Package statechum.analysis.Erlang

Source Code of statechum.analysis.Erlang.ErlangLabel$ErlangParserComponent

/* Copyright (c) 2011 The University of Sheffield.
* This file is part of StateChum
* StateChum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* StateChum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with StateChum.  If not, see <>.
package statechum.analysis.Erlang;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;


import statechum.Configuration;
import statechum.Helper;
import statechum.Label;
import statechum.analysis.Erlang.Signatures.FuncSignature;
import statechum.analysis.Erlang.Signatures.Signature;
import statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.LTL_to_ba.Lexer;

* @author ramsay
public class ErlangLabel extends OtpErlangTuple implements Label {

   * ID for serialization.
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 5192814547774363649L;

  public final int arity;
  public final FuncSignature function;
  public final OtpErlangObject input, expectedOutput;
   * A function might be called wibble:handle_call/3 but we have to use the
   * name of "call" when making a call to Erlang.
  public final String callName;

   * Denotes the name of the function which is known to the module but not
   * stored in this label.
  public static final String missingFunction = "?F()";

  protected String buildFunctionSignatureAsString() {
    // {File, LineNo, F, A,fun_to_Statechum(erl_types:t_fun(ArgType,
    // RetType),Info#info.recMap)}
    StringBuffer resultHolder = new StringBuffer();
    if (function == null) {
    } else {
        .dump(callName, resultHolder);
    if (expectedOutput != null) {
    return resultHolder.toString();

  public String toString() {
    String result = callName + ", " + input;
    // (function == null?missingFunction:function.toString())+"," + input;
    if (expectedOutput != null) {
      result = result + " ," + expectedOutput;
    return "{" + result + "}";

  private final String alphaNum;

  public String toErlangTerm() {
    return alphaNum;

  public static String dumpErlangObject(OtpErlangObject obj) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    Class cls = obj.getClass();
    ErlangParserComponent dumper = classToDumper.get(cls);
    while (dumper == null) {
      cls = cls.getSuperclass();
      if (cls == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "cannot dump object of type " + obj.getClass());

      dumper = classToDumper.get(cls);
    dumper.dump(obj, buffer);
    return buffer.toString();

  public ErlangLabel(FuncSignature operator, String shortName,
      OtpErlangObject inputArgs) {
    this(operator, shortName, inputArgs, null);

  public ErlangLabel(FuncSignature operator, String shortName,
      OtpErlangObject inputArgs, OtpErlangObject expectedOutputArgs) {
        // if there is no valid function involved, this label cannot be passed to Erlang.
        operator == null? new OtpErlangObject[]{}:
        expectedOutputArgs == null ? new OtpErlangObject[] {
        // if no outputs, generate a function/input pair
        new OtpErlangAtom(operator.getName()), inputArgs }
        : new OtpErlangObject[] {
        // with an output, this will be a function/input/output triple.
        new OtpErlangAtom(operator.getName()),inputArgs, expectedOutputArgs });
    arity = expectedOutputArgs == null ? 2 : 3;
    function = operator;
    callName = shortName;
    input = inputArgs;
    expectedOutput = expectedOutputArgs;
    alphaNum = buildFunctionSignatureAsString();
    if (function != null)

  public int compareTo(Label other) {
    if (!(other instanceof ErlangLabel)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Comparing an ErlangLabel to something thats not an ErlangLabel");

    return toErlangTerm().compareTo(other.toErlangTerm());

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
  public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = super.hashCode();
    result = prime * result + arity;
    result = prime * result
        + ((expectedOutput == null) ? 0 : expectedOutput.hashCode());
    result = prime * result
        + ((function == null) ? 0 : function.hashCode());
    result = prime * result + ((input == null) ? 0 : input.hashCode());
    return result;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return toErlangTerm().equals(((Label) obj).toErlangTerm());

  /** Implemented by differet components of Erlang<->text parser. */
  public static interface ErlangParserComponent {
     * Turns the text of this component into text which can be subsequently
     * parsed back. For instance, string are quoted and so are atoms, hence
     * no type conversion is necessary.
    public void dump(OtpErlangObject obj, StringBuffer resultHolder);

     * Parses text using the provided parser and returns an Erlang term
     * which corresponds to what lexer observes.
     * @param lex
     *            lexer to use
     * @return Erlang term
    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lex);

  public static class ErlangTuple implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangTuple singleton = new ErlangTuple();

    public static ErlangTuple getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangTuple tuple = (OtpErlangTuple) arg;

      boolean first = true;
      for (OtpErlangObject obj : tuple.elements()) {
        if (!first)
          first = false;
        classToDumper.get(obj.getClass()).dump(obj, resultHolder);

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlTupleBegin;

      List<OtpErlangObject> tupleComponents = new LinkedList<OtpErlangObject>();

