package cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import Jama.Matrix;
import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.ReputationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.entities.Agent;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph.Type;
public class EigenTrust extends ReputationAlgorithm
//config parameters that are used by the algorithm
private static String THRESHOLD2SATISFY = "Threshold2Satisfy";
private static String NUMITERATIONS = "NumberOfIterations";
private static String LOG4JPPROPERTIES = "Log4jPropLocation";
private final int DEFAULT_ITERATIONS = 20;
private final double DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY = 0.7;
private int iterations;
private Matrix trustScores;
private double threshold2Satisfy;
private double[][] cijMatrix;
private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> agentIdmapping;
private static double MINIMUM_TRUST_SCORE = 0.0;
private static double MAXIMUM_TRUST_SCORE = 1.0;
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EigenTrust.class.getName());
public EigenTrust()
this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
this.agentIdmapping = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
this.iterations = config.getIntegerValue(EigenTrust.NUMITERATIONS);
this.threshold2Satisfy = config.getDoubleValue(EigenTrust.THRESHOLD2SATISFY);
}catch(Exception e)
this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
public void setConfig(Properties config)
if(config != null)
Integer iterations = new Integer(config.getProperty(EigenTrust.NUMITERATIONS));
if(iterations>0) this.iterations = iterations;
else this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
Double threshold2Satisfy = new Double(config.getProperty(EigenTrust.THRESHOLD2SATISFY));
if(threshold2Satisfy>=0) this.threshold2Satisfy = threshold2Satisfy;
else this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
catch(Exception e)
this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
this.iterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
this.threshold2Satisfy = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD2SATISFY;
* @param iterations
* @param threshold2Satisfy
public EigenTrust(int iterations, double threshold2Satisfy)
this.iterations = iterations;
this.threshold2Satisfy = threshold2Satisfy;
public EigenTrust(String algConfigFile) throws Exception
config = new AlgConfig(algConfigFile);
this.iterations = config.getIntegerValue(EigenTrust.NUMITERATIONS);
this.threshold2Satisfy = config.getDoubleValue(EigenTrust.THRESHOLD2SATISFY);
}catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("Cannot instantiate EigenTrust algorithm", e);
public double calculateTrustScore(Agent src, Agent sink) throws Exception
if(super.m_graph2Listen==null || super.m_graph2Listen.vertexSet().size()==0
|| super.m_graph2Listen.edgeSet().size()==0)
throw new Exception("Feedback History graph not initialized");
if(this.iterations<1) throw new Exception("Number of iterations is less than 1");
* first time this method is invoked, it actually calculates the trust scores for all nodes
* but returns the trust score only for sink.
* subsequent invocations are simple lookups to the trust score
* 1. get all the edges from the source agent
* 2. for each edge from #1, get the experiences
* 3. calculate sij for each sink using experiences in #2
* 4. normalize cij matrix
* 5. get tij matrix by multiplying transformed cij
int numVertices = super.m_graph2Listen.vertexSet().size();
cijMatrix = new double[numVertices][numVertices];
Set<Agent> agents = super.m_graph2Listen.vertexSet();
int internalId=0;
for(Agent a : agents)
this.agentIdmapping.put(, internalId);
for(Agent source : agents)
Set<FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge> allOutgoingEdges = super.m_graph2Listen.outgoingEdgesOf(source);
//fill up cij matrix
for(FeedbackHistoryGraphEdge edge : allOutgoingEdges)
ArrayList<Feedback> feedbacks = edge.feedbacks;
double sij=0;
for(Feedback feedback : feedbacks)
if(feedback.value >= threshold2Satisfy) sij++;
else sij--;
if(sij<1) sij=0;
Agent sinkTemp = (Agent)edge.sink;
if(this.agentIdmapping.get( > cijMatrix.length || this.agentIdmapping.get( > cijMatrix.length)
throw new Exception("Array out of bounds exception will occur. Problem with internal id mapping.");
cijMatrix[this.agentIdmapping.get(][this.agentIdmapping.get(] = sij;
}"cijMatrix before normalization = " + this.printMatrix(cijMatrix));
//normalize cij matrix
for(int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
//row by row normalization
double total = 0;
for(int j=0;j<numVertices;j++)
total = total + cijMatrix[i][j];
for(int j=0;j<numVertices;j++)
if(total>0) cijMatrix[i][j] = cijMatrix[i][j] / total;
//else cijMatrix[i][j]=0; //don't divide by 0
//agent i doesnt trust anyone. make it trust everyone equally.
else cijMatrix[i][j]=1.0/(double)numVertices;
}"cijMatrix after normalization = " + this.printMatrix(cijMatrix));
//transpose and multiplication
trustScores = new Matrix(cijMatrix);
Matrix trans = trustScores.transpose();
Matrix orig = new Matrix(trans.getArray());
//trust everyone equally in the beginning
double tempScore = 1.0/(double)numVertices;
double[][] tk = new double[numVertices][numVertices];
for(int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
for(int j=0;j<numVertices;j++) tk[i][j] = tempScore;
Matrix tkMatrix = new Matrix(tk);
double[][] p = new double[numVertices][numVertices];
for(int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
for(int j=0;j<numVertices;j++) p[i][j] = tempScore;
Matrix pMatrix = new Matrix(p); //preTrusted matrix
double a=0.2; //TODO make this configurable
Matrix tkplus1Matrix = null;
for(int i=0;i<this.iterations;i++)
tkplus1Matrix = trans.times(tkMatrix);
tkplus1Matrix = tkplus1Matrix.times(1-a);
tkplus1Matrix =;
tkMatrix = new Matrix(tkplus1Matrix.getArrayCopy());
//System.out.println("row=" + tkplus1Matrix.getRowDimension() + " column="+tkplus1Matrix.getColumnDimension());
this.trustScores = tkMatrix;
// for(int i=0;i<this.iterations;i++) trans = orig.times(trans);
// trustScores = trans.transpose(); //re-transpose
//this.matrixFilled = true;"cijMatrix after multiplying " + this.iterations + " times = " + this.printMatrix(trustScores.getArray()));
return trustScores.getArray()[this.agentIdmapping.get(][0];
public String printMatrix(double[][] mat)
String output = "\n";
output += "Internal id mapping:";
Set<Entry<Integer, Integer>> temp = this.agentIdmapping.entrySet();
for(Entry<Integer, Integer> e : temp)
output += " " + e.getKey() + ", Internal id: " + e.getValue() + "\n";
for(int i=0;i<mat.length;i++)
for(int j=0;j<mat[i].length;j++)
output = output + (mat[i][j] + " ");
output = output + "\n";
return output;
public void start() throws Exception
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void finish() throws Exception
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public boolean assertGraph2ListenType(Graph g) throws Exception
if(!(g instanceof FeedbackHistoryGraph)) return false;
return true;
public boolean assertGraph2OutputType(Graph g) throws Exception
if(!(g instanceof ReputationGraph)) return false;
return true;
public boolean assertVariablePrecondition(double variable) throws Exception
if(variable < this.MINIMUM_TRUST_SCORE || variable > this.MAXIMUM_TRUST_SCORE)
return false;
return true;
public Type getInputGraphType() throws Exception
return Graph.Type.FHG;
public Type getOutputGraphType() throws Exception
return Graph.Type.RG;