/* Copyright (c) 2011 Neil Walkinshaw and Kirill Bogdanov
* This file is part of StateChum.
* StateChum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* StateChum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with StateChum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Installation of RJava, JavaGD and aplpack on Debian x86_64:
* apt-get install r-base
* (note: an alternative way to install javagd is from http://blog.binfalse.de/2011/02/talking-r-through-java/
* which boils down to apt-get install r-cran-rjava
* Asking R to install packages itself will fail on a PAX-enabled system because binaries it generates does not have
* mprotect disabled, to make this work you have to change every line in the two configure files of rJava which
* says
* ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext'
* to read
* ac_try='paxctl -Cm ./conftest$ac_exeext;./conftest$ac_exeext'
* After that, configure will be successful. The outcome can be turned back into rJava.tar.gz and R will install it via
* install.packages("/tmp/RtmpxtSS7S/downloaded_packages/rJava-modified.tar.gz")
* As root:
* R CMD javareconf
* (it uses getsp.java also available in JavaGD distribution (getsp.java takes java.library.path and splits it into segments prefixed by -L ,
* on Debian it is stored in /usr/share/R/share/java/getsp.class )
* Note that R CMD config CC obtains C compiler for R, similar for other flags.
* Then unpack JavaGD into /usr/local/src/JavaGD and then run
* from /usr/local/src, this builds and installs the package.
* In a similar way, I can install rJava, but perhaps it is prudent to disable extra package loading via JRIBootstrap.java
* During installation packages are placed in /usr/local/lib/R/site-library and I have to include /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rJava/jri/ in java.library.path
* In addition, R_HOME has to be set to /usr/lib/R (in Eclipse Run configuration).
* In order to use bagplots, the following is needed,
* R CMD INSTALL aplpack
* Installation of the above on MacOSX and Win32:
* install.packages(c("JavaGD","rJava","aplpack"))
* On MacOS, tcltk is a special download which installs into /usr/local.
* Where R is install from Macports, I need to installed both as follows:
* <pre>
* port install tk +x11
* port install R +gfortran48 +x11 +tcltk
* </pre>
* Installing a pre-built binary from R web site does not work because it is linked to Quartz that appears to be missing, most likely because they have used Lion or something similar).
* R_HOME needs to be set to /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources
* and /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.0/Resources/library/rJava/jri needs adding to java.library.path
// This file is based on rtest.java
package statechum.analysis.learning;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.rosuda.JRI.REXP;
import org.rosuda.JRI.RMainLoopCallbacks;
import org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine;
import statechum.Configuration;
import statechum.GlobalConfiguration;
import statechum.GlobalConfiguration.G_PROPERTIES;
import statechum.Helper;
public class DrawGraphs {
/** Determines whether our callbacks are dummies (without a main loop) or active (main loop running).
static boolean mainLoopRunning = false;
public static class ConsoleCallbacks implements RMainLoopCallbacks
public void rBusy(Rengine arg0, int arg1) {
// dummy
public String rChooseFile(Rengine arg0, int arg1) {
// dummy
return null;
public void rFlushConsole(Rengine arg0) {
// dummy
public void rLoadHistory(Rengine arg0, String arg1) {
// dummy
private BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
/** Mostly from rtest.java */
public String rReadConsole(Rengine arg0, String prompt, int arg2) {
if (!mainLoopRunning) return null;
try {
String s=br.readLine();
return (s==null||s.length()==0)?s:s+"\n";
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("rReadConsole exception: "+e.getMessage());
return null;
public void rSaveHistory(Rengine arg0, String arg1) {
// dummy
public void rShowMessage(Rengine arg0, String arg1) {
if (mainLoopRunning) System.out.println(arg1);
public void rWriteConsole(Rengine arg0, String arg1, int arg2) {
if (mainLoopRunning) System.out.println(arg1);
private StringBuffer consoleBuffer = new StringBuffer();
public void clearBuffer()
consoleBuffer = new StringBuffer();
public String getBuffer()
return consoleBuffer.toString();
/** R engine - can only be initalised once - second time packages do not load ("setwd(x) cannot change directory")
* because F:/R/windows64/R-2.12.2/library is passed to setwd and even if the correct value is passed, package
* loading fails.