      // Parser state.
      boolean expectComma = false, pullNextToken = true;
      int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
      while (currentMatch != erlTupleEnd) {// parsing ErlangTuple
        if (currentMatch < 0)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "unexpected end of tuple");

        switch (currentMatch) {
        case erlTupleBegin:
        case erlListBegin:
        case erlAtomQuote:
        case erlBitStrBegin:
        case erlString:
          if (expectComma)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "expecting comma in parsing tuple, looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch());
          expectComma = true;
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
        case erlDot:
        case erlE:
        case erlText:
          if (expectComma)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "expecting comma in parsing tuple, looking at "+lexer.getMatch());
          expectComma = true;
          pullNextToken = false;
        case erlComma:
          if (!expectComma)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "unexpected comma in parsing tuple, looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch());
          expectComma = false;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
              + currentMatch + " in parsing tuple, looking at "
              + lexer.getMatch()+ " so far parsed: "+tupleComponents);
        if (pullNextToken)
          currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
        else {// use the last token but pull the next one next time
            // 'round
          currentMatch = lexer.getLastMatchType();
          pullNextToken = true;
      return new OtpErlangTuple(
          tupleComponents.toArray(new OtpErlangObject[0]));


  public static class ErlangList implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangList singleton = new ErlangList();

    public static ErlangList getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangList list = (OtpErlangList) arg;

      boolean first = true;
      for (OtpErlangObject obj : list.elements()) {
        if (!first)
          first = false;
        classToDumper.get(obj.getClass()).dump(obj, resultHolder);
      if (!list.isProper())
        OtpErlangObject lastTail = list.getLastTail();resultHolder.append(" | ");
        classToDumper.get(lastTail.getClass()).dump(lastTail, resultHolder);

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlListBegin;

      List<OtpErlangObject> listComponents = new LinkedList<OtpErlangObject>();
      OtpErlangObject tail = null;
      OtpErlangObject nextElement = null;// temporary variable.
      // Parser state.
      boolean expectComma = false, pullNextToken = true, parsingTail = false;
      int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
      while (currentMatch != erlListEnd) {// parsing ErlangList
        if (currentMatch < 0)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected end of list");

        switch (currentMatch) {
        case erlTupleBegin:
        case erlListBegin:
        case erlAtomQuote:
        case erlBitStrBegin:
        case erlString:
          if (expectComma)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expecting comma in parsing list, looking at "+lexer.getText());
          if (tail != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("an expression past the end of a tail of an improper list, matched "+
                lexer.getMatch()+" was parsing "+lexer.getText());

          nextElement = tokenToParser.get(currentMatch).parseObject(lexer);
          if (parsingTail)
            tail = nextElement;
          expectComma = true;
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
        case erlDot:
        case erlE:
        case erlText:
          if (expectComma)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "expecting comma in parsing list but matched "+lexer.getMatch()+" was parsing "+lexer.getText());
          if (tail != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("an expression past the end of a tail of an improper list, matched "+
                lexer.getMatch()+" was parsing "+lexer.getText());
          nextElement = tokenToParser.get(currentMatch).parseObject(lexer);
          // the above terminated having eaten a token past the element it is supposed to have parsed.
          pullNextToken = false;

          if (parsingTail)
            tail = nextElement;
          expectComma = true;
        case erlBar:
          parsingTail = true;
          if (!expectComma || tail != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "unexpected bar in parsing list, looking at "  + lexer.getMatch());
          expectComma = false;
        case erlComma:
          if (!expectComma || tail != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "unexpected comma in parsing list, looking at "  + lexer.getMatch());
          expectComma = false;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type " + currentMatch + " in parsing list, looking at "+ lexer.getMatch());
        if (pullNextToken)
          currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
        else {// use the last token but pull the next one next time
            // 'round
          currentMatch = lexer.getLastMatchType();
          pullNextToken = true;
      if (parsingTail && tail == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing tail in improper list");
      if (tail != null)
        // The special case is where the end is a string which we have to turn into a list
        // in order to merge it into the current list.
        if (tail instanceof OtpErlangString)
          tail = Signature.stringToList(tail);
        if (tail instanceof OtpErlangList)
        {// merge this into the current list.
          OtpErlangList tailAsList = (OtpErlangList)tail;
          for(int i=0;i<tailAsList.arity();++i)
          tail = tailAsList.getLastTail();
      OtpErlangList outcome = null;
      try {
        outcome = new OtpErlangList(listComponents.toArray(new OtpErlangObject[0]),tail);
      } catch (OtpErlangException e) {
        Helper.throwUnchecked("failed to build a list", e);
      return outcome;

  public static class ErlangQuotedAtom implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangQuotedAtom singleton = new ErlangQuotedAtom();

    public static ErlangQuotedAtom getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    protected static final Set<Character> whatToQuoteForAtom = new HashSet<Character>();

    static {
      for (char ch : new char[] { '\'', '\\', '\n', '\r' })

