* Simbler - Where Assembly becomes easy. Interactive and very easy, Simbler is
* a great tool to help students and interested people to learn and simulate
* the basics of Assembly Language.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Guilherme de Oliveira Martins
* http://www.gmartins.com.br - guilherme@gmartins.com.br
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package br.com.gmartins.simbler.components;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.Principal;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.compiler.analyzers.LexAnalyzerWorker;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.components.tooltip.WordRecognizer;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.components.tooltip.WordUtilities;
import br.com.gmartins.simbler.helpers.LinePainter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import javax.swing.text.*;
* @author Guilherme
public class CodeTextArea extends javax.swing.JTextArea implements KeyListener {
private int currentLineNumber;
private static CodeTextArea instance;
public CodeTextArea() {
private void initialSettings() {
setFont(new java.awt.Font("Monospaced", 0, 12)); // NOI18N
setMargin(new java.awt.Insets(0, 5, 2, 2));
// Adiciona o LinePainter para monitorar a posição do cursor de texto e pintar as linhas
LinePainter linePainter = new LinePainter(this);
// Define a cor do LinePainter
linePainter.setColor(new Color(156, 215, 237));
// Troca o tipo de Document para que aceite apenas caracteres maiúsculos
((AbstractDocument) this.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new UppercaseDocumentFilter());
// Define um texto vazio como ToolTipText para ativar a visualização desses elementos
// Adiciona o KeyListener para monitorar a digitação dos códigos
public static CodeTextArea getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new CodeTextArea();
return instance;
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
if (Principal.getInstance().getMainPanel().getCommandList() != null && Principal.getInstance().getMainPanel().getCommandList().isEmpty() == false) {
String word = WordUtilities.getPointedWord(event);
int pos = WordUtilities.getPointedLinePosition(event);
WordRecognizer wordRecognizer = new WordRecognizer(word, pos);
return wordRecognizer.getKnownData();
return null;
public Insets getInsets() {
return getInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
* This modifies the insets, by adding space for the line number on the
* left. Should be modified to add space on the right, depending upon
* Locale.
public Insets getInsets(Insets insets) {
insets = super.getInsets(insets);
//insets.left += lineNumberWidth();
insets.left = 45;
return insets;
public int getCurrentLineNumber() {
try {
this.currentLineNumber = this.getLineOfOffset(this.getCaretPosition());
return currentLineNumber;
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
try {
this.currentLineNumber = this.getLineOfOffset(this.getCaretPosition() - 1);
return currentLineNumber;
} catch (BadLocationException ex1) {
Logger.getLogger(CodeTextArea.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1);
return 0;
public void replaceTextOfLine(int line, String newText, int start, int end) {
Document doc = this.getDocument();
Element rootElement = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
Element rowElement = rootElement.getElement(line);
int characterCount = rowElement.getStartOffset();
int caretStart = characterCount + start;
int caretEnd = characterCount + end;
this.replaceRange(newText, caretStart, caretEnd);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Insets insets = getInsets();
Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
g.setColor(getBackground()); // see note in constructor about this...
g.fillRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
// do the line numbers need redrawn?
if (clip.x < insets.left) {
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
// starting location at the "top" of the page...
// y is the starting baseline for the font...
// should "font leading" be applied?
int y = fm.getAscent() + insets.top;
// now determine if it is the "top" of the page...or somewhere else
int startingLineNumber = ((clip.y + insets.top) / fontHeight) + 1;
// use any one of the following if's:
// if (startingLineNumber != 1)
if (y < clip.y) {
// not within the clip rectangle...move it...
// determine how many fontHeight's there are between
// y and clip.y...then add that many fontHeights
y = startingLineNumber * fontHeight - (fontHeight - fm.getAscent());
// options:
// . write the number rows in the document (current)
// . write the number of existing lines in the document (to do)
// see getLineCount()
// determine which the "drawing" should end...
// add fontHeight: make sure...part of the line number is drawn
// could also do this by determining what the last line
// number to draw.
// then the "while" loop whould change accordingly.
