package cu.trustGrapher.loading;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.RepSysTestbedAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.ReputationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.TrustAlgorithm;
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import aohara.utilities.MyClassLoader;
import aohara.utilities.PropertyManager;
* Contains all of the configurations for a graph. Instances of this class are used to create the GraphViewers and graphs.
* GraphConfigs are generated by the AlgorithmLoader when a graph is added.
* @author Andrew O'Hara
public class GraphConfig {
public static String NO_BASE = "noBase", NO_CONFIG = "noConfig", NO_CLASS = "noClass";
private File classFile;
private int index, base, classIndex;
private boolean display;
protected RepSysTestbedAlgorithm algorithm;
protected PropertyManager properties;
* Creates a new GraphConfig.
* @param index The index for the GraphConfig automatically assigned by the AlgorithmLoader
* @param display Whether or not the graphPair is to be shown in the simulator
* @param base The index of the graphConfig that this graph depends on
* @param classpath The path to the algorithm class that this graph will use. The feedbackHistory is set to NO_CLASS
* @param propertyFile The optional property file that contains the configurations for this algorithm
public GraphConfig(int index, boolean display, int base, int classIndex, String classPath, File propertyFile){
this.index = index;
this.display = display;
this.base = base;
this.classIndex = classIndex;
if (classPath != null){
classFile = new File(classPath);
algorithm = newAlgorithm(classPath);
classFile = null;
algorithm = null;
* Returns the string representation of this GraphConfig that is saved the the properties file.
* This String can then be used to create an equivalent GraphConfig.
* @return the string representation to save as a property
public String toString() {
String baseString = (base != -1) ? "" + base : NO_BASE;
String classString = (classIndex != -1) ? "" + classIndex : NO_CLASS;
String configString = (properties != null) ? properties.getPropertyFile().getPath() : NO_CONFIG;
return display + "," + baseString + "," + classString + "," + configString;
* @return the index
public int getIndex() {
return index;
public String getKey(){
return AlgorithmLoader.GRAPH + index;
* @return the index of the graph that this graph depends on
public int getBaseIndex() {
return base;
* @return the classFile that this graph will use in the simulation
public File getClassFile() {
return classFile;
* @return the diaplay name of this graph
public String getDisplayName() {
return index + "-" + ( (algorithm != null) ? algorithm.getClass().getSimpleName() : "FeedbackHistory" );
* @return Whether this graph will be shown in the Simulator
public boolean isDisplayed() {
return display;
* @return The algorithm attached to this GraphConfig
public Object getAlgorithm(){
return algorithm;
* @return The optional properties file for the algorithm
public File getProperties(){
return (properties != null) ?properties.getPropertyFile() : null;
* @return Whether or not the GraphPair represented by this is the FeedbackHistory Graph
public boolean isFeedbackGraph(){
return algorithm == null;
* @return Whether or not the attached algorithm is a ReputationAlgortihm
public boolean isReputationGraph()
return algorithm instanceof ReputationAlgorithm;
* @return Whether or not the attached algorithm is a TrustAlgortihm
public boolean isTrustGraph(){
return algorithm instanceof TrustAlgorithm;
* @param baseIndex The new index of the graph that this graph will depend on
public void setBase(int base) {
this.base = base;
* @param propertyFile the configFile to set. It also sets the algorithm's configuration
public final void setProperties(File propertyFile) {
if (propertyFile == null){
properties= null;
properties = (propertyFile.exists()) ? new PropertyManager(propertyFile) : null;
* @param display Whether or not the graph represented by this will be displayed in the Simulator
public void setDisplay(boolean display){
this.display = display;
////////////////////////////////Static Methods//////////////////////////////////
* Takes a path and tries to load an object from it. If it is a valid algorithm, it returns it as an Object.
* @param classPath The path to the algorithm class file
* @return The algorithm as an Object
public static RepSysTestbedAlgorithm newAlgorithm(String classPath)
Object o = MyClassLoader.newClass(classPath);
/*if ((o instanceof ReputationAlgorithm) || (o instanceof TrustAlgorithm) || classPath.endsWith(".jar"))
return o;
RepSysTestbedAlgorithm alg = (RepSysTestbedAlgorithm)o;
return alg;
}catch(ClassCastException cce)
aohara.utilities.ChatterBox.error("TrustClassLoader", "newAlgorithm()", "The file was invalid, no longer exists, or is not a recognized algorithm.\n" + classPath);
return null;
aohara.utilities.ChatterBox.error("TrustClassLoader", "newAlgorithm()", "The file was invalid, no longer exists, or is not a recognized algorithm.\n" + classPath);
return null;