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangAtom atom = (OtpErlangAtom) arg;
      stringToText(atom.atomValue(), whatToQuoteForAtom, resultHolder);

    public void dump(String arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      stringToText(arg, whatToQuoteForAtom, resultHolder);

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlAtomQuote;
      StringBuffer atomText = new StringBuffer();

      // parser state
      boolean expectedChar = false, finished = false;

      while (!finished) {
        int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
        if (currentMatch < 0)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected end of atom");

        switch (currentMatch) {// parsing quoted ErlangAtom
        case erlTupleBegin:
        case erlTupleEnd:
        case erlListBegin:
        case erlListEnd:
        case erlBitStrBegin:
        case erlBitStrEnd:
        case erlString:
        case erlGT:
        case erlLT:
        case erlCol:
        case erlMinus:
        case erlPlus:
        case erlSlash:
        case erlDot:
        case erlE:
        case erlSpaces:
        case erlComma:
        case erlBar:
          expectedChar = false;
        case erlBackslash:
          if (expectedChar) {// this char will be quoted
            expectedChar = false;
          } else
            expectedChar = true;
        case erlAtomQuote:
          if (expectedChar) {// this char will be quoted
            expectedChar = false;
          } else
            finished = true;
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
        case erlText:
          if (expectedChar)
            // first character quoted - we do not support special
            // chars in atoms because they are not supposed to be
            // quoted anyway.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "atom parser: character "
                    + lexer.getMatch().charAt(0)
                    + " is not supposed to be prefixed by backslash");

          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
              + currentMatch + " in parsing atom, looking at "
              + lexer.getMatch());

      return new OtpErlangAtom(atomText.toString());

  /** Parsing is done by the UnquotedAtom class since booleans are unquoted. */
  public static class ErlangBoolean implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangBoolean singleton = new ErlangBoolean();

    public static ErlangBoolean getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public static final String True = "true", False = "false";

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject obj, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      if (((OtpErlangBoolean) obj).booleanValue())

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Lexer lex) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "parsing is supposed to be done by ErlangUnquotedAtom");

  public static class ErlangUnquotedAtom extends ErlangQuotedAtom {
    private static final ErlangUnquotedAtom singleton = new ErlangUnquotedAtom();

    public static ErlangUnquotedAtom getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlText
          || lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlE
          || lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlDot;
      StringBuffer atomText = new StringBuffer();

      // parser state
      boolean finished = false, firstToken = true;
      int currentMatch = lexer.getLastMatchType();
      while (!finished && currentMatch >= 0) {
        switch (currentMatch) {// parsing Unquoted ErlangAtom
        case erlString:
        case erlAtomQuote:
        case erlBackslash:
        case erlGT: // Erlang interprets statements with these as
              // expressions and attempts to evaluate them, we
              // simply ban 'em
        case erlLT:// Erlang interprets statements with these as
              // expressions and attempts to evaluate them, we
              // simply ban 'em
        case erlCol:
        case erlMinus:
        case erlPlus:
        case erlSlash:
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("unquoted atom parser: "
              + lexer.getMatch()
              + " is never allowed in an atom without quotes. Text in atom so far: "+atomText);
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
        case erlE:
        case erlText:
        case erlDot:
          if (firstToken)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "unquoted atom cannot start with a dot which is ignored by the actual Erlang ");
        case erlBar:
        case erlTupleBegin:
        case erlListBegin:
        case erlTupleEnd:
        case erlListEnd:
        case erlBitStrBegin:
        case erlBitStrEnd:
        case erlSpaces:
        case erlComma:
          finished = true;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
              + currentMatch
              + " in parsing unquoted atom, looking at "
              + lexer.getMatch());
        firstToken = false;
        if (!finished)
          currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
      assert atomText.length() > 0;

      OtpErlangObject outcome = null;
      if (atomText.toString().equals(ErlangBoolean.True))
        outcome = new OtpErlangBoolean(true);
      else if (atomText.toString().equals(ErlangBoolean.False))
        outcome = new OtpErlangBoolean(false);
        outcome = new OtpErlangAtom(atomText.toString());

      return outcome;

  public static class ErlangString implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangString singleton = new ErlangString();

    public static ErlangString getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    protected static final Set<Character> whatToQuoteForString = new HashSet<Character>();

    static {// perhaps make these if ( !Character.isAlphabetic(ch) && !Character.isDigit(ch) && ch != ' ')
      for (char ch : new char[] { '\"', '\\', '\n', '\r' })

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangString atom = (OtpErlangString) arg;
      dump(atom.stringValue(), resultHolder);

    /** Similar to the above but for normal strings. */
    public void dump(String str, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      stringToText(str, whatToQuoteForString, resultHolder);

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlString;
      StringBuffer stringText = new StringBuffer();

