package cu.trustGrapher.graphs;
import cu.repsystestbed.entities.Agent;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.TestbedEdge;
import cu.trustGrapher.graphs.edges.*;
import cu.trustGrapher.eventplayer.TrustLogEvent;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedGraph;
import aohara.utilities.ChatterBox;
import cu.trustGrapher.loading.GraphConfig;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Context;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.Predicate;
* A graph superclass that inherits lower level Graph methods from JungAdapterGraph
* This classs accepts a parameter of the jGraphT SimpleDirectedGraph that this graph is to be based on.
* The parameter will be used to create the superclass which acts as thje dynamic graph,
* and also to create a field which is the full graph.
* This SimAbstractGraph acts as a dynamic graph. It is not displayed, but components in the full graph will only be
* displayed if they exist in the dynamic graph. As events occur, they are added to the dynamic graphs through their
* graphEvent() method.
* The full graph is a field in this graph. It is shown in the GraphViewer, but all vertices and edges that are ever
* shown must be on the full graph before the events start playing. Their graphConstructionEvent() method is used as
* the events are parsed to add all components to the graph.
* @author Andrew O'Hara
public abstract class SimAbstractGraph extends JungAdapterGraph<Agent, TestbedEdge> implements Predicate<Context<Graph<Agent, TestbedEdge>, Object>> {
protected JungAdapterGraph<Agent, TestbedEdge> referenceGraph;
protected GraphConfig graphConfig;
* Calls superclass and initializes some fields
* @param graphConfig This object contains all of the configurations for this graph
* @param innerGraph The TrustTestBed graph that is to be a base graph for this graph
public SimAbstractGraph(GraphConfig graphConfig, SimpleDirectedGraph innerGraph) {
referenceGraph = new JungAdapterGraph<Agent, TestbedEdge>((SimpleDirectedGraph) innerGraph.clone());
this.graphConfig = graphConfig;
* @return the full Graph attached to this graph
public JungAdapterGraph getReferenceGraph() {
return referenceGraph;
* Gets the display name for this graph.
* The Display name consits of the graphID and the name of the algorithm attached to it.
* @return The display name
public String getDisplayName() {
return graphConfig.getDisplayName();
*Returns the algorithm of this Graphpair. If this GraphPair holds a
* SimFeedbackGraph, then it returns null.
* @return the algorithm of this GraphPair
public Object getAlgorithm() {
return graphConfig.getAlgorithm();
* Returns the id of this graph. It is currently used to generate the name of the graph
* @return The graph id
public int getID() {
return graphConfig.getIndex();
* Whether or not this graph will have a viewer built for it
* @return the displayed boolean
public boolean isDisplayed() {
return graphConfig.isDisplayed();
* This is the predicate for whether to show the graph entities in the GraphViewer.
* It is called by the GraphViewer during every repaint for every entity.
* If the entity exists in this dynamic Graph, return true. Otherwise false.
* @param context The referenceGraph and element that is being checked
* @return Whether to display the element given by the context for the current repaint
public boolean evaluate(Context<Graph<Agent, TestbedEdge>, Object> context) {
if (context.element instanceof TestbedEdge) {
return containsEdge((TestbedEdge) context.element);
} else if (context.element instanceof Agent) {
return containsVertex((Agent) context.element);
} else {
ChatterBox.criticalError(this, "evaluate()", "Uncaught predicate");
return false;
* Ensures that an Agent with the given ID exists in the graph
* If it doesn't, then it is added
* @param id the ID of the agent that must exist
* @param caller The graph to search in for the agent
* @return An instance of the Agent that is to exist in the graph
protected Agent ensureAgentExists(int id, JungAdapterGraph<Agent, TestbedEdge> caller) {
Agent tempAgent = new Agent(id);
for (Agent agent : caller.getVertices()) {
if (agent.equals(tempAgent)) {
return agent;
return tempAgent;
* Ensures that the edge with the given agents exists in the graph.
* If it doesn't exist, create it and add it to the graph.
* Then return the edge.
* @param src The Agent that the edge originates from
* @param sink The Agent that the edge goes to
* @param caller The graph that is calling, so that if an edge must be created, it knows what type to make,
* and what graph to add it to
* @return The edge that is assured to be in the graph
protected TestbedEdge ensureEdgeExists(Agent src, Agent sink, JungAdapterGraph<Agent, TestbedEdge> caller) {
TestbedEdge edge = caller.findEdge(src, sink);
if (edge == null) {
edge = newEdge(src, sink, caller);
caller.addEdge(edge, src, sink);
return edge;
* Create an edge between the given agents.
* The edge will be of the class appropriate for the caller.
* For example, a SimFeedbackEdge will be created for a caller of class SimFeedbackGraph
* If the caller isn't valid, then this returns null;
* @param src The Agent that the edge is to originate from
* @param sink The Agent that the edge is to go to
* @param caller The graph that the new edge is to be returned to
* @return The new Edge
private TestbedEdge newEdge(Agent src, Agent sink, JungAdapterGraph caller) {
if (caller.getInnerGraph() instanceof cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraph) {
try {
return new SimFeedbackEdge(src, sink);
} catch (Exception ex) {
ChatterBox.debug("MyFeedbackEdge", "MyFeedbackEdge()", ex.getMessage());
return null;
} else if (caller.getInnerGraph() instanceof cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationGraph) {
return new SimReputationEdge(src, sink);
} else if (caller.getInnerGraph() instanceof cu.repsystestbed.graphs.TrustGraph) {
return new SimTrustEdge(src, sink);
} else {
ChatterBox.debug(this, "newEdge()", "Unsupported caller");
return null;
* Removes the given edge from the graph and and the Agents connected to it if they
* no longer have any edges after removing the given edge.
* @param edge The edge to be removed
protected void removeEdgeAndVertices(TestbedEdge edge) {
java.util.Collection<Agent> agents = getIncidentVertices(edge);
for (Agent v : agents) {
if (getIncidentEdges(v).isEmpty()) {
* Called by the EventPlayer whenever a TrustLogEvent occurs. It is assumed that this is a full graph.
* If this is a normal event, only adds any new Agents that there might be.
* If it is a null event, it is to signal that there are no more events.
* In that case, sll the possible edges that there might be are added instead.
* @param event The TrustLogEvent that has just occured
public void graphConstructionEvent(TrustLogEvent event) {
if (event == null) { //If a null event is passed, add all possible edges to the graph
for (Agent src : referenceGraph.getVertices()) {
for (Agent sink : referenceGraph.getVertices()) {
if (!src.equals(sink)) {
ensureEdgeExists(src, sink, referenceGraph);
} else { //Otherwise, just add any new Agents to the graph
ensureAgentExists(event.getAssessor(), referenceGraph);
ensureAgentExists(event.getAssessee(), referenceGraph);
* Called by the EventPlayer whenever a TrustLogEvent occurs. It is assumed that this graph is a dynamic graph.
* This method handles the addition or subtraction of edges and agents from the dynamic graph, and edge labels for both
* based on the event that is currently being processed.
* @param event The TrustLogEvent that is being processed
* @param forward Whether or not the graph is being played forward
public abstract void graphEvent(TrustLogEvent event, boolean forward);