package gem;
import gem.parser.HGNCParser;
import gem.parser.HPRDParser;
import gem.parser.TabDelimitedFileParser;
import gem.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
* @author Ozgun Babur
public class GRARAnalyzer
public static final double THR = 0.05;
public static final DecimalFormat fmt = Constants.fmt;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
// showChangesInAbsenceAndPresenceOfAndrogen(); if (true) return;
// findCorrelationInTissue(); if (true) return;
// printAndrResponsiveTarChange(); if (true) return;
printGeneChangeInExp(); if (true) return;
// printGeneChangeDistr(); if (true) return;
// printResponseToModSignature(); if (true) return;
String dir = "resource/expdata/AR-GR/";
// String dir = "resource/expdata/Ling/";
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir);
List<Triplet> trips = readTrips(dir);
Gene gene = getGene(trips, "NCOA1");
System.out.println(" = " +;
double[] means = getMeans(gene, pos);
int[] vector = getChanges(gene, pos);
printChangeLikeliness(trips, pos[1], pos[2]);
public static List<Triplet> readTrips(String dir) throws Throwable
// List<Triplet> trips = Triplet.readTrips("result/Result_fdr0.01_var10.0_AR_expo.xls");
List<Triplet> trips = Triplet.readTrips("result/Result_fdr0.05_var10.0_AR_expo_andr.xls");
for (Triplet t : trips)
// trips = Triplet.selectTargets(trips, TARSET);
// trips = Triplet.selectModulator(trips, "NR3C1");
trips = Triplet.selectModulator(trips, "GAPDH");
System.out.println("trips.size() = " + trips.size());
CrossPlatformMapper.associateAndClean(trips, dir + "data.txt");
System.out.println("trips.size() = " + trips.size());
return trips;
public static double[] getMeans(Gene gene, boolean[][] pos)
double[] means = new double[pos.length];
for (int i = 0; i < means.length; i++)
means[i] = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[i]);
return means;
public static int[] getChangesTwo(Gene gene, boolean[][] pos)
int[] change = new int[2];
double[] mean = getMeans(gene, pos);
double pvF = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[1], pos[0]);
double pvM = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[1], pos[2]);
change[0] = pvF > THR ? 0 : mean[0] > mean[1] ? 1 : -1;
change[1] = pvM > THR ? 0 : mean[2] > mean[1] ? 1 : -1;
return change;
public static int[] getChanges(Gene gene, boolean[][] pos)
int[] change = new int[(int) Combination.calc(pos.length, 2)];
double[] mean = getMeans(gene, pos);
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pos.length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < pos.length; j++)
double pv = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[i], pos[j]);
change[k++] = pv > THR ? 0 : mean[j] > mean[i] ? 1 : -1;
return change;
public static void printChangeLikeliness(List<Triplet> trips, boolean[] pos1, boolean[] pos2)
int[][] cnt = new int[6][2];
int[] signcnt = new int[2];
for (Triplet t : trips)
double pv = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(t.T, pos1, pos2);
if (pv > THR) continue;
int ch = (int) Math.signum(CellTypeMatcher.getMeanChange(t.T, pos1, pos2));
signcnt[ch > 0 ? 1 : 0]++;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt.length; i++)
int coef = getRelatedCoefficientSign(t, i);
if (coef == 0) continue;
if (coef * ch > 0) cnt[i][1] ++;
else cnt[i][0] ++;
if (i == 4 && coef * ch < 0) System.out.println(t.categ);
System.out.println("tar signs = " + signcnt[0] + " " + signcnt[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt.length; i++)
System.out.println(i + "\t" + cnt[i][0] + "\t" + cnt[i][1] + "\t" +
Binomial.getPval(cnt[i][0], cnt[i][1]));
private static int getRelatedCoefficientSign(Triplet t, int index)
int[] p = getPosForInd(index);
int c1 = t.cnt[p[1]];
int n1 = t.cnt[p[0]] + c1;
int c2 = t.cnt[p[3]];
int n2 = t.cnt[p[2]] + c2;
double p1 = c1 / (double) n1;
double p2 = c2 / (double) n2;
double pval = Difference.calcPairwisePval(c1, n1, c2, n2);
if (pval > THR) return 0;
return (int) Math.signum(p2 - p1);
private static int[] getPosForInd(int index)
if (index == 0) return new int[]{0, 4, 1, 5};
if (index == 1) return new int[]{0, 4, 2, 6};
if (index == 2) return new int[]{0, 4, 3, 7};
if (index == 3) return new int[]{1, 5, 2, 6};
if (index == 4) return new int[]{1, 5, 3, 7};
if (index == 5) return new int[]{2, 6, 3, 7};
return null;
public static String str(int [] x)
String s = "";
for (int i : x)
s += "\t" + i;
return s;
public static String str(double [] x)
String s = "";
for (Double i : x)
s += "\t" + fmt.format(i);
return s;
static Gene getGene(List<Triplet> trips, String id)
for (Triplet t : trips)
if ( return t.M;
if ( return t.F;
if ( return t.T;
return null;
private static void printAndrResponsiveTarChange() throws Throwable
// TabDelimitedFileParser parser = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/expdata/AR-GR/GR-in-lung.txt");
TabDelimitedFileParser parser = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR_andr_small.txt");
// Map<String,String> scores = parser.getOneToOneMap("Target", "Correlation");
Map<String,String> scores = parser.getOneToOneMap("Target", "Score");