      // parser state
      boolean expectedChar = false, finished = false;

      while (!finished) {
        int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
        if (currentMatch < 0)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "unexpected end of string");

        switch (currentMatch) {// parsing ErlangString
        case erlTupleBegin:
        case erlTupleEnd:
        case erlListBegin:
        case erlListEnd:
        case erlBitStrBegin:
        case erlBitStrEnd:
        case erlAtomQuote:
        case erlGT:
        case erlLT:
        case erlCol:
        case erlMinus:
        case erlPlus:
        case erlSlash:
        case erlDot:
        case erlE:
        case erlComma:
        case erlBar:
        case erlSpaces:
          expectedChar = false;
        case erlBackslash:
          if (expectedChar) {// this char will be quoted
            expectedChar = false;
          } else
            expectedChar = true;
        case erlString:
          if (expectedChar) {// this char will be quoted
            expectedChar = false;
          } else
            finished = true;
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
        case erlText:
          if (expectedChar)
            // first character quoted - we do not support special
            // chars in string because they are not supposed to be
            // quoted anyway.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "string parser: character "
                    + lexer.getMatch().charAt(0)
                    + " is not supposed to be prefixed by backslash");

          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
              + currentMatch + " in parsing tuple, looking at "
              + lexer.getMatch());

      return new OtpErlangString(stringText.toString());

  public static class ErlangBitString implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangBitString singleton = new ErlangBitString();

    public static ErlangBitString getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject obj, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangBitstr bitStr = (OtpErlangBitstr) obj;
      resultHolder.append("<< ");
      byte[] bitStringData = bitStr.binaryValue();
      if (bitStr.size() != bitStringData.length)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "the number of bits in the string is not divisible by 8, conversion cannot be accurately performed");
      boolean first = true;
      for (byte b : bitStringData) {
        if (!first)
          resultHolder.append(", ");
          first = false;
        resultHolder.append(b & 0xff);

    public static enum ParseState {

    public static final Set<String> typeStringsIgnored;

    static {
      Set<String> strings = new TreeSet<String>();
      typeStringsIgnored = Collections.unmodifiableSet(strings);

    protected class SegmentParameters {
      // default values
      int unit = 1, size = 8;
      boolean littleEndian = false;

      final BigInteger number;
      int lengthOfNumber;

      /** Only used to detect inconsistent type declarations. */
      boolean isSigned = false, isUnsigned = false, isBig = false,
          isLittle = false;

      public SegmentParameters(String text) {
        number = new BigInteger(text);
        lengthOfNumber = number.bitCount();

       * Handles all type strings exceptin Unit which requires parser
       * assistance.
      public void processTypeAttribute(String type) {
        if (type.equals("little")) {
          if (isBig)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "type mismatched: already big-endian");
          isLittle = true;
          littleEndian = true;
        } else if (type.equals("big")) {
          if (isLittle)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "type mismatched: already little-endian");
          isBig = true;
          littleEndian = false;
        } else if (type.equals("signed")) {
          if (isUnsigned)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "type mismatched: already unsigned");
          isSigned = true;
        } else if (type.equals("unsigned")) {
          if (isSigned)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "type mismatched: already signed");
          isUnsigned = true;
        } else if (!typeStringsIgnored.contains(type))
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "unknown type specifier " + type);

       * Given the byte from our big number and the length of the big
       * number, it updates our last byte, data and returns the remaining
       * length of the big number.
       * @param byteToAdd
       *            byte to store
       * @param len
       *            current length of big number
       * @return the remaining length of big number
      protected int addBigEndianByte(byte byteToAdd, int lenArg) {
        int len = lenArg;
        int bitsUsedInLeftmostByte = len % 8 == 0 ? 8 : len % 8;
        int bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded = (8 - (totalLen % 8))
            - bitsUsedInLeftmostByte;
        if (bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded < 0)
        {// last byte: UUUUU...
         // new byte: ...XXXXXX,
         // bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded
         // is what will not fit in
         // the last byte
          int rightShift = -bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded;
          // Masking is from
          lastByte |= (byte) ((byteToAdd >> rightShift) & ((1 << (8 - rightShift)) - 1));
          lastByte = (byte) (byteToAdd << (8 - rightShift));// make the last byte big-endian

          int bitsAdded = bitsUsedInLeftmostByte;
          totalLen += bitsAdded;
          len -= bitsAdded;
        } else {// enough space in the last byte
            // last byte: UUU.....
            // new byte: ......XX, bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded is what
            // will remain in the last byte
          lastByte |= (byte) (byteToAdd << bitsSpareMinusBitsNeeded);
          int bitsAdded = bitsUsedInLeftmostByte;
          totalLen += bitsAdded;
          len -= bitsAdded;
          if (totalLen % 8 == 0)// last byte is full
            lastByte = 0;

        return len;

