Package desmoj.extensions.verkettung

Source Code of desmoj.extensions.verkettung.NewConnectionExample

package desmoj.extensions.verkettung;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment;
import desmoj.core.simulator.Model;
import desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.util.MergerConfig;
import desmoj.extensions.verkettung.util.SplitterOutput;

* This is the model class. It is the main class of a simple event-oriented
* model of the loading zone of a container terminal. Trucks arrive at the
* terminal to load containers. They wait in line until a van carrier is
* available to fetch a certain container and load it onto the truck. After
* loading is completed, the truck leaves the terminal while the van carrier
* serves the next truck.
* @author Olaf Neidhardt, Ruth Meyer
public class NewConnectionExample extends Model {

   * Runs the model.
   * In DESMO-J used to - instantiate the experiment - instantiate the model -
   * connect the model to the experiment - steer length of simulation and
   * outputs - set the ending criterion (normally the time) - start the
   * simulation - initiate reporting - clean up the experiment
   * @param args
   *            is an array of command-line arguments (will be ignored here)
  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {

    // create model and experiment
    NewConnectionExample model = new NewConnectionExample(null, "VerkettungsExample", true, true);
    // null as first parameter because it is the main model and has no
    // mastermodel

    Experiment exp = new Experiment("VerkettungsExampleExperiment", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.MINUTES, null);
    // ATTENTION, since the name of the experiment is used in the names of
    // the
    // output files, you have to specify a string that's compatible with the
    // filename constraints of your computer's operating system. The remaing
    // three
    // parameters specify the granularity of simulation time, default unit
    // to
    // display time and the time formatter to use (null yields a default
    // formatter).
    // connect both

    // set experiment parameters
    exp.setShowProgressBar(false); // display a progress bar (or not)
    exp.stop(new TimeInstant(100, TimeUnit.MINUTES)); // set end of
                              // simulation at
                              // 1500 minutes
    exp.tracePeriod(new TimeInstant(0), new TimeInstant(100, TimeUnit.MINUTES)); // set
                                            // the
                                            // period
                                            // of
                                            // the
                                            // trace
    exp.debugPeriod(new TimeInstant(0), new TimeInstant(50, TimeUnit.MINUTES)); // and
                                          // debug
                                          // output
    // Don't use too long periods. Otherwise a huge HTML page will
    // be created which crashes Netscape :-)

    // start the experiment at simulation time 0.0

    // --> now the simulation is running until it reaches its end criterion
    // ...
    // ...
    // <-- afterwards, the main thread returns here

    // generate the report (and other output files);

    // stop all threads still alive and close all output files

  private Source<Body> bodySource;
  private Source<RedTire> redTireSource;
  private Source<BlueTire> blueTireSource;

   * ObserverExample constructor.
   * Creates a new ObserverExample model via calling the constructor of the
   * superclass.
   * @param owner
   *            the model this model is part of (set to <tt>null</tt> when
   *            there is no such model)
   * @param modelName
   *            this model's name
   * @param showInReport
   *            flag to indicate if this model shall produce output to the
   *            report file
   * @param showInTrace
   *            flag to indicate if this model shall produce output to the
   *            trace file
  public NewConnectionExample(Model owner, String modelName, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) {
    super(owner, modelName, showInReport, showInTrace);

  private ContDistConstant createConstantDistribution(double i) {
    return new ContDistConstant(getModel(), "Distribution", i, false, false);

   * Returns a description of the model to be used in the report.
   * @return model description as a string
  public String description() {
    return "This model describes a queueing system located at a " + "container terminal. Trucks will arrive and "
        + "require the loading of a container. A van carrier (VC) is "
        + "on duty and will head off to find the required container "
        + "in the storage. It will then load the container onto the "
        + "truck. Afterwards, the truck leaves the terminal. " + "In case the VC is busy, the truck waits "
        + "for its turn on the parking-lot. " + "If the VC is idle, it waits on its own parking spot for the "
        + "truck to come.";

   * Activates dynamic model components (events).
   * This method is used to place all events or processes on the internal
   * event list of the simulator which are necessary to start the simulation.
   * In this case, the truck generator event will have to be created and
   * scheduled for the start time of the simulation.
  public void doInitialSchedules() {

