* Prolog+CG : Prolog with conceptual graphs
* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Adil Kabbaj
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Website
* =======
* Prolog+CG has a website here:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/
* Contact
* =======
* Please DO NOT send email to Prof. Kabbaj. Instead, all
* correspondence regarding Prolog+CG should be sent to the current
* maintainter:
* Ulrik Petersen <ulrikp{t-a}users{dot}sourceforge{|dot|}net
* (Email obfuscated to foil spammers).
* ==========
* SUPPORT! No support is available.
* If you need help in using Prolog+CG, please check out the resources
* available at:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/docs.html
* That page points to ample resources for learning Prolog+CG.
* Bugreports
* ==========
* Notwithstanding the lack of support, the maintainer will gladly
* receive bugreports and bugfixes. Please feel free to send such
* bulletins to the address given above.
package PrologPlusCG.prolog;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.CG;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.Concept;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.Relation;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.PPCGEnv;
public class UnifyCG implements DataTypes {
final byte e_inComeBranch = 0;
final byte e_outComeBranch = 1;
Vector<ConceptUnification> CMatchL;
Vector<RelationUnification> RMatchL;
private PPCGEnv env = null;
public UnifyCG(PPCGEnv myenv) {
env = myenv;
CMatchL = new Vector<ConceptUnification>();
RMatchL = new Vector<RelationUnification>();
void CMatchL_MakeEmpty() {
ConceptUnification aCMatch;
for (Enumeration<ConceptUnification> e = CMatchL.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
aCMatch = (ConceptUnification) e.nextElement();
void RMatchL_MakeEmpty() {
RelationUnification aRMatch;
for (Enumeration<RelationUnification> e = RMatchL.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
aRMatch = (RelationUnification) e.nextElement();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean sameNameRel(PrologData pDataLeft, PrologData pDataRight,
int indexLeft, int indexRight) throws ExecException {
// Traitement similaire a UnifyType
// Considerer en premier le cas ou un des types est une variable
PrologDataIndexPair valIndexLeft = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pDataLeft, indexLeft);
PrologDataIndexPair valIndexRight = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pDataRight, indexRight);
boolean bResult = true;
if ((valIndexLeft.pData == null) && (valIndexRight.pData != null)) {
// pDataLeft is a free variable and pDataRight is a value
env.unification.addConstraint2(valIndexRight.pData, valIndexRight.index,
(String) pDataLeft.data, indexLeft);
} else if ((valIndexLeft.pData != null) && (valIndexRight.pData == null)) {
// pDataLeft is a value and pDataRight is a free variable
env.unification.addConstraint2(valIndexLeft.pData, valIndexLeft.index,
(String) pDataRight.data, indexRight);
} else if ((valIndexLeft.pData == null) && (valIndexRight.pData == null)) {
// Both are free variables
env.unification.addConstraint3((String) pDataLeft.data, indexLeft,
(String) pDataRight.data, indexRight);
} else {
// Both data objects are particular types (values)
Object pData1Left;
Object pData1Right;
pData1Left = valIndexLeft.pData.data;
pData1Right = valIndexRight.pData.data;
String strData1 = (String) pData1Left;
String strData2 = (String) pData1Right;
bResult = strData1.equals(strData2);
return bResult;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// G1 represente soit le but courant ou un arg du predicat-but courant
// G2 represente soit la tete , soit un arg de la tete
boolean UnifyGC(CG G1, int nivG1, CG G2, int nivG2)
throws ExecException {
boolean BRes = false;
if ((G1.m_vctRelations.size() > G2.m_vctRelations.size()) ||
!bagInclusion(G1.m_vctRelations, G2.m_vctRelations, nivG1, nivG2)) {
BRes = false;
} else {
BRes = computeEntryPointsAndUnify(G1, nivG1, G2, nivG2);
return BRes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
boolean bagInclusion(Vector<Relation> lr1, Vector<Relation> lr2, int nivG1, int nivG2)
