* Copyright (c) 2007 Gramant. All Rights Reserved
package com.gramant.jtr;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import com.gramant.jtr.annotation.DataGenerator;
import com.gramant.jtr.annotation.Test;
import com.gramant.jtr.annotation.TestPrecondition;
import com.gramant.jtr.annotation.TestPostcondition;
import com.gramant.jtr.log.ResultsLogger;
* Singleton JTR runner
* Java test runner with final report generation
* @author Alexey Sadykov, Alexey Bulat
* @version (VCS$Id:$)
public class JTR {
protected static final ResultsLogger LOG = (ResultsLogger) ResultsLogger.getLogger(JTR.class);
private static Properties properties;
private static JTR jtr;
static Option help = new Option("help", "print this message");
static Option runPreconditionXml = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filepath")
.withDescription("run precondition xml file")
static Option props = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filepath")
.withDescription("global properties file")
static Option suites = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filepath")
.withDescription("suites list file")
static Option output = OptionBuilder.withArgName("output")
.withDescription("output results folder")
static Option testtype = OptionBuilder.withArgName("testtype")
.withDescription("define test type: smoke, functional, regression. If empty than all tests will be run")
static Options options = new Options();
private ArrayList <Object> processedSuites;
static {
private JTR(String[] args) throws IOException {
PosixParser parser = new PosixParser();
CommandLine line = null;
try {
// parse the command line arguments
line = parser.parse(options, args);
} catch (ParseException exp ) {
// oops, something went wrong
LOG.error("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage());
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp("jtr", options);
if (line.hasOption(help.getOpt())) {
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp("jtr", options);
if (line.hasOption(props.getOpt())) {
// properties = new Properties();
String files_path = line.getOptionValue(props.getOpt());
files_path = files_path.substring(0, files_path.lastIndexOf("/"));
properties.load(new FileInputStream(line.getOptionValue(props.getOpt())));
if (line.hasOption(testtype.getOpt())) {
LOG.info("Tests with type " + testtype.getValue() + " will be run");
String folder = line.hasOption(output.getOpt()) ? line.getOptionValue(output.getOpt()) : "results";
if (line.hasOption(runPreconditionXml.getOpt())) {
String suiteXmlPath = line.getOptionValue(runPreconditionXml.getOpt());
Suite preSuite = parseXml(suiteXmlPath);
if (preSuite == null) {
Element element = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addSuite(preSuite);
try {
TestResult preSuiteResult = runSuite(preSuite, element);
if (preSuiteResult == TestResult.FAILED) {
LOG.error("Precondition run result is FAILED");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Incorrect class name in suite " + preSuite.getClassName());
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(element, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
if (!line.hasOption(suites.getOpt())) {
LOG.error("Suite's " + suites.getArgName() + " is mandatory");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
JTR jtr = getInstance();
List files = ListReader.getSuitesFiles(jtr.getSuites().getValue());
public static void init(String[] args) {
properties = new Properties();
try {
jtr = new JTR(args);
} catch (IOException e) {
jtr = null;
public static JTR getInstance() {
if (jtr == null) {
LOG.errorResult("JTR is not initialized");
return jtr;
public static JTR getInstance(String[] args) {
try {
properties = new Properties();
return new JTR(args);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void start(List files) throws IOException {
processedSuites = new ArrayList();
for (Object aListSet : files) {
String suiteXmlPath = (String) aListSet;
Suite suite = parseXml(suiteXmlPath);
if (suite == null)
Element element = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addSuite(suite);
try {
runSuite(suite, element);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Incorrect class name in suite " + suite.getClassName());
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(element, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
public static Suite parseXml(String suiteXmlPath) throws IOException {
SuiteXmlParser suiteXmlParser = new SuiteXmlParser(suiteXmlPath);
Suite suite = null;
try {
suite = suiteXmlParser.getSuite();
} catch (JDOMException e) {
String fileName = suiteXmlPath.substring(suiteXmlPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
Element element = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addSuite(new Suite(fileName));
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Problems with parsing " + suiteXmlPath);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(element, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
} catch (IOException e) {
String fileName = suiteXmlPath.substring(suiteXmlPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
Element element = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addSuite(new Suite(fileName));
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Problems with IO " + suiteXmlPath);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(element, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
return suite;
private TestResult runSuite(final Suite suite, Element suiteElement) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