    // create the TruckGeneratorEvent
    // TruckGeneratorEvent truckGenerator = new TruckGeneratorEvent(this,
    // "TruckGenerator", true);

    // schedule for start of simulation
    // truckGenerator.schedule(new TimeSpan(0));

   * Initialises static model components like distributions and queues.
  public void init() {
    ContDistConstant setupTime;
    ContDistConstant serviceTime;
    ContDistConstant recoveryTime;
    ContDistConstant transportTime;

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    bodySource = new Source<Body>(-1, 1, setupTime, serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(),
        "BodySource", true, true) {

      protected Body createEntity() {
        return new Body(getModel(), "Body", true);

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    redTireSource = new Source<RedTire>(-1, 2, setupTime, serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(),
        "RedTireSource", true, true) {

      protected RedTire createEntity() {
        return new RedTire(getModel(), "RedTire", true);

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(5);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    blueTireSource = new Source<BlueTire>(-1, 1, setupTime, serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(),
        "BlueTireSource", true, true) {

      protected BlueTire createEntity() {
        return new BlueTire(getModel(), "BlueTire", true);

    MergerConfig<CarPart> mergerConfig = new MergerConfig<CarPart>();
    mergerConfig.put(Body.class, 1);
    mergerConfig.put(Tire.class, 4);
    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(2);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(5);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(1);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(1);
    Merger<CarPart, Truck> truckMerger = new Merger<CarPart, Truck>(mergerConfig, -1, -1, 1, setupTime,
        serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(), "TruckMerger", true, true) {

      protected Truck mergeEntities(Map<Class<? extends CarPart>, List<CarPart>> parts) {
        Body body;
        List tires;

        body = null;
        tires = new ArrayList<Tire>();

        for (Class<? extends CarPart> partClass : parts.keySet()) {
          List<CarPart> partList = parts.get(partClass);

          if (partClass == Body.class) {
            body = (Body) partList.get(0);
            if (partList.size() > 1) {
              throw new RuntimeException("Zu viele Karossen.");
          } else

          if (partClass == Tire.class) {
            tires = partList;
          } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unbekannter Part");

        return new Truck(body, tires, getModel(), "Truck", true);


    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(5);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    ServiceStation<Truck> truckServcieStation = new ServiceStation<Truck>(-1, -1, 2, setupTime, serviceTime,
        recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(), "ServiceStation", true, true);

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    Transformer<Truck, OldTruck> truckTransformer = new Transformer<Truck, OldTruck>(-1, -1, 1, setupTime,
        serviceTime, recoveryTime, transportTime, getModel(), "Transformer", true, true) {

      protected OldTruck transformEntity(Truck originalEntity) {
        return new OldTruck(originalEntity);

    // Splitter START
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    SplitterOutput<OldTruck, Body> bodyOutput = new SplitterOutput<OldTruck, Body>(1, transportTime) {

      public Body createOutputEntity(OldTruck originalEntity) {
        return originalEntity.getBody();
    transportTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    SplitterOutput<OldTruck, Tire> tireOutput = new SplitterOutput<OldTruck, Tire>(4, transportTime) {

      public Tire createOutputEntity(OldTruck originalEntity) {
        return originalEntity.getTire();

    List<SplitterOutput<OldTruck, ? extends CarPart>> outputConfig = new ArrayList<SplitterOutput<OldTruck, ? extends CarPart>>();

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    Splitter<OldTruck, CarPart> truckSplitter = new Splitter<OldTruck, CarPart>(outputConfig, -1, -1, 1, setupTime,
        serviceTime, recoveryTime, getModel(), "TruckSplitter", true, true);
    // Splitter END

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(10);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    Sink<Body> bodySink = new Sink<Body>(-1, -1, 1, setupTime, serviceTime, recoveryTime, getModel(), "BodySink",
        true, true);

    setupTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    serviceTime = createConstantDistribution(2.5);
    recoveryTime = createConstantDistribution(0);
    Sink<Tire> tireSink = new Sink<Tire>(-1, -1, 1, setupTime, serviceTime, recoveryTime, getModel(), "TireSink",
        true, true);


} /* end of model class */

Related Classes of desmoj.extensions.verkettung.NewConnectionExample

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