/* For License see bottom */
* MidiThread.java
* Created on 29. Juni 2007, 21:32
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
package jrackattack.midi;
import javax.sound.midi.InvalidMidiDataException;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.midi.Receiver;
import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage;
import jonkoshare.util.VersionInformation;
import jrackattack.JRackAttack;
import jrackattack.event.FXParameterEvent;
import jrackattack.event.PatternParameterEvent;
import jrackattack.event.ProgramParameterEvent;
import jrackattack.event.SoundParameterEvent;
import jrackattack.gui.JRackAttackFrame;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Separate Thread to send Midi messages to a configured receiver. This is
* necessary to have a time source and to avoid a lock for the GUI while
* playing.
* @author Alexander Methke
lastChanged = "$LastChangedDate: 2009-09-15 13:42:26 -0500 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009) $", //
authors = { "Alexander Methke" }, //
revision = "$LastChangedRevision: 12 $", //
lastEditor = "$LastChangedBy: onkobu $", //
id = "$Id")
public class MidiThread extends Thread {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MidiThread.class);
public static ShortMessage CLOCK_MESSAGE;
public static ShortMessage SYSTEM_RESET_MESSAGE;
public static ShortMessage ALIVE_MESSAGE;
public static enum TestModes {
protected MidiThread(MidiDevice dIn, MidiDevice dOut) {
protected MidiThread() {
if (CLOCK_MESSAGE == null) {
CLOCK_MESSAGE = new ShortMessage();
SYSTEM_RESET_MESSAGE = new ShortMessage();
ALIVE_MESSAGE = new ShortMessage();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
public static MidiThread getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new MidiThread();
readerInstance = new MidiReader();
return instance;
public static MidiThread getTestInstance(MidiDevice dev, int channel,
TestModes tm, int progNo) {
MidiThread t = new MidiThread();
return t;
public void run() {
while (runFlag) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (runOnce) {
* aliveCounter++; if (aliveCounter>40) { aliveCounter=0; try {
* enqueueEvent(ALIVE_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception ex) {
* ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void receivedData() {
receivedData = true;
public void setRunFlag(boolean state) {
runFlag = state;
public boolean isRunning() {
return runFlag;
protected void cleanUp() {
if (getMidiOutDevice() == null) {
public void setChannel(int ch) {
channel = ch;
public int getChannel() {
return channel;
public boolean initTestMessages() {
ShortMessage sm = new ShortMessage();
try {
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.SYSTEM_RESET, 0, 0);
if (programNumber != -1) {
sm = new ShortMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, programNumber, 0);
switch (testMode) {
case DRUMS: {
case CHORD: {
case MELODY: {
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
return false;
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
return false;
return true;
public boolean init(MidiDevice inDev, MidiDevice outDev) {
return true;
public boolean init(MidiDevice inDev, MidiDevice outDev, MidiDevice keyDev) {
return true;
public void emitVolumeChange(Object src, int sndNo, int vol) {
emitParamChange(src, sndNo, RackAttack.VOLUME, vol);
public void emitPanChange(Object src, int sndNo, int pan) {
emitParamChange(src, sndNo, RackAttack.PAN, pan);
public void emitNoteOn(int note) {
assertValidMidiValue(note, "note pitch");
ShortMessage sm = new ShortMessage();
try {
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, note, 100);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitNoteOff(int note) {
assertValidMidiValue(note, "note pitch");
ShortMessage sm = new ShortMessage();
try {
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, note, 100);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitFxChange(Object src, int fx, byte[] ah_al, int value) {
assertValidMidiValue(value, "sys ex value");
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = new byte[14];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
// OS Version 1.05 seems to transmit SNDP twice
// works only this way (captured from RackAttack output)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.FX_CHANGE; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[6] = (byte) (fx & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = ah_al[0]; // PAH
bytes[8] = ah_al[1]; // PAL
bytes[9] = (byte) (value & 0x7F); // SNDV
bytes[10] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7]
+ bytes[8] + bytes[9] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
// bytes[10]=(byte)RackAttack.TRUE_CKSUM; //CKSUM
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[12] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[13] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
new FXParameterEvent(src, fx, ah_al, value));
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitGlobalChange(Object src, byte[] ah_al, int value) {
assertValidMidiValue(value, "sys ex value");
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.GLOBAL_CHANGE; // CMD (GLBP)
bytes[5] = ah_al[0]; // PAH
bytes[6] = ah_al[1]; // PAL
bytes[7] = (byte) (value & 0xFF); // SNDV
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
// JRackAttackFrame.getInstance().internalParamChange(new
// SoundParameterEvent(src, snd, ah_al, value));
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitProgramChange(Object src, int prg, byte[] ah_al, int value) {
assertValidMidiValue(value, "sys ex value");
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = new byte[14];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.PROGRAM_CHANGE; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[6] = (byte) (prg & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = ah_al[0]; // PAH
bytes[8] = ah_al[1]; // PAL
bytes[9] = (byte) (value & 0xFF); // SNDV
bytes[10] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7]
+ bytes[8] + bytes[9] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
// bytes[10]=(byte)RackAttack.TRUE_CKSUM; //CKSUM
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[12] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[13] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
new ProgramParameterEvent(src, prg, ah_al, value));
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitPatternChange(Object src, int snd, byte[] ah_al, int value) {
