* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008 Neil Walkinshaw and Kirill Bogdanov
* This file is part of StateChum
* StateChum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* StateChum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* StateChum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package statechum;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Edge;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Vertex;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.DirectedSparseEdge;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.DirectedSparseGraph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.DirectedSparseVertex;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.utils.UserData;
public class DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph {
final public static class VertexID implements Comparable<VertexID>, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6367197525198958482L;
/** A kind of a state. INIT does not really have to be a special kind but it is convenient to
* be able to look at an ID and know exactly the sort of state one is looking at.
* <ul>
* <li>INIT is used to designate an initial state.</li>
* <li>NONE is for states which only have string IDs.</li>
* <li>NEUTRAL is used if I wish to give uniform IDs to accept and reject states.
* This is useful if I would like not to consider all accept states before reject
* states and such - this is useful to test how sensitive the learner is to such
* an ordering.</li>
* <li>NEGATIVE means that this is a reject-state.</li>
* <li>POSITIVE means that this is an accept-state.</li>
/** Textual representation of this ID, definite value if kind == VertKind.NONE
* and a cached version of a numerical ID if not.
private String idString;
private VertKind kind;
private int idInteger;
/** Cached hash code. */
private int cachedHash;
public VertexID()
{// default values to ensure failure of operations
idString = null;kind = VertKind.NONE;idInteger=-1;cachedHash=0;
/** Returns the kind of this ID. */
public VertKind getKind()
return kind;
public VertexID(String id)
if (id == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid id");
idString = id;kind=VertKind.NONE;idInteger=0;cachedHash = idString.hashCode();
/** In order to enable comparison between vertex ID which are
* represented by Strings and/or integer,
* the two need need to be converted to a common form.
@SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") // NONE action is impossible by construction.
public String getStringId()
String result = null;
case INIT:
result = "Init";break;
result = "N"+idInteger;break;
result = "P"+idInteger;break;
result = "V"+idInteger;break;
return result;
public VertexID(VertKind k, int i)
if (k == VertKind.NONE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid id kind");
idString = null;kind = k;idInteger=i;
cachedHash = getStringId().hashCode();
public String toString()
return idString;
protected void assignStringID_ifNeeded()
if (idString == null)
idString = getStringId();
/** The following two kinds of comparisons are supported (this determines
* the order of exploration of vertices, which influences the results.
* <p>
* The COMPARISON_LEXICOGRAPHIC_ORIG is used for checking the compatibility to
* the Dec 2007 version.
/** Determines the behaviour of <em>compareTo</em>. This has to be static and sadly public.
* I could've passed an extra member from LearnerGraph or such which would determine this,
* but this way seems more appropriate for occasional experiments.
public static ComparisonKind comparisonKind = ComparisonKind.COMPARISON_NORM;
public int compareTo(VertexID o) {
if (comparisonKind == ComparisonKind.COMPARISON_NORM && kind != VertKind.NONE && o.kind != VertKind.NONE)
{// if both this one and the other ID are numeric, use a numeric comparison.
int kindDifference = kind.compareTo(o.kind);
if (kindDifference != 0)
return kindDifference;
return idInteger - o.idInteger;
// if this ID is numerical but we are attempting to compare it with a textual Id, add a text id.
// if this ID is textual but we are attempting to compare it with a numerical Id, add a text id to that ID.
int lenDifference = idString.length() - o.idString.length();
if (comparisonKind == ComparisonKind.COMPARISON_NORM && lenDifference !=0)
return lenDifference;
return idString.compareTo(o.idString);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return cachedHash;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof VertexID))
return false;
final VertexID other = (VertexID) obj;
if (kind != VertKind.NONE && other.kind != VertKind.NONE)
if (kind != other.kind)
return false;
return idInteger == other.idInteger;
// if this ID is numerical but we are attempting to compare it with a textual Id, add a text id.
// if this ID is textual but we are attempting to compare it with a numerical Id, add a text id to that ID.
return idString.equals(other.idString);
public interface CmpVertex extends Comparable<CmpVertex> {
/** Returns an ID of this vertex. */
VertexID getID();
/** Returns true if this is an accept vertex and false for a reject one. */
boolean isAccept();
/** Makes this state an accept/reject one. */
void setAccept(boolean accept);
/** Returns the colour of this vertex. */
JUConstants getColour();
/** Sets the colour of this vertex. null removes the colour. */
void setColour(JUConstants colour);
//public static class IllegalBooleanException extends IllegalArgumentException {
/** This exception is thrown when vertex user data for a property is out of range. */
public static class IllegalUserDataException extends IllegalArgumentException {
* Serial ID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -464955935013454935L;
public IllegalUserDataException(String name)
super("invalid colour "+name);
/** Determines whether this vertex is to be highlighted. */
boolean isHighlight();
/** Sets the mark on this vertex. */
void setHighlight(boolean hightlight);
* The extension of the vertex where all operations are ID-based, for
* performance.
