/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Neil Walkinshaw and Kirill Bogdanov
* This file is part of StateChum.
* StateChum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* StateChum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with StateChum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package statechum;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.beans.XMLDecoder;
import java.beans.XMLEncoder;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.DirectedSparseGraph;
* Unlike <em>Configuration</em> which stores a set of variables for a specific learning-process, an instance of this
* class reflects configuration parameters for the whole of Statechum.
* @author kirill
public class GlobalConfiguration {
public enum G_PROPERTIES { // internal properties
ASSERT_ENABLED// whether to display assert warnings. If this is set, a number of additional consistency checks are enabled.
,TEMP // temporary directory to use
,LINEARWARNINGS// whether to warn when external solver cannot be loaded and we have to fall back to the colt solver.
,SMTWARNINGS// whether we should provide warnings when some SMT-related operations do not make sense or cannot be completed.
,BUILDGRAPH // whether to break if the name of a graph to build is equal to a value of this property
,STOP // used to stop execution - a workaround re JUnit Eclipse bug on linux amd64.
,GRAPHICS_MONITOR // the monitor to pop graphs on - useful when using multiple separate screens rather than xinerama or nview
,TIMEBETWEENHEARTBEATS // How often to check i/o streams and send heartbeat data.
,VIZ_DIR// the path to visualisation-related information, such as graph layouts and configuration file.
,VIZ_CONFIG// the configuration file containing window positions and whether to display an assert-related warning.
,VIZ_AUTOFILENAME // used to define a name of a file to load answers to questions.
,LTL2BA // path to LTL2BA executable, if null the default path will be used.
,FORCEFORK // whether to ensure that ExperimentRunner always forks a worker JVM. This is false by default so that experiment runner does not do a fork when it is being debugged, permitted to step into the experiment. Ant runner can permit debugging in order to debug failing tests, but since the aim most of the time is not to debug experiment but to observe test execution, it is a good idea to make sure that forking does happen and this argument makes sure this happens.
,ERLANGHOME // path to the Erlang distribution directory
,ERLANG_OTP_RUNTIMES // a collection of paths to different OTP runtimes, for testing.
,ERLANGOUTPUT_ENABLED // whether to relay any output from Erlang to the console - there could be quite a lot of it.
,PATH_ERLANGBEAM // where to place compiled Erlang modules
,PATH_ERLANGFOLDER // where .erl files associated with Erlang tracer are located
,PATH_ERLANGTYPER // where .erl files from a slightly modified Typer are located
,PATH_ERLANGSYNAPSE // where .erl files from Synapse are located.
,PATH_ERLANGEXAMPLES // Erlang programs that are used for testing
,SCALE_TEXT // determines the size of the font in Jung graphs, 1.0 means no scaling.
,SCALE_LINES // determines the thickness of lines and arrows as well as the size of loops in Jung graphs, 1.0 means no scaling.
,RESOURCES // resources directory to use
,DEBUG_GLOBALCONFIGURATION // whether to show debug reflecting loading of a configuration.
,PATH_NATIVELIB // where to load native libraries from, mostly for Eclipse plugins but useful elsewhere.
,PATH_JRILIB // where JRI library is located, different from PATH_NATIVELIB because it is not distributed with Statechum
,ESC_TERMINATE // whether ESC or the appropriate right-mouse menu selection should terminate Java runtime. Disabled when Statechum is used from within Erlang.
* Default screen to use for any frames created.
public static final int DEFAULT_SCREEN = 0;
* Default values of Statechum-wide attributes.
protected static final Map<G_PROPERTIES, String> defaultValues = new TreeMap<G_PROPERTIES, String>();
private static boolean assertionsEnabled = false;// this has to be executed above the static block which assigns a new value if appropriate.
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.LINEARWARNINGS, "false");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.SMTWARNINGS, "true");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.ASSERT_ENABLED, "false");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.STOP, "");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.TEMP, "tmp");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.ERLANGOUTPUT_ENABLED, "false");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_ERLANGFOLDER, "ErlangOracle");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_ERLANGEXAMPLES, "ErlangExamples");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_ERLANGTYPER, "lib/modified_typer");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_ERLANGBEAM, defaultValues.get(G_PROPERTIES.TEMP)+File.separator+"beam");
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_NATIVELIB,null);// no path by default, this implies loading from java.library.path
defaultValues.put(G_PROPERTIES.PATH_JRILIB,null);// no path by default, this implies loading from java.library.path
assert assertionsEnabled = true;// from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/language/assert.html
/** Used to debug loading of the configuration, hence has to be set early. */
public static void setDebugGlobalConfiguration(boolean value)
public boolean isAssertEnabled()
return assertionsEnabled || Boolean.valueOf(GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration().getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.ASSERT_ENABLED));
protected GlobalConfiguration() {
// the initial values are provided for each variable inline.
private static final GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = new GlobalConfiguration();
public static GlobalConfiguration getConfiguration()
return globalConfiguration;
protected Properties properties = null;
protected Map<Integer, WindowPosition> windowCoords = null;
/** This one is used to ensure that path names and various configuration values are set correctly
* when Statechum is used as an Eclipse plugin.
public static interface WorkbenchResources
/** Loads values of resources from Eclipse. */
public void setResources(Map<G_PROPERTIES, String> resources);
/** Retrieves the name of the property from the property file.
* The first call to this method opens the property file.
* @param name the name of the property.