       * Appends the byte representation of the data in this segment to
       * the collection.
      public void appendNumbers() {
        // data in the last byte is always big-endian
        int len = unit * size;
        if (len == 0)
          return;// empty number, do nothing
        if (lengthOfNumber > len)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number with "
              + lengthOfNumber + " bits will not fit inside "
              + len + "-bit segment");
        BigInteger num = number.mod(new BigInteger(new byte[] { 1 })
        byte[] integerData = new byte[len % 8 > 0 ? 1 + len / 8
            : len / 8];

        // the number of bytes in this array may be arbitrary, possibly
        // greater or lower
        // than integerData.length, copying ensures that we have as many
        // bytes there
        // as we expect.
        byte[] numberData = num.toByteArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(integerData.length,
            numberData.length); ++i)
          integerData[integerData.length - 1 - i] = numberData[numberData.length
              - 1 - i];

        if (!littleEndian) {// dumping big-endian
          for (int i = 0; i < integerData.length; ++i) {
            byte currentByte = integerData[i];
            len = addBigEndianByte(currentByte, len);
        } else {// little-endian case
          for (int i = integerData.length - 1; i > 0; --i)
          {// not enough (or just enough) space to fit in the last
           // byte (we are trying to fit an entire byte in it).
            byte currentByte = integerData[i];
            int bitsSpare = (8 - (totalLen % 8));
            int bitsUsed = 8 - bitsSpare;
            lastByte |= (byte) ((currentByte >> bitsUsed) & ((1 << bitsSpare) - 1));
            lastByte = (byte) ((currentByte << bitsSpare));// the spillover goes in the low bits of the next byte - we are little-endian
            totalLen += 8;
            len -= 8;
          // last byte
          byte currentByte = integerData[0];
          addBigEndianByte(currentByte, len);

    List<Byte> data = new LinkedList<Byte>();
    byte lastByte = 0;
    int totalLen = 0;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer)
    {// I need a new instance of this object for each
     // bit string, hence have to create it here (on demand).
      return new ErlangBitString().parseObjectInternal(lexer);

    public OtpErlangObject parseObjectInternal(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlBitStrBegin;

      // parser state
      ParseState state = ParseState.NUM_OR_END;

      SegmentParameters currentSegment = null;
      while (state != ParseState.FINISHED) {
        int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();

        if (currentMatch < 0)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "unexpected end of bit string");

        switch (currentMatch) {// parsing quoted ErlangAtom
        case erlBitStrEnd:
          switch (state) {
          case NUM_OR_END:
          case SCOLON_COMMA_END:
          case SLASH_COMMA_END:
          case MINUS_COMMA_END:
          case COMMA_END:
            if (currentSegment != null)
            if (totalLen % 8 != 0)
            state = ParseState.FINISHED;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: got " + lexer.getMatch()
                    + " in " + state + " state");
        case erlCol:
          switch (state) {
          case SCOLON_COMMA_END:
            state = ParseState.SIZE;
          case UCOLON:
            state = ParseState.UNIT;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: got " + lexer.getMatch()
                    + " in " + state + " state");
        case erlMinus:
          if (state != ParseState.MINUS_COMMA_END)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: dash can only be used after a type, looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch());
          state = ParseState.TYPE;
        case erlSpaces:
          break;// ignore this
        case erlComma:
          switch (state) {
          case SCOLON_COMMA_END:
          case SLASH_COMMA_END:
          case MINUS_COMMA_END:
          case COMMA_END:
            state = ParseState.NUM;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: got " + lexer.getMatch()
                    + " in " + state + " state");
        case erlSlash:
          if (state != ParseState.SLASH_COMMA_END)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: slash can only be used after NUMBER:SIZE declaration, looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch());
          state = ParseState.TYPE;
        case erlPositiveNumber:
        case erlNegativeNumber:
          switch (state) {
          case NUM:
          case NUM_OR_END:
            // NUMBER:unit/... reading this NUMBER
            if (currentSegment != null)
            currentSegment = new SegmentParameters(lexer.getMatch()
            state = ParseState.SCOLON_COMMA_END;
          case SIZE:
            currentSegment.size = Integer.parseInt(lexer.getMatch()
            state = ParseState.SLASH_COMMA_END;
          case UNIT:
            currentSegment.unit = Integer.parseInt(lexer.getMatch()
            state = ParseState.COMMA_END;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: got " + lexer.getMatch()
                    + " in " + state + " state");
        case erlE:
        case erlText:
          if (state != ParseState.TYPE)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "BitStr parser: type is unexpected in this position, looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch());
          if (lexer.getMatch().equals("unit"))
            state = ParseState.UCOLON;
          else {
            state = ParseState.MINUS_COMMA_END;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
              + currentMatch + " in parsing atom, looking at "
              + lexer.getMatch());

      if (totalLen % 8 != 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "the length of bit string should be divisible by 8");
      byte[] bitData = new byte[data.size()];
      int i = 0;
      for (Byte b : data)
        bitData[i++] = b.byteValue();
      return new OtpErlangBitstr(bitData);

  public static class ErlangLong implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private static final ErlangLong singleton = new ErlangLong();

    public static ErlangLong getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangLong longValue = (OtpErlangLong) arg;

    private static enum ParseState {

    private static final String SPACE = " ";

    public static final int minExponent = 324, maxExponent = 307;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(Lexer lexer) {
      assert lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlPositiveNumber
          || lexer.getLastMatchType() == erlNegativeNumber;
      String partA = lexer.getMatch().trim(), partB = null, partExp = null;

