Package com.simoncat.calendar

Source Code of com.simoncat.calendar.WebCalendar

package com.simoncat.calendar;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.*;

import com.simoncat.vo.Event;
import com.simoncat.beans.XMLEvents;

public class WebCalendar{

  // these parameters may be changed to suit the owner/user:
  protected boolean viewOnly = false; // true to disallow changes (for public viewing only); false to allow users to add/modify/delete events
  protected String eventsDatabase = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DemoCalendar"; // location of the MySQL database file containing the events
  protected String mySQLUser = "WebCalDemo";
  protected String mySQLPass = "demo";
  protected String secretPassPhrase = "KilroyWasHere";
  protected String authMessage = "Please see the owner of this calendar to get the secret phrase.";
  protected int cookieMaxAge = 2; // sets lifetime of cookie in weeks
  protected String titleBar = "Demo WebCalendar for "; // label shown on the top bar of the Calendar
  protected String cTFontsColor = "#FFFF00"// yellow
  protected String cTopBarColor = "#0000AA"// dark blue
  protected String cDayBarColor = "#0000FF"// blue
  protected String cOutDayColor = "#0000AA"// dark blue
  protected String cTodaysColor = "#E0E0E0"// light gray
  protected String cBGCellColor = "#FFFFFF"// white
  protected String cDtFontColor = "#000000"// black
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfTimeField = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); // use "h:mma" for AM/PM format
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfDateField = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yy")// use "dd-MM-yyyy" for European format
  protected String time0000 = dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(25200000))// 00:00 (beginning of day in local time format)
  protected String time2359 = dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(111540000)); // 23:59 (end of day in local time format)
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfMonthYear = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM yyyy")// used for the title bar
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfMonthName = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM");       // used for next/last month navigation

  // these parameters should not be changed, or things may break:
  String thisServletURI = null;
  protected String mySqlJdbcDriver = ""; // location of jdbc driver in the classpath
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfMySQLDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // matches format used by MySQL database
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfMySQLTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");       //format used by MySQL database
  protected SimpleDateFormat dfDayOfMonth = new SimpleDateFormat("d");         // used for writing date numerals in the calendar

  private String code;
  private String serName;
  private String eventServletURI = "/mvx/";
  private String pathXMLs;
  private boolean activeSQL;
  public void setCode(String code){

     public String getCode(){
    return code;

  public WebCalendar(String date,String serName,String URI,String pathXMLs){
    this.serName = serName;
    thisServletURI = URI;
    this.pathXMLs = pathXMLs;
    Calendar thisMonth = Calendar.getInstance();
        java.util.Date thisDate = new java.util.Date();
    // look for an input date request (default = today)
        //if (request.getParameter("date") != null) {
            try {
        thisDate = dfDateField.parse(date);//request.getParameter("date"));
            } catch (ParseException e) {
        code = "Unable arse date"
        + dfDateField.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "<br>";
    // set the calendar to the first day of the month
          // select the correct type of output and send it:

        //if (request.getParameter("form") == null) {
            code = tableHeader(thisMonth) + " " +
            tableCells(thisMonth+ " " +
        catch(Exception e){


//default entry point

  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {

    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    thisServletURI = request.getRequestURI();

