* Prolog+CG : Prolog with conceptual graphs
* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Adil Kabbaj
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Website
* =======
* Prolog+CG has a website here:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/
* Contact
* =======
* Please DO NOT send email to Prof. Kabbaj. Instead, all
* correspondence regarding Prolog+CG should be sent to the current
* maintainter:
* Ulrik Petersen <ulrikp{t-a}users{dot}sourceforge{|dot|}net
* (Email obfuscated to foil spammers).
* ==========
* SUPPORT! No support is available.
* If you need help in using Prolog+CG, please check out the resources
* available at:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/docs.html
* That page points to ample resources for learning Prolog+CG.
* Bugreports
* ==========
* Notwithstanding the lack of support, the maintainer will gladly
* receive bugreports and bugfixes. Please feel free to send such
* bulletins to the address given above.
package PrologPlusCG.prolog;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.CG;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.CGMatchResult;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.CGOperation;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.Concept;
import PrologPlusCG.cg.Relation;
public class Resolution extends Thread implements DataTypes {
ResolutionStack Exec_Stack = new ResolutionStack(); // Stack of
// TermToBeResolved
ResolutionStack Return_Stack = new ResolutionStack(); // Stack of
// TermToBeResolved
RuleVector pRules = null;
// Hashtable globalPrlgPCGMM = new Hashtable(); // Not used
Hashtable<String, PrologData> globalPrlgPCGObjs = new Hashtable<String, PrologData>();
Random rndRandom = new Random();
boolean programModified = false;
int cptVarBid = 0;
final String strEndOfPredefinedGoals = "$!$End%dnE$!$";
final String[] PredefinedGoals = { "not", "findall", "/", "member",
"length", "read", "read_sentence", "write", "writenl", "nl",
"clearConsole", "asserta", "assertz", "retract", "suppress",
"term_list", "free", "val", "sup", "inf", "eqv", "eq", "add",
"sub", "mul", "dif", "div", "rnd", "seed", "concat",
"stringToLetters", "identToLetters", "isSubType", "isSuperType",
"subTypes", "superTypes", "minComSuperTypes", "minComSuperType",
"maximalJoin", "generalize", "subsume", "addElemForAll",
"createInstance", "fail", "concOfCG", "immediateSubTypes",
"immediateSuperTypes", "exec", "execAndWait", "execMethod", "new",
"destroy", "destroyAll", "get", "set", "set_list", "branchOfCG",
"isInstance", "addInstance", "maxComSubTypes", "maxComSubType",
"objectify", "shuffle",
strEndOfPredefinedGoals };
boolean bResolveWithInterface = true;
private PPCGEnv env = null;
public Resolution(PPCGEnv myenv, boolean mode) {
env = myenv;
bResolveWithInterface = mode;
// Creation de la branche cadre ; elle sert pour la primitive branchOfCG
// comme cela, on evitera de creer un CG a chaque iteration ...
// La meme branchCadre sera utilise pour toutes les iterations
// A tout moment on va la remplir
public void run() {
if (bResolveWithInterface) {
try {
} catch (CompileException cpleExc) {
env.io.showMessageDialog(cpleExc.getMessage(), "Warning");
} catch (ExecException eexec) {
if (eexec.getMessage().equals("program null")) {
"Please, Compile your program first.", "Warning");
} else {
env.io.appendToConsole(eexec.getMessage() + "\n");
} else { // Indirect resolution; without interface
try {
} catch (CompileException cpleExc) {
String strMsg = "Compiler Warning : " + cpleExc.getMessage();
if (env.bIsApplet) {
} else {
} catch (ExecException eexec) {
String strMsg = "Execution Warning : " + eexec.getMessage();
if (env.bIsApplet) {
} else {
// The question has been compiled and its internal representation
// can be found in pCurRule
public void executeQuery() throws ExecException, CompileException {
// The procedure of resolution.
// The heart of the interpreter.
boolean package_is_known = false;
boolean unifiable = false;
PrologDataIndexPair contr = null;
TermToBeResolved TermRes = null;
cptVarBid = 0; // Initialiser a 0 pour chaque nouvelle question
// Le niveau 0 ou on y mettra les variables de la question
// Level 0, where one will put the variables of the question.
// Push dans Exec_Stack les buts de
// la question. -1 car rien n'est dans la pile a ce stade
// et une resatisfaction d'un cut dans la question implique l'arret
// de la resolution.
// Push the goals of the question onto Exec_Stack. -1 because
// nothing is on the stack at this stage, and a resatisfaction
// of a cut in a question implies a stop of the resolution.
push_tail(env.pCurRule, 0, 0, -1);
// Free the variable "env.pCurRule"
env.pCurRule = null;
boolean finished = false;
boolean solvable = false;
programModified = false;
while (!finished && !env.bStopExec) {
// Fetch all the possible solutions to the question
while (!Exec_Stack.isEmpty() && !env.bStopExec) {
// Chercher une solution : Effacer ; r?soudre tous les buts
// empiler dans la pile d'exec.
