
Source Code of$PluginEnumerator

* This source file is part of WZ Hybrid Bots
* For the latest information, see
* Copyright (c) 2006 - WzCtf
* For more information about WzCtf, see
* Also see the license in license.txt

/** The imported classes/interfaces */
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import hybrid.core.consts.MessageTypes;

import frontend.alphaspawn.ASConnection;
import frontend.alphaspawn.PluginAdapter;
import frontend.alphaspawn.PluginManager;

import wzhybridbots.consts.AccessLevel;

* Plugin command used to list/load/unload/reload plugins at runtime.
* @author Witlospock
* @version 1.0
public class Plugin extends Command {
  /** The plugin manager that load/unload plugins */
  protected PluginManager objPluginMgr = null;
  /** A connection object used to track and handle commands */
  protected ASConnection objConnection = null;
  /** A set of the bot operators and their access level */
  protected BotOperatorSet objBotOperators = null;
  /** A regex pattern for the arguments of the command */
  protected Pattern objPattern = null;

   * The class constructor.  Initialize the command object.
   * @param conn A fully functionnal connection object.
   * @param plugins The plugin manager that load/unload plugins.
   * @param objBotOperators The set of bot operators and their access level.
  public Plugin ( ASConnection conn,
          PluginManager plugins,
          BotOperatorSet ops ) {
    // Initialize the class
    super( "!plugin -lur<pluginName>", "List/Load/Unload/Reload a plugin" );
    // Checks for valid parameters
    if ( conn == null ) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
    if ( plugins == null ) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
    if ( ops == null ) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
    // Sets the fields
    this.objConnection = conn;
    this.objPluginMgr = plugins;
    this.objBotOperators = ops;
    // Sets the pattern
    // Here is the pattern we want to match
    //   !plugin -<option><pluginName>
    //   where
    //     <option>
    //       l  Load
    //       u  Unload
    //       r  Reload
    //    <pluginName>
    //      The name of the plugin
    // ex:
    //     !plugin -lPluginManager
    //      !plugin -uPluginManager
    //    !plugin -rPluginManager
    //    !plugin -lPluginManager -uLagCheck -rSomeOtherPlugin
    this.objPattern = Pattern.compile( "(?:\\s*(-[lur]\\w*))" );
   * Returns true if the player has sufficient access level,
   * false otherwise.
   * @param playerName The name of the player to check access.
   * @return see above.
  public boolean checkAccess ( String playerName ) {
    boolean hasAccess = false;
    // Check if the player has SysOp access
    BotOperator operator = new BotOperator( playerName );
    if ( this.objBotOperators.contains( operator ) ) {
      // The operator is register... let check his access level
      operator = this.objBotOperators.get( operator );
      // This isn't suppose to happen often, but still...
      if ( operator != null ) {
        hasAccess = operator.getAccessLevel() >= AccessLevel.SYSOP;
    return hasAccess;
   * Returns a bit field representing the command type this command can be fired from.
   * @return see above.
  public int getMessageTypes () {
    return (1 << MessageTypes.Private) | (1 << MessageTypes.Public);
   * Called when a player with the proper access level execute a command
   * that belongs to this Command object.
   * @param playerName The name of the player executing the command.
   * @param command The command to be execute.
   * @param args Additionnal arguments beside the command .
  public void handleCommand( String playerName, String command, String args ) {
    if ( args == null || args.trim().length() <= 0 ) {
      // The operator want to get a list of all plugins
      listPlugin( playerName );
    else {
      // The operator has specified some parameters
      Matcher matcher = this.objPattern.matcher( args );
      // Checks if the matcher found something
      if ( matcher.find() ) {
        do {
          // The argument are in the right format
          String match = 1 );
          if ( match.length() > 2 ) {
            // There is a plugin's name
            // Retrieve the plugin's name
            String pluginName = match.substring( 2 );
            // Check the type of command (l,u,r)
            switch ( match.charAt( 1 ) ) {
            // Load
            case 'l':
              // Load the plugin
              if ( loadPlugin( pluginName ) ) {
                // Plugin has been loaded & registered
                // Display a message to the player
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' has been loaded successfully." );
              else {
                // Plugin failed to load and/or register
                // Display a message to the player
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' failed to load." );
            // Unload
            case 'u':
              // Unload the plugin
              if ( unloadPlugin( pluginName ) ) {
                // The plugin has been unloaded
                // Display a message to the player
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' has been unloaded successfully." );
              else {
                // Unable to find or unload the plugin
                // Display a message to the player
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' doesn't exist or didn't unload." );
            // Reload
            case 'r':
              // Reload the plugin
              if ( reloadPlugin( pluginName ) ) {
                // The plugin has been reloaded
                // Display a message to the player
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' has been reloaded successfully." );
              else {
                // Unable to reload the plugin
                this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin '" + pluginName + "' failed to reload." );
            // What command is this ?!?
              this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The '-" + match.charAt( 1 ) + "' command's option doesn't exist." );
          else {
            // Where is the plugin's name ?!?
            this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "The plugin's name is missing for the '" + match + "' command's option." );
        } while ( matcher.find() ) ;
      else {
        // The pattern didn't match
        // Display an error message
        this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "Unknown argument '" + args + "' for command '" + command + "'." );

