package desmoj.extensions.verkettung;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Entity;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Event;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Model;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Queue;
import desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.abstractions.HasPredecessor;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.abstractions.HasSuccessor;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.abstractions.Station;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.util.MergerConfig;
* The Merger merges the in the Mergerconfig defined entities into the EEx entity. The Merger waits until enough entities of the required types are in
* the internal partsQueue and than creates a PartsContainer. With this PartsContainer the StationStartevent is scheduled instantly and the common run
* through the internal Station stages can be conducted.
* @author Christian Mentz
@param <EIn>
* the entitiy which comes in the Transformer
* @param <EEx>
* the entity which leaves the Transformer
public abstract class Merger<EIn extends Entity, EEx extends Entity> extends Station<EIn> implements
HasPredecessor<EIn>, HasSuccessor<EEx> {
* The MergerStartEvent takes an incomming entity and puts it into the queue for the entities type. If there is no queue for the entities type the
* entity is discarded. If enough entites of the required ratio to create the outgoing entity are available, the Startevent of the Station is
* scheduled.
* @author Christian Mentz
class MergerStartEvent extends Event<EIn> {
public MergerStartEvent(Model owner, String name, boolean showInTrace) {
super(owner, name, showInTrace);
public void eventRoutine(EIn who) {
Queue<EIn> partsQueue;
PartsContainer partsContainer;
partsQueue = getPartsQueueForIncomingEntityClass(who.getClass());
if (partsQueue == null) {
"The Merger received a non specified entity and did not handle it",
"MergerStartEvent : " + getName() + " Method: eventRoutine()",
"The received entity is nit defnied in the MergerConfig",
"Most likely you forgot to define the Mergerconfig properly or the Merger is not appropriate connected to the previous construct");
throw new RuntimeException("Keine PartsQueue gefunden");
partsContainer = tryToComposePartsContainerFromAvailableParts();
if (partsContainer != null) {
* Utilitiy class which is created to run through the Station if enough entities are in the internal parts queues.
* @author Christian Mentz
class PartsContainer extends Entity {
* the parts from the different queues
private final Map<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>> parts;
* Constructor
* @param parts
* a map of the parts
public PartsContainer(Map<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>> parts) {
super(Merger.this.getModel(), "PartsContainer", true); = parts;
* Returns the parts of entities required to create the outgoing entity
* @return the parts
public Map<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>> getParts() {
return parts;
* the succsessor event scheduled at the end of the Merger
private Event<? super EEx> successorEvent;
* a map of queues which contains the incomming entities separeted by class of the entity
private final HashMap<Class<? extends EIn>, Queue<EIn>> incomingEntitiesQueueContainer;
* the Mergerconfig which holds the required entities and ratios
private final MergerConfig<EIn> mergerConfig;
* This Constructor sets the mergerconfig, the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue. If a given int is
* lower than zero the station assumes that there is no resriction. This applies to incomingBufferQueueCapacity, maxEntitiesToHandle,
* parallelHandledEntities. Furthermore the incoming entities queue container is initialized to hold the incomming entities.
