package it.unito.di.test;
import jade.core.AID;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import it.unito.di.artifact.Role;
import it.unito.di.logic.commit.Commitment;
import it.unito.di.logic.commit.SocialState;
import it.unito.di.logic.commit.lifecycle.LifeCycleState;
import it.unito.di.logic.exception.CommitmentAlreadyAddedException;
import it.unito.di.logic.exception.LogicalExpressionAlreadyAddedException;
import it.unito.di.logic.exception.MissingOperandException;
import it.unito.di.logic.expression.Fact;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import cartago.CartagoException;
import cartago.CartagoService;
public class TestInteractionState {
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestInteractionState.class);
private static SocialState state = new SocialState(null);
public TestInteractionState() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
logger.debug("Starting test on Interaction State");
logger.debug("Interaction state created, status: "+state);
private static void testFact() {
logger.debug("Initializing test on Logical Expression management, status: "+state);
Fact f = null;
Fact fOneStringPredicate = null;
Fact fMultiStringPredicate = null;
Fact fOneStringOneObject = null;
Fact fMultiObjectPredicate = null;
try {
f = new Fact("factOne");
fOneStringPredicate = new Fact("factOneStringPredicate", "stringPredicate");
fMultiStringPredicate = new Fact("factMultiStringPredicate", "stringPredOne", "stringPredTwo", "stringPredThree");
fOneStringOneObject = new Fact("factOneStringOneObject", "stringPred", new Rectangle(15, 20));
fMultiObjectPredicate = new Fact("factMultiObjectPredicate", new Rectangle(10, 10), 15, new String[]{"one","two","three"});
} catch (MissingOperandException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
logger.error("Error in creating fact factOne");
// logger.debug("Facts added to state, status: "+state);
// logger.debug("Test facts equal with facts themselves");
// logger.debug(f.equals(f));
// logger.debug(fOneStringPredicate.equals(fOneStringPredicate));
// logger.debug(fMultiStringPredicate.equals(fMultiStringPredicate));
// logger.debug(fOneStringOneObject.equals(fOneStringOneObject));
// logger.debug(fMultiObjectPredicate.equals(fMultiObjectPredicate));
// now testing commitments
// building fake roles
try {
} catch (CartagoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// Commitment c0 = new Commitment(r2, r2, f);
// logger.debug("Commitment detached: "+c0);
// Commitment c1 = new Commitment(r1, r2, f, f);
// Commitment c2 = new Commitment(r1, r1, f, f);
// Commitment c3 = new Commitment(r2, r1, fMultiObjectPredicate, f);
// Commitment c4 = new Commitment(r1, r2, f, fOneStringPredicate);
// logger.debug("Commitments created");
// logger.debug("Testing equality between c1 and c2");
// logger.debug(c1.equals(c2));
// logger.debug("Testing equality between c1 and itself");
// logger.debug(c1.equals(c1));
// logger.debug("Testing equality between c1 and a fact");
// logger.debug(c1.equals(fMultiObjectPredicate));
// logger.debug("Testing equality between c1 and c3, same with roles exchanged");
// logger.debug(c1.equals(c3));
// logger.debug("Testing equality between c1 and c4, same roles, different fact");
// logger.debug(c1.equals(c4));
// logger.debug("Now adding commitments to interaction state");
// try {
//// state.createCommitment(c0);
//// state.createCommitment(c1);
//// state.createCommitment(c2);
//// state.createCommitment(c3);
//// state.createCommitment(c4);
// } catch (CommitmentAlreadyAddedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
logger.debug("Commitments added to state, status: "+state);
try {
} catch (LogicalExpressionAlreadyAddedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
logger.debug("Facts added to state, status: "+state);
logger.debug("Test retrieving commitments by status...");
logger.debug("Test cancel operation.");
try {
// logger.debug("Canceling commitment "+c1);
// state.cancelCommitment(c1);
// logger.debug("Canceling commitment "+c2);
// state.cancelCommitment(c2);
catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in canceling commitment");
try {
} catch (CartagoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block