assertValidMidiValue(value, "sys ex value");
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = new byte[14];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.PATTERN_CHANGE; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
bytes[6] = (byte) (snd & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = ah_al[0]; // PAH
bytes[8] = ah_al[1]; // PAL
bytes[9] = (byte) (value & 0xFF); // SNDV
bytes[10] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7]
+ bytes[8] + bytes[9] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
// bytes[10]=(byte)RackAttack.TRUE_CKSUM; //CKSUM
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[12] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[13] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
new PatternParameterEvent(src, snd, ah_al, value));
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void emitParamChange(Object src, int snd, byte[] ah_al, int value) {
* log("<<<tracer>>>"); for(StackTraceElement
* ste:Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) { log(ste.toString()); }
assertValidMidiValue(value, "sys ex value");
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = new byte[14];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.SOUND_CHANGE; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[6] = (byte) (snd & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = ah_al[0]; // PAH
bytes[8] = ah_al[1]; // PAL
bytes[9] = (byte) (value & 0xFF); // SNDV
bytes[10] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7]
+ bytes[8] + bytes[9] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
// bytes[10]=(byte)RackAttack.TRUE_CKSUM; //CKSUM
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[12] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[13] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
new SoundParameterEvent(src, snd, ah_al, value));
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public SoundParameter[] loadAllSoundParameter() {
return null;
public void storeSoundParameter(SoundParameter sp, boolean buffer) {
try {
} catch (MidiUnavailableException ex) {
log.error("error", ex);
public void loadFXParameter(int fx, boolean buffer) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[11];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.FX_REQUEST; // CMD (SNDP)
if (buffer) {
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
} else {
bytes[5] = RackAttack.ASSEMBLY_BUFFER;
bytes[6] = (byte) (fx & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[8] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
log(" Waiting for midi in events");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (receivedData) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!receivedData) {
} else {
receivedData = false;
public void loadGlobalParameter() {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[10];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.GLOBAL_REQUEST; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = 0x00;
bytes[6] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[7] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[8] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
log(" Waiting for midi in events");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (receivedData) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!receivedData) {
} else {
receivedData = false;
public void resetEditBuffer() {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (MODR)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.MCMD_INIT_BUFFER;
bytes[6] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
bytes[7] = 0; // not recognized
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
* Copies the current program from memory into edit buffer.
public void recallProgramToEdit() {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (MODR)
bytes[7] = 0; // not recognized
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
* Copies the current program from memory into edit buffer.
public void loadProgramToEdit(int pNumber) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (MODR)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.MCMD_COPY_PROGRAM_TO_EDIT;
bytes[6] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
bytes[7] = (byte) (pNumber & 0x7f); // not recognized
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void dumpProgramFromEdit(int pNumber) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (MODR)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.MCMD_DUMP_PROGRAM_FROM_EDIT;
bytes[6] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
bytes[7] = 0; // not recognized
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void storeProgramFromEdit(int pNumber) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (MODR)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.MCMD_COPY_PROGRAM_FROM_EDIT;
bytes[6] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
bytes[7] = (byte) (pNumber & 0x7f); // not recognized
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
* Loads the given sound from it's program memory to the edit buffer. This
* is a sort of reset.
public void loadSoundFromProgramToEdit(int snd) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[12];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.MOV_COMMAND; // CMD (SNDP)
bytes[5] = RackAttack.MCMD_RECALL_SOUND;
bytes[6] = RackAttack.MCMD_MOV1_RECALL_SOUND;
bytes[7] = (byte) (snd & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[8] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] + bytes[7] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[11] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
public void loadSoundParameter(int snd, boolean buffer) {
SysexMessage sms = new SysexMessage();
byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = new byte[11];
bytes[0] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[1] = RackAttack.WALDORF_MANUFACTURER_BYTE; // Waldorf (IDW)
bytes[2] = RackAttack.RACK_ATTACK_MODEL_BYTE; // RackAttack (IDM)
bytes[3] = 0x00; // Default ID (IDD)
bytes[4] = RackAttack.SOUND_REQUEST; // CMD (SNDP)
if (buffer) {
bytes[5] = RackAttack.EDIT_BUFFER;
} else {
bytes[5] = RackAttack.ASSEMBLY_BUFFER;
bytes[6] = (byte) (snd & 0xFF); // SNDN
bytes[7] = (byte) (bytes[4] + bytes[5] + bytes[6] & 0x7F); // CKSUM
bytes[8] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