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String sym : scores.keySet()) ids.add(Triplet.getSymbolToGeneMap().get(sym));
String dir = "resource/expdata/GSE11428/";
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readMouseHomologs(ids, dir, 0, 0);
Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readGenes(ids, dir, 0, 0);
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = CrossPlatformMapper.fetchGenes(scores.keySet(), dir + "data.txt");
parser = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR-select-small.txt");
Set<String> select = parser.getColumnSet(0);
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir);
String[] stage = StageAnalyzer.getStageNames(dir);
// boolean[] pos1 = pos[1];
// boolean[] pos2 = pos[2];
for (String s : stage)
System.out.print("\t" + s);
for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++)
System.out.print("\n" + stage[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < pos.length; j++)
if (i == j)
int same = 0;
int oppo = 0;
List<String> ss = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> so = new ArrayList<String>();
int[] signcnt = new int[2];
// System.out.println("size of genes = " + select.size());
int cnt = 0;
for (String id : geneMap.keySet())
String sym = Triplet.getGeneToSymbolMap().get(id);
if (sym == null) sym = id;
// if (!select.contains(sym)) continue;
int response = scores.get(sym).startsWith("-") ? -1 : 1;
// if (response < 0) continue;
Gene gene = geneMap.get(sym);
if (gene == null) gene = geneMap.get(id);
double pv = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[i], pos[j]);
if (pv > 0.05) continue;
int ch = (int) Math.signum(CellTypeMatcher.getMeanChange(gene, pos[i], pos[j]));
// double x1 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[i]);
// double x2 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[j]);
// double rat = x1/x2;
// if (rat > 0.5 && rat < 2) continue;
signcnt[ch > 0 ? 1 : 0]++;
if (ch * response == 1)
same ++;
oppo ++;
System.out.print("\t" + same + " | " + oppo);
// if (i == 1 && j == 3)
// {
// System.out.println("same = " + same);
// System.out.println("oppo = " + oppo);
// System.out.println("tar signs = " + signcnt[0] + " " + signcnt[1]);
// System.out.println("cnt = " + cnt);
// Collections.sort(ss);
// Collections.sort(so);
// for (String s : ss) System.out.println(s);
// System.out.println("----");
// for (String s : so) System.out.println(s);
// }
public static void printGeneChangeInExp() throws Throwable
// Set<String> modNames = HPRDParser.readFor(Collections.singleton("AR")).get("AR");
// TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR-select-small.txt");
TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/NuclearReceptors.txt");
// TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/JUN_targets.txt");
Set<String> modNames = p.getColumnSet(0);
// modNames.add("UBE2C");
// Set<String> modNames = new HashSet<String>(HGNCParser.getGeneToSymbolMap().values());
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String name : modNames)
String dir = "resource/expdata/GSE11428/";
// String dir = "resource/expdata/Ling/";
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readMouseHomologs(ids, dir, 0, 0);
Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readGenes(ids, dir, 0, 0);
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = CrossPlatformMapper.fetchGenes(modNames, dir + "data.txt");
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir);
// String[] stage = StageAnalyzer.getStageNames(dir);
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
int k = 2;
int l = 3;
System.out.println("geneMap = " + geneMap.size());
List<String> select = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> idList = new ArrayList<String>(geneMap.keySet());
for (String id : HGNCParser.sortToSymb(idList))
String sym = Triplet.getGeneToSymbolMap().get(id);
if (sym == null) sym = id;
Gene gene = geneMap.get(sym);
if (gene == null) gene = geneMap.get(id);
double pv = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[i], pos[j]);
double before = (CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[i]));
double after = (CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[j]));
double ch = after - before;
double fold = after / before;
double pv2 = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(gene, pos[k], pos[l]);
double before2 = (CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[k]));
double after2 = (CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[l]));
double ch2 = after2 - before2;
double fold2 = after2 / before2;
double thr = 1.5;
if ((fold > thr || fold < 1/thr) && pv < 0.05)// && Math.abs(ch) > 1 && Math.abs(ch2) > 1 && ch * ch2 > 0)// && ch > 0)
System.out.println(sym + "\t" + ch + "\t" + fold + "\t" + pv);
System.out.println(sym + "\t" + ch2 + "\t" + fold2 + "\t" + pv2);
select.add(sym+(ch > 0 ? "+" : "-"));
System.out.println("cnt = " + select.size());
for (String s : select)
// System.out.println(s);
public static void printGeneChangeDistr() throws Throwable
