile = null;

   * Build a TokenResource from URI .tokens file's parent.
   * @param parentPath path of the parent folder of .tokens file
  public TokensResource(String parentPath){
    //Root element
    Element rootEl = new Element("Tokens");
    LOGGER.debug(".tokens path: " + parentPath);
    tokensFile = new File(parentPath + "/.tokens");

    if(tokensFile != null && tokensFile.exists()){
      SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder();
      try {
        this.xmlDocument =;
      } catch (JDOMException e) {
        LOGGER.error("JDOM error while building tokens from xml .tokens file",e);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error("IO error while building tokens from xml .tokens file",e);
      this.xmlDocument = new Document(rootEl);     

   * Return TokenStruct from xml .tokens
   * @param folderName the folder name of .tokens file
   * @return data structure of token
  public TokenStruct getTokens(String folderName){
    TokenStruct token = null;

    Element root = xmlDocument.getRootElement();
    List<Element> children = root.getChildren("Folder");
    if( children != null){
      for (Iterator<Element> iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Element element = (Element);
          token = new TokenStruct();
          token.folderIdDB = element.getChildText("folderIdDB");
          token.folderIdGraph = element.getChildText("folderIdGraph");
          token.folderName = element.getChildText("folderName");
          token.ownerID = element.getChildText("ownerID");
          token.cryptedAclBEL = element.getChildText("cryptedAclBEL");
          token.cryptedAclSEL = element.getChildText("cryptedAclSEL");
          token.hasSEL = Boolean.parseBoolean(element.getChildText("hasSEL"));
    return token;

  public static String getLockedPath(String tokensPath, HashMap<String, Integer> lockMap, String ownerOfSharedFolder){
    String pathToReturn = "";

    File tempTokensFile = new File(tokensPath);
    LOGGER.debug("temp tokens file path: " + tempTokensFile.getPath());
    //Se la cartella padre del file .tokens che si sta considerando è la root del server, allora
    //devo ciclare tutte le folder degli utenti connessi
    if (tempTokensFile.getParent().equals(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath())) {
      LOGGER.debug("Il token considerato ha come parent path la root del server");

      //Ciclo tutte le cartelle di tutti gli utenti connessi
      Set<String> usersIdInSession = SessionManager.getIdInSession();

      boolean pathFound = false;
      for (Iterator<String> iterator1 = usersIdInSession.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) {
        String user = (String);
        File file = new File(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + user);

        if (lockMap.containsValue(Integer.parseInt(file.getName()))) {
          LOGGER.debug("La lock map contiene almeno un record dell'utente la cui root è quella presa in considerazione (" + file.getName() + ")");
          //Se la mappa che contiene le path in stato di lock ne contiene almeno una
          //relativa all'utente la quale root è quella presa in considerazione
          //cerco se ha eseguito un lock su una (o più) subfolder della propria root folder.
          Set<String> lockedPaths = lockMap.keySet();
          for (Iterator<String> iterator = lockedPaths.iterator(); iterator
          .hasNext();) {
            String lockedPath = (String);
            if (lockMap.get(lockedPath) == Integer.parseInt(file.getName())) {
              LOGGER.debug("La map contiene questa path locked relativa all'utente: " + lockedPath);
              File temp = new File(lockedPath);
              if (temp.getParent().equals(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + file.getName())) {
                TokensResource tokenResource = new TokensResource(file.getPath());
                LOGGER.debug("il token che ora vado a controllare ha path: " + file.getPath() + "/.tokens");
                TokenStruct token = tokenResource.getTokens(temp.getName());
                if (token != null) {
                  pathToReturn = ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + file.getName() + "/.tokens";                   
                  LOGGER.debug("Ci siamo - la path che ritorna è: " + pathToReturn);
                  pathFound = true;
      if (!pathFound) {
        LOGGER.error("path non trovata.. ERRORE");
      LOGGER.debug("Il token considerato NON ha come parent path la root del server");
      //Ciclo tutte le path lockate
      Set<String> pathsLocked = lockMap.keySet();
      for (Iterator<String> iterator = pathsLocked.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        String pathLocked = (String);
        //Estrapolo l'utente proprietario della path locked
        LOGGER.debug("path Locked: " + pathLocked);
        if (pathLocked.length() < 1) {
        String ownerIdFromPathLocked = pathLocked.replace(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/", "");
        ownerIdFromPathLocked = ownerIdFromPathLocked.substring(0, ownerIdFromPathLocked.indexOf("/"));
        LOGGER.debug("ownerIdFromPathLocked: " + ownerIdFromPathLocked);
        //Ricompongo la path del file .tokens con questo user id
        String newTokensPath = "";
        if (ownerOfSharedFolder == null) {
          newTokensPath = tokensPath.replace(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/", "");         
          newTokensPath = ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + ownerIdFromPathLocked + "/" + newTokensPath;
          newTokensPath = tokensPath.replace(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + ownerIdFromPathLocked + "/", "");         
          newTokensPath = ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + ownerIdFromPathLocked + "/" + newTokensPath;
        LOGGER.debug("new Tokens path: " + newTokensPath);
        File tokens = new File(newTokensPath);
        File locked = new File(pathLocked);
        //Se la cartella che contiene il file .tokens è cartella padre del percorso salvato
        //nella mappa dei percorsi locked
        if (locked.getParent().equals(tokens.getParent())) {
          LOGGER.debug("locked.getParent().equals(tokens.getParent()): TRUE");
          //Controllo se esiste effettivamente
          if (locked.getParentFile().exists() && tokens.exists()) {
            if (ownerOfSharedFolder == null) {
              pathToReturn = ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + ownerIdFromPathLocked + "/";
              String relativePath = tokens.getPath().replace(ServerConfiguration.getWebDAVrootPath() + "/" + ownerIdFromPathLocked + "/", "");
              pathToReturn = pathToReturn + "/Shared/" + ownerOfSharedFolder + "/" + relativePath;
              pathToReturn = tokensPath;
            LOGGER.debug("Path to return: " + pathToReturn);
    LOGGER.debug("path returned: " + pathToReturn);

    return pathToReturn;

Related Classes of unibg.overencrypt.utility.TokensResource

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