Package bs.bs2d.fea

Source Code of bs.bs2d.fea.FEAResults

package bs.bs2d.fea;

import bs.bs2d.geom.JTSUtils;
import bs.bs2d.gui.UserMessage;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;

* Class to contain and manipulate result data of a finite element analysis
* (displacement and stresses) on a 2D tri-mesh.
* @author Djen
public class FEAResults {
    private static FileFilter fileFilter = null;
    public enum Scalar{
    private TriMesh2D mesh;
    private float[] xDisplacement;
    private float[] yDisplacement;
    private float[][] elementStress;
    public static FEAResults getResultsFromFile(TriMesh2D mesh, File f){
            float[][] disp = CalculixIO.readDisplacements(f);
            float[][] stress = CalculixIO.readStress(f);
            return new FEAResults(mesh, disp, stress);
        UserMessage.showError("Result File Missing", "The specified file does not exist!");
        return null;
     * Retrieves FEA results from a *.dat file. This method assumes that the
     * associated mesh can be found in a *.msh file with the same name and in
     * the same location as the *.dat file.
     * @param dat the *.dat file to read results from
     * @return the FEA results read from dat
    public static FEAResults getResultsFromFile(File dat){
        File msh = FileUtils.getFile(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(dat.getPath()) + ".msh");

        if (!msh.exists()) {
            UserMessage.showError("Mesh file missing!", "The results file is missing the associated mesh.");
            return null;
        try {
            TriMesh2D mesh = MeshReader.readMesh(msh);
            return getResultsFromFile(mesh, dat);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            UserMessage.showError("Unable to load results!", "The result file could not be loaded.");
            return null;
     * Creates a new FEAResult instance.
     * @param mesh the mesh to which the analysis values respond
     * @param displacement the displacement in pairs of x and y values
     * @param elementStress the stress values for each element (sxx, syy, szz, sxy,sxz,syz)
    public FEAResults(TriMesh2D mesh, float[][] displacement, float[][] elementStress) {
        if(displacement == null || elementStress == null ||
               displacement.length != mesh.getNodeCount() ||
               elementStress.length != mesh.getElementCount()){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Result data does not fit mesh. Check result file!");
        this.mesh = mesh;
        this.elementStress = elementStress;
    private void splitDisplacements(float[][] disp){
        xDisplacement = new float[disp.length];
        yDisplacement = new float[disp.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < disp.length; i++) {
            xDisplacement[i] = disp[i][0];
            yDisplacement[i] = disp[i][1];

     * @return the original mesh the FEA was performed on
    public TriMesh2D getMesh() {
        return mesh;
     * Returns a deformed copy of the mesh. Each nodes is moved according to
     * the displacement result values, scaled by the given scale factor.
     * @param scale a factor by wich to scale the displacement
     * @return a deformed mesh
    public TriMesh2D getDeformedMesh(float scale){
        TriMesh2D dm = mesh.copy();
        List<Node2D> nodes = dm.getNodes();
        for(Node2D n : nodes){
            int i = n.getIndex();
            n.move(scale * xDisplacement[i], scale * yDisplacement[i]);
        return dm;

     * Computes a displacement scale factor based on the size of the original
     * mesh and a given relative deformation factor. Can be used to
     * automatically scale the deformation to visible displacements.
     * @param relDef a relative deformation factor. Would typically be something
     * around 0.1
     * @return a scale factor to use with the getDeformedMesh method
    public float getMeshDeformationScale(float relDef){
        float maxX = 0;
        float maxY = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < xDisplacement.length; i++) {
            float x = Math.abs(xDisplacement[i]);
            float y = Math.abs(yDisplacement[i]);
            if(x > maxX)
                maxX = x;
            if(y > maxY)
                maxY = y;
        Rectangle2D bounds = mesh.getBounds();
        float sx = (float)bounds.getWidth()  * relDef / maxX;
        float sy = (float)bounds.getHeight() * relDef / maxY;
        return Math.min(sx, sy);
    public float[] getScalar(Scalar scalar){
            case VON_MISES_STRESS:
                return interpolateToNodes(mesh, getVonMisesStress(elementStress));
            case X_DISPLACEMENT:
                return xDisplacement;
            case Y_DISPLACEMENT:
                return yDisplacement;
            case TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT:
                return getTotalDisplacement(xDisplacement, yDisplacement);
            case LOCAL_STRAIN:
//                return computeNodeStrain(mesh, getDeformedMesh(1));
                return interpolateToNodes(mesh, computeElementStrain(mesh, getDeformedMesh(1)));
            case MAX_PRINCIPAL_STRAIN:
                return interpolateToNodes(mesh, getMaxPrincipalStrain(elementStress));
            case MAX_ABSOLUTE_STRAIN:
                return interpolateToNodes(mesh, getMaxAbsoluteStrain(elementStress));
                return getDistanceFromPerimeter(mesh);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown scalar!");