// Fetch a solution: Erase; solve all the goals stacked up
// in the Exec_Stack (Stack_Exec)
// Consult the element at the top
TermRes = Exec_Stack.getTop();
// sans l'enlever de la pile
unifiable = false;
package_is_known = (TermRes.pos != 0);
String IdVar = variable_goal(TermRes.pTerm);
if (IdVar != null) {
// package_is_known => une resatisfaction ; le paquet pour
// le but
// a t dj identifi.
// c'est le cas o? le but est ? satisfaire pour la 1re fois
// ET le but est une variable.
// traiter comme si on a la r?gle : Var :- ValVar.
// la variable ne doit pas etre remplacee definitivement par
// sa valeur ; un retour-arriere peut amener une autre val.
// pour la Var.
if (!package_is_known) {
PrologData valButVar = new PrologData(uVariable, IdVar);
contr = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(valButVar,
valButVar = null;
if ((contr.pData == null)
|| ((contr.pData.typeOfData != uTerm) && (contr.pData.typeOfData != uCG))) {
throw new ExecException("Error: The variable goal "
+ IdVar
+ " is free or it is not a term nor a CG. ");
if (contr.pData.typeOfData == uCG) {
PrologTerm aTerm = new PrologTerm();
contr.pData = new PrologData(uTerm, aTerm);
// Because the second round will pop an element
// from Unif_Stack.
// The goal-variable is considered
TermRes.indexInExecStack = Exec_Stack.indexOfTop();
// alors comme un but defini qui sera remplace
// par sa queue, suite a un retour arriere, tout
// ce qui est relatif a cette queue devrait etre
// elimine de la Exec_Stack on ne peut resatisfaire
// un but-var, il faut poursuivre le retour-arriere
// Then, as a definite goal which will be replaced
// by its tail after a second round, all that
// is relative to this tail will be eliminated
// from Exec_Stack, one cannot resatisfy a
// variable-goal, it is necessary to continue
// the back-return. (BAAAD translation!)
TermRes.pos = -1;
// comme pour le cas de plusieurs buts primitifs
// on depile le but var et on l'empile dans Return_Stack
TermRes = new TermToBeResolved(
(PrologTerm) contr.pData.data, contr.index, 0);
Exec_Stack.push(TermRes); // et on empile cette valeur
// dans Exec_Stack (voir
// commentaire au debut de
// ce cas)
IdVar = null; // pour rentrer dans le prochain if (IdVar
// == null) {..
} else {
TermRes.pos = 0; // suite au retour arriere, il faut
// laisser le but dans Exec_Stack
// et on aurait unifiable = false; incitant un retour
// arriere .. comme pour un but non satisfait
// Is it a variable?
if (IdVar == null) {
// No, it isn't a variable.
String IdPred = null;
// Check whether this is an identifier
if (TermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).typeOfData == uIdentifier) {
// It was. Get its name
IdPred = (String) TermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).data;
// Is it an identifier AND a predefined goal?
if ((IdPred != null) && identifierIsPredefinedGoal(IdPred)) {
// Yes, it was both an identifier
// and a predefined goal.
if (!package_is_known) {
// The predefined goal is being met
// for the first time.
unifiable = satisfyPredicateGoal(TermRes, IdPred);
} else {
// The goal is to be resatisfied:
// Is it finished or not?
unifiable = resatisfyPredicateGoal(TermRes, IdPred);
} else {
// The goal is not predefined, or it was not
// an identifier, or both
pRules = null;
try {
if (!package_is_known && (TermRes.pos > -1)) {
// It is to be satisfied for the first time.
// Localiser un paquet pour le but courant
TermRes.Cle = env.compile.nameOfArgument(
TermRes.pTerm, TermRes.index);
if (env.program.containsKey(TermRes.Cle)) {
// Il existe un paquet pour le but courant
// There exists a package
// for the current goal
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program
} else {
TermRes.pos = -2;
// depiler le but qui ne peut etre
// resolu ? :
// Exec_Stack.Pop();
// NON, il faut le laisser pour
// le satisfaire de nouveau suite a une
// resatisfaction des buts anterieurs
} else if (TermRes.pos > -1) {
// .. il est ? resatisfaire => on
// re-localise le paqute
// It is to be resatisfied. That means,
// we need to relocate the package.
// et TermRes.Pos contient dj le pointeur
// sur la prochaine r?gle du paquet
// considrer.
// And TermRes.Pos already contains the
// pointer to the next rule to be
// considered.
