package desmoj.extensions.verkettung.abstractions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Entity;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Event;
import desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Model;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Queue;
import desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable;
import desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan;
* The Station is an abstract super class of all chaining constructs. This class handles most of the processing code like the incoming buffer queue,
* setup queue and beinghandled queue. It contains the settings for maxEntitiesToHandle, parallelHandledEntities, setupTime, serviceTime,
* recoveryTime, and transportTime
* @author Christian Mentz
* @param <E>
* The Entitiy which can be handled by the station
public abstract class Station<E extends Entity> extends Reportable {
* A class which is used to handle the free capacity of a station
* @author Christian Mentz
private class ServiceCapacity extends Entity {
* Constructor
public ServiceCapacity() {
super(Station.this.getModel(), "ServiceCapacity", false);
* Event which is called after a service is finished. It realeases a used capacity and calls scheduleServiceStartEventIfPossible() to handle the
* remaining entities in the buffer queue.
* @author Christian Mentz
private class ServiceCapacityReleasedEvent extends ExternalEvent {
* Constructor
public ServiceCapacityReleasedEvent(Model owner, String name, boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInTrace);
public void eventRoutine() {
releaseServiceCapacity();// Inserts a service capacity to the queue
if (!incomingBufferQueue.isEmpty()) {
* Event which is called after the servicestart event. The entitiy is removed from the entitiesBeeingServicedQueue and onServiceFinisched is
* called. An inheriting class can override the onServiceFinisched Method in which the succsessor event is scheduled. Than ServiceEndEvent
* schedules a ServiceCapacityReleasedEvent with the defined recoveryTime.
* @author Christian Mentz
private class ServiceEndEvent extends Event<E> {
public ServiceEndEvent(Model owner, String name, boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInTrace);
public void eventRoutine(E who) {
new ServiceCapacityReleasedEvent(getModel(), Station.this.getName()
+ "ServiceCapacityReleasedEvent", true).schedule(getRecoveryTime());
* This event is the service event. It removes the entity from the setup queue and inserts it in the entitiesBeeingServicedQueue. Than the service
* end is scheduled with the prevoius defined timespan.
* @author Christian Mentz
class ServiceStartEvent extends Event<E> {
public ServiceStartEvent(Model owner, String name, boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInTrace);
public void eventRoutine(E who) {
getServiceEndEvent().schedule(who, getServiceTime());
* This event is beeing called at first when a predecessor is finished with his process. The passed entitiy is inserted in the buffer queue and
* the service start is called if possible.
* @author Christian Mentz
class StationStartEvent extends Event<E> {
public StationStartEvent(Model owner, String name, boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInTrace);
public void eventRoutine(E who) {
boolean entityInsertedIntoBufferQueue;
entityInsertedIntoBufferQueue = insertIncomingEntityIntoQueue(who);
if (entityInsertedIntoBufferQueue) {
* the max entities a station can handle
private final int maxEntitiesToHandle;
* the entities a station has handled so far
private int handledEntitiesSoFar;
* the setuptime a station needs to set up the entity
private final NumericalDist<?> setupTime;
* the service time a entitiy is serviced
private final NumericalDist<?> serviceTime;
* the time needed to send the entitiy to the succsessor
private final NumericalDist<?> transportTime;
* the buffer queue of incomming entitites
private final Queue<E> incomingBufferQueue;
* the setup queue of entities which are in setup
private final Queue<E> setupQueue;
* the queue of entities which are in service
private final Queue<E> entitiesBeeingServicedQueue;
* the queue of free capacities
private final Queue<ServiceCapacity> freeServiceCapacityQueue;
* the recovery time which a station needsto handle a the next entitiy
private final NumericalDist<?> recoveryTime;
* the capacity of max parallel handled entities of a station
private final int maxAvailableServiceCapacity;
* This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue. This Construktor is never called
* directly but rather via a super call of the inheriting classes. If a given int is lower than zero the station assumes that there is no
* resriction. This applies to incomingBufferQueueCapacity, maxEntitiesToHandle, parallelHandledEntities
* @param incomingBufferQueueCapacity
* the capatiy of the income queue
* @param maxEntitiesToHandle
* the number of max entities the station can handle
* @param parallelHandledEntities
* the number of max parallel entities a station can handle
* @param setupTime
* the time the station needs to set up
* @param serviceTime
* the time the station needs for the service
* @param recoveryTime
* the time the station needs tor recover
* @param transportTime
* the time the station needs to transport the entitiy to the next station
* @param owner
* the model owner
* @param name
* the name of the station
* @param showInReport
* should this construct be in the report
* @param showInTrace
* should this construct be in the trace
public Station(int incomingBufferQueueCapacity, int maxEntitiesToHandle, int parallelHandledEntities,
NumericalDist<?> setupTime, NumericalDist<?> serviceTime, NumericalDist<?> recoveryTime,
NumericalDist<?> transportTime, Model owner, String name, boolean showInReport,
boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInReport, showInTrace);
if (incomingBufferQueueCapacity < 0) {
incomingBufferQueueCapacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (maxEntitiesToHandle < 0) {
