Package cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples

Source Code of cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.Appleseed

package cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.ReputationAlgorithm;
import cu.repsystestbed.entities.Agent;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationEdge;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.ReputationGraph;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.TestbedEdge;
import cu.repsystestbed.graphs.Graph.Type;

* @author partheinstein
public class Appleseed extends ReputationAlgorithm
  public double calculateTrustScore(Agent src, Agent sink) throws Exception
    Agent seed = new Agent(); //TODO pick a seed
    double energy = 5;
    double decay = 0.8;
    double convergenceThreshold = 0.01;
    double m = 0;
    ReputationGraph clonedGraph = (ReputationGraph) super.m_graph2Listen.clone();
    Set<Agent> allVertices = clonedGraph.vertexSet();
    ArrayList<Agent> verticesMinus1 = new ArrayList<Agent>();
    ArrayList<Agent> vertices = new ArrayList<Agent>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> energiesMinus1 = new Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> energies = new Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> trustScoresMinus1 = new Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> trustScores = new Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Iterator it = allVertices.iterator();
      Agent a = (Agent);
      energiesMinus1.put(a, new Double(0));
      energies.put(a, new Double(0));
      trustScoresMinus1.put(a, new Double(0));
      trustScores.put(a, new Double(0));
    energiesMinus1.put(seed, energy);
      //set V_i = V_i-1
      vertices = (ArrayList<Agent>) verticesMinus1.clone();
      //for all x in V_i-1, set in_i(x) = 0
      for(Agent x : verticesMinus1)
        energies.put(x, (new Double(0)));
      for(Agent x : verticesMinus1)
        double tempTrustScore = trustScoresMinus1.get(x) + (1 - decay) * energiesMinus1.get(x);
        trustScores.put(x, tempTrustScore);
        Set<ReputationEdge> outgoingEdges = clonedGraph.outgoingEdgesOf(x);
        for(ReputationEdge e : outgoingEdges)
            vertices.add((Agent) e.sink);
            trustScores.put((Agent)e.sink, new Double(0));
            energies.put((Agent) e.sink, new Double(0));
            clonedGraph.addEdge((Agent) e.sink, seed);
            ((ReputationEdge) clonedGraph.getEdge((Agent)e.sink, seed)).setReputation(1);
          double tempWeight = ((ReputationEdge) clonedGraph.getEdge(x, (Agent)e.sink)).getReputation();
          double sumWeights = 0;
          Set<ReputationEdge> outgoingEdgesTemp = clonedGraph.outgoingEdgesOf(x);
          for(ReputationEdge e1 : outgoingEdgesTemp)
              sumWeights = e1.getReputation();
          double weight = tempWeight + sumWeights;
          double value = energies.get((Agent)e.sink) + decay * energiesMinus1.get(x) * weight;
          energies.put((Agent)e.sink, value);
    }while(m <= convergenceThreshold);
    return 0;
  public void start() throws Exception
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  public void finish() throws Exception
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  public boolean assertVariablePrecondition(double variable) throws Exception
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return true;

  public boolean assertGraph2ListenType(Graph g) throws Exception
    if(!(g instanceof ReputationGraph)) return false;
    return true;

  public boolean assertGraph2OutputType(Graph g) throws Exception
    if(!(g instanceof ReputationGraph)) return false;
    return true;

  public double calculateTrustScore(Agent src, Agent sink) throws Exception
    Hashtable t = trusts(src, 2, 0.85, 0.9, m_graph2Listen.vertexSet().size());
    return (Double) t.get(sink);
  private double[] m_energies;
  public Appleseed()
    outputGraphType = OutputGraphType.COPY_INPUT_GRAPH;
  private void energize(double energy, Agent s, double threshold, int numAgents,
      double[] energies, double decay)
    if(energies == null) energies = new double[numAgents];
    energies[] =+ decay * energy;
    double totalOutgoingEdgesWeights;
     * Backward trust propagation as per authors:
     * A virtual edge from every sink to seed is added and its weight is set to 1.
    //it's ok to do type casting to reputation edge because the preconditions guarantee that its a rep edge.
    for(ReputationEdge edge : (Set<ReputationEdge>) m_graph2Listen.outgoingEdgesOf(s))
      if(edge.getReputation() >= 0) totalOutgoingEdgesWeights =+ edge.getReputation();
    if(energy > threshold)
      for(ReputationEdge edge : (Set<ReputationEdge>) m_graph2Listen.outgoingEdgesOf(s))
        energize( (1 - decay) * energies[] * edge.getReputation(), (Agent) edge.sink,
            threshold, numAgents, energies, decay);
  private Hashtable<Agent, Double> trusts(Agent s, double in, double decay, double threshold, int totalNumAgents) throws Exception
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> in_0 = new  Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> in_1 = new  Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> trust_0 = new  Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    Hashtable<Agent, Double> trust_1 = new  Hashtable<Agent, Double>();
    HashSet<Agent> v_0 = new HashSet<Agent>();
    HashSet<Agent> v_1;
    in_0.put(s, in);
    trust_0.put(s, (double) 0);
    double m = 0;
      v_1 = new HashSet(v_0);
      for(Agent x : v_0)
        in_1.put(x, (double) 0);
      for(Agent x: v_0)
        double tempTrust_0 = 0;
        double tempin_0 = 0;
          tempTrust_0 = trust_0.remove(x);
          tempin_0 = in_0.remove(x);
        double tempTrust_1 = tempTrust_0 + (1 - decay) * tempin_0;
        trust_1.put(x, tempTrust_1);
        //copy the outgoing edges and add extra edges (x to s)
        Set<ReputationEdge> outgoingEdges1 = (Set<ReputationEdge>) m_graph2Listen.outgoingEdgesOf(x);
        HashSet<ReputationEdge> outgoingEdges2 = new HashSet<ReputationEdge>(outgoingEdges1);
        for(ReputationEdge edge : outgoingEdges1)
            ReputationEdge e = new ReputationEdge((Agent) edge.sink, s);
        //calculate the sum of edge weights
        double total = 0;
        for(ReputationEdge edge1 : outgoingEdges2)
          total = total + edge1.getReputation();
        //a check
        if(total <= 0) throw new Exception("total<=0");
        for(ReputationEdge edge : outgoingEdges2)
            v_1.add((Agent) edge.sink);
            trust_1.put((Agent)edge.sink, (double) 0);
            in_1.put((Agent) edge.sink, (double) 0);
          double w = edge.getReputation() / total;
          double tempin_1 = 0;
            tempin_1 = in_1.remove(edge.sink);
          tempin_0 = 0;
            tempin_0 = in_0.remove(edge.sink);
          tempin_1 = tempin_1 + decay * tempin_0 * w;
          System.out.println("src = " + s + ",sink = " + edge.sink + ":= " + tempin_1);
          in_1.put((Agent) edge.sink, tempin_1);
    return trust_1;   


  public Type getInputGraphType() throws Exception
    return Graph.Type.RG;

  public Type getOutputGraphType() throws Exception
    return Graph.Type.RG;


Related Classes of cu.repsystestbed.algorithms.examples.Appleseed

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