    Calendar thisMonth = Calendar.getInstance();
    java.util.Date thisDate = new java.util.Date();
    // look for an input date request (default = today)
    if (request.getParameter("date") != null) {
      try {
        thisDate = dfDateField.parse(request.getParameter("date"));
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        out.println("Unable to parse date parameter. Using date=" + dfDateField.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "<br>");
    // set the calendar to the first day of the month
    // select the correct type of output and send it:
    if (request.getParameter("form") == null) {
    else if (request.getParameter("form").equals("help")) {
    else if (viewOnly) {
    else if (allowEdit(request,response)) { 
      if (request.getParameter("form").equals("new")) {
      else if (request.getParameter("form").equals("revise")) {
    else out.println(promptForPassword(request));
  String htmlHeader() {
    return "<HTML>"
     + "<head>"
     + "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>"
     + "<meta name='Author' content='Chuck Wight'>"
     + "<title>WebCalendar</title>"
     + "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>"
     + "function PopupWindow(url,form,value,server)"
     + "{'?form='+form+'&value='+value+'&Submit='+server,'EventControlPanel','width=370,height=370,dependent,resizable');}"
     + "</SCRIPT>"
     + "</head>";
  String instructions() {
    StringBuffer rv = new StringBuffer("<body>");
    rv.append("<h3>WebCalendar Program</h3>"
     + "<FONT SIZE=-1><OL><LI>To view the previous or next month, click the arrows in the corners of the calendar."
     + "<LI>To add a new event to the calendar, click the date numeral for the date desired. You may be prompted for a "
     + "username and password. A popup form should appear. All fields are required except 'Notes' and 'Description'. "
     + "Depending on your browser settings, you might have to 'Refresh' the main calendar page to see the change."
     + "<LI>If you schedule an event that conflicts with another event, you will receive a warning, but the conflicting event will be scheduled anyway. "
     + "It is the user's responsiblity to resolve conflicts."
     + "<LI>To modify or delete an event, click the blue time numerals for the event you want to change."
     + "</OL><HR>"
     + "Copyright &copy; 2001, <a>Chuck Wight</a>.<BR>"
     + "The source code for this Java servlet is distributed as a <a href=>free download</a>, "
     + " with NO WARRANTY, under the terms of the "
     + "<a href='' onClick=javascript:opener.document.location='';window.close();>GNU General Public License</a>.<BR>"
     + "</FONT>");
    return rv.toString();
  String declineRequest() {
  StringBuffer rv = new StringBuffer("<body>");
   + "The owner/administrator of this WebCalendar servlet has configured it so that you may "
   + "view the events, but not insert, edit or delete them from the database.  If you are "
   + "an authorized user of this calendar, then there is probably another version of the "
   + "servlet located in a password-protected directory.  You should use the other servlet "
   + "to make any desired changes.");
   rv.append("<FORM><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE='  OK  ' onClick=javascript:window.close();></FORM>");
   return rv.toString();
  String tableHeader(Calendar thisMonth) {
    Calendar nextMonth = (Calendar)thisMonth.clone(); nextMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH,+1);
    Calendar lastMonth = (Calendar)thisMonth.clone(); lastMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH,-1);
    //return "<body>"
     return ""
     + "  <TR>"
     + "  <TD BGCOLOR=" + cTopBarColor + " ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=7>"
     + "    <TR ALIGN=CENTER>"
     + "      <TD><A HREF=" + thisServletURI + "?date=" + dfDateField.format(lastMonth.getTime()) +"&Submit="+serName+ "><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><&#151;&nbsp;" + dfMonthName.format(lastMonth.getTime()) + "</FONT></A></TD>"
     //+ "      <TD><FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=" + cTFomntsColor + "><B>" + titleBar + dfMonthYear.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "      <TD><FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>" +"Server:"+ serName + " - " + dfMonthYear.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "      <TD><A HREF=" + thisServletURI + "?date=" + dfDateField.format(nextMonth.getTime()) +"&Submit="+serName+ "><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + ">" + dfMonthName.format(nextMonth.getTime()) + "&nbsp;&#151;></FONT></A></TD>"
     + "    </TR>"
     + "    </TABLE>"
     + "  </TD>"
     + "  </TR>"
     + "  <TR ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=" + cDayBarColor + ">"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Sun</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Mon</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Tue</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Wed</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Thu</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Fri</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  <TD WIDTH=14%><FONT COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Sat</B></FONT></TD>"
     + "  </TR>";
  String tableCells(Calendar thisMonth) {
    StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();
    // record the current value of the field Calendar.MONTH
    int iThisMonth = thisMonth.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    boolean firstCell = true;