protected static Rengine engine;
protected static ConsoleCallbacks callbacks = new ConsoleCallbacks();
public DrawGraphs()
java.lang.reflect.Method loadJri = null;
loadJri = Rengine.class.getMethod("loadJri", new Class[]{String.class});
} catch (Exception e)
{// ignore this, loadJri remains null.
if (loadJri != null && !((Boolean)loadJri.invoke(null, GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration().getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_JRILIB))).booleanValue())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JRI library could not be loaded");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calling a method to load JRI library failed",e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calling a method to load JRI library failed",e);
} // IllegalArgumentException thrown by the above should propagate
if (!Rengine.versionCheck())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("R version mismatch");
if (engine == null)
engine = new Rengine(new String[]{"--vanilla"},false,callbacks);
if (!engine.waitForR())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("loading R failed");
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
eval("library(aplpack)","loading BagPlot");
// detect if compression is supported
pdfCompression = eval("is.element(\"compress\",names(formals(pdf)))","failed to detect whether compression is supported").asBool().isTRUE();
protected static REXP eval(String whatToEval, String errMsg)
REXP result = engine.eval(whatToEval);
if (result == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg+" : "+callbacks.getBuffer());
return result;
protected static <ELEM> String vectorToR(List<ELEM> vector, boolean addQuotes)
if (vector.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot plot an empty graph");
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
boolean startVector = true;
for(ELEM elem:vector)
if (!startVector) result.append(",");else startVector=false;
if (addQuotes) result.append('\"');
if (addQuotes) result.append('\"');
return result.toString();
public static final String defaultColour = "green";
* Formats a box plotting command to R.
* @param data what to plot
* @param names names of boxes
* @param colour colour of boxes
* @param otherAttrs additional attributes to set, null if not used.
* @return The string to be sent to R for evaluation.
protected static String boxPlotToString(List<List<Double>> data,List<String> names,List<String> colour, String otherAttrs)
if (data.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot plot an empty graph");
if (data.size() == 1 && names != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("in a graph with one component, names are not used");
if (data.size() > 1 && names != null && names.size() != data.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mismatch between name and data length");
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
boolean firstVectorOfData = true;
for(List<Double> arg:data)
if (!firstVectorOfData) result.append(",");else firstVectorOfData=false;
// names
if (names != null)
result.append(vectorToR(names, true));
// colours
if (colour != null) result.append(vectorToR(colour,true));
{// no colours provided, using the default one
boolean startVector = true;
for(int i=0;i<data.size();++i)
if (!startVector) result.append(",");else startVector=false;
String col = defaultColour;
if (otherAttrs != null) { result.append(',');result.append(otherAttrs); }
return result.toString();
* Formats a bag plotting command to R.
* @param yData what to plot vertically
* @param xData what to plot horizontally
* @param otherAttrs additional attributes to set, null if not used.
* @return The string to be sent to R for evaluation.
protected static String datasetToString(String plotType,List<List<Double>> yData,List<Double> xData, String otherAttrs)
if (yData.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot plot an empty graph");
if (yData.size() != xData.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mismatch between x and y length");
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer yAxisData = new StringBuffer();
Iterator<Double> xArgIterator = xData.iterator();
boolean startVector = true;
for(List<Double> yArg:yData)
Double xArg = xArgIterator.next();
for(Double elem:yArg)
if (!startVector) { yAxisData.append(",");result.append(','); } else startVector=false;
if (otherAttrs != null && !otherAttrs.isEmpty()) { result.append(',');result.append(otherAttrs); }
return result.toString();
private static boolean javaGDLoaded = false;
/** Newer versions of R permit pdf compression, but older ones choke if I attempt to use it.
