/* *****************************************************************************
Copyright (C) 2012 Jaroslaw Czekalski - jarekczek@poczta.onet.pl
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jc.pbntools;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.Writer;
import jc.SoupProxy;
import jc.JCException;
import jc.f;
import jc.outputwindow.StandardSimplePrinter;
import jc.pbntools.download.BboTourDownloader;
import jc.pbntools.download.DownloadFailedException;
import jc.pbntools.download.HtmlTourDownloader;
import jc.pbntools.download.KopsTourDownloader;
import jc.pbntools.download.LinReader;
import jc.pbntools.download.ParyTourDownloader;
import junitx.framework.FileAssert;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class PbnToolsTests
private static PrintStream origOut;
@Before public void setUp()
assertEquals(0, PbnTools.getVerbos());
assertEquals(false, f.isDebugMode());
@Test public void checkUpdateTest()
throws java.io.IOException, jc.SoupProxy.Exception
String sCurrentVer = PbnTools.m_res.getString("wersja");
// when taking PbnTools classes directly from classes dir,
// we get path work/comp/jc here, so 3 times .. is needed
String sHelpPath = f.basePath(this.getClass()) + f.sDirSep + ".."
+ f.sDirSep + ".." + f.sDirSep + ".."
+ f.sDirSep + "doc" + f.sDirSep;
String sHelpUrl = "file://" + sHelpPath + "help_pl.html";
// System.out.println(sHelpUrl);
String sHtmlVer = PbnTools.getVersionFromUrl(sHelpUrl);
assertTrue("versions do not match: current=" + sCurrentVer
+ ", html:" + sHtmlVer, sCurrentVer.equals(sHtmlVer));
@Test public void getBaseUrlTest()
String asUrl[] = { "http://test.com/start",
"http://test.com/start/test.htm" };
for (String sUrl: asUrl) {
assertEquals("getBaseUrl(" + sUrl + ")",
String sUrl = "http://www.halo.com/test/";
assertEquals("getBaseUrl(" + sUrl,
sUrl, HtmlTourDownloader.getBaseUrl(sUrl));
static void pobierzTestHelper(HtmlTourDownloader der,
String sHtmlFile, String sPbnFileTemplate,
String sPbnFileTest)
File fTempDir = new File("work/junit-tmp").getAbsoluteFile();
assertTrue("fTempDir (" + fTempDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ ") should already be a directory", fTempDir.isDirectory());
System.setProperty("jc.debug", "0");
PbnTools.m_props.setProperty("workDir", fTempDir.getAbsolutePath());
PbnTools.downTour(sHtmlFile, der, false);
String sDesc = "Resulting pbn files differ:\n";
sDesc += " " + sPbnFileTemplate + "\n";
sDesc += " " + new File(fTempDir, sPbnFileTest) + "\n";
new File(sPbnFileTemplate),
new File(fTempDir, sPbnFileTest));
@Test public void pobierzParyTest1()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException
new ParyTourDownloader(),
@Test public void pobierzParyTest3()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException
new ParyTourDownloader(),
@Test public void pobierzBboTest6()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException
new BboTourDownloader(),
"test/test_6_bbo_skyclub_20130810" +
"/SKY_CLUB_2196_Pairs_SKY_CLUB_JACKPOT_2000" +
"test/test_6_bbo_skyclub_20130810" +
"SKY_CLUB_2196_Pairs_SKY_CLUB_JACKPOT_2000" +
@Test public void pobierzBboTest8()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException
new BboTourDownloader(),
"test/test_8_bbo_wronie_20130824" +
"/Wronie_9533_Pairs_2720_PRZYJACIELE_WRONIA" +
"test/test_8_bbo_wronie_20130824" +
"Wronie_9533_Pairs_2720_PRZYJACIELE_WRONIA" +
// pobierzKopsTest {{{
/** To compare older pbn files, generated by bash script, some contents
* must be removed */
void makePbnNakedAsFromBash(File file)
throws java.io.IOException
String asTagsToRemove[] = new String[] { "Event", "West", "East", "North",
"South", "Scoring" };
String sCont = f.readFile(file.toString());
String sTags = "(";
for (String sTag: asTagsToRemove) {
if (sTags.length() > 1)
sTags += "|";
sTags += "(" + sTag + ")";
sTags += ")";
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("\\[" + sTags + ".*[\r\n]+", "");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("(\\[Board \")([0-9]\")", "$10$2");
// swap order of Declared and Contract
sCont = sCont.replaceAll(
"\\[Declarer (\".*\")\\]([\r\n]+)\\[Contract (\".*\")\\]",
"[Contract $3]$2[Declarer $1]");
// bash used lowercase x for double