    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); //used to highlight today's date cell in the calendar
    Calendar endOfMonth = (Calendar)thisMonth.clone();

    // set calendar to first day of the first week (may move back 1 month)

    // get a recordset of this month's events, including extra days at beginning and end
    String startDate = dfMySQLDate.format(thisMonth.getTime());
    String endDate = dfMySQLDate.format(endOfMonth.getTime());
    ResultSet rsEvents = null;
    Event events[]=null;
    try {
      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(eventsDatabase,mySQLUser,mySQLPass);
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      // select only events for this calendar display:
      String sqlQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Events "
       + "WHERE TO_DAYS(Sdate) >= TO_DAYS('" + startDate + "')"
       + "  AND TO_DAYS(Sdate) <= TO_DAYS('" + endDate + "')"
       + " ORDER BY Sdate,Edate";
      rsEvents = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQueryString);
      if (! rsEvents = null;     // no events in the whole month's display
        //load all the events to the range of dates from XML files
        XMLEvents xmlevents = new XMLEvents();
      events= xmlevents.loadEventsServerByRange(startDate,endDate,pathXMLs,serName);//server.getFilePath());    
    } catch(Exception e) {
      return e.getMessage();
    do {
      returnValue.append("<TR BORDER=1 VALIGN=TOP>");
      for (int i=0; i < 7; i++) {
        returnValue.append("<TD HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=\"14%\"");
        if (thisMonth.get(Calendar.MONTH) != iThisMonth) returnValue.append(" BGCOLOR=" + cOutDayColor)// dark background for out-of-month days
        else if (dfDateField.format(thisMonth.getTime()).equals(dfDateField.format(today.getTime()))) returnValue.append(" BGCOLOR=" + cTodaysColor); // grey background for today's date
        else returnValue.append(" BGCOLOR=" + cBGCellColor)// default white background
        returnValue.append("><A HREF=# onClick=javascript:PopupWindow('" + eventServletURI + "','new','" + dfDateField.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "','"+serName+"');><FONT COLOR=" + cDtFontColor + " SIZE=-1><B>" + dfDayOfMonth.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "</B></FONT></A>");
        //returnValue.append("><A HREF=# onClick=javascript:openWindowWithPost('" + eventServletURI + "','new','" + dfDateField.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "','"+serName+"');><FONT COLOR=" + cDtFontColor + " SIZE=-1><B>" + dfDayOfMonth.format(thisMonth.getTime()) + "</B></FONT></A>");
          returnValue.append(todaysEvents(rsEvents,dfMySQLDate.format(thisMonth.getTime()))); // write out the cell contents
          //includ events from XML files...
        if (firstCell) {
            returnValue.append("<CENTER><FORM><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE='Help' onClick=javascript:PopupWindow('" + eventServletURI + "','help','yes','"+serName+"');></FORM></CENTER>");
            firstCell = false;
    } while(thisMonth.getTime().before(endOfMonth.getTime()));

    // restore date to first of this month:
    return returnValue.toString();
  String todaysEvents(ResultSet rsEvents, String today) {
    try {
      if (rsEvents==null || rsEvents.isAfterLast()) return "";   // no more events this month or empty ResultSet
      StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer("<font size=-2>");
      while (dfMySQLDate.format(rsEvents.getDate("Sdate")).equals(today)) {
        java.util.Date start = rsEvents.getTime("Sdate");
        java.util.Date end = rsEvents.getTime("Edate");
        String timeSpan = null;
        if (dfTimeField.format(start).equals(time0000) && dfTimeField.format(end).equals(time0000)) timeSpan = "TODAY:";
        else if (dfTimeField.format(start).equals(time0000) && dfTimeField.format(end).equals(time2359)) timeSpan = "ALL DAY:";
        else timeSpan = dfTimeField.format(rsEvents.getTime("Sdate")) + "-" + dfTimeField.format(rsEvents.getTime("Edate"));

