package cu.repsystestbed.data;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.Algorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.EvaluationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.ReputationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.TrustAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.EigenTrust;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.RankbasedTrustAlg;
import cu.repsystestbed.exceptions.WorkflowException;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryEdgeFactory;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationEdgeFactory;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.TrustEdgeFactory;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.TrustGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.util.DefaultArffFeedbackGenerator;
import cu.repsystestbed.util.Util;
* @author partheinstein
* A work flow can be any of this:
* 1. Feedback History Graph -> reputation alg -> reputation graph -> trust alg -> trust graph
* 2. Feedback History Graph -> reputation alg -> reputation graph
* 3. Reputation Graph -> reputation alg -> reputation graph
* 4. Reputation Graph -> trust alg -> trust graph
* 5. Reputation Graph -> reputation alg -> reputation graph -> trust alg -> trust graph
* 6. Feedback History Graph -> reputation alg -> reputation graph -> reputation graph
* work flow = {FRT, FR, FRR, RR, RT, RRT}
public class Workflow
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Workflow.class);
//TODO should this be a list?
public ArrayList sequence;
public Workflow()
sequence = new ArrayList();
public void addItem(Object item) throws Exception
if(item instanceof Graph)
//no checks needed for the first element.
if(sequence.size() == 0)
logger.debug("Adding a graph");
Object lastItem = sequence.get(sequence.size() - 1);
if(!(lastItem instanceof Algorithm))
throw new WorkflowException("Last item was not an algorithm.");
if(!((Algorithm) lastItem).assertGraph2OutputType((Graph) item))
throw new WorkflowException("Postconditions failed: assertGraph2OutputType()");
((Algorithm) lastItem).setGraph2Output((Graph) item);
logger.debug("Adding a graph");
else if(item instanceof Algorithm)
if(sequence.size() < 1)
throw new WorkflowException("Sequence is empty. First add a graph before adding an algorithm.");
Object lastItem = sequence.get(sequence.size() - 1);
if(!(lastItem instanceof Graph))
throw new WorkflowException("Last item was not a graph.");
Algorithm alg = (Algorithm) item;
if(!alg.assertGraph2ListenType((Graph) lastItem))
throw new WorkflowException("Failed preconditions: assertGraph2ListenType()");
alg.setGraph2Listen((Graph) lastItem);
((Graph) lastItem).addObserver(alg);
if(item instanceof EvaluationAlgorithm)
Util.assertNotNull(((EvaluationAlgorithm) alg).getWrappedAroundAlg());
logger.debug("Adding an algorithm.");
throw new WorkflowException("Unknown element. Cannot add.");
* Starts the workflow by invoking notifyObservers() on the first element (which must be a graph).
* @param update1AtATime Applies only if the first element in the workflow is a feedback history graph
* @throws Exception
public void start(boolean update1AtATime) throws Exception
if(!(sequence.get(0) instanceof SimpleDirectedGraph))
throw new WorkflowException("The first element in the sequence is not a graph.");
if(sequence.get(0) instanceof FeedbackHistoryGraph)
((FeedbackHistoryGraph) sequence.get(0)).notifyObservers(update1AtATime);
else if(sequence.get(0) instanceof ReputationGraph)
((ReputationGraph) sequence.get(0)).notifyObservers(null);
else if(sequence.get(0) instanceof TrustGraph)
((TrustGraph) sequence.get(0)).notifyObservers(null);
throw new WorkflowException("The first element in the sequence is an unknown graph,");
* Gets the first instance of a feeback history graph
* @return FeedbackHistoryGraph if found or null if no fhg found.