    private static float[] getTotalDisplacement(float[] xDisp, float[] yDisp){
        float[] td = new float[xDisp.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < td.length; i++) {
            td[i] = (float)Math.sqrt(xDisp[i] * xDisp[i] + yDisp[i] * yDisp[i]);
        return td;
    private static float[] getDistanceFromPerimeter(TriMesh2D mesh){
        float[] d = new float[mesh.getNodeCount()];
        Shape shape = mesh.createOutlinePath();
        MultiPolygon mp = JTSUtils.createMultiPolygon(shape);
        LineString[] ls = JTSUtils.getLineStrings(mp);
        MultiLineString mls = JTSUtils.getFactory().createMultiLineString(ls);
        for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
            Node2D n = mesh.getNode(i);
            Coordinate c = new Coordinate(n.getX(), n.getY());
            Point p = JTSUtils.getFactory().createPoint(c);
            d[i] = (float) p.distance(mls);
        return d;
    private static float[] computeElementStrain(TriMesh2D mesh, TriMesh2D defMesh){
        float[] strain = new float[mesh.getElementCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getElementCount(); i++) {
            float area = mesh.getElement(i).getArea();
            float defArea = defMesh.getElement(i).getArea();
            strain[i] = defArea / area - 1;
        return strain;
    private static float[] computeEdgeStrain(TriMesh2D mesh, TriMesh2D defMesh){
        float[] strain = new float[mesh.getEdgeCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getEdgeCount(); i++) {
            Edge edge = mesh.getEdge(i);
            Edge defEdge = defMesh.getEdge(i);
            strain[i] = defEdge.getLength() / edge.getLength() - 1;
        return strain;
    private static float[] computeNodeStrain(TriMesh2D mesh, TriMesh2D defMesh){
        float[] eStrain = computeEdgeStrain(mesh, defMesh);
        float[] nStrain = new float[mesh.getNodeCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getNodeCount(); i++) {
            Node2D n = mesh.getNode(i);
            float val = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < n.getEdgeCount(); j++) {
                val += eStrain[n.getEdge(j).getIndex()];
            nStrain[i] = val / n.getEdgeCount();
        return nStrain;
     * Computes von mises stress from principal and shear stress for each element.
     * @param stress the stress componenets for each element
     * @return the von mises stress values for each element
    private static float[] getVonMisesStress(float[][] stress){
        float[] mises = new float[stress.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mises.length; i++) {
            float[] d = stress[i];
            // calculate von mises stress
            mises[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1]
                                       - d[0] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2] * 3);

        return mises;
    private static float[] getMaxPrincipalStrain(float[][] stress){
        float u = 0.3f; //poisson ratio
        float[] mps = new float[stress.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < mps.length; i++){
            float[] d = stress[i];
            // calculate maximum principal strain
            mps[i] = Math.max(d[0] - u*d[1], d[1] - u*d[0]);
        return mps;
    private static float[] getMaxAbsoluteStrain(float[][] stress){
        float u = 0.3f; //poisson ratio
        float[] mas = new float[stress.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < mas.length; i++){
            float[] d = stress[i];
            // calculate maximum principal strain
            float dx = d[0] - u*d[1];
            float dy = d[1] - u*d[0];
            // compare absolutes
            if(Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy))
                mas[i] = dx;
                mas[i] = dy;
        return mas;
     * Interpolates node data from element data by computing the average of the
     * values of all adjacent elements of each node.
    private static float[] interpolateToNodes(TriMesh2D mesh, float[] elementScalar){
        float[] nodeScalar = new float[mesh.getNodeCount()];
        // interpolate stress in nodes
        // --> averaging stress in adjacent elements
        for(Node2D n : mesh.getNodes()){
            float avrg = 0;
            for(TriElement e : n.getElements()){
                avrg += elementScalar[e.getIndex()];
            avrg /= n.getElementCount();
            nodeScalar[n.getIndex()] = avrg;
        return nodeScalar;
    public static FileFilter getFileFilter() {
        if(fileFilter == null)
            fileFilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("Calculix output file (*.dat)", "dat");
        return fileFilter;

Related Classes of bs.bs2d.fea.FEAResults

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