        returnValue.append("<br><A HREF=# onClick=javascript:PopupWindow('" + eventServletURI + "','revise','" + rsEvents.getString("EventID") + "','"+serName+"');><font color=#0000FF>" + timeSpan + "</font></a>&nbsp;");
        if(rsEvents.getBoolean("Flagged")) returnValue.append("<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>"); // write Desription field in red if flagged
        if(rsEvents.getBoolean("Flagged")) returnValue.append("</FONT>"); // returns red font color to default
        if(! return returnValue.append("</font>").toString(); // encountered end of events
      return returnValue.append("</font>").toString();
    catch (SQLException e) {
      return e.getMessage();
  String todaysEventsXML(Event events[],String today) {
    try {
      if (events==null) return "";   // no more events this month or empty ResultSet
      StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer("<font size=-2>");
      int i=0;
      while (i<events.length) {
        //System.out.println("today:"+today+" event"+events[i].getDate());
      String start = events[i].getHour();
      String type = events[i].getType();
      //java.util.Date end = rsEvents.getTime("Edate");
      String timeSpan = null;
      //if (dfTimeField.format(start).equals(time0000) && dfTimeField.format(end).equals(time0000)) timeSpan = "TODAY:";
      //else if (dfTimeField.format(start).equals(time0000) && dfTimeField.format(end).equals(time2359)) timeSpan = "ALL DAY:";
      //else timeSpan = dfTimeField.format(rsEvents.getTime("Sdate")) + "-" + dfTimeField.format(rsEvents.getTime("Edate"));

      returnValue.append("<br><A HREF=# onClick=javascript:PopupWindow('" + eventServletURI + "','revise','" + events[i].getId() + "','"+serName+"');><font color=#0000FF>" + type + "</font></a>&nbsp;");
      //if(rsEvents.getBoolean("Flagged")) returnValue.append("<FONT COLOR=#FF0000>"); // write Desription field in red if flagged
      returnValue.append( start + " " +events[i].getDescription());
      //if(rsEvents.getBoolean("Flagged")) returnValue.append("</FONT>"); // returns red font color to default
      //if(! return returnValue.append("</font>").toString(); // encountered end of events
      return returnValue.append("</font>").toString();
    catch (Exception e) {
      return e.getMessage();
  String tableFooter(Calendar thisMonth) {
    Calendar nextMonth = (Calendar)thisMonth.clone(); nextMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH,+1);
    Calendar lastMonth = (Calendar)thisMonth.clone(); lastMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH,-1);

    return "<TR>"
     + "  <TD BGCOLOR=" + cTopBarColor + " ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=7>"
     + "    <TR ALIGN=CENTER>"
     + "      <TD><A HREF=" + thisServletURI + "?date=" + dfDateField.format(lastMonth.getTime()) +"&Submit="+serName+"><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><&#151;&nbsp;" + dfMonthName.format(lastMonth.getTime()) + "</FONT></A></TD>"
     + "      <TD><A HREF=" + thisServletURI + "><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + "><B>Go To Current Month</B></FONT></A></TD>"
     + "      <TD><A HREF=" + thisServletURI + "?date=" + dfDateField.format(nextMonth.getTime()) +"&Submit="+serName+ "><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=" + cTFontsColor + ">" + dfMonthName.format(nextMonth.getTime()) + "&nbsp;&#151;></FONT></A></TD>"
     + "    </TR>"
     + "    </TABLE>"
     + "  </TD>"
     + "</TR>"
     + "<TR>"
     + "</TABLE>";
     //+ "<FONT SIZE=-2>Copyright &copy; 2001, <a>Chuck Wight</a>. "
     //+ "Distributed as a <a href=>free download</a> "
     //+ "under the terms of the <a href=>GNU General Public License</a>.</FONT>";
  String htmlFooter() {
    return "</body></HTML>";
  boolean allowEdit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
    String codePhrase = (String)session.getAttribute("code");
    String user;
    if (codePhrase != null)
      if (codePhrase.equals(String.valueOf(secretPassPhrase.hashCode())))
        return true;

