/* *****************************************************************************
jedit options: :folding=explicit:tabSize=2:indentSize=2:noTabs=true:
Copyright (C) 2011-13 Jaroslaw Czekalski - jarekczek@poczta.onet.pl
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jc;
import java.net.URL;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jsoup.Connection;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
* <code>SoupProxy</code> class retrieves an html page through
* <code>org.jsoup.Jsoup</code> library. Latest pages are cached.
* Allows supplying http or file urls.
* <p>
* Cache is static, so it's correct to create a new proxy instance every
* time it is needed.
public class SoupProxy
protected static LinkedList<CacheElement> m_cache;
protected final static int m_nCacheSize = 10;
public static final int NO_FLAGS = 0;
public static final int NO_CACHE = 1;
protected URL m_url;
static {
m_cache = new LinkedList<CacheElement>();
public SoupProxy()
m_url = null;
public URL getUrl() {
return m_url;
public Document getDocumentFromFile(String sFile)
throws SoupProxy.Exception
Document doc;
try {
doc = Jsoup.parse(new File(sFile), null);
catch (java.io.IOException e) {
throw new Exception(e);
return doc;
public Document getDocumentFromHttp(URL url)
throws SoupProxy.Exception
Document doc = null;
try {
Connection con = Jsoup.connect(""+url);
System.getProperty("jc.soupproxy.useragent", "JSoup"));
doc = con.get();
catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
throw new SoupProxy.Exception(e);
return doc;
public Document getDocument(String sUrl)
throws SoupProxy.Exception
return getDocument(sUrl, NO_FLAGS);
public Document getDocument(String sUrl, int nFlags)
throws SoupProxy.Exception
Document doc;
if ((nFlags & NO_CACHE) == 0) {
// check cache
CacheElement elem = cacheGetElem(sUrl);
if (elem != null) {
m_url = elem.url;
doc = elem.doc;
return doc;
try {
m_url = new URL(sUrl);
catch (java.net.MalformedURLException eUrl) {
// Not an url? Let's try to get the file
try {
m_url = new URL("file:" + sUrl);
catch (java.net.MalformedURLException eUrl2) {
throw new SoupProxy.Exception(eUrl);
if (m_url.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
doc = getDocumentFromFile(m_url.getFile());
} else {
doc = getDocumentFromHttp(m_url);
if ((nFlags & NO_CACHE) == 0) {
if (doc != null) { cachePut(sUrl, m_url, doc); }
return doc;
public static String htmlToText(String sHtml)
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(sHtml);
return doc.text();
/** Retrieves the part of text directly after the child node. Due to jsoup
* limitations it works only for unique child items
* (<code>iChilde1</code>). It's safer to use {@link #splitElemText}.
public static String getTextAfterElem(Element elem)
return getTextBetweenChildren(
elem.elementSiblingIndex() + 1
/** Retrieves the part of text between 2 child nodes. Due to jsoup
* limitations it works only for unique child items
* (<code>iChilde1</code>). It's safer to use {@link #splitElemText}.
public static String getTextBetweenChildren(Element parent,
int iChild1, int iChild2)
String sPar = parent.html();
Element e1 = parent.child(iChild1);
Element e2 = null;
if (iChild2 < parent.children().size()) {
e2 = parent.child(iChild2);
int iStart = sPar.indexOf(e1.outerHtml());
if (iStart < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("tag " + e1.outerHtml() +
" not contained in html: " + sPar); }
iStart += e1.outerHtml().length();
int iEnd = -1;
if (e2 != null) {
iEnd = sPar.indexOf(e2.outerHtml(), iStart);
if (iEnd < 0) { iEnd = sPar.length(); }
return htmlToText(sPar.substring(iStart, iEnd));
/** Splits the text of the element <code>elem</code> by the children
* tags.
* @return An array of size <code>c+1</code>, where <copde>c</code>
* is the number of child elements.
* <p>Text after <code>n</code>th element is found in <code>[n+1]</code>.
public static String[] splitElemText(Element elem)
int c = elem.children().size();
String as[] = new String[c + 1];
String sAll = elem.html();
int iBeg = 0;
int iChild = 0;
for (Element ch : elem.children()) {
String sChild = ch.outerHtml();
int iEnd = sAll.indexOf(sChild, iBeg);
if (iEnd < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Tag " + sChild
+" not found in its parent: " + sAll);
as[iChild] = htmlToText(sAll.substring(iBeg, iEnd));
iBeg = iEnd + sChild.length();
iChild += 1;
as[iChild] = htmlToText(sAll.substring(iBeg));
assert(iChild == c);
return as;
// getBaseUrl method {{{
/** Returns the url which may be used as base url for links from inside
* the given url. That is <code>http://aaa.com/start/</code> for both
* <code>http://aaa.com/start/page.htm</code>
* and <code>http://aaa.com/start</code>. */
public static String getBaseUrl(String sUrl)
sUrl = sUrl.replaceFirst("/[^/]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$", "/");
if (!sUrl.endsWith("/"))
sUrl += "/";
return sUrl;
} //}}}
// absUrl method {{{
* A wrapper for <code>Node.absUrl</code> which fails for local
* files (uris without a protocol).
public static String absUrl(Node node, String sAttrName)
String sRelativeLink = node.attr(sAttrName);
if (sRelativeLink.length() == 0)
return "";
String sLink = node.absUrl(sAttrName);
assert(sLink != null);
if (sLink.length() == 0) {
String sBaseUri = node.baseUri();
// In case of a file this uri is not base, but it's a complete
// filename.
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(.*)([\\\\/])[^\\\\/]+\\.html?")
if (m.matches())
sBaseUri = m.group(1) + m.group(2);
sLink = sBaseUri + sRelativeLink;
return sLink;
} //}}}
public static class Exception extends JCException
Exception(Throwable t) { super(t); }
//{{{ cache support
protected static class CacheElement
String sUrl;
Document doc;
URL url;
public CacheElement(String sUrl, URL url, Document doc) {
this.sUrl = sUrl;
this.doc = doc;
this.url = url;
protected static CacheElement cacheGetElem(String sUrl)
for (CacheElement elem : m_cache) {
if (elem.sUrl.equals(sUrl)) {
return elem;
return null;
protected static Document cacheGet(String sUrl)
CacheElement elem = cacheGetElem(sUrl);
return elem==null ? null : elem.doc;
protected static void cachePut(String sUrl, URL url, Document doc)
// remove from cache if already in, to make it go to the end of the list
CacheElement elem = cacheGetElem(sUrl);
if (elem != null) {
// remove oldest if size exceeded
if (m_cache.size() >= m_nCacheSize) {
if (elem == null) {
elem = new CacheElement(sUrl, url, doc);