* @param defaultValue the default value of the property
* @return property value, default value if not found
public String getProperty(G_PROPERTIES name)
if (properties == null)
return properties.getProperty(name.name(), defaultValues.get(name));
protected void loadConfiguration()
String configFileName = getConfigurationFileName();
boolean debugGlobalConfiguration = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultValues.get(G_PROPERTIES.DEBUG_GLOBALCONFIGURATION));
XMLDecoder decoder = null;
if (configFileName != null && new File(configFileName).canRead())
if (debugGlobalConfiguration) System.out.println("Loaded configuration file "+configFileName);
decoder = new XMLDecoder(new FileInputStream(configFileName));
properties = (Properties) decoder.readObject();
windowCoords = (HashMap<Integer, WindowPosition>) decoder.readObject();
} catch (Exception e)
{// failed loading, (almost) ignore this.
System.err.println("Failed to load "+configFileName);
if (debugGlobalConfiguration)
System.err.println("Failed to load "+configFileName);
if (decoder != null)
if (windowCoords == null)
windowCoords = new HashMap<Integer, WindowPosition>();
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
boolean valuesSet = false,firstValue=true;
for(G_PROPERTIES prop:G_PROPERTIES.values())
String name = prop.name(),value=null;try { value=System.getProperty(name); } catch (Exception ex) {}// ignore exception if cannot extract a value
if (value != null)
{// new value set via command-line
if (debugGlobalConfiguration)
if (firstValue) firstValue=false;else System.out.print(',');
if (valuesSet && debugGlobalConfiguration) System.out.println();
/** Retrieves the name of the file to load configuration information from/store it to.
* @return the file name to load/store configuration information information, or return null if it cannot be retrieved.
protected static String getConfigurationFileName()
String path = System.getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.VIZ_DIR.name());if (path == null) path=defaultValues.get(G_PROPERTIES.RESOURCES)+File.separator+"graphLayout";
// Above, I have to directly access defaultValues because this method is used to load a configuration hence "properties" are not available and getProperty() will lead to an infinite loop
String file = System.getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.VIZ_CONFIG.name());
if (file == null) file = defaultValues.get(G_PROPERTIES.VIZ_CONFIG);
if (file != null && file.trim().length() == 0) file = null;
String result = null;
if (file != null)
result = path+File.separator+file+".xml";
return result;
/** Loads the location/size of a frame from the properties file and positions the frame as appropriate.
* @param frame the frame to position.
* @param name the name of the property to load from
public WindowPosition loadFrame(int windowID)
if (windowCoords == null)
WindowPosition result = windowCoords.get(windowID);
if (result == null)
{// invent default coordinates, using http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/awt/GraphicsDevice.html#getDefaultConfiguration()
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
int deviceToUse = Integer.valueOf(getProperty(G_PROPERTIES.GRAPHICS_MONITOR));
if (deviceToUse >= gs.length) deviceToUse =statechum.GlobalConfiguration.DEFAULT_SCREEN;// use the first one if cannot use the requested one.
GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs[deviceToUse].getDefaultConfiguration();
// from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/index.html
Rectangle shape = gc.getBounds();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(new Rectangle(shape.x, shape.y,400,300));
if (rect.height > shape.height) rect.height=shape.height;if (rect.width > shape.width) rect.width=shape.width;
int yLimit = shape.height-rect.height;if (rect.y>yLimit) rect.y=yLimit;
int xLimit = shape.width -rect.width ;if (rect.x>xLimit) rect.x=xLimit;
result = new WindowPosition(rect,deviceToUse);
return result;
/** Stores the current location/size of a frame to the properties file.
* @param frame the frame to position.
* @param name the name under which to store the property
public void saveFrame(Frame frame,int windowID)
WindowPosition windowPos = windowCoords.get(windowID);if (windowPos == null) windowPos = new WindowPosition();
Rectangle newRect = new Rectangle(frame.getSize());
newRect.setLocation(frame.getX(), frame.getY());
windowCoords.put(windowID, windowPos);
/** Stores the details of the frame position.
public static class WindowPosition
private Rectangle rect = null;
private int screenDevice;
public WindowPosition() {
// need a default constructor.
public WindowPosition(Rectangle r, int s)
rect = r;screenDevice = s;
public Rectangle getRect() {
return rect;
public void setRect(Rectangle r) {
this.rect = r;
public int getScreenDevice() {
return screenDevice;
public void setScreenDevice(int screen) {
this.screenDevice = screen;
/** Saves all the current properties in the configuration file. */
public void saveConfiguration()
String configFileName = getConfigurationFileName();
if (windowCoords == null)
windowCoords = new HashMap<Integer, WindowPosition>();
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
XMLEncoder encoder = null;
try {
if (configFileName != null)
encoder = new XMLEncoder(new FileOutputStream(configFileName));
encoder.writeObject(windowCoords);encoder.close();encoder = null;
} catch (Exception e)
{// failed loading
if (encoder != null)
/** Returns true if the configuration file defines the name of the supplied graph as the one
* transformation of which we should be looking at in detail.
* @param graph the graph we might wish to look at in detail
* @return whether lots of debug output should be enable when this graph is being processed.
public boolean isGraphTransformationDebug(DirectedSparseGraph graph)
String name = graph == null? null:(String)graph.getUserDatum(JUConstants.TITLE);
return name != null && name.length()>0 &&
public void setProperty(G_PROPERTIES key, String string) {
if(properties == null) {
properties = new Properties();
if(properties == null)
properties.setProperty(key.name(), string);