private static boolean pdfCompression = false;
/** Since I cannot pass arguments to RViewer during it construction, static values have to be set and
* then copied into the new object. For this reason, creation of graphs has to be serialised, this is done
* by running it all on the Swing thread (avoids a deadlock associated with resizing of the window
* and us doing something to it at the same time on different threads).
public void drawInteractivePlot(final List<String> dataToPlot,final String title)
// First, load javaGD
if (!javaGDLoaded)
// based on http://www.algorithm-forge.com/techblog/2010/07/using-javagd-in-java-applications/
engine.eval(".setenv <- if (exists(\"Sys.setenv\")) Sys.setenv else Sys.putenv");
eval("library(JavaGD)","loading JavaGD");
javaGDLoaded = true;
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run()
if (RViewer.getGraph(title) == null)
{// create new graph
eval("JavaGD(\"aa\")","JavaGD() failed");
REXP devNum = eval("dev.cur()","failed to do dev.cur");
eval("dev.set("+(RViewer.getGraph(title).getDeviceNumber()+1)+")","failed to do dev.set for "+title);
for(String cmd:dataToPlot)
eval(cmd,"failed to run plot "+cmd);
} catch (Exception e) {
Helper.throwUnchecked("could not draw graph "+title, e);
/** Draws a plot given the data to plot and stores it in the given file.
* @param drawingCommand drawing command to pass to R
* @param xDim horizontal size in inches, R default is 7.
* @param yDim vertical size in inches, R default is 7.
* @param fileName where to store result.
public void drawPlot(List<String> drawingCommand,double xDim,double yDim,File file)
if (xDim < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("horizontal size ("+xDim+") too small");
if (yDim < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertical size ("+yDim+") too small");
if (file.exists() && file.delete() == false)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot delete file "+file.getAbsolutePath());
// Slashes have to be the Unix-way - R simply terminates the DLL on WinXP otherwise.
String fullName = file.getAbsolutePath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
+(pdfCompression?",compress=FALSE":"") // disable pdf compression if enabled
+")","redirection to pdf("+file.getAbsolutePath()+") failed");
for(String cmd:drawingCommand)
eval(cmd,"failed to run "+cmd);
eval("dev.off()","failed to write to "+file.getAbsolutePath());
* Shuts down jri thread - since jri is not a daemon thread JVM will not exit if this is not called.
public static void end()
if (engine != null)
for(RViewer v:RViewer.nameToGraph.values()) v.gdClose();
public static class DataColumn
/** Data to be displayed. */
final List<Double> results;
/** Colour to use, if {@code null} default colour is used. */
String colour;
/** Label to be used, if {@code null} column identifier is used. */
String label;
public DataColumn()
results = new ArrayList<Double>(1000);
* Represents a graph.
* @param <ELEM> type of elements for the X axis, vertical is always a Double
public static abstract class RGraph<ELEM extends Comparable<? super ELEM>>
Map<ELEM,DataColumn> collectionOfResults = new TreeMap<ELEM,DataColumn>();
protected final String xAxis,yAxis;
protected final File file;
/** Number of entries in the graph. */
protected int size = 0;
/** Additional drawing command to append to a plot, such as abline() command. */
protected List<String> extraCommands = new LinkedList<String>();
public void addExtraCommand(String cmd)
public RGraph(String x,String y,File name)
protected ELEM xMin = null, xMax = null;
protected Double yMin = null, yMax = null;
public void setXboundaries(ELEM min, ELEM max)
xMin = min;xMax = max;
public void setYboundaries(double min, double max)
yMin = min;yMax = max;
public synchronized void add(ELEM el,Double value)
if (yMin != null && yMin.doubleValue() > value.doubleValue()) return;
if (yMax != null && yMax.doubleValue() < value.doubleValue()) return;
if (xMin != null && xMin.compareTo(el) > 0) return;
if (xMax != null && xMax.compareTo(el) < 0) return;
DataColumn column = collectionOfResults.get(el);
if (column == null) { column=new DataColumn();collectionOfResults.put(el,column); }
public synchronized void add(ELEM el,Double value, String colour)
public int size()
return size;
/** Same as {@link add} but additionally permits setting of both colour and a label for this
* column of data values.
