* This source file is part of WZ Hybrid Bots
* For the latest information, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/wzhybridbots
* Copyright (c) 2006 - WzCtf
* For more information about WzCtf, see http://www.wzctf.net
* Also see the license in license.txt
package wzhybridbots.security;
/** The imported classes/interfaces */
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import wzhybridbots.security.BotOperator;
import wzhybridbots.security.BotOperatorSet;
import wzhybridbots.security.HashBotOperatorSet;
* This class reads a set of bot operators from a text plain file where
* each line contains the name of a bot operator. The access level is known
* from the file read. Each line starting with # or // will be considered as
* comment line.
* @author Witlospock
* @version 1.0
public class BotOperatorLineNumberReader implements BotOperatorReader {
/** The data source to read the bot operators from. */
private Reader reader;
/** The {@link wzhybridbots.consts.AccessLevel access level} of every bot operator. */
private int accessLevel;
* The class constructor.
* @param reader The data source to read the bot operators from.
* @param accessLevel The access level of every bot operators in that data source.
public BotOperatorLineNumberReader ( Reader reader,
int accessLevel ) {
if ( reader == null ) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
// Initialize the class
this.reader = reader;
this.accessLevel = accessLevel;
* Reads the bot operators from the data source.
* @return The set of the bot operators.
public BotOperatorSet readBotOperators() {
// Create the bot operator container
BotOperatorSet set = new HashBotOperatorSet();
return readBotOperators( set );
* Reads a set of bot operators from a data source and insert
* them in a specified container.
* @param set The container to put the bot operators in.
* @return The original set passed has parameter with an altered content.
public BotOperatorSet readBotOperators ( BotOperatorSet set ) {
if ( set == null ) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
// Create the appropriate reader
LineNumberReader rd = new LineNumberReader( this.reader );
try {
String line = rd.readLine();
// Loop through the data source
while ( line != null ) {
// Checks if it is a comment
if ( line.startsWith( "#" ) ||
line.startsWith( "//" ) ) {
// It is a comment line
else {
// There is a bot operator name
line = line.trim();
if ( line.length() > 0 ) {
// Create and add the bot operator to the container
BotOperator op = new BotOperator( line, this.accessLevel );
set.add( op );
line = rd.readLine();
catch ( IOException ioe ) {
// We catch an io exception
String msg = ioe.getMessage();
// Print debugging information
if ( msg != null ) {
System.out.println( msg );
return set;