    Cookie cookies[] = request.getCookies();
    if (cookies != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {

        codePhrase = cookies[i].getValue(); // hash code
        if (codePhrase.startsWith(Integer.toString(secretPassPhrase.hashCode()))) {
          user = codePhrase.substring(Integer.toString(secretPassPhrase.hashCode()).length());
          return true;

    codePhrase = request.getParameter("code");
    user = request.getParameter("user");
    if (codePhrase != null)
      if (codePhrase.equals(secretPassPhrase) && user != null) {
        if (request.getParameter("SetCookie") != null) {
          Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("WebCalendar",codePhrase.hashCode()+user);
          myCookie.setMaxAge(604800*cookieMaxAge)// converts from weeks to seconds
        return true;
    return false;

  String promptForPassword(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return "<h3>Authentication</h3>"
   + "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION='" + thisServletURI + "'>"
         + authMessage + "<hr><br>"
   + "Please type your name:<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=10 NAME='user'><BR>"
         + "Enter the secret phrase:<INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD NAME='code'><BR>"
   + "<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME='SetCookie' VALUE='true'>Check here to accept a cookie for automatic login from this location.<BR>"
         + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='form' VALUE='" + request.getParameter("form") + "'>"
   + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='value' VALUE='" + request.getParameter("value") + "'>"
   + "</FORM>";
  String newEventForm(String date) {
    StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();

    // print blank popup form for entering a new event:
    returnValue.append("<body onLoad=window.focus()>"
     + "<H3>Control Panel</H3>"
     + "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION='" + thisServletURI + "'>"
     + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='UserRequest' VALUE='New'>"
     + "  <TR><TD>Date:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME=EventDate VALUE=" + date + "></TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD ROWSPAN=3 VALIGN=TOP>Time: <BR><FONT SIZE=-2>(e.g., " + dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(4800000)) + ")</FONT></TD>"
     + "    Start: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME=STime>"
     + "    End: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME=ETime></TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=EventType VALUE=ALLDAY>All day (" + dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(25200000)) + " - " + dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(111540000)) + ")</TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=EventType VALUE=SPECIAL>No specific time (e.g., birthday or holiday)</TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=34 NAME=Description></TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=Flagged VALUE='true'>Display the description in red.</TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>Notes:<br><FONT SIZE=-2>(can only be viewed in this window)</FONT></TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME=Notes ROWS=6 COLS=32 WRAP=SOFT></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD COLSPAN=2>"
     + "  <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Create This Event'>"
     + "  </TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2>"   
     + "  <FONT SIZE=-2>You may have to click the \"Refresh\" button on your browser to view the changes.</FONT>"   
     + "  </TD></TR>"   
     + "  </TABLE>"
     + "</FORM>");
    return returnValue.toString();
  String reviseEventForm(String eventID) {
    String date = null;
    String sTime = null;
    String eTime = null;
    String description = null;
    String notes = null;
    String user = null;
    boolean flagged = false;
    // retrieve the existing data for the selected event
    try {
      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(eventsDatabase,mySQLUser,mySQLPass);
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      String sqlQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE EventID=" + eventID;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQueryString);
      if ( {
        date = dfDateField.format(rs.getDate("Sdate"));
        sTime = dfTimeField.format(rs.getTime("Sdate"));
        eTime = dfTimeField.format(rs.getTime("Edate"));
        description = rs.getString("Description");
        flagged = rs.getBoolean("Flagged");
        notes = rs.getString("Notes");
        user = rs.getString("User");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return e.getMessage();
    // print a pre-loaded form for revising an existing event:
    StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer();   
    returnValue.append("<body onLoad=window.focus()>"
     + "<H3>Control Panel</H3>"
     + "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION='" + thisServletURI + "'>"
     + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='UserRequest' VALUE='Revise'>"
     + "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME='EventID' VALUE=" + eventID + ">"
     + "  <TR><TD>Date:</TD><TD>"
     + "    <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0><TR><TD>"
     + "      <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME='EventDate' VALUE='" + date + "'></TD>"
     + "      <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-2>This event was entered by " + user + "</FONT>"
     + "      </TD></TR></TABLE>"
     + "  </TD></TR>"
     + "<TR><TD ROWSPAN=3 VALIGN=TOP>Time: <BR>"
     + "<FONT SIZE=-2>(e.g., " + dfTimeField.format(new java.util.Date(91200000))
     + ")</FONT></TD>"
     + "Start: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME=STime VALUE='" + sTime + "'>"
     + "End: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=8 NAME=ETime VALUE='" + eTime + "'></TD></TR>"
     + "All day (" + time0000 + " - " + time2359 + ")</TD></TR>"
     + "No specific time (e.g., birthday or holiday)</TD></TR>"
     + "  <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=34 NAME=Description VALUE=\""
     + removeDoubleQuotes(description) + "\"><TD></TR>"
     + "<TR><TD></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=Flagged VALUE='true'");
    if (flagged) returnValue.append(" CHECKED><FONT COLOR=#FF0000");
    returnValue.append(">Display the description in red.</FONT></TD></TR>"
     + "<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>Notes:<br><FONT SIZE=-2>(can only be viewed in this window)"
     + notes + "</TEXTAREA></TD></TR>"
     + "  </TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2>"
     + "    <TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Modify'></TD>"
     + "    <TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Save New' OnClick=UserRequest.value='New'></TD>"
     + "    <TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='Delete' OnClick=UserRequest.value='Delete'></TD></FORM>"
     + "  </TABLE>"
     + "  </TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2>"   
     + "  <FONT SIZE=-2>You may have to click the \"Refresh\" button on your browser "
     + "to view the changes.</FONT>"   
     + "  </TD></TR>"   
     + "  </TABLE>");
    return returnValue.toString();