maxEntitiesToHandle = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (parallelHandledEntities < 0) {
parallelHandledEntities = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.maxEntitiesToHandle = maxEntitiesToHandle;
this.maxAvailableServiceCapacity = parallelHandledEntities;
this.setupTime = setupTime;
this.serviceTime = serviceTime;
this.recoveryTime = recoveryTime;
this.transportTime = transportTime;
incomingBufferQueue = new Queue<E>(getModel(), name + "PufferQueue", QueueBased.FIFO,
incomingBufferQueueCapacity, true, true);
setupQueue = new Queue<E>(getModel(), name + "SetupQueue", true, true);
entitiesBeeingServicedQueue = new Queue<E>(getModel(), name + "HandleQueue", true, true);
freeServiceCapacityQueue = new Queue<ServiceCapacity>(getModel(), name + "FreeServiceCapacityQueue",
true, true);
for (int i = 0; i < parallelHandledEntities; i++) {
releaseServiceCapacity(); // fill up capacity queue
* Checks if another entitiy can handled by the station
* @return true if anthoder entity can be handled
private boolean canAnotherEntityBeHandled() {
return handledEntitiesSoFar < maxEntitiesToHandle;
* occupies a service capacity
private void claimServiceCapacity() {
if (!freeServiceCapacityQueue.remove(0)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error. Tried to remove none existing service capacity.");
* Creates an SmartReporter and fills it with the relevant statistics of the station
protected Reporter createDefaultReporter() {
List<HeaderValuePair> pairs;
pairs = new ArrayList<HeaderValuePair>();
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("Title", getName()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("In", incomingBufferQueue.getObservations()
+ incomingBufferQueue.length()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("Out", entitiesBeeingServicedQueue.getObservations()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("Waiting", incomingBufferQueue.length()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("In progress", entitiesBeeingServicedQueue.length()
+ setupQueue.length()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("max.WaitQ", incomingBufferQueue.maxLength()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.WaitQ", incomingBufferQueue.averageLength()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("max.WaitT", incomingBufferQueue.maxWaitTime()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.WaitT", incomingBufferQueue.averageWaitTime()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.SetupT", setupQueue.averageWaitTime()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.ProcessT", entitiesBeeingServicedQueue.averageWaitTime()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.TransportT", "atm n/a"));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("max.avail.Capacity", maxAvailableServiceCapacity));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("max.used.Capacity", maxAvailableServiceCapacity
- freeServiceCapacityQueue.minLength()));
pairs.add(new HeaderValuePair("avg.used.Capacity", maxAvailableServiceCapacity
- freeServiceCapacityQueue.averageLength()));
return new SmartReporter("ServiceStations", 5100, pairs, this);
* gets the recovery time of the station
* @return the recovery time
private TimeSpan getRecoveryTime() {
if (recoveryTime == null) {
return new TimeSpan(0);
} else {
return recoveryTime.sampleTimeSpan();
* gets the remaining service capacity
* @return the remaining service capacity
protected int getRemainingServiceCapacity() {
return freeServiceCapacityQueue.length();
* gets the service end
* @return the servcie end
private ServiceEndEvent getServiceEndEvent() {
return new ServiceEndEvent(getModel(), Station.this.getName() + "_ServiceEndEvent", true);
* gets the service time of the station
* @return the service time
private TimeSpan getServiceTime() {
if (serviceTime == null) {
return new TimeSpan(0);
} else {
return serviceTime.sampleTimeSpan();
* gets the setup time of the station
* @return the setup time
protected TimeSpan getSetupTime() {
if (setupTime == null) {
return new TimeSpan(0);
} else {
return setupTime.sampleTimeSpan();
* gets the start event of this station
* @return the start event
public Event<E> getStartEvent() {
return new StationStartEvent(getModel(), Station.this.getName() + "_StationStartEvent", true);
* gets the transport time of the station
* @return the transport time
protected TimeSpan getTransportTime() {
if (transportTime == null) {
return new TimeSpan(0);
} else {
return transportTime.sampleTimeSpan();
* inserts an incoming entitiy into the buffer queue
* @param entityToInsert
* the entitiy to be inserted
* @return true if the entitiy is inserted succsessfully
protected boolean insertIncomingEntityIntoQueue(E entityToInsert) {
if (incomingBufferQueue.length() < incomingBufferQueue.getQueueLimit()) {
// Puffer voll Warnung ausgeben
return incomingBufferQueue.insert(entityToInsert);
* checks if service capaciy is remaining
* @return true if capacity is remaining
private boolean isServiceCapacityRemaining() {
return getRemainingServiceCapacity() > 0;
* this method can be overridden by an inheritend class
* @param who
* the entitiy of the scheduled event
protected void onServiceFinisched(E who) {
// Overridable
* this method releases service capacity
private void releaseServiceCapacity() {
freeServiceCapacityQueue.insert(new ServiceCapacity());
* If the Station can handle another entity and service capacity is remaining this method removes the first entity from the buffer queue,
* increases handledEntitiesSoFar, insert the entity in the setupQueue and claims service capacity. Than the service start event is scheduled.
private void scheduleServiceStartEventIfPossible() {
boolean canHandleAnotherEntity = canAnotherEntityBeHandled();
boolean parallelHandlingCapacityRemaining = isServiceCapacityRemaining();
if (canHandleAnotherEntity && parallelHandlingCapacityRemaining) {
E entityToHandle;
entityToHandle = incomingBufferQueue.first();
new ServiceStartEvent(getModel(), Station.this.getName() + "_ServiceStartEvent", true).schedule(
entityToHandle, getSetupTime());