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Contract \"(.*)(XX)\"", "Contract \"$1xx\"");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Contract \"(.*)(X)\"", "Contract \"$1x\"");
// bash started cards always from N
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Deal \"E:(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)\"",
"Deal \"N:$4 $1 $2 $3\"");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Deal \"S:(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)\"",
"Deal \"N:$3 $4 $1 $2\"");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Deal \"W:(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)\"",
"Deal \"N:$2 $3 $4 $1\"");
// vulnerability - different wording
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("Vulnerable \"All\"", "Vulnerable \"Both\"");
Writer bw = new FileWriter(file.toString());
@Test public void pobierzKopsTest()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException
File fTempDir = new File("work/junit-tmp");
System.setProperty("jc.debug", "0");
PbnTools.m_props.setProperty("workDir", fTempDir.toString());
new KopsTourDownloader(), false);
makePbnNakedAsFromBash(new File(fTempDir, "PCH1003/pch1003.pbn"));
// the pbn file from bash also needs adjusting, so copying it
File fOrig = new File("test/test_2_kops/PCH1003/PCH1003.pbn");
File fOrig2 = new File(fTempDir, "PCH1003/pch1003_0.pbn");
String sOrigCont = f.readFile(fOrig.toString());
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fOrig2));
FileAssert.assertEquals("Resulting pbn files",
new File(fTempDir, "PCH1003/pch1003.pbn"));
} //}}}
class FileFilterByExt implements FilenameFilter
private String sExt;
/** Give the extension together with a dot */
FileFilterByExt(String sExt)
this.sExt = sExt;
public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
return (name.endsWith(sExt));
class FileFilterNameMask implements FilenameFilter
private String sMask;
/** Give the extension together with a dot */
FileFilterNameMask(String sMask)
this.sMask = sMask;
public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
return (name.matches(sMask));
protected void LinToPbnConvertTestForDir(String sDirIn, String sDirOut)
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException,
DownloadFailedException, JCException
new File(sDirOut).mkdir();
PbnTools.m_props.setProperty("workDir", sDirOut);
File afPbnFiles[] = new File(sDirIn + "/..")
.listFiles(new FileFilterByExt(".pbn"));
assertEquals("number of pbn files in the input directory",
1, afPbnFiles.length);
File fPbn0 = afPbnFiles[0];
PbnFile pbnFile = new PbnFile();
LinReader dr = new LinReader();
dr.setOutputWindow(new StandardSimplePrinter());
File tourneyHtmlFile = new File(sDirIn)
.listFiles(new FileFilterNameMask(".*tourney.*.html"))[0];
SoupProxy proxy = new SoupProxy();
Document mainDoc = proxy.getDocument(tourneyHtmlFile.toString());
Elements ele = mainDoc.select("a:contains(Board)");
for (Element e: ele) {
File travFile = new File(f.decodeUrlRes(SoupProxy.absUrl(e, "href")));
Document travDoc = proxy.getDocument(travFile.toString());
Elements ele2 = travDoc.select("a:matches(Lin)");
for (Element e2: ele2) {
String sLinFile = SoupProxy.absUrl(e2, "href");
assert(dr.verify(sLinFile, !f.isDebugMode()));
Deal[] deals = dr.readDeals(sLinFile, false); // bSilent
String sNewPbnFile = sDirOut + "/" + f.getFileNameNoExt(sDirIn) + ".pbn";
// need to remove some contents from the tournament file
String sCont = f.readFile(fPbn0+"");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("\\[Event.*[\r\n]+", "");
sCont = sCont.replaceAll("\\[Date.*[\r\n]+", "");
// When lin reader reads a lin file, it uses SoupProxy for that.
// SoupProxy reduces multiple whitespaces, so we better do that too.
sCont = sCont.replaceAll(" +", " ");
File fPbn1 = new File(new File(sDirOut),
f.getFileNameNoExt(sDirIn) + "_stripped.pbn");
f.writeToFile(sCont, fPbn1);
String sDesc = "lin to pbn\n" + fPbn1 + "\n" + sNewPbnFile + "\n";
FileAssert.assertEquals(sDesc, fPbn1, new File(sNewPbnFile));
@Test public void LinToPbnConvertTest()
throws java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.IOException,
DownloadFailedException, JCException
LinToPbnConvertTestForDir("test/test_6_bbo_skyclub_20130810" +
LinToPbnConvertTestForDir("test/test_8_bbo_wronie_20130824" +