* Simbler - Where Assembly becomes easy. Interactive and very easy, Simbler is
* a great tool to help students and interested people to learn and simulate
* the basics of Assembly Language.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Guilherme de Oliveira Martins
* http://www.gmartins.com.br - guilherme@gmartins.com.br
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package br.com.gmartins.simbler.instructions;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.compiler.analyzers.LexAnalyzerWorker;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.components.MainPanel;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.components.datatype.DataType;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.cpu.ALU;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.helpers.LineValue;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.helpers.RegexMatcher;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.instructions.value.Value;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.mnemonics.*;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.mnemonics.helpers.MnemonicDetails;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.mnemonics.helpers.MnemonicsMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Guilherme
public class Builder {
private MainPanel panel;
private boolean invalid;
public Builder() {
public Builder(MainPanel panel) {
this.panel = panel;
public boolean isInvalid() {
return invalid;
public void setInvalid(boolean invalid) {
this.invalid = invalid;
private Map<String, MnemonicDetails> getMnemonicMap() {
return MnemonicsMap.getInstance().getMnemonicsMap();
public Instruction getBuiltInstruction(String line, MainPanel panel, int position) {
this.panel = panel;
Instruction instruction = new Instruction(panel);
// Deve quebrar perfeiramente pois neste momento o comando deve estar corretamente formatado.
// Foi retirado espaços duplicados, comentários e tudo que possa atrapalhar pelo analisador léxico.
String[] words = line.split(" ");
Map<String, MnemonicDetails> map = this.getMnemonicMap();
DataType dataType = panel.getDataTypeInput().getDataType();
if (words.length != 0) {
// Se for números
if (words.length == 1 && RegexMatcher.matches(InstructionRegex.RX_NUMBERS, words[0])) {
instruction.setValue(new Value(words[0], dataType));
// Se for números, define como a posição, a posição atual da linha
// Como posição final é definido a posição inicial + o tamanaho do comando.
// > 123 < Ex: Início 0 Fim 3
// System.out.println(line + ": Inicial " + m.getValuePosition().getCaretStartPosition() + " Final:" + m.getValuePosition().getCaretEndPosition());
return instruction;
// Se for linha em branco
} else if (words.length == 1 && (words[0] == null || words[0].equals("\n") || words[0].isEmpty())) {
// Coloca o valor "0" artificialmente
return instruction;
} else if (words.length == 1) { // Provavelmente este caso serve só para o HLT
// Não define posições, HLT não precisa de substituições.
return instruction;
} // Se nao for nenhum caso acima, entra nesse. (INC AX, LOAD 30, STORE BX)
else if (words.length == 2) {
instruction.setValue(new Value(words[1], dataType));
LineValue lineValue = new LineValue();
String completeInstruction = lineValue.getLineText(position, panel.getCodeTextArea());
int[] valuePosition = getValuePosition(completeInstruction, words[0], words[1]);
if (lineValue.getLineText(position, panel.getCodeTextArea(), false).contains("@")) {
return instruction;
private int[] getValuePosition(String originalCommand, String mnemonic, String value) {
// Alterado 26/06/11 - Estava casando o @ como parte do valor, e nas alterações de formato de números, o @ estava sumindo
value = value.replace("@", "");
String exp = "^" + mnemonic + "\\s+@?(" + value + ").*$";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(exp);
Matcher m = p.matcher(originalCommand);
if (m.matches()) {
return new int[]{m.start(1), m.end(1)};
return null;
public List<Instruction> getCommandList() {
try {
// Existe algum problema aquiii! Está travando
LexAnalyzerWorker worker = new LexAnalyzerWorker(panel, false);
while (worker.isDone() == false) {
if (worker.isAcceptable()) {
return worker.get();
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Builder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Builder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
// Acho que não tem como correr desse monte de if.
// Preciso indiciar qual classe deve ser executada ao encontrar esse comando
private void appendExecutable(Instruction mnemonicDetails) {
if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("ADD")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new ADD(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("DEC")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new DEC(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("DIV")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new DIV(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("HLT")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new HLT(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("INC")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new INC(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JMP")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JMP(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JNO")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JNO(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JNS")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JNS(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JNZ")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JNZ(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JO")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JO(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JS")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JS(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("JZ")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new JZ(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("LOAD")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new LOAD(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("MUL")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new MUL(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("STORE")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new STORE(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("SUB")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new SUB(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("NOT")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new NOT(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("NOP")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new NOP(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("AND")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new AND(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("OR")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new OR(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("CMP")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new CMP(panel));
} else if (mnemonicDetails.getMnemonic().getName().equals("DB")) {
mnemonicDetails.setExecutable(new DB(panel));