public static class DeterministicVertex extends DirectedSparseVertex implements Comparable<CmpVertex>, CmpVertex {
protected VertexID vertexID = null;
protected int hashCode = super.hashCode();
public DeterministicVertex(VertexID thisVertexID) {
addUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL, thisVertexID, UserData.SHARED);
public DeterministicVertex(String name)
new DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.VertexID(name), UserData.SHARED);
/** Used to hold two objects and nothing else. */
public static class MiniPair
private Object key,datum;
public Object getKey()
{ return key; }
public Object getValue()
{ return datum; }
public MiniPair(Object k, Object d)
String strKey = key.toString(), strDatum = datum.toString();
if (key == JUConstants.LABEL || strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.LABEL.toString()))
key = JUConstants.LABEL;
if (key == JUConstants.COLOUR || strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.COLOUR.toString()))
key = JUConstants.COLOUR;
if (datum == JUConstants.RED || strDatum.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.RED.toString()))
datum = JUConstants.RED;
if (datum == JUConstants.BLUE || strDatum.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.BLUE.toString()))
datum = JUConstants.BLUE;
if (datum == JUConstants.AMBER || strDatum.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.AMBER.toString()))
datum = JUConstants.AMBER;
throw new DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.CmpVertex.IllegalUserDataException(strDatum);
if (key == JUConstants.ACCEPTED || strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.ACCEPTED.toString()))
key = JUConstants.ACCEPTED;datum = getBoolean(datum);
if (key == JUConstants.HIGHLIGHT || strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(JUConstants.HIGHLIGHT.toString()))
key = JUConstants.HIGHLIGHT;datum = getBoolean(datum);
/** An overridden version of Jung's setUserDatum which converts textual attributes
* to JUConstant-drive types.
public void addUserDatum(Object key, Object datum, CopyAction copyAct) {
MiniPair p=new MiniPair(key,datum);
if (p.key == JUConstants.LABEL)
vertexID = (VertexID) p.getValue();
hashCode = p.getValue().hashCode();
super.addUserDatum(p.getKey(), p.getValue(), copyAct);
public static Boolean getBoolean(Object obj)
if (obj instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean)obj;
if (obj.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
return new Boolean(true);
if (obj.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
return new Boolean(false);
throw new IllegalUserDataException(obj.toString());
/** Removes and re-adds the datum, in order to make use of the
public void setUserDatum(Object key, Object datum, CopyAction copyAct) {
MiniPair p=new MiniPair(key,datum);
if (p.key == JUConstants.LABEL)
vertexID = (VertexID) p.datum;
hashCode = p.datum.hashCode();
super.setUserDatum(p.key, p.datum, copyAct);
public int hashCode() {
int labelHashCode = hashCode;
if (!isAccept())
labelHashCode = ~labelHashCode;
return labelHashCode;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.AbstractSparseVertex#toString()
public String toString() {
if (vertexID != null)
return vertexID.toString();
return super.toString();
/** The ordering is based on names only ignoring whether this is an
* accept or a reject vertex. This is necessary if we wish to adjust
* an order of traversal in experiments. In cases where accepts or
* rejects should appear earlier/later, the <i>nextID</i> method
* will generate the appropriate number.
public int compareTo(CmpVertex o) {
assert o != null;
/* if (!(o instanceof CmpVertex))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("an attempt to compare "
+ toString() + " with a non-CmpVertex " + o.getName());*/
CmpVertex v = o;
if (this == v)
return 0;
return vertexID.compareTo(v.getID());
/** Compares this vertex with a different one, based on label alone.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof CmpVertex))
return false;
final CmpVertex other = (CmpVertex) obj;
if (isAccept() != other.isAccept())
return false;
if (vertexID == null)
return other.getID() == null;
return vertexID.equals(other.getID());
public VertexID getID() {
return vertexID;
public boolean isAccept() {
return DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.isAccept(this);
public void setAccept(boolean accept)
addUserDatum(JUConstants.ACCEPTED, accept, UserData.SHARED);
public JUConstants getColour()
return (JUConstants)getUserDatum(JUConstants.COLOUR);
public void setColour(JUConstants colour)
if (colour != null && colour != JUConstants.RED && colour != JUConstants.BLUE && colour != JUConstants.AMBER)
throw new IllegalUserDataException("colour "+colour+" is not a valid colour (vertex "+vertexID.toString()+")");
if (colour != null)
addUserDatum(JUConstants.COLOUR, colour, UserData.SHARED);
public void setHighlight(boolean hightlight) {
if (hightlight)
addUserDatum(JUConstants.HIGHLIGHT, true, UserData.SHARED);
public boolean isHighlight() {
Object highlight = getUserDatum(JUConstants.HIGHLIGHT);
if (highlight == null)
return false;
return (Boolean)highlight;
public static class DeterministicEdge extends DirectedSparseEdge {
public DeterministicEdge(DeterministicVertex from, DeterministicVertex to) {
super(from, to);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.AbstractSparseVertex#toString()
public String toString() {
return getSource().toString() + "-"
+ getUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL).toString() + "->"
+ getDest().toString();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.impl.AbstractElement#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
final int PRIME1 = 31;
return getDest().hashCode() * PRIME1 + getSource().hashCode();
/** Checks if the supplied vertex is an accept one or not. If the vertex is not annotated, returns true.