   * Called when a player with insufficient permission want to execute
   * a command that belongs to this Command object.
   * @param playerName The name of the player executing the command.
   * @param command The command to be execute.
   * @param args Additionnal arguments beside the command.
  public void ignoreCommand( String playerName, String command, String args ) {
   * Loads the specified plugin.
   * @param pluginName The plugin to load.
   * @return true if the plugin has been loaded successfully, false otherwise.
   *         If it was already loaded, true is return.
  protected boolean loadPlugin ( String pluginName ) {
    // Load & register the plugin
    PluginAdapter plugin = null;
    try {
      plugin = this.objPluginMgr.loadPlugin( pluginName );
    catch ( Exception e ) {
      // We caught an exception... the plugin shouldn't exist
      // or the parameter pass had a very bad name
      plugin = null;

    return plugin != null;
   * Unloads the specified plugin.
   * @param pluginName The plugin to unload.
   * @return true if the plugin has been unloaded successfully, false otherwise.
   *         If it wasn't found, false is return.
  protected boolean unloadPlugin ( String pluginName ) {
    // Iterate through the plugin list and find the right plugin
    PluginAdapter pluginToRemove = null;
    for ( int i = this.objPluginMgr.getPluginCount() - 1 ; i >= 0 && pluginToRemove == null ; i-- ) {
      PluginAdapter plugin = this.objPluginMgr.getPlugin( i );
      // Checks if we get a valid plugin
      if ( plugin != null ) {
        // The plugin is valid.
        // Checks if this is the one we are look for.
        if ( plugin.getName().equals( pluginName ) ) {
          // This is the plugin to unload
          pluginToRemove = plugin;
    // Checks if we have found the plugin to unload
    if ( pluginToRemove != null ) {
      // We found our plugin
      // Unload it
      return this.objPluginMgr.removePlugin( pluginToRemove );
    return false;
   * Reloads a specified plugin.
   * @param pluginName The plugin to reload.
   * @return true is the plugin has been reloaded successfully, false otherwise.
  protected boolean reloadPlugin ( String pluginName ) {
    boolean reloaded = false;
    // Try to unload the plugin
    if ( unloadPlugin( pluginName ) ) {
      // The plugin was unloaded successfully
      // Try to load the plugin
      if ( loadPlugin( pluginName ) ) {
        // The plugin was loaded successfully
        reloaded = true;
      else {
        // Unable to load the plugin back
    else {
      // The plugin didn't unload or doesn't exists
    return reloaded;
   * Displays to the specified player the list of all loaded/unloaded plugins.
   * @param playerName The player that wants to get the list of plugins.
  protected void listPlugin ( String playerName ) {
    // Create a container for the package's name
    SortedMap listPkg = new TreeMap();
    // Variables use for display purpose
    int longestName = 0;
    // Retrieve the list of all available plugins
    // Checks the list of all available plugins
    PluginEnumerator pe = PluginEnumerator.getInstance();
    for ( Iterator iter = pe.iterator() ; iter.hasNext() ; ) {
      String pluginName = (String);
      // Memorize the plugin's name
      if ( pluginName != null &&
         pluginName.length() > 0 ) {
        listPkg.put( pluginName, new Boolean( false ) );
        if ( pluginName.length() > longestName ) {
          longestName = pluginName.length();
    // Second, get the list of loaded plugins
    // Iterate through the list and mark these plugins has loaded
    for ( Iterator iter = this.objPluginMgr.getPlugins().iterator() ; iter.hasNext() ; ) {
      PluginAdapter plugin = (PluginAdapter);