* @param el identifier for the column
* @param value value to be added to it
* @param colour colour with which box plot values are to be shown
* @param label label to show on the horizonal axis, empty string for no label.
public synchronized void add(ELEM el,Double value, String colour, String label)
if (colour != null) collectionOfResults.get(el).colour=colour;
if (label != null) collectionOfResults.get(el).label=label;
/** Returns a command to draw a graph in R. */
protected abstract List<String> getDrawingCommand();
public void drawInteractive(DrawGraphs gr)
List<String> drawingCommands = new LinkedList<String>();
gr.drawInteractivePlot(drawingCommands, file.getName());
protected double xSize = -1;
/** Sets the horizonal size of the plot, vertical size is always set to 4 inches.
* If no assignemnt is made, the size is guessed from the number of points on the drawing.
public void setXSize(double newSize)
xSize = newSize;
double ySize = 4;
public void drawPdf(DrawGraphs gr)
if (collectionOfResults.size() > 0)
double horizSize = xSize;
if (horizSize <= 0) horizSize=computeHorizSize();
List<String> drawingCommands = new LinkedList<String>();
gr.drawPlot(drawingCommands, horizSize,ySize,file);
if (GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration().isAssertEnabled())
System.out.println("WARNING: ignoring empty plot that was supposed to be written into "+file);
/* Computes the horizontal size of the drawing. */
abstract protected double computeHorizSize();
/** Reports the name of the file with the graph, used for identification of different graphs. */
public String getFileName()
return file.getName();
public static class RBoxPlot<ELEM extends Comparable<? super ELEM>> extends RGraph<ELEM>
public RBoxPlot(String x, String y, File name) {
super(x, y, name);
public List<String> getDrawingCommand()
List<List<Double>> data = new LinkedList<List<Double>>();
List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>(), colours = new LinkedList<String>();
for(Entry<ELEM,DataColumn> entry:collectionOfResults.entrySet())
String label = entry.getValue().label;
if (label == null)
label = entry.getKey().toString();
String colour = entry.getValue().colour;
if (colour == null) colour = defaultColour;
return Collections.singletonList(boxPlotToString(data, names.size()==1?null:names,colours,
(!xAxis.isEmpty() || !yAxis.isEmpty())? "xlab=\""+xAxis+"\",ylab=\""+yAxis+"\""
protected double computeHorizSize() {
double horizSize=ySize*collectionOfResults.keySet().size()/5;if (horizSize < ySize) horizSize = ySize;
return horizSize;
public static class RBoxPlotP<ELEM extends Comparable<? super ELEM>> extends RGraph<ELEM>
public RBoxPlotP(String x, String y, File name) {
super(x, y, name);
public List<String> getDrawingCommand()
List<List<Double>> data = new LinkedList<List<Double>>();
List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>(), colours = new LinkedList<String>();
for(Entry<ELEM,DataColumn> entry:collectionOfResults.entrySet())
String label = entry.getValue().label;
if (label == null)
label = entry.getKey().toString();
String colour = entry.getValue().colour;
if (colour == null) colour = defaultColour;
return Collections.singletonList(boxPlotToString(data, names.size()==1?null:names,colours,"xlab=\""+xAxis+"\",ylab=\""+yAxis+"\",las=2"));
protected double computeHorizSize() {
double horizSize=ySize*collectionOfResults.keySet().size()/5;if (horizSize < ySize) horizSize = ySize;
return horizSize;
public static class RBagPlot extends Graph2D
public RBagPlot(String x, String y, File name) {
super(x, y,"bagplot", name);
/** Returns a string reflecting the number of points R bagplot analysis will be limited to. */
protected String formatApproxLimit()
return (limit == null?"":"approx.limit="+limit.intValue());
protected Integer limit = null;
/** By default, R's bagplot limits the number of points for analysis to 300, this one makes it possible to change that value. */