      // after a space, we can only expect a separator char, but nothing
      // part of this number.
      ParseState state = lexer.getMatch().endsWith(SPACE) ? ParseState.PARSE_END
          : ParseState.PARSE_DOT;

      while (state != ParseState.PARSE_FINISHED) {
        int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
        if (currentMatch < 0) {
          if (state == ParseState.PARSE_EXP)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "unexpected end of text");

          state = ParseState.PARSE_FINISHED;
        } else
          switch (currentMatch) {
          case erlPositiveNumber:
            switch (state) {
            case PARSE_SECONDNUM:
              if (lexer.getMatch().startsWith(SPACE))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "unexpected space, parsing number, looking at "
                        + lexer.getMatch());
              partB = lexer.getMatch().trim();
              if (lexer.getMatch().endsWith(SPACE))
                state = ParseState.PARSE_END;
              state = ParseState.PARSE_E;
            case PARSE_EXP:
              if (lexer.getMatch().startsWith(SPACE))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "unexpected space, parsing number, looking at "
                        + lexer.getMatch());
              partExp = lexer.getMatch().trim();
              state = ParseState.PARSE_END;
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "invalid token, expected dot, parsing number in state "
                      + state + " looking at "
                      + lexer.getMatch());
          case erlNegativeNumber:
            switch (state) {
            case PARSE_EXP:
              if (lexer.getMatch().startsWith(SPACE))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "unexpected space, parsing number, looking at "
                        + lexer.getMatch());
              partExp = lexer.getMatch().trim();
              state = ParseState.PARSE_END;
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "expected dot, parsing number in state "
                      + state + " looking at "
                      + lexer.getMatch());
          case erlDot:
            if (state != ParseState.PARSE_DOT)
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "unexpected dot in state " + state
                      + ", parsing number, looking at "
                      + lexer.getMatch());
            state = ParseState.PARSE_SECONDNUM;
          case erlE:
            switch (state) {
            case PARSE_DOT:
            case PARSE_E:
            case PARSE_SECONDNUM:
              state = ParseState.PARSE_EXP;
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "unexpected exponent in state " + state
                      + ", looking at "
                      + lexer.getMatch());
          case erlTupleEnd:
          case erlListEnd:
          case erlSpaces:
          case erlComma:
          case erlBar:
            switch (state) {
            case PARSE_DOT:
            case PARSE_END:
            case PARSE_E:
            case PARSE_SECONDNUM:
              state = ParseState.PARSE_FINISHED;
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "invalid token in parsing erlang number, state "
                      + state + ", looking at "
                      + lexer.getMatch());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "invalid token type " + currentMatch
                    + " in parsing erlang number, state "
                    + state + ", looking at "
                    + lexer.getMatch()+ " in "+lexer.getText());
      OtpErlangObject result = null;
      if (partB == null && partExp == null) {// integer/long
        if (partA.startsWith("+"))
          partA = partA.substring(1);
        long outcome = Long.parseLong(partA);
        if (outcome > Integer.MAX_VALUE || outcome < Integer.MIN_VALUE)
          result = new OtpErlangLong(outcome);
          result = new OtpErlangInt((int) outcome);
      } else {// floating - point number.
        String textToParse = partA + "."
            + (partB == null ? "0" : partB)
            + (partExp == null ? "" : ("e" + partExp));
        if (partExp != null) {
          long exponent = Long.parseLong(partExp) + partA.length()
              - 1;
          if (exponent < -minExponent || exponent > maxExponent)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "the number parsed cannot be represented as a double");
        double parsingResult = Double.parseDouble(textToParse);
        if (Double.isInfinite(parsingResult)
            || Double.isNaN(parsingResult))
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "the number parsed cannot be represented as a double");
        result = new OtpErlangDouble(parsingResult);

      return result;

  public static class ErlangInt implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private ErlangInt() {

    private static final ErlangInt singleton = new ErlangInt();

    public static ErlangInt getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangInt longValue = (OtpErlangInt) arg;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(
        @SuppressWarnings("unused") Lexer lexer) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "all numbers are supposed to be parsed as long numbers and subsequently converted to int if they are small enough");

  public static class ErlangChar implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private ErlangChar() {

    private static final ErlangChar singleton = new ErlangChar();

    public static ErlangChar getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangChar charValue = (OtpErlangChar) arg;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Lexer lexer) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "number which fit into a character range could be converted to characters, but we do not do this since this is all about guessing");