//entry point for changes to Calendar

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {

    if (viewOnly) return// this servlet is set to disallow changes
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
    String user = (String)session.getAttribute("user");

    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    thisServletURI = request.getRequestURI();
    out.println("<HTML><head><title>Control Panel</title>");
    out.println("<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript>");
    out.println("function finish(how,date) {");
    out.println("  if (how == 'OK') {");
    out.println("    opener.document.location = '" + thisServletURI + "?date='+date;");
    out.println("    window.close();");
    out.println("  } else if (how == 'conflict') {");
    out.println("    alert('Warning: this event conflicts with another event.');");
    out.println("    opener.document.location = '" + thisServletURI + "?date='+date;");
    out.println("    window.close();");
    out.println("  } else if (how == 'dbError') {");
    out.println("    alert('An unexpected database error was encountered.');");
    out.println("    opener.document.location = '" + thisServletURI + "?date='+date;");
    out.println("    history.go(-1);");
    out.println("  } else if (how == 'bad') {");
    out.println("    alert('Warning: some data values were missing or formatted incorrectly. Please try again.');");
    out.println("    history.go(-1);");
    out.println("  }");
    String userRequest = request.getParameter("UserRequest");
    String eventID = request.getParameter("EventID");
    String sqlQuery = null;
    String sqlConflict = null;
    if (userRequest.equals("Delete"))
      sqlQuery = "DELETE FROM Events WHERE EventID=" + eventID;
    else {
      String sDate = null;
      String eDate = null;
      String description = removeSingleQuotes(request.getParameter("Description"));
      String notes = removeSingleQuotes(request.getParameter("Notes"));
      boolean flagged = Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("Flagged")).booleanValue();
      try {
        String eventType = request.getParameter("EventType");
        String date = dfMySQLDate.format(dfDateField.parse(request.getParameter("EventDate")));
        if (eventType.equals("REGULAR")) {
          String sTime = request.getParameter("STime");
          String eTime = request.getParameter("ETime");
          if (sTime.equals("")) {  // user may have forgotten to specify the time
            sDate = date + " 00:00"; // record the event anyway as SPECIAL
            eDate = date + " 00:00";
          else {
            sDate = date + " " + dfMySQLTime.format(dfTimeField.parse(sTime));
            if (eTime.equals("")) eDate = sDate; // default ending time is same as starting time
            else eDate = date + " " + dfMySQLTime.format(dfTimeField.parse(eTime));
        } else if (eventType.equals("SPECIAL")) {
          sDate = date + " 00:00";
          eDate = date + " 00:00";
        } else if (eventType.equals("ALLDAY")) {
          sDate = date + " 00:00";
          eDate = date + " 23:59";
      catch (Exception e) {
        out.println("<body onLoad=finish('bad','" + request.getParameter("EventDate") + "');>");
      if (userRequest.equals("New")) {
        sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO Events (Sdate,Edate,Flagged,User,Description,Notes) VALUES "
         + "('" + sDate + "','" + eDate + "','" + (flagged?1:0) + "','" + user + "','"
         + description + "','" + notes + "')";
        sqlConflict = "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE NOT "
         + "(Edate<='" + sDate + "' OR Sdate>='" + eDate + "')";
      else if (userRequest.equals("Revise")) {
        sqlQuery = "UPDATE Events SET "
         + "Sdate='" + sDate + "',Edate='" + eDate + "',Flagged='" + (flagged?1:0)
         + "',User='" + user + "',Description='" + description + "',Notes='" + notes
         + "' WHERE EventID=" + eventID;
        sqlConflict = "SELECT * FROM Events WHERE "
         + "(NOT (Edate<='" + sDate + "' OR Sdate>='" + eDate + "') AND "
         + "EventID<>'" + eventID + "')";