* @param v vertex to check
* @return true if the vertex is an accept-vertex
public final static boolean isAccept(final Vertex v)
if (v.containsUserDatumKey(JUConstants.ACCEPTED))
return ((Boolean)v.getUserDatum(JUConstants.ACCEPTED)).booleanValue();
return true;
/** Finds a vertex with a given name.
* @param name the name of the node to look for.
* @param g the graph to search in
* @return vertex found.
public static DeterministicVertex findVertexNamed(Object name,Graph g)
return (DeterministicVertex)DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.findVertex(JUConstants.LABEL,name,g);
/** Given a graph, this method computes an alphabet of it. */
public static Set<String> computeAlphabet(DirectedSparseGraph g)
Set<String> alphabet = new TreeSet<String>();
for(Edge e:(Set<Edge>)g.getEdges())
alphabet.addAll( (Set<String>)e.getUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL) );
return alphabet;
/** If the supplied vertex is already known (its label is stored in the map), the one from the map is returned;
* otherwise a reasonable copy is made, it is then both returned and stored in the map.
* @param newVertices the map from labels to new vertices
* @param g the graph which will have the new vertex added to it
* @param origVertex the vertex to copy
* @return a copy of the vertex
public static DeterministicVertex copyVertex(Map<VertexID,DeterministicVertex> newVertices, DirectedSparseGraph g,Vertex orig)
if (!(orig instanceof DeterministicVertex))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot copy a graph which is not known to be built out of deterministic elements");
DeterministicVertex origVertex = (DeterministicVertex)orig;
VertexID vertID = origVertex.getID();
DeterministicVertex newVertex = newVertices.get(vertID);
if (newVertex == null) {
newVertex = new DeterministicVertex(vertID);
newVertex.addUserDatum(JUConstants.ACCEPTED, isAccept(origVertex), UserData.SHARED);
if (DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.isInitial(origVertex))
newVertex.addUserDatum(JUConstants.INITIAL, true, UserData.SHARED);
return newVertex;
/** Checks if the supplied vertex is an initial state.
* @param v vertex to check
* @return true if the vertex is an initial state
public final static boolean isInitial(final Vertex v)
return v.containsUserDatumKey(JUConstants.INITIAL);
/** Creates a graph with a single accept-vertex. */
public static DirectedSparseGraph initialise(){
DirectedSparseGraph pta = new DirectedSparseGraph();
DirectedSparseVertex init = new DirectedSparseVertex();
init.addUserDatum(JUConstants.INITIAL, true, UserData.SHARED);
init.addUserDatum(JUConstants.ACCEPTED, true, UserData.SHARED);
pta.setUserDatum(JUConstants.TITLE, "Hypothesis machine", UserData.SHARED);
return pta;
/** Computes an alphabet of a given graph and adds transitions to a
* reject state from all states A and inputs a from which there is no B such that A-a->B
* (A-a-#REJECT) gets added. Note: such transitions are even added to reject vertices.
* The behaviour is not defined if reject vertex already exists.
* @param g the graph to add transitions to
* @param reject the name of the reject state, to be added to the graph.
* @return true if any transitions have been added
public static boolean completeGraph(DirectedSparseGraph g, String reject)
DirectedSparseVertex rejectVertex = new DirectedSparseVertex();
boolean transitionsToBeAdded = false;// whether and new transitions have to be added.
rejectVertex.addUserDatum(JUConstants.ACCEPTED, false, UserData.SHARED);
rejectVertex.addUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL, reject, UserData.SHARED);
// first pass - computing an alphabet
Set<String> alphabet = computeAlphabet(g);
// second pass - checking if any transitions need to be added.