  public static class ErlangByte implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private ErlangByte() {

    private static final ErlangByte singleton = new ErlangByte();

    public static ErlangByte getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      OtpErlangByte byteValue = (OtpErlangByte) arg;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Lexer lexer) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "number which fit into a byte range could be converted to characters, but we do not do this since this is all about guessing");

  public static class ErlangDouble implements ErlangParserComponent {
    private ErlangDouble() {

    private static final ErlangDouble singleton = new ErlangDouble();

    public static ErlangDouble getSingleton() {
      return singleton;

    public void dump(OtpErlangObject arg, StringBuffer resultHolder) {
      assert (arg instanceof OtpErlangDouble)
          || (arg instanceof OtpErlangFloat);
      if (arg instanceof OtpErlangDouble) {
        OtpErlangDouble doubleValue = (OtpErlangDouble) arg;
      } else if (arg instanceof OtpErlangFloat) {
        OtpErlangDouble doubleValue = (OtpErlangDouble) arg;

    public OtpErlangObject parseObject(
        @SuppressWarnings("unused") Lexer lexer) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "all numbers are supposed to be parsed as long numbers and subsequently converted");

  protected static void stringToText(String str, Set<Character> whatToQuote,
      StringBuffer result) {
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
      char ch = str.charAt(i);
      if (whatToQuote.contains(ch))

  public static final int erlTupleBegin = 1;
  public static final int erlTupleEnd = 2;
  public static final int erlListBegin = 3;
  public static final int erlListEnd = 4;
  public static final int erlBitStrBegin = 5;
  public static final int erlBitStrEnd = 6;
  public static final int erlAtomQuote = 7;
  public static final int erlString = 8;
  public static final int erlPositiveNumber = 9;
  public static final int erlNegativeNumber = 10;
  public static final int erlBackslash = 11;
  public static final int erlComma = 12;
  public static final int erlBar = 13;
  public static final int erlSpaces = 14;
  public static final int erlGT = 15;
  public static final int erlLT = 16;
  public static final int erlCol = 17;
  public static final int erlMinus = 18;
  public static final int erlPlus = 19;
  public static final int erlSlash = 20;
  public static final int erlDot = 21;
  public static final int erlE = 22;
  public static final int erlText = 23;

  public static Lexer buildLexer(String whatToParse) {
    return new Lexer("(\\s*\\{\\s*)|" + // erlTupleBegin
        "(\\s*}\\s*)|" + // erlTupleEnd
        "(\\s*\\[\\s*)|" + // erlListBegin
        "(\\s*]\\s*)|" + // erlListEnd
        "(\\s*<<\\s*)|" + // erlBitStrBegin
        "(\\s*>>\\s*)|" + // erlBitStrEnd
        "(\')|" + // erlAtomQuote
        "(\")|" + // erlString
        "(\\s*\\+?\\d+\\s*)|" + // erlPositiveNumber
        "(\\s*-\\d+\\s*)|" + // erlNegativeNumber
        "(\\\\)|" + // erlBackslash
        "(\\s*,\\s*)|" + // erlComma
        "(\\s*\\|\\s*)|" + // erlBar
        "(\\s+)|" + // erlSpaces
        "(>)|" + // erlGT
        "(<)|" + // erlLT
        "(:)|" + // erlCol
        "(-)|" + // erlMinus
        "(\\+)|" + // erlMinus
        "(/)|" + // erlSlash
        "(\\.)|" + // erlDot
        "([eE])|" + // erlE
        "([^\\\\\"\',\\|\\[\\]{}<>:\\-/ ]+)" // erlText, together with
                        // spaces but none of the
                        // special characters above.
    , whatToParse);


   * Given a string containing the first term of the expression to parse,
   * parses the text and returns the corresponding Erlang term.
   * @param str
   *            label to parse
   * @return the outcome.
  public static OtpErlangObject parseFirstTermInText(Lexer lexer) {
    int currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
    while (currentMatch == erlSpaces) {// parsing ErlangTuple
      currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
    if (currentMatch < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty term");

    OtpErlangObject result = null;
    switch (currentMatch) {
    case erlTupleBegin:
    case erlListBegin:
    case erlBitStrBegin:
    case erlAtomQuote:
    case erlString:
    case erlE:
    case erlDot:
      result = tokenToParser.get(currentMatch).parseObject(lexer);
      currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
    case erlPositiveNumber:
    case erlNegativeNumber:
    case erlText:
      result = tokenToParser.get(currentMatch).parseObject(lexer);
      currentMatch = lexer.getLastMatchType();
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid token type "
          + currentMatch + " in parsing erlang term, looking at "
          + lexer.getMatch());
    while (currentMatch == erlSpaces) {// parsing ErlangTuple

      currentMatch = lexer.getMatchType();
    assert result != null;
    return result;