    try {
      Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(eventsDatabase,mySQLUser,mySQLPass);
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
      if (userRequest.equals("New") | userRequest.equals("Revise")) {
      // check for conflicting events; if any records returned, a conflict exists.
        ResultSet rsConflict = stmt.executeQuery(sqlConflict);
        if (stmt.executeUpdate(sqlQuery) != 1)
          out.println("Caution: possible database error " + stmt.executeUpdate(sqlQuery));
        if ( {// conflict exists
          out.println("<body onLoad=finish('conflict','" + request.getParameter("EventDate") + "');>");
          do {
            out.println(rsConflict.getString("Description") + "<br>");
          } while (;
        else  // no conflicts; normal termination
          out.println("<body onLoad=finish('OK','" + request.getParameter("EventDate") + "');>")
      else // usrRequest.equals("Delete")
        if (stmt.executeUpdate(sqlQuery) != 1)
          out.println("Caution: possible database error " + stmt.executeUpdate(sqlQuery));
        out.println("<body onLoad=finish('OK','" + request.getParameter("EventDate") + "');>");
    catch (Exception e) { // SqlExceptions caught here
      out.println("<body onLoad=finish('dbError','" + request.getParameter("EventDate") + "');>");
  String removeSingleQuotes(String inString) {
    int i = inString.indexOf('\'',0);
    return i<0?inString:removeSingleQuotes(new StringBuffer(inString).insert(i,'\\').toString(),i+2);

  String removeSingleQuotes(String inString,int fromIndex) {
    int i = inString.indexOf('\'',fromIndex);
    return i<0?inString:removeSingleQuotes(new StringBuffer(inString).insert(i,'\\').toString(),i+2);

  String removeDoubleQuotes(String inString) {
    int i = inString.indexOf('\"',0);
    return i<0?inString:removeDoubleQuotes(new StringBuffer(inString).replace(i,i+1,"&quot;").toString(),i+5);

  String removeDoubleQuotes(String inString,int fromIndex) {
    int i = inString.indexOf('\"',fromIndex);
    return i<0?inString:removeDoubleQuotes(new StringBuffer(inString).replace(i,i+1,"&quot;").toString(),i+5);

Related Classes of com.simoncat.calendar.WebCalendar

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