// Map<String, Set<String>> map = HPRDParser.readFor(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("AR")));
// Set<String> modNames = new HashSet<String>(map.get("AR"));
TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/NuclearReceptors.txt");
Set<String> modNames = p.getColumnSet(0);
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String name : modNames)
String dir = "resource/expdata/philip/";
Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readMouseHomologs(ids, dir, 0, 0);
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = ExpDataReader.readGenes(ids, dir, 0, 0);
// Map<String, Gene> geneMap = CrossPlatformMapper.fetchGenes(modNames, dir + "data.txt");
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir);
// String[] stage = StageAnalyzer.getStageNames(dir);
int i = 3;
int j = 4;
for (String id : geneMap.keySet())
String sym = Triplet.getGeneToSymbolMap().get(id);
if (sym == null) sym = id;
Gene gene = geneMap.get(sym);
if (gene == null) gene = geneMap.get(id);
double before = (CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gene, pos[i]));
Histogram h = new Histogram(0.1);
for (int k = 0; k < pos[j].length; k++)
if (!pos[j][k]) continue;
double fold = gene.value[k] / before;
System.out.println("\n" + sym);
public static void findCorrelationInTissue() throws Throwable
// TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR-select-small.txt");
// TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR_andr_small.txt");
TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("temp2");
Set<String> syms = p.getColumnSet(0);
String grSym = "ESR1";
String arSym = "AR";
p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR_andr_small.txt");
Map<String, String> score = p.getOneToOneMap("Target", "Score");
// p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR-conflict.txt");
// Set<String> conf = p.getColumnSet(0);
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String g : syms) ids.add(Triplet.getSymbolToGeneMap().get(g));
String dir = "resource/expdata/expo";
Map<String, Gene> map = ExpDataReader.readGenes(ids, dir, 0, 0);
// Map<String, Gene> map = CrossPlatformMapper.fetchGenes(ids, dir + "/data.txt");
Set<Gene> tars = new HashSet<Gene>(map.values());
Gene gr = map.get(Triplet.getSymbolToGeneMap().get(grSym));
Gene ar = map.get(Triplet.getSymbolToGeneMap().get(arSym));
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir + "/");
String[] cols = FileUtil.getColumnsArray(dir + "/stages.txt");
Set<String> s1 = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> s2 = new HashSet<String>();
System.out.println("tar to test = " + tars.size());
for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++)
double ar_mean = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(ar, pos[j]);
double gr_mean = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(gr, pos[j]);
int cp = 0, cn = 0;
int agree = 0, confCnt = 0;
int pos_agree = 0, neg_agree = 0, pos_conf = 0, neg_conf = 0;
for (Gene tar : tars)
double corr = Pearson.calcCorrelation(gr.value, tar.value, pos[j]);
int sign = score.get(tar.getSymbol()).startsWith("-") ? -1 : 1;
if (Math.abs(corr) > 0.2)
// if (corr > 0) cp++; else cn++;
if (corr * sign > 0)
if (j == 1) s1.add(tar.getSymbol());
if (j == 5) s2.add(tar.getSymbol());
// if (corr > 0)
// {
// if (sign > 0) pos_agree++; else pos_conf++;
// }
// else if (sign < 0) neg_agree++; else neg_conf++;
System.out.println("\t" + agree + "\t" + confCnt + "\t" + ar_mean + "\t" + gr_mean);
for (String s : s1) System.out.println(s);
for (String s : s2) System.out.println(s);
SetUtils.printVenn(s1, s2);
public static void showChangesInAbsenceAndPresenceOfAndrogen() throws Throwable
TabDelimitedFileParser p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR-select.txt");
Set<String> syms = p.getColumnSet(0);
p = new TabDelimitedFileParser("resource/factors/AR_andr.txt");
Map<String, String> score = p.getOneToOneMap("Target", "Score");
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (String g : syms) ids.add(Triplet.getSymbolToGeneMap().get(g));
String dir = "resource/expdata/Ling";
Map<String, Gene> map = CrossPlatformMapper.fetchGenes(ids, dir + "/data.txt");
Set<Gene> tars = new HashSet<Gene>(map.values());
boolean[][] pos = StageAnalyzer.getPos(dir + "/");
int j = 0;
for (Gene tar : tars)
double pv1 = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(tar, pos[0], pos[2]);
// double pv2 = CellTypeMatcher.getChangePvalBetweenTissues(tar, pos[1], pos[3]);
double ch1 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanChange(tar, pos[0], pos[2]);
double ch2 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanChange(tar, pos[1], pos[3]);
double x1 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(tar, pos[0]);
double x2 = CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(tar, pos[2]);
double rat = x2 / x1;
// if (pv1 < THR && ch1 * ch2 < 0)
System.out.print("\n" + tar.getSymbol());
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
System.out.print("\t" + fmt.format(CellTypeMatcher.getMeanValue(tar, pos[i])));
System.out.println("\n\nj = " + j);