* @param mergerConfig
* the Mergerconfig which holds the required entities and ratios
* @param incomingBufferQueueCapacity
* the capatiy of the income queue
* @param maxEntitiesToHandle
* the number of max entities the station can handle
* @param parallelHandledEntities
* the number of max parallel entities a station can handle
* @param setupTime
* the time the station needs to set up
* @param serviceTime
* the time the station needs for the service
* @param recoveryTime
* the time the station needs tor recover
* @param transportTime
* the time the station needs to transport the entitiy to the next station
* @param owner
* the model owner
* @param name
* the name of the station
* @param showInReport
* should this construct be in the report
* @param showInTrace
* should this construct be in the trace
public Merger(MergerConfig<EIn> mergerConfig, int incomingBufferQueueCapacity, int maxEntitiesToHandle,
int parallelHandledEntities, NumericalDist<?> setupTime, NumericalDist<?> serviceTime,
NumericalDist<?> recoveryTime, NumericalDist<?> transportTime, Model owner, String name,
boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) {
super(incomingBufferQueueCapacity, maxEntitiesToHandle, parallelHandledEntities, setupTime,
serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, owner, name, showInReport, showInTrace);
this.mergerConfig = mergerConfig;
incomingEntitiesQueueContainer = new HashMap<Class<? extends EIn>, Queue<EIn>>();
for (Class<? extends EIn> entityClass : mergerConfig.keySet()) {
incomingEntitiesQueueContainer.put(entityClass, new Queue<EIn>(getModel(), getName() + "Incoming"
+ entityClass.getSimpleName() + "PufferQueue", showInReport, showInTrace));
* Gets a reference to the previously by the constructor created queue for the given class incomingEntityClass If a queue for the entities class
* cannot be found this method searches for superclasses of the entitiy. This gives the possibility to use a for instance a Tire class queue for
* RedTires classes
* @param incomingEntityClass
* the entities class to search the appropriate queue
* @return returns the appropriate queue
private Queue<EIn> getPartsQueueForIncomingEntityClass(Class<? extends Entity> incomingEntityClass) {
Queue<EIn> partsQueue;
partsQueue = incomingEntitiesQueueContainer.get(incomingEntityClass);
if (partsQueue == null) {
for (Class<? extends EIn> possibleSuperClass : incomingEntitiesQueueContainer.keySet()) {
if (possibleSuperClass.isAssignableFrom(incomingEntityClass)) {
partsQueue = incomingEntitiesQueueContainer.get(possibleSuperClass);
return partsQueue;
* returns the Startevent of the Merger
public Event<EIn> getStartEvent() {
return new MergerStartEvent(getModel(), getName() + "_MergerStartEvent", true);
* This Method has to be overriden by the user and creates the outgoing entity. The user has the possibility to use the incomming entities of the
* Merger to define the new entitiy
* @param parts
* a reference to the parts list
* @return the outgoing entity which leaves the Merger
protected abstract EEx mergeEntities(Map<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>> parts);
* This method schedules the succsessor event with the defined transport time.
protected void onServiceFinisched(EIn who) {
PartsContainer partsContainer = ((PartsContainer) who);
try {
successorEvent.clone().schedule(mergeEntities(partsContainer.getParts()), getTransportTime());
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* schedules the StationStartEvent with the internal created Partscontainer
* @param partsContainer
private void scheduleStationStartEventForPartsContainer(PartsContainer partsContainer) {
EIn entityToSchedule;
entityToSchedule = ((EIn) partsContainer);
super.getStartEvent().schedule(entityToSchedule, new TimeSpan(0));
public void setSuccessor(Event<? super EEx> eventToScheduleWhenFinished) {
successorEvent = eventToScheduleWhenFinished;
public void setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super EEx> successor) {
* This method trys to compose the Partscontainer with the entities in the parts queues.
* @return the PartsContainer if succsess or null if there a not enough entities in the parts queues
private PartsContainer tryToComposePartsContainerFromAvailableParts() {
boolean enoughPartsAvailable;
Map<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>> allParts;
enoughPartsAvailable = true;
for (Class<? extends Entity> entityClass : mergerConfig.keySet()) {
Integer requiredPartsCount = mergerConfig.get(entityClass);
if (requiredPartsCount > getPartsQueueForIncomingEntityClass(entityClass).length()) {
enoughPartsAvailable = false;
if (enoughPartsAvailable) {
allParts = new HashMap<Class<? extends EIn>, List<EIn>>();
for (Class<? extends EIn> entityClass : mergerConfig.keySet()) {
Integer requiredPartsCount;
Queue<EIn> partsQueue;
List<EIn> parts;
requiredPartsCount = mergerConfig.get(entityClass);
partsQueue = getPartsQueueForIncomingEntityClass(entityClass);
parts = new ArrayList<EIn>();
for (int i = 0; i < requiredPartsCount; i++) {
EIn entity = partsQueue.first();
allParts.put(entityClass, parts);
return new PartsContainer(allParts);
} else {
return null;