final Class suiteClass = Class.forName(suite.getClassName());
final TestResult[] suiteResult = {TestResult.PASSED};
try {
Method setupMethod = suiteClass.getMethod("suiteSetup");
suiteResult[0] = runStaticMethod(suiteElement, suiteClass, setupMethod, ResultsWriter.PRECONDITION);
if (suiteResult[0] == TestResult.FAILED) {
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(suiteElement, suiteResult[0], LOG.popStepList());
return suiteResult[0];
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
final Element suiteResultsElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(suiteElement, ResultsWriter.SUITE_RESULTS);
final List<com.gramant.jtr.Test> tests = suite.getTestList();
for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) {
final com.gramant.jtr.Test test = tests.get(i);
LOG.info("Run test group " + test.getGroup());
final Element testGroupElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addTestGroupElement(suiteResultsElement, test);
String group = test.getGroup();
final List<Method> testMethods = getTestMethods(suiteClass, group);
if (testMethods.isEmpty()) {
LOG.errorResult("Test methods are not detected where group = " + group);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testGroupElement, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
Method dataGeneratorMethod = getDataGeneratorMethod(suiteClass, group);
final List objects;
if (dataGeneratorMethod == null) {
objects = Collections.singletonList(null);
} else {
try {
LOG.info("Run data generator method: run method " + dataGeneratorMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
objects = (List) dataGeneratorMethod.invoke(null, null);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testGroupElement, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Method " + dataGeneratorMethod.getName() + " is not public");
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testGroupElement, TestResult.FAILED, LOG.popStepList());
final Method preconditionMethod = getPreconditionMethod(suiteClass, group);
final Method postconditionMethod = getPostconditionMethod(suiteClass, group);
final TestResult[] testGroupResult = {TestResult.PASSED};
for (int j = 0; j < objects.size(); j++) {
Object testData = objects.get(j);
Element testElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addTestElement(testGroupElement, testData);
Element testPreconditionElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(testElement, ResultsWriter.PRECONDITION);
AbstractSuite testObject = createObject(suiteClass, testData);
// if (testObject == null) {
// testGroupResult = TestResult.FAILED;
// continue;
// }
TestResult preconditionMethodResult = TestResult.PASSED;
if (preconditionMethod != null) {
LOG.info("Run test precondition: run method " + preconditionMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
preconditionMethodResult = runMethod(testPreconditionElement, testObject, preconditionMethod);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testPreconditionElement, preconditionMethodResult, LOG.popStepList());
if (preconditionMethodResult == TestResult.FAILED | preconditionMethodResult == TestResult.SKIPPED) {
testGroupResult[0] = preconditionMethodResult;
// copypast nah
if (postconditionMethod != null) {
LOG.info("Run test postcondition: run method " + postconditionMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
Element testPostconditionElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(testElement, ResultsWriter.POSTCONDITION, test.getName());
TestResult postconditionMethodResult = runMethod(testPostconditionElement, testObject, postconditionMethod);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testPostconditionElement, postconditionMethodResult, LOG.popStepList());
Element testResultsElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(testElement, ResultsWriter.TEST_RESULTS);
testResultsElement.setAttribute("num_of_methods", String.valueOf(testMethods.size()));
TestResult testResult = null;
boolean hasFailed = false;
boolean hasPassed = false;
for (Method testMethod : testMethods) {
LOG.info("Run test method: run method " + testMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
TestResult methodResult = runMethod(testResultsElement, testObject, testMethod);
// testGroupResult[0] = methodResult;
if (methodResult == TestResult.FAILED) {
hasFailed = true;
if (!testMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class).runIfPreviousMethodFailed()) {
testResult = TestResult.FAILED;
if ((methodResult == TestResult.SKIPPED) && !testMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class).runIfPreviousMethodSkipped()) {
testResult = TestResult.SKIPPED;
if (methodResult == TestResult.PASSED)
hasPassed = true;
if (testResult == null) {
if (hasFailed)
testResult = TestResult.FAILED;
else {
if (hasPassed)
testResult = TestResult.PASSED;
testResult = TestResult.SKIPPED;
if (testResult != TestResult.PASSED)
testGroupResult[0] = testResult;
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testResultsElement, testResult, LOG.popStepList());
if (postconditionMethod != null) {
LOG.info("Run test postcondition: run method " + postconditionMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
Element testPostconditionElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(testElement, ResultsWriter.POSTCONDITION, test.getName());
TestResult postconditionMethodResult = runMethod(testPostconditionElement, testObject, postconditionMethod);