throws ExecException {
Vector<Relation> lst = new Vector<Relation>();
Relation rla1 = null;
Relation rla2 = null;
boolean bFound;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = lr1.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
rla1 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
bFound = false;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e1 = lr2.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bFound;) {
rla2 = (Relation) e1.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rla1.m_pdRelationName, rla2.m_pdRelationName, nivG1, nivG2) &&
!lst.contains(rla2)) {
bFound = true;
if (bFound) {
} else {
lst = null;
return false;
lst = null;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean computeEntryPointsAndUnify(CG G1, int levelG1, CG G2, int levelG2)
throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = false;
Concept C1;
Concept C2;
if ((G1.m_vctConcepts.size() == 1) && G1.m_vctRelations.isEmpty()) {
C1 = (Concept) G1.m_vctConcepts.firstElement();
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C2 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
bResult = UnifyConcept(C1, C2, levelG1, levelG2);
if (!bResult) {
} else {
Vector<Concept> vConcs = new Vector<Concept>(2);
if (identRef(G1, levelG1, G2, levelG2, vConcs)) {
C1 = (Concept) vConcs.firstElement();
C2 = (Concept) vConcs.elementAt(1);
bResult = unifyWithBack(C1, C2, null, null, G1, levelG1, levelG2);
vConcs = null;
} else {
vConcs.removeAllElements(); // a cause de la creation inutile ici de vConcs
Relation rl1 = (Relation) G1.m_vctRelations.firstElement();
Relation rl2;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = G2.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl2 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rl1.m_pdRelationName, rl2.m_pdRelationName, levelG1, levelG2)) {
bResult = unifyWithBack(rl1.m_concSource, rl2.m_concSource,
rl1.m_concDestination, rl2.m_concDestination,
G1, levelG1, levelG2);
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- determine points d'entree par identite des referents ////
public boolean identRef(CG G1, int nivG1, CG G2, int nivG2, Vector<Concept> vConcs) {
Concept C1 = null;
Concept C2 = null;
String sRef1;
Object sRef2;
boolean bResult = false;
// Premiere passe pour identifier un referent de G1 avec un ref de G2 ou
// ... comme elem appartenant a un ensemble
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G1.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C1 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
sRef1 = individu(C1.m_pdReferent, nivG1);
if (sRef1 != null) {
for (Enumeration<Concept> e1 = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C2 = (Concept) e1.nextElement();
sRef2 = individu2(C2.m_pdReferent, nivG2);
if ((sRef2 != null) && (sRef2 instanceof String)) {
bResult = sRef1.equals(sRef2);
} else if (sRef2 != null && sRef2 instanceof PrologList) {
bResult = env.compile.hasString(sRef1, (PrologList) sRef2);
if (!bResult) {
// Seconde passe : on tentera de cherchera un referent-ensemble qui pourrait
// s'unifier avec un ensemble correspondant
PrologList ensRef1;
// Seconde passe : on tentera de cherchera un referent-ensemble qui pourrait
// s'unifier avec un ensemble correspondant
PrologList ensRef2 = null;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G1.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C1 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
// individu3 cherche uniquement les referents-ensemble
ensRef1 = individu3(C1.m_pdReferent, nivG1);
if (ensRef1 != null) {
for (Enumeration<Concept> e1 = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C2 = (Concept) e1.nextElement();
ensRef2 = individu3(C2.m_pdReferent, nivG2);
if (ensRef2 != null) {
bResult = env.compile.setsAreEqual(ensRef1, ensRef2);
if (bResult) {
return bResult;
// elle ne considere pas le cas d'un referent comme ensemble
String individu(PrologData Ref, int ind) {
if (Ref == null) {
return null;
PrologDataIndexPair ValRef = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref, ind);
if (ValRef.pData == null) {
return null;
} else if (ValRef.pData.data instanceof String) {
return (String) ValRef.pData.data;