      String pluginName = plugin.getName();
      // Checks if the plugin is in the list
      if ( listPkg.containsKey( pluginName ) ) {
        // The plugin is in the list
        // Remove the old occurence and insert a new one and
        // mark it as loaded
        listPkg.remove( pluginName );
      // Insert the plugin in the list and mark it as loaded
      listPkg.put( pluginName, new Boolean( true ) );
      if ( pluginName.length() > longestName ) {
        longestName = pluginName.length();
    // Display the list of plugins
    if ( !listPkg.isEmpty() ) {
      // The are some plugins
      String spaces = "    ";
      String loaded = "Loaded";
      String unloaded = "Unloaded";
      for ( Iterator iter = listPkg.entrySet().iterator() ; iter.hasNext() ; ) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
        // Format the output string
        StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer( (String)entry.getKey() );
        // Fill the output with some space
        for ( int i = output.length() ; i < longestName ; i++ ) {
          output.append( ' ' );
        output.append( spaces );
        // Checks if the plugin is loaded or unloaded
        if ( ( (Boolean)entry.getValue() ).booleanValue() ) {
          // The plugin is loaded
          output.append( loaded ).append( spaces );
          // Put some spaces
          for ( int i = 0 ; i < unloaded.length() ; i++ ) {
            output.append( ' ' );
        else {
          // The plugin is unloaded
          // Put some spaces
          for ( int i = 0 ; i < loaded.length() ; i++ ) {
            output.append( ' ' );
          output.append( spaces ).append( unloaded );
        // Display the line to the player
        this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, output.toString() );
    else {
      // No plugins found
      this.objConnection.sendPrivateMessage( playerName, "No plugin found" );
   * Internal class that enumerates all plugins that can be
   * loaded by the bot.
   * @author Witlospock
   * @version 1.0
  private static class PluginEnumerator {
    /** The only possible instance of this class */
    private static PluginEnumerator singleton = null;
    /** List that contains the plugins name */
    private List pluginList = new ArrayList();
     * Default class constructor.
    private PluginEnumerator () {
      // Fill the list of plugins

    private void initPluginList () {
      // FIXME The class isn't able to enumerate the plugins package
      // Maybe it would work if the CLASSPATH environment variable had the plugins folder

      // Get the list of packages
      Package plugins[] = Package.getPackages();
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < plugins.length ; i++ ) {
        if ( plugins[i] == null ) { continue; }
        String pluginName = plugins[i].getName();
        // Memorize the plugin's name
        if ( pluginName != null &&
           pluginName.length() > 0 &&
           pluginName.startsWith( "plugins" ) ) {
          // TODO Truncate the string to keep only the plugin's name
          this.pluginList.add( pluginName );         
     * Returns the instance of this class.
     * @return see above.
    public static PluginEnumerator getInstance () {
      // Returns the only instance of the PluginEnumerator class.
      if ( PluginEnumerator.singleton == null ) {
        PluginEnumerator.singleton = new PluginEnumerator();
      return PluginEnumerator.singleton;
     * Returns an iterator on the list of plugins found.
     * @return see above.
    public Iterator iterator () {     
      // Return an iterator on the package list
      return this.pluginList.iterator();

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