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testPostconditionElement, postconditionMethodResult, LOG.popStepList());
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testElement, testResult, LOG.popStepList());
if (testGroupResult[0] != TestResult.PASSED)
suiteResult[0] = TestResult.FAILED;
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(testGroupElement, testGroupResult[0], LOG.popStepList());
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(suiteResultsElement, suiteResult[0], LOG.popStepList());
try {
Method setupMethod = suiteClass.getMethod("suiteFinish");
TestResult suiteFinishResult = runStaticMethod(suiteElement, suiteClass, setupMethod, ResultsWriter.POSTCONDITION);
if (suiteFinishResult == TestResult.FAILED)
suiteResult[0] = TestResult.FAILED;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(suiteElement, suiteResult[0], LOG.popStepList());
return suiteResult[0];
private TestResult runMethod(Element testResultsElement, Object object, Method testMethod) throws IOException {
Element methodElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(testResultsElement, ResultsWriter.METHOD_RESULTS, testMethod.getName());
TestResult testResult = TestResult.FAILED;
try {
LOG.action("Run test method " + testMethod.getName());
if (testMethod.getReturnType() == TestResult.class)
testResult = (TestResult) testMethod.invoke(object);
else {
if (object != null) {
testResult = TestResult.PASSED;
} else {
testResult = TestResult.FAILED;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// LOG.error(e, e);
LOG.errorResult(e.getTargetException().toString(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Method " + testMethod.getName() + " is not public");
} finally {
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(methodElement, testResult, LOG.popStepList());
return testResult;
private TestResult runStaticMethod(Element suiteElement, Class suiteClass, Method staticMethod, String methodType) throws IOException {
LOG.info("Run suite " + methodType + ": run method " + staticMethod.getName() + " of class " + suiteClass.getName());
Element preconditionElement = ResultsWriter.getInstance().addNewElement(suiteElement, methodType);
TestResult testResult = TestResult.FAILED;
try {
testResult = (TestResult) staticMethod.invoke(null, null);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Method " + staticMethod.getName() + " is not public");
ResultsWriter.getInstance().addElementResult(preconditionElement, testResult, LOG.popStepList());
return testResult;
private AbstractSuite createObject(Class suiteClass, Object data) throws IOException {
LOG.info("Create test object" + (data != null ? " where test data: " + data : ""));
Constructor constructor;
AbstractSuite createdObject = null;
try {
constructor = suiteClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{Object.class});
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Constructor doesn't exist in class " + suiteClass.getName());
return createdObject;
try {
createdObject = (AbstractSuite) constructor.newInstance(data);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.errorResult(e.getMessage() + ". Constructor is not public");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
return createdObject;
private Method getMethod(Class suiteClass, String group, Class aClass) {
Method[] methods = suiteClass.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
Object obj = method.getAnnotation(aClass);
if (obj != null) {
Method [] annoMethods = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < annoMethods.length; i++) {
Method annoMethod = annoMethods[i];
if (annoMethod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("groups")) {
try {
Object res = annoMethod.invoke(obj);
if (res != null) {
String [] groups = (String []) res;
if (ArrayUtils.contains(groups, group)) {
return method;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
return null;
private Method getDataGeneratorMethod(Class suiteClass, String group) {
return getMethod(suiteClass,group, DataGenerator.class);
private Method getPreconditionMethod(Class suiteClass, String group) {
return getMethod(suiteClass,group, TestPrecondition.class);
private Method getPostconditionMethod(Class suiteClass, String group) {
return getMethod(suiteClass,group, TestPostcondition.class);
private List<Method> getTestMethods(Class suiteClass, String group) {
List<Method> testMethods = new ArrayList<Method>();
Method[] methods = suiteClass.getMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
Test test = method.getAnnotation(Test.class);
if ((test != null) && (ArrayUtils.contains(test.groups(), group)))
List<Method> testMethodsSorted = new ArrayList<Method>(testMethods.size());
Method parentMethod = null;
while ((parentMethod = getMethod(parentMethod, testMethods)) != null) {
return testMethodsSorted;
private Method getMethod(Method parentMethod, List<Method> testMethods) {
for (Method method : testMethods) {
Test test = method.getAnnotation(Test.class);
if (parentMethod == null) {
if (test.parentMethod().equals(""))
return method;
} else {
if (test.parentMethod().equals(parentMethod.getName()))
return method;
return null;
public static String getProperty(String key) {
if (properties!=null)
return properties.getProperty(key)!=null ? properties.getProperty(key).trim() : "";
return "";
public static void setProperties(Properties properties) {
JTR.properties = properties;
public Option getSuites() {
return suites;
public ArrayList<Object> getProcessedSuites() {
return processedSuites;