} else {
return null;
// Elle tient compte aussi du cas ou le referent est un ensemble
Object individu2(PrologData Ref, int ind) {
if (Ref == null) {
return null;
PrologDataIndexPair ValRef = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref, ind);
if (ValRef.pData == null) {
return null;
} else {
return ValRef.pData.data;
PrologList individu3(PrologData Ref, int ind) {
if (Ref == null) {
return null;
PrologDataIndexPair ValRef = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref, ind);
if (ValRef.pData == null) {
return null;
} else if (ValRef.pData.data instanceof PrologList) {
return (PrologList) ValRef.pData.data;
} else {
return null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean unifyWithBack(Concept Cs1, Concept Cs2, Concept Ct1, Concept Ct2,
CG G1, int levelG1, int levelG2) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = UnifyConcept(Cs1, Cs2, levelG1, levelG2) &&
((Ct1 == null) || UnifyConcept(Ct1, Ct2, levelG1, levelG2)) &&
propagateUnifyCG(G1, levelG1, levelG2);
if (!bResult) {
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean propagateUnifyCG(CG G1, int nivG1, int nivG2)
throws ExecException {
boolean BRes = true;
boolean trouve = true;
while (BRes && trouve) {
ConceptUnification E = null;
trouve = false;
/*** 1. Trouver un couple de concepts dont l'unification locale
n'est pas encore effectuee *****/
for (Enumeration<ConceptUnification> e = CMatchL.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !trouve;) {
E = (ConceptUnification) e.nextElement();
trouve = (!E.m_MatchedLocally);
// Effectuer l'unification locale concernant le couple de concepts localise
if (trouve) {
BRes = UnifyBranchs(e_outComeBranch, E.m_ConcMatched1,
E.m_ConcMatched2, nivG1, nivG2) &&
UnifyBranchs(e_inComeBranch, E.m_ConcMatched1,
E.m_ConcMatched2, nivG1, nivG2);
if (BRes) {
E.m_MatchedLocally = true;
return (BRes && postUnify(G1));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyBranchs(byte BranchDirection, Concept C1, Concept C2,
int nivG1, int nivG2) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
Relation rel1;
boolean bAlreadyUnified;
Vector<Relation> vRels1 = null;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
vRels1 = C1.m_vctIncomingRelations;
} else {
vRels1 = C1.m_vctOutgoingRelations;
// Unifier toutes les branches de vRels1
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = vRels1.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() && bResult;) {
rel1 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
bAlreadyUnified = false;
RelationUnification E = null;
for (Enumeration<RelationUnification> e1 = RMatchL.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bAlreadyUnified;) {
E = (RelationUnification) e1.nextElement();
bAlreadyUnified = (rel1 == E.m_RelMatched1);
if (!bAlreadyUnified) {
bResult = UnifyTheBranch(BranchDirection, rel1, C2, nivG1,
} else {
bResult = unificationIsValid(BranchDirection, C2, E.m_RelMatched1,
return bResult;
boolean unificationIsValid(byte BranchDirection, Concept C2,
Relation rel1, Relation rel2) {
Concept Ca1;
Concept Ca2;
boolean bResult = false;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concSource;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concSource;
bResult = (C2 == rel2.m_concDestination);
} else {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concDestination;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concDestination;
bResult = (C2 == rel2.m_concSource);
if (bResult) {
ConceptUnification E = inCMatchL(Ca1, Ca2);
/*** Verify that the pair (Ca1, Ca2) exists in concMatchVec *****/
if (E != null) {
bResult = ((E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1) && (E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2));
} else {
bResult = false;
return bResult;
/*** Verify that the pair (Ca1, Ca2) exists in concMatchVec *****/
ConceptUnification inCMatchL(Concept Ca1, Concept Ca2) {
boolean BRes = false;
ConceptUnification E = null;
for (Enumeration<ConceptUnification> e = CMatchL.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() && !BRes;) {
E = (ConceptUnification) e.nextElement();
if ((E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1) || (E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2)) {
