Package aitgame.tilegame

Source Code of aitgame.tilegame.CollisionManager

package aitgame.tilegame;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;

import aitgame.tilegame.sprites.Creature;
* CollisionManager manages all the collisions in the game. It detects
* collisions on walls, other objects and it handels what other objects
* the player has connecton with.
* @author Ait-game team
public class CollisionManager {
  private TileMap map;
  private Point pointCache = new Point();
  private TileMapRenderer renderer;
  private double oldX = 0, oldY = 0;
  * This is the start of the collision and is called of detecting collision
  * and it sees to that the objects updates to the right position.
  public void handleColisionsAndMoves(LinkedList<Sprite> collisionAndUpdate,
      LinkedList<Sprite> iOnlyCollision, LinkedList<Sprite> itemSprites, long elapsedTime,
      TileMap map, TileMapRenderer renderer) { = map;
    this.renderer = renderer;

    Iterator<Sprite> iCollisionAndUpdate = collisionAndUpdate.iterator();
    while (iCollisionAndUpdate.hasNext()) {
      Creature person = (Creature);
      if(!checkPeopleCollision(person, elapsedTime, collisionAndUpdate.iterator(),
        checkTileCollision(person, elapsedTime);

      //Looks for people and objects that can be contacted.
      checkContactCollision(person, elapsedTime, collisionAndUpdate.iterator(),
          iOnlyCollision.iterator(), itemSprites.iterator());
  * Checks the collision to tile so the moving objects doesn't go through the walls
  * and other tiles that is not made for walking on.
  private void checkTileCollision(Creature person, long elapsedTime) {
    //check xCollision
    Point tile = checkTileCollisionX(person, elapsedTime);
    if(tile == null){
      person.updatePositionX(elapsedTime, tile);
    //check yCollision
    tile = checkTileCollisionY(person, elapsedTime);
    if(tile == null){
      person.updatePositionY(elapsedTime, tile);
  * Check the collision on tiles i X-axis
  private Point checkTileCollisionX(Creature person, long elapsedTime) {
    float newX = person.getNewX(elapsedTime);
    Point tile = getTileCollision(person, newX, person.getCollisionY());
    //If no collision found
    if (tile == null) {
        return null;
    return tile;
  * Checks the collision on tiles i Y-axis
  private Point checkTileCollisionY(Creature person, long elapsedTime) {
    float newY = person.getNewY(elapsedTime);
    Point tile = getTileCollision(person, person.getCollisionX(), newY);
    //If no collision found
    if (tile == null) {
        return null;
    return tile;
  * Checks collision on peoples and other objects that can move.
  private boolean checkPeopleCollision(Creature person, long elapsedTime,
      Iterator<Sprite> iCollisionAndUpdate, Iterator<Sprite> iOnlyCollision) {
    Creature creature;
    boolean collision = false;
    //check for collision in CollisionAndUpdate-list.
    while (iCollisionAndUpdate.hasNext()) {
      creature = (Creature);
    //check for collision in iOnlyCollision-list.
    while (iOnlyCollision.hasNext()) {
      creature = (Creature);
      collision = collision(person, creature, elapsedTime)
      return collision;
    return false;

  * A mathematical test to see if two objects is colliding.
  private boolean collision(Creature c1, Creature c2, long elapsedTime){
    double x1 = c1.getNewX(elapsedTime);
    double y1 = c1.getNewY(elapsedTime);

    double x2 = c2.getCollisionX(), y2 = c2.getCollisionY();

    double r1 = 30, r2 = 30;
    double dx = x1 - x2;
    double dy = y1 - y2;
    double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    if (d <= r1 + r2) {
      double PositionChangeX1 = (r1+r2)/d*dx;
      double PositionChangeY1 = (r1+r2)/d*dy;
      x1 = x2 + PositionChangeX1;
      y1 = y2 + PositionChangeY1;
      // update locations
      if (!Double.isNaN(x1)){
        c1.setCollisionX((float) x1);
      if (!Double.isNaN(y1)){
        c1.setCollisionY((float) y1);
      return true;
      return false;
  * Checks to see if objects has contact with each other.
  private void checkContactCollision(Creature person, long elapsedTime, Iterator<Sprite> iCollisionAndUpdate,
      Iterator<Sprite> iOnlyCollision, Iterator<Sprite> itemSprites) {
    Creature creature;
    //check for collision in CollisionAndUpdate-list.
    while (iCollisionAndUpdate.hasNext()) {
      creature = (Creature);

    //check for collision in iOnlyCollision-list.
    while (iOnlyCollision.hasNext()) {
      creature = (Creature);
      isContactCollision(person, creature, elapsedTime);
    //check for collision in itemSprites-list.
    while (itemSprites.hasNext()) {
      creature = (Creature);

  * Mathematical test to see if the objects has a contection.
    private boolean isContactCollision(Creature person, Creature creature, long elapsedTime) {
      double x1 = person.getNewX(elapsedTime);
    double y1 = person.getNewY(elapsedTime);

    double x2 = creature.getCollisionX(), y2 = creature.getCollisionY();

    double r1 = 150, r2 = 150;
    double dx = x1 - x2;
    double dy = y1 - y2;
    double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    if(d <= r1 + r2){
    return false;

  * Returns the tile that the sprite has collided with.
    public Point getTileCollision(Creature sprite, float newX, float newY){
        float fromX = Math.min(sprite.getCollisionX(), newX);
        float fromY = Math.min(sprite.getCollisionY(), newY);
        float toX = Math.max(sprite.getCollisionX(), newX);
        float toY = Math.max(sprite.getCollisionY(), newY);

        // get the tile locations
        int fromTileX = TileMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(fromX);
        int fromTileY = TileMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(fromY);
        int toTileX = TileMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(toX + sprite.getCollisionWidth() - 1);
        int toTileY = TileMapRenderer.pixelsToTiles(toY + sprite.getCollisionHeight() - 1);

        // check each tile for a collision
        for (int x=fromTileX; x<=toTileX; x++) {
            for (int y=fromTileY; y<=toTileY; y++) {
                if (x < 0 || x >= map.getWidth() || map.getTile(x, y) != null){
                    // collision found, return the tile
                    pointCache.setLocation(x, y);
                    return pointCache;

        // no collision found
        return null;


Related Classes of aitgame.tilegame.CollisionManager

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