// int yend = y + clip.height + fontHeight;
// Alteração: yend = getLineCount() * fontHeight para que a contagem das linhas sejam feitas de acordo que forem usadas, comecando da 0
int yend = getLineCount() * fontHeight;
// base x position of the line number
// g.setColor(getForeground());
// loop until out of the "visible" region...
g.setColor(new Color(130, 130, 130));
int length = ("" + Math.max(getRows(), getLineCount() + 1)).length();
while (y < yend) {
// options:
// . left justify the line numbers (current)
// . right justify the line number (to do)
// right justify
// Original - Foi adicionado -1 ao startingLineNumber para comr
// String label = padLabel(startingLineNumber, length, true);
String label = padLabel(startingLineNumber - 1, length, true);
g.drawString(label, insets.left - fm.stringWidth(label), y);
y += fontHeight;
} // draw line numbers?
g.setColor(new Color(96, 195, 232));
g.drawLine(41, 0, 41, this.getSize().height);
} // paintComponent
* Create the string for the line number.
* NOTE: The <tt>length</tt> param does not include the
* <em>optional</em> space added after the line number.
* @param lineNumber to stringize
* @param length the length desired of the string
* @param length the length desired of the string
* @return the line number for drawing
private String padLabel(int lineNumber, int length, boolean addSpace) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int count = (length - buffer.length()); count > 0; count--) {
buffer.insert(0, ' ');
if (addSpace) {
buffer.append(' ');
return buffer.toString();
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
private TextEventWorker worker = new TextEventWorker();
* Toda tecla "SOLTA" ou "RELEASED" ativa esse método.
* Esse método verifica se um pedido de verificação já está pendente, se sim, quer dizer que esse método foi invocado
* antes da thread acordar (foi definido 1000ms de sleep), então faz que a verificação cancele, iniciando uma nova Thread
* e pedindo para que ela durma por mais 1000ms, caso aconteça um novo pressionamento de tecla antes desse intervalo terminar
* a Thread é cancelada novamente. Esse ciclo se mantém até o usuário parar de digitar por mais de um segundo.
* Após o usuário parar de digitar por mais de 01 segundo, é feita a verificação dos comandos montando a estrutura de instruções,
* podendo fazer a geração dos JToolTip e outras informações corretamente.
public void idleKeyboardAnalyzer() {
// Só faz a verificação se for menor que 300 linhas. Evita problemas de performance.
// Se a Thread tiver comecado ou já tiver terminado, entra
// Essa verificação é crucial para parar a Thread se ela já tiver começado, evita que o programa faça verificações
// desnecessárias de código.
if (worker.getState() == SwingWorker.StateValue.STARTED || worker.getState() == SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) {
// Se o status for diferente de DONE, tenta pará-la.
if (worker.getState() != SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE) {
// Inicia uma nova thread
worker = new TextEventWorker();
// E executa
private void updateTitleOnCodeChange() {
JTabbedPane tabbedPane = Principal.getInstance().getTabbedPane();
int selectedIndex = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
String title = tabbedPane.getTitleAt(selectedIndex);
if (Principal.getInstance().getMainPanel().isCodeChanged()) {
if (title.contains("*") == false) {
title += " *";
tabbedPane.setTitleAt(selectedIndex, title);
} else {
title = title.replace("*", "").trim();
tabbedPane.setTitleAt(selectedIndex, title);
class TextEventWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> {
protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
try {
// Aguarda um segundo antes de começar a analisar o código
// Se outro evento de pressionamento de tecla ocorrer enquanto essa Thread aguarda, essa Thread será cancelada e uma
// nova se iniciará, fazendo com que o código seja analisado apenas quando o usuário parar de digitar por mais de 1000s.
LexAnalyzerWorker worker = new LexAnalyzerWorker(Principal.getInstance().getMainPanel(), false);
worker.setProgressVisible(true, getLineCount());
return null;
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Ok. Exceção esperada... Ignorando
return null;
class UppercaseDocumentFilter extends DocumentFilter {
public void insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, String text, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException {
fb.insertString(offset, text.toUpperCase(), attr);
public void replace(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet attrs) throws BadLocationException {
fb.replace(offset, length, text.toUpperCase(), attrs);