BRes = true;
BRes = E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1 && E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2;
}; ***/
if (BRes) {
return E;
} else {
return null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyTheBranch(byte BranchDirection, Relation rel1, Concept C2,
int nivG1, int nivG2) throws ExecException {
// Chercher une branche de G2 ayant meme ident de relation
boolean BRes = false;
Relation rel2 = null;
Vector<Relation> vRels;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
vRels = C2.m_vctIncomingRelations;
} else {
vRels = C2.m_vctOutgoingRelations;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = vRels.elements(); !BRes && e.hasMoreElements();) {
rel2 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rel1.m_pdRelationName, rel2.m_pdRelationName, nivG1, nivG2)) {
BRes = true;
if (BRes) {
// Tester que rel2 n'a pas encore ete unifiee
boolean bAlreadyUnified = false;
RelationUnification Er;
for (Enumeration<RelationUnification> e1 = RMatchL.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bAlreadyUnified;) {
Er = (RelationUnification) e1.nextElement();
bAlreadyUnified = (rel2 == Er.m_RelMatched2);
/** Already unified with another branch. Situation is
* impossible for functional CGs. Therefore, return
* false. **/
if (bAlreadyUnified) {
return false;
// On a localise une branche qu'on pourrait considerer pour l'unification
Concept Ca1;
// On a localise une branche qu'on pourrait considerer pour l'unification
Concept Ca2;
Ca1 = Ca2 = null;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concSource;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concSource;
} else {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concDestination;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concDestination;
ConceptUnification E = inCMatchL(Ca1, Ca2);
/*** Verify that the pair (Ca1, Ca2) exists in concMatchVec *****/
if (E != null) {
BRes = ((E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1) && (E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2));
} else {
BRes = UnifyConcept(Ca1, Ca2, nivG1, nivG2);
if (BRes) {
RMatchL.addElement(new RelationUnification(rel1, rel2));
return BRes;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean postUnify(CG G1) {
boolean BRes = true;
Relation R;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = G1.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && BRes;) {
R = (Relation) e.nextElement();
BRes = false;
RelationUnification er;
for (Enumeration<RelationUnification> e1 = RMatchL.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !BRes;) {
er = (RelationUnification) e1.nextElement();
BRes = (R == er.m_RelMatched1);
return BRes;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyConcept(Concept C1, Concept C2, int nivG1, int nivG2)
throws ExecException {
boolean BRes = false;
if (UnifyConc(C1, C2, nivG1, nivG2)) {
CMatchL.addElement(new ConceptUnification(C1, C2, false));
BRes = true;
return BRes;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyConc(Concept C1, Concept C2, int nivG1, int nivG2)
throws ExecException {
boolean BRes = true;
if ((C1.m_pdType == null) || (C2.m_pdType == null)) {
PrologData Don1 = null;
PrologData Don2 = null;
if (C1.m_pdType == null) {
Don1 = C1.m_pdReferent;
} else {
Don1 = new PrologData(uConcept, C1);
if (C2.m_pdType == null) {
Don2 = C2.m_pdReferent;
} else {
Don2 = new PrologData(uConcept, C2);
BRes = env.unification.unify(Don1, nivG1, Don2, nivG2);
} else {
String Type3 = UnifyTyp(C1.m_pdType, C2.m_pdType, nivG1, nivG2);
BRes = !Type3.equals("Absurd") &&
UnifyRef(C1.m_pdReferent, C2.m_pdReferent, nivG1, nivG2) &&
conform(C2.m_pdReferent, nivG2, Type3) &&
UnifyValue(C1.m_pdValue, C2.m_pdValue, nivG1, nivG2);
return BRes;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
String UnifyTyp(PrologData pDonGch, PrologData pDonDrt,
int indGch, int indDrt) throws ExecException {
// Considerer en premier le cas ou un des types est une variable
PrologDataIndexPair ValIndGch = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pDonGch, indGch);
PrologDataIndexPair ValIndDrt = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pDonDrt, indDrt);