public void setLimit(int value)
limit = value;
public String otherOptions()
return formatApproxLimit();
public static class Graph2D extends RGraph<Double>
public Graph2D(String x, String y, String plotKind, File name) {
super(x, y, name);plotType=plotKind;
List<List<Double>> data = null;
List<Double> names = null;
public void computeDataSet()
data = new LinkedList<List<Double>>();
names = new LinkedList<Double>();
for(Entry<Double,DataColumn> entry:collectionOfResults.entrySet())
final protected String plotType;
public String otherOptions()
return "";
public List<String> getDrawingCommand()
return Collections.singletonList(datasetToString(plotType,data, names,"xlab=\""+xAxis+"\",ylab=\""+yAxis+"\""+
public boolean graphOk()
Rectangle2D.Double graphSize = getSize();
if (graphSize.width < Configuration.fpAccuracy)
return false;
if (graphSize.height < Configuration.fpAccuracy)
return false;
return true;
/** Computes the data for abline to draw a diagonal. */
public String computeDiagonal()
Rectangle2D.Double graphSize = getSize();
if (graphSize.width < Configuration.fpAccuracy)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("width is too small");
if (graphSize.height < Configuration.fpAccuracy)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("height is too small");
double k = graphSize.height/graphSize.width;
double diff = graphSize.y-k*graphSize.x;
return "abline("+diff+","+k+")";
public Rectangle2D.Double getSize()
Double xValueMin = null, xValueMax = null, yValueMin = null, yValueMax = null;
// if there is nothing useful to draw, do not pass the command to Bagplot - it will crash (as of May 24, 2011).
Iterator<Entry<Double,DataColumn>> resultIterator = collectionOfResults.entrySet().iterator();
Entry<Double,DataColumn> entry = resultIterator.next();
if (xValueMin == null) { xValueMin = entry.getKey();xValueMax = entry.getKey(); }
if (xValueMin.compareTo(entry.getKey()) > 0) xValueMin = entry.getKey();
if (xValueMax.compareTo(entry.getKey()) < 0) xValueMax = entry.getKey();
for(Double y:entry.getValue().results)
if (yValueMin == null) { yValueMin = y;yValueMax = y; }
if (yValueMin.compareTo(y) > 0) yValueMin = y;
if (yValueMax.compareTo(y) < 0) yValueMax = y;
if (xValueMin == null || yValueMin == null)
return new Rectangle2D.Double();
return new Rectangle2D.Double(xValueMin,yValueMin,xValueMax-xValueMin,yValueMax-yValueMin);
public void drawInteractive(DrawGraphs gr)
if (!checkSingleDot())
if (GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration().isAssertEnabled())
System.out.println("WARNING: not popping bagplot "+file+" consisting of a single dot due to R bug");
protected double computeHorizSize() {
return ySize;
public boolean checkSingleDot() {
return getSize().width < Configuration.fpAccuracy && getSize().height < Configuration.fpAccuracy;
public static class ScatterPlot extends Graph2D
public ScatterPlot(String x, String y, File name) {
super(x, y, "plot", name);
/** Draws a square bag plot. */
public static class SquareBagPlot extends RBagPlot
protected final boolean diag;
protected final double minValue, maxValue;
* @param x name of the X axis
* @param y name of the Y axis
* @param name file where to store .pdf (should include the extension).
* @param from the minimal value of x or y.
* @param to the maximal value of x or y.
* @param diagonal whether to draw a diagonal line
public SquareBagPlot(String x, String y, File name, double from, double to, boolean diagonal) {
super(x, y, name);diag = diagonal;minValue = from;maxValue = to;
public List<String> getDrawingCommand()
List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
result.add("bplot<-compute."+datasetToString(plotType,data, names,formatApproxLimit()));
result.add("plot(bplot,xlim=c("+minValue+","+maxValue+"), ylim=c("+minValue+","+maxValue+"),xlab=\""+xAxis+"\",ylab=\""+yAxis+"\")");
if (diag) result.add("abline(0,1)");
return result;