package cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.ReputationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.data.Feedback;
import cu.repsystestbed.entities.Agent;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph.Type;
* @author partheinstein
public class PeerTrust extends ReputationAlgorithm
Hashtable trustScores = new Hashtable(); //key is agent id, value is trust score. using hashtable to improve performance.
private static double MINIMUM_TRUST_SCORE = 0.0;
private static double MAXIMUM_TRUST_SCORE = 1.0;
public PeerTrust()
public double calculateTrustScoreInternal(Agent src, Agent sink, ArrayList nodesVisited) throws Exception
//if hasn't been already added, then add it
if(!this.nodeAlreadyVisited(nodesVisited, sink)) nodesVisited.add(sink);
//get all incoming edges of the given sink node
Set<FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge> incomingEdges = super.m_graph2Listen.incomingEdgesOf(sink);
//nobody has had transactions with this sink, return a default trust score
int numberOfAgentsInSystem = super.m_graph2Listen.vertexSet().size();
if(incomingEdges.isEmpty()) return (double)1/(double)numberOfAgentsInSystem;
//calculate the total trust score of all the recommenders
//this is the denominator part to calculate the cr(p(u,i)
double totalTrustScore = 0;
ArrayList<Feedback> allFeedbacks = new ArrayList<Feedback>();
for(FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge e : incomingEdges)
for(Feedback f : e.feedbacks)
for(Feedback f : allFeedbacks)
double temp = 0;
* loop poses a problem with peerTrust and the authors don't explain on how to solve them, so using heuristics here...
* bootstrapping: all peers have initial trust score of 0.5.
* Consider a loop looks like this A<->B. You want to calculate the A's trust score. Getting the incoming edges of A contains B.
* Calculating B's trust score, you need to get the incoming edges of B which contains A. There is a loop here. As a heuristic, if
* we are in B and we have already visited the edge.source (i.e A) and we haven't calculated A's trust score, then set A's trust score = 0.5.
* Note that agent's trust score (once calculated) is stored in this.trustscores hashtable.
if(nodeAlreadyVisited(nodesVisited, (Agent)f.getAssesor())) //note edge.src == feedback.src
// System.out.println("Already visited agent" + e.src);
temp = (double)1/(double)numberOfAgentsInSystem;
temp = (Double)this.trustScores.get(((Agent)f.getAssesor()).id);
// System.out.println("Never visited agent" + e.src);
temp = (Double)this.calculateTrustScoreInternal(null, (Agent)f.getAssesor(), nodesVisited); //recursive
totalTrustScore = totalTrustScore + temp;
//just a check
if(totalTrustScore==0) throw new Exception("total trust score is 0. It should never be zero.");
//now caclulate the trust score of the sink (passed in as a parameter)
double trustScoreToBeCalculated = 0;
Iterator it1 = incomingEdges.iterator();
FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge e = (FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge)it1.next();
ArrayList experiences = e.feedbacks;
double trustScore = 0;
//trustScore = (Double) this.calculateTrustScore(null, (Agent)e.src, nodesVisited); //recursive
trustScore = (double)1/(double)numberOfAgentsInSystem;
trustScore = (Double)this.trustScores.get(((Agent)e.src).id);
Iterator it2 = experiences.iterator();
* t(u) = sum( s(u,i) * cr(p(u,i)) )
* cr(p(u,i)) = t(p(u,i)) / sum(p(u,i))
Feedback exp = (Feedback)it2.next();
trustScoreToBeCalculated = trustScoreToBeCalculated + exp.value * (trustScore/totalTrustScore);
this.trustScores.put(sink.id, trustScoreToBeCalculated);
return trustScoreToBeCalculated;
public double calculateTrustScore(Agent src, Agent sink) throws Exception
return calculateTrustScoreInternal(src, sink, new ArrayList<Agent>());
private boolean nodeAlreadyVisited(ArrayList nodesVisited, Agent b)
Iterator it = nodesVisited.iterator();
Agent a = (Agent)it.next();
if(a.id == b.id) return true;
return false;
public void start() throws Exception
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void finish() throws Exception
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public boolean assertGraph2ListenType(Graph g) throws Exception
if(!(g instanceof FeedbackHistoryGraph)) return false;
return true;
public boolean assertGraph2OutputType(Graph g) throws Exception
if(!(g instanceof ReputationGraph)) return false;
return true;
public boolean assertVariablePrecondition(double variable) throws Exception
if(variable < this.MINIMUM_TRUST_SCORE || variable > this.MAXIMUM_TRUST_SCORE)
return false;
return true;
public Type getInputGraphType() throws Exception
return Graph.Type.FHG;
public Type getOutputGraphType() throws Exception
return Graph.Type.RG;