String Type3 = null;
if ((ValIndGch.pData == null) && (ValIndDrt.pData != null)) {
// pDonGch une variable_free et pDonDrt une valeur
env.unification.addConstraint2(ValIndDrt.pData, ValIndDrt.index,
(String) pDonGch.data, indGch);
Type3 = (String) ValIndDrt.pData.data;
} else if ((ValIndGch.pData != null) && (ValIndDrt.pData == null)) {
// pDonGch une valeur et pDonDrt une variable_free
env.unification.addConstraint2(ValIndGch.pData, ValIndGch.index,
(String) pDonDrt.data, indDrt);
Type3 = (String) ValIndGch.pData.data;
} else if ((ValIndGch.pData == null) && (ValIndDrt.pData == null)) {
// les deux sont des variable_free
env.unification.addConstraint3((String) pDonGch.data, indGch,
(String) pDonDrt.data, indDrt);
} else { // Les deux donn?es sont des types particuliers
Object pDon1Gch;
Object pDon1Drt;
pDon1Gch = ValIndGch.pData.data;
pDon1Drt = ValIndDrt.pData.data;
String sDon1 = (String) pDon1Gch;
String sDon2 = (String) pDon1Drt;
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified (a CG operation needs it).");
if (sDon1.equals(sDon2)) {
Type3 = sDon1;
} else {
Type3 = env.typeHierarchy.maxComSubType(sDon1,
if (Type3 == null) {
"Warning: At least one of the types should be a specific type.");
Type3 = "Absurd";
return Type3;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyRef(PrologData Ref1, PrologData Ref2, int nivG1,
int nivG2) throws ExecException {
if ((Ref1 == null) || (Ref2 == null)) {
return true;
PrologDataIndexPair ValIndGch = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref1, nivG1);
PrologDataIndexPair ValIndDrt = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref2, nivG2);
if ((ValIndGch.pData != null) &&
(ValIndGch.pData.typeOfData != uIdentifier) &&
(ValIndGch.pData.typeOfData != uString) &&
(ValIndGch.pData.typeOfData != uSet)) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the referent " +
Ref1.data.toString() +
"is not a variable, an identifier, a string or a set.");
if ((ValIndDrt.pData != null) &&
(ValIndDrt.pData.typeOfData != uIdentifier) &&
(ValIndDrt.pData.typeOfData != uString) &&
(ValIndDrt.pData.typeOfData != uSet)) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the referent " +
Ref1.data.toString() +
"is not a variable, an identifier, a string or a set.");
if ((ValIndGch.pData != null) && (ValIndDrt.pData != null) &&
((ValIndGch.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) ||
(ValIndGch.pData.typeOfData == uString)) &&
(ValIndDrt.pData.typeOfData == uSet)) {
return env.compile.hasString((String) ValIndGch.pData.data,
(PrologList) ValIndDrt.pData.data);
} else {
return env.unification.unify(Ref2, nivG2, Ref1, nivG1); // unifier prend l'inverse : unifier(Tete, nivT, But, nivB)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean UnifyValue(PrologData Val1, PrologData Val2, int nivG1,
int nivG2) throws ExecException {
if ((Val1 == null) || (Val2 == null)) {
return true;
} else {
return env.unification.unify(Val2, nivG2, Val1, nivG1); // unifier prend l'inverse : unifier(Tete, nivT, But, nivB)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean conform(PrologData Ref, int niv, String Typ)
throws ExecException {
if (Ref == null) {
return true;
boolean bResult = false;
PrologDataIndexPair contr = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref, niv);
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified (a CG operation needs it).");
if (contr.pData == null) {
bResult = true; // le cas d'une variable libre
} else if (contr.pData.data instanceof String) {
String st = (String) contr.pData.data;
if (st.equals("super")) {
bResult = true;
} else {
bResult = env.typeHierarchy.isInstanceOf((String) contr.pData.data,
} else { // Traiter le cas d'un referent-ensemble
PrologList refEns = (PrologList) contr.pData.data;
// tester que chaque elem est conforme au type
bResult = true;
PrologData tmpData = null;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = refEns.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() && bResult;) {
tmpData = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
bResult = env.typeHierarchy.isInstanceOf((String) tmpData.data,
return bResult;