* @throws Exception
public FeedbackHistoryGraph getFeedbackHistoryGraph() throws Exception
for(Object o : sequence)
if(o instanceof Algorithm)
if(((Algorithm) o).getGraph2Listen() instanceof FeedbackHistoryGraph)
return (FeedbackHistoryGraph) ((Algorithm) o).getGraph2Listen();
return null;
* This method returns the reputation graphs in the workflow by returning the graphs
* output by the reputation algorithms in the workflow. Note that this method has no
* knowledge on which reputation graph in the workflow will be modified. It is upto the
* caller to decide that. This method returns null if no reputation alg found or if there is
* a error getting the reputation graphs.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ArrayList<ReputationGraph> getReputationGraphs() throws Exception
ArrayList<ReputationGraph> repGraphs = null;
for(Object o : sequence)
if(o instanceof ReputationAlgorithm)
ReputationAlgorithm repAlg = (ReputationAlgorithm)o;
if(repGraphs == null) repGraphs = new ArrayList<ReputationGraph>();
repGraphs.add((ReputationGraph) repAlg.getGraph2Output());
}catch(Exception e)
if(o instanceof EvaluationAlgorithm)
Algorithm alg = ((EvaluationAlgorithm) o).getWrappedAroundAlg();
if(alg instanceof ReputationAlgorithm)
if(repGraphs == null) repGraphs = new ArrayList<ReputationGraph>();
alg = (ReputationAlgorithm) alg;
repGraphs.add((ReputationGraph) alg.getGraph2Output());
return repGraphs;
* Gets the first instance of a trust graph
* @return
* @throws Exception
public TrustGraph getTrustGraph() throws Exception
for(Object o : sequence)
if(o instanceof TrustAlgorithm)
TrustAlgorithm trustAlg = (TrustAlgorithm) o;
return (TrustGraph) trustAlg.getGraph2Output();
//TODO get rid of this evaluation algorithm design
if(o instanceof EvaluationAlgorithm)
Algorithm alg = ((EvaluationAlgorithm) o).getWrappedAroundAlg();
if(alg instanceof TrustAlgorithm)
alg = (TrustAlgorithm) alg;
return (TrustGraph) alg.getGraph2Output();
return null;
//TODO Methods to get the algorithms in the workflow.
* Given a particular class name of an element in the workflow sequence, this method returns the instance of the class
* in the workflow.
* @param sequence workflow
* @param itemType fully qualified class name
* @return
* @throws WorkflowException
public static Object assertAndGetInstance(ArrayList sequence, String itemType) throws WorkflowException
if(sequence == null) throw new WorkflowException(" Workflow sequence cannot be null.");
boolean found = false;
for(Object o : sequence)
return o;
if(!found) throw new WorkflowException("An instance of " + itemType
+ " was not found in the workflow sequence.");
//should never come here.
return null;
public String toString()
String begin = "{";
String end = "}";
String delimiter = ",";
String string2return = begin;
Iterator it = sequence.iterator();
Object o = it.next();
boolean addDelimiter = false;
if(it.hasNext()) addDelimiter = true;
if(o instanceof FeedbackHistoryGraph)
string2return += "FeedbackHistoryGraph";
}else if(o instanceof ReputationGraph)
string2return += "ReputationGraph";
}else if(o instanceof TrustGraph)
string2return += "TrustGraph";
}else if(o instanceof ReputationAlgorithm)
string2return += "ReputationAlgorithm";
}else if(o instanceof TrustAlgorithm)
string2return += "TrustAlgorithm";
}else if(o instanceof TrustGraph)
string2return += "TrustGraph";
}else if(o instanceof EvaluationAlgorithm)
string2return += "EvaluationAlgorithm";
string2return += "Unknown";
if(addDelimiter) string2return += delimiter + " ";
string2return += end;
return string2return;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// create the graphs
FeedbackHistoryGraph feedbackHistoryGraph = new FeedbackHistoryGraph(new FeedbackHistoryEdgeFactory());
ReputationGraph repGraph = new ReputationGraph(new ReputationEdgeFactory());
TrustGraph trustGraph = new TrustGraph(new TrustEdgeFactory());
// populate the feedback history graph by parsing the feedbacks from a arff file
DefaultArffFeedbackGenerator feedbackGen = new DefaultArffFeedbackGenerator();
ArrayList<Feedback> feedbacks = (ArrayList<Feedback>) feedbackGen.generateHardcoded("feedbacks.arff");
// add the feedbacks to the feedback history graph
feedbackHistoryGraph.addFeedbacks(feedbacks, true);
// create the algorithms
EigenTrust repAlg = (EigenTrust) ReputationAlgorithm.getInstance("cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.EigenTrust");
RankbasedTrustAlg trustAlg = (RankbasedTrustAlg) TrustAlgorithm.getInstance("cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.RankbasedTrustAlg");
// create the work flow and add the items
Workflow workflow = new Workflow();
// notify the listener of the feedback history graph but in reality it should be the listeners of the first
// graph in the workflow are notified.