Set<String> outLabels = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<Vertex> vertexIt = (Iterator<Vertex>)g.getVertices().iterator();
while(vertexIt.hasNext() && !transitionsToBeAdded)
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
Iterator<DirectedSparseEdge>outEdgeIt = v.getOutEdges().iterator();
DirectedSparseEdge outEdge = outEdgeIt.next();
outLabels.addAll( (Set<String>)outEdge.getUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL) );
transitionsToBeAdded = !alphabet.equals(outLabels);
if (transitionsToBeAdded)
// third pass - adding transitions
vertexIt = (Iterator<Vertex>)g.getVertices().iterator();
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
if (v != rejectVertex)
{// no transitions should start from the reject vertex
Set<String> outgoingLabels = new TreeSet<String>();outgoingLabels.addAll(alphabet);
Iterator<DirectedSparseEdge>outEdgeIt = v.getOutEdges().iterator();
DirectedSparseEdge outEdge = outEdgeIt.next();
outgoingLabels.removeAll( (Set<String>)outEdge.getUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL) );
if (!outgoingLabels.isEmpty())
// add a transition
DirectedSparseEdge edge = new DirectedSparseEdge(v,rejectVertex);
edge.addUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL, outgoingLabels, UserData.CLONE);
return transitionsToBeAdded;
* Labels vertices according to breadth-first search
* KIRR: this should label vertices according to their Jung ID instead, because those IDs
* are shown in the debugger and it is pain to dig through to find labels in user-added data.
* @param pta the graph to operate on.
public static void numberVertices(DirectedSparseGraph pta){
Iterator<Vertex> vertexIt = getBFSList(pta).iterator();
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
v.removeUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL);// since we'd like this method to run multiple times, once immediately after initialisation and subsequently when sPlus and sMinus are added.
v.addUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL, v.toString(), UserData.SHARED);
public static List<Vertex> getBFSList(Graph g){
List<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
Vertex init = DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.findInitial(g);
int i=0;
int j= queue.size();
Set<Vertex> done = new HashSet<Vertex>();
DirectedSparseVertex v = (DirectedSparseVertex)queue.get(i);
Iterator succIt = v.getSuccessors().iterator();
Vertex succ = (Vertex)succIt.next();
j = queue.size();
return queue;
/** Finds a vertex with a given property set to a specified value.
* @param property property to search
* @param value what it has to be set to, cannot be null
* @param g the graph to search in
* @return vertex found.
public static Vertex findVertex(JUConstants property, Object value, Graph g){
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value to search for cannot be null");
Iterator<Vertex> vertexIt = g.getVertices().iterator();
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
if(v.getUserDatum(property) == null)
return v;
return null;
/** Finds an initial state in a graph. Returns null if the initial state was not found.
* @param g graph to search for an initial state in.
* @return initial vertex, null if not found.
public static Vertex findInitial(Graph g){
Iterator<Vertex> vertexIt = g.getVertices().iterator();
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
if (isInitial(v))
return v;
return null;
public static Set<Vertex> findVertices(JUConstants property, Object value, Graph g){
Set<Vertex> vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
Iterator<Vertex> vertexIt = g.getVertices().iterator();
Vertex v = vertexIt.next();
if(v.getUserDatum(property) == null)
return vertices;
/** A fast graph copy, which only copies labels and accept labelling. Transition labels are cloned.
* This one only copies vertices which participate in transitions.
public static DirectedSparseGraph copy(Graph g)
DirectedSparseGraph result = new DirectedSparseGraph();
Map<VertexID,DeterministicVertex> newVertices = new TreeMap<VertexID,DeterministicVertex>();
for(DirectedSparseEdge e:(Set<DirectedSparseEdge>)g.getEdges())
DeterministicVertex newSrc = DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.copyVertex(newVertices,result,e.getSource()),
newDst = DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.copyVertex(newVertices, result, e.getDest());
DirectedSparseEdge newEdge = new DirectedSparseEdge(newSrc,newDst);
newEdge.addUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL, ((HashSet<String>)e.getUserDatum(JUConstants.LABEL)).clone(), UserData.SHARED);
return result;
/** Returns an array of sequential numbers 0..howMany, randomly permuted.
* @param howMany how many numbers to return (and hence the length of the array.
* @param seed the seed for the random generator
* @return the array of numbers.
public static int [] getNonRepeatingNumbers(int howMany, int seed)
int newNumbers[] = new int[howMany];
for(int i=0;i < howMany;++i) newNumbers[i]=i;
Random rnd = new Random(seed);
for(int i=0;i < howMany;++i)
int a = rnd.nextInt(howMany),b=rnd.nextInt(howMany);
int value = newNumbers[a];newNumbers[a]=newNumbers[b];newNumbers[b]=value;
return newNumbers;