// a bit tricky but flushes SysEx-Buffers (in any sort of device)
bytes[9] = (byte) SysexMessage.SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // SysEx (SOX)
bytes[10] = (byte) SysexMessage.SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE; // EOX
try {
sms.setMessage(bytes, bytes.length);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
log(" Waiting for midi in events");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (receivedData) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!receivedData) {
} else {
receivedData = false;
protected void assertValidPatternNumber(int patNo) {
protected void assertValidSoundNumber(int sndNo) {
if (sndNo < 0 || sndNo > 23) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Sound number may range only from 1-24, " + sndNo
+ " is therefore invalid");
protected void assertValidProgramNumber(int prgNo) {
if (prgNo < 0 || prgNo > 49) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Program number may range only from 1-50, " + prgNo
+ " is therefore invalid");
protected void assertValidFXNumber(int fxNo) {
if (fxNo < 0 || fxNo > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fx number may range only from 1-4, " + fxNo
+ " is therefore invalid");
protected void assertValidMidiValue(int val, String valueName) {
if (val < 0 || val > 128) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value for " + valueName
+ " may range only from 0..127, " + val
+ " is therefore invalid");
private void addDrumEvents(int channel) {
NoteMessage sm = null;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, 40 + i, 100);
enqueueEvent(new PauseMessage(50));
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, 40 + i, 100);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
private void addChordEvents(int channel) {
ChordMessage sm = null;
try {
sm = new ChordMessage(new int[] { 64, 67, 70 }, channel, 1000,
sm = new ChordMessage(sm, ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
private void addMelodyEvents(int channel) {
try {
NoteMessage sm = null;
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, 64, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, 64, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, 70, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, 70, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, 70, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, 70, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, channel, 67, 100);
sm = new NoteMessage();
sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, channel, 67, 100);
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
log.error("error", e);
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
protected void setMidiInDevice(MidiDevice dev) {
public MidiDevice getMidiInDevice() {
return readerInstance.getMidiInDevice();
public MidiDevice getMidiOutDevice() {
return outDevice;
protected void setMidiOutDevice(MidiDevice dev) {
if (outDevice != null && dev != outDevice && outDevice.isOpen()) {
outDevice = dev;
if (outDevice != null && !outDevice.isOpen()) {
try {
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
log.error("error", e);
protected synchronized void enqueueEvent(MidiMessage msg)
throws MidiUnavailableException {
MidiDevice dev = getMidiOutDevice();
if (JRackAttack.spoolMidi()) {
log("sending " + MidiReader.formatMidiMessage(msg));
if (dev == null) {
// open device
* if (!dev.isOpen()) { dev.open();
* dev.getReceiver().send(SYSTEM_RESET_MESSAGE,-1); }
if (receiver == null) {
receiver = dev.getReceiver();
if (msg instanceof ChordMessage) {
ChordMessage cMesg = (ChordMessage) msg;
receiver.send(cMesg.getNote1(), 0);
receiver.send(cMesg.getNote2(), 0);
receiver.send(cMesg.getNote3(), 0);
if (cMesg.getNote4() != null) {
receiver.send(cMesg.getNote1(), -1);
log("as note message");
if ((cMesg.getNote1().getStatus() & 0xF0) == ShortMessage.NOTE_ON) {
log("sleeping message duration (" + cMesg.getDuration()
+ " mS)");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else if (msg instanceof PauseMessage) {
log("pause message (" + ((DurationMessage) msg).getDuration()
+ " mS)");
try {
sleep(((DurationMessage) msg).getDuration());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else if (msg instanceof DurationMessage) {
log("duration message (" + ((DurationMessage) msg).getDuration()
+ " mS)");
receiver.send(msg, -1);
if ((msg.getStatus() & 0xF0) == ShortMessage.NOTE_ON) {
try {
sleep(((DurationMessage) msg).getDuration());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} else {
log("raw midi message");
receiver.send(msg, -1);
* Getter for property testMode.
* @return Value of property testMode.
public TestModes getTestMode() {
return this.testMode;
* Setter for property testMode.
* @param testMode
* New value of property testMode.
public void setTestMode(TestModes testMode) {
this.testMode = testMode;
* Getter for property programNumber.
* @return Value of property programNumber.
public int getProgramNumber() {
return this.programNumber;
* Setter for property programNumber.
* @param programNumber
* New value of property programNumber.
public void setProgramNumber(int programNumber) {
this.programNumber = programNumber;
* Getter for property runOnce.
* @return Value of property runOnce.
public boolean isRunOnce() {
return this.runOnce;
* Setter for property runOnce.
* @param runOnce
* New value of property runOnce.
public void setRunOnce(boolean runOnce) {
this.runOnce = runOnce;
* Getter for property keyInDevice.
* @return Value of property keyInDevice.
public MidiDevice getKeyInDevice() {
return this.keyInDevice;
* Setter for property keyInDevice.
* @param keyInDevice
* New value of property keyInDevice.
public void setKeyInDevice(MidiDevice keyInDevice) {
this.keyInDevice = keyInDevice;
protected void log(String msg) {
log.debug(msg + " (hc:" + hashCode() + ")");
private static MidiThread instance;
private static MidiReader readerInstance;
private boolean runFlag = true;
private int channel;
private MidiDevice outDevice;
* Holds value of property testMode.
private TestModes testMode;
* Holds value of property programNumber.
private int programNumber;
* Holds value of property runOnce.
private boolean runOnce = false;
* Holds value of property keyInDevice.
private MidiDevice keyInDevice;
private boolean receivedData;
private Receiver receiver;
* Copyright (C) 2008 Alexander Methke
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program (gplv3.txt).