   * Given a string containing the whole of the expression to parse, parses
   * the text and returns the corresponding Erlang term.
   * @param str
   *            text to parse
   * @return the outcome.
  public static OtpErlangObject parseText(String str) {
    Lexer lexer = buildLexer(str);
    OtpErlangObject result = parseFirstTermInText(lexer);
    if (lexer.getLastMatchType() >= 0)// did not get to the end of string
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "unexpected characters at the end of string to parse, looking at "
              + lexer.remaining());
    return result;

  protected final static Map<Class<? extends OtpErlangObject>, ErlangParserComponent> classToDumper;
  static {
    classToDumper = new HashMap<Class<? extends OtpErlangObject>, ErlangParserComponent>(){

       * ID for serialization
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1246967667685308150L;
      public ErlangParserComponent get(Object cls)
        ErlangParserComponent result = super.get(cls);
        if (result == null)
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("dumping of class "+cls+" is not supported");
        return result;
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangTuple.class, ErlangTuple.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangList.class, ErlangList.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangAtom.class, ErlangQuotedAtom.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangBoolean.class, ErlangBoolean.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangString.class, ErlangString.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangLong.class, ErlangLong.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangInt.class, ErlangInt.getSingleton());
    // This one is a derivative of OtpErlangBitstr.
      .put(OtpErlangBinary.class, ErlangBitString.getSingleton());
      .put(OtpErlangBitstr.class, ErlangBitString.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangFloat.class, ErlangDouble.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangDouble.class, ErlangDouble.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangChar.class, ErlangChar.getSingleton());
    classToDumper.put(OtpErlangByte.class, ErlangByte.getSingleton());
  protected final static Map<Integer, ErlangParserComponent> tokenToParser;
  static {
    tokenToParser = new TreeMap<Integer, ErlangParserComponent>();

    tokenToParser.put(erlTupleBegin, ErlangTuple.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlListBegin, ErlangList.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlAtomQuote, ErlangQuotedAtom.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlString, ErlangString.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlPositiveNumber, ErlangLong.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlNegativeNumber, ErlangLong.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlE, ErlangUnquotedAtom.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlDot, ErlangUnquotedAtom.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlText, ErlangUnquotedAtom.getSingleton());
    tokenToParser.put(erlBitStrBegin, ErlangBitString.getSingleton());

   * Builds a semblance of Erlang label from a tuple. This is not a complete
   * label - it cannot really be passed to Erlang for execution because the
   * function it corresponds to is not defined.
  public static ErlangLabel erlangObjectToLabel(OtpErlangObject obj, Configuration config)
    if (!(obj instanceof OtpErlangTuple))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected a tuple, parsed "+ obj);
    OtpErlangTuple tuple = (OtpErlangTuple) obj;

    ErlangLabel outcome = null;
    switch (tuple.arity()) {
    case 2:
      if (!(tuple.elementAt(0) instanceof OtpErlangAtom))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "function name should be an atom, got "
                + tuple.elementAt(0));
      outcome = new ErlangLabel(null,
          ((OtpErlangAtom) tuple.elementAt(0)).atomValue(),
          tuple.elementAt(1), null);
    case 3:
      if (!(tuple.elementAt(0) instanceof OtpErlangAtom))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "first element of a tuple should be an atom, got "
                + tuple.elementAt(0));
      if (((OtpErlangAtom) tuple.elementAt(0)).atomValue().equals(
          missingFunction)) {
        OtpErlangObject funcName = tuple.elementAt(1);
        if (!(funcName instanceof OtpErlangAtom))
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "function name should be an atom, got " + funcName);
        outcome = new ErlangLabel(null,
            ((OtpErlangAtom) funcName).atomValue(),
            tuple.elementAt(2), null);
      } else
        outcome = new ErlangLabel(null,
            ((OtpErlangAtom) tuple.elementAt(0)).atomValue(),
            tuple.elementAt(1), tuple.elementAt(2));
    case 4:
      if (!(tuple.elementAt(0) instanceof OtpErlangAtom)
          || !((OtpErlangAtom) tuple.elementAt(0)).atomValue()
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "tuples of length 4 should start with "
                + missingFunction + ", got "
                + tuple.elementAt(0));
      if (!(tuple.elementAt(1) instanceof OtpErlangAtom))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "function name should be an atom, got "
                + tuple.elementAt(0));
      outcome = new ErlangLabel(null,
          ((OtpErlangAtom) tuple.elementAt(1)).atomValue(),
          tuple.elementAt(2), tuple.elementAt(3));
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "expected Erlang label, got tuple of arity "
              + tuple.arity() + " in " + tuple);

    // now assign a function name
    ErlangModule mod = ErlangModule
    if (mod != null)
      outcome = mod.behaviour.convertErlToMod(outcome);
    return outcome;

  public int toInt() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Erlang label does not have support for toInt");


Related Classes of statechum.analysis.Erlang.ErlangLabel$ErlangParserComponent

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