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
if (env.program == null) {
"No program has been loaded and compiled.\n Only predefined goal (except asserta/z, createInstance, \n retract and suppress) can be satisfied.",
TermRes.pos = -1;
IdPred = null;
// int ancVal_TermResPos = TermRes.Pos;
unifiable = isUnifiable(TermRes);
if (!unifiable
&& (TermRes.pos != -1)
&& TermRes.Cle
&& (TermRes.Cle.length() != env.compile.valSysCleBtCp
.length())) { // il s'agit donc de
// B1::B2 et B1 est un
// term
// 1. Chercher la regle de generalisation, si elle
// existe,
// pour cela, il faut determiner la cle de la regle
// : valSysGEN + la signature
// du but-term en question (voir la classe Compile)
String ClePaquet = env.compile.valSysGEN
+ TermRes.Cle
if (env.program.containsKey(ClePaquet)) {
// localiser la regle de generalisation t1::x <-
// t2::x, en tenant compte de la cle calculee
RuleVector regles = (RuleVector) env.program
// 2. Unifier le but B1::B2 avec la tete t1::x
// de la regle de generalisation
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // Push
// la
// structure
// qui
int TopOfUnification_Stack = env.unification.Unif_Stack
PrologData DonCple1 = new PrologData(uTerm,
PrologData DonCple2 = new PrologData(uTerm,
unifiable = env.unification.unify(DonCple2,
TopOfUnification_Stack, DonCple1,
if (unifiable) {
TermRes.indexInExecStack = Exec_Stack
TermRes.pos = -1;
// Push dans Exec_Stack un nouveau TermRes
// avec comme term t2::x; le membre droit de
// la regle de generalisation
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(regles
TopOfUnification_Stack, 0));
} else {
TermRes.pos = 0;
} else {
TermRes.pos = 0; // dans le cas ou il n'y a pas
// de regle de
// generalisation
} else if (!unifiable) {
// The current goal, including an unknown goal,
// is left in Exec_Stack.
// The goal is left in Exec_Stack with
// TermRes.Pos = 0
TermRes.pos = 0;
// Hoping that a resatisfaction of the preceding goal
// could imply a satisfaction of the goal.
} // end of else : The goal is not predefined, or
// it is not an identifier, or both
if (!unifiable && theGoalBelowOnTheStackIsNot()) {
Exec_Stack.pop(); // Depiler But de not(But) qui se trouvera
// alors au sommet de Exec_Stack
TermToBeResolved unTermRes = Exec_Stack.getTop(); // unTermRes
// contient
// not(But)
unTermRes.pos = -2;
unTermRes.indexInExecStack = -1;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // juste pour
// garder
// l'equilibre
// car elle
// sera
// depile
// lors d'un
// retour-arriere
unifiable = true;
if (!unifiable && Return_Stack.isEmpty()) {
// rsolution du but courant
// a chou et pile_retour_arriere est vide
// => resolution terminee
// Resolution of current goal failed, and
// Return_Stack is empty.
// => Resoultion has finished.
Exec_Stack.makeEmpty(); // MakeEmpty le Exec_Stack
if (!solvable) {
if (bResolveWithInterface) {
env.io.appendToConsole(" no.\n"); // on n'imprime
// pas no. s'il
// y avait des
// solutions
} else {
env.vctResult = null;
finished = true;
} else if (!unifiable) {
// We could not unify, but Return_Stack was
// NOT empty.
// Le but courant B n'est pas satisfait,
// The current goal B isn't satisfied
} // fin de : while (! Exec_Stack.IsEmpty() ...)
if (!Return_Stack.isEmpty() && !env.bStopExec) {
// Print the result of the found answer and initialize
// things for doing one more round, to fetch
// another solution.
solvable = true;
if (!Exec_Stack.isEmpty()) {
TermRes = Exec_Stack.getTop();
} else {
finished = true;
} // fin de while (!finished) {...}
if (env.bStopExec) {
env.bStopExec = false;
if (programModified) {
env.bWriteToDebugTree = true;
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
env.printer.printPrologProgram(); // Ecriture dans
// alternatePrintString
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
env.bWriteToDebugTree = false;
} // fin de ExecQuest ; l'interpreteur
boolean isUnifiable(TermToBeResolved TermRes) throws ExecException {
boolean unifiable = false;
// Initialize to -3
int taillePaq = -3;
PrologData Donnee1 = null;
if (TermRes.pos > -1) {
taillePaq = pRules.size();
Donnee1 = new PrologData(uTerm, TermRes.pTerm);
PrologRule pRegleLocal;
while ((TermRes.pos < taillePaq) && (!unifiable)) {
// parcourir le paquet courant pour localiser une r?gle
// dont la t?te puisse s'unifier avec le but courant
pRegleLocal = pRules.getAt(TermRes.pos);
// Preparer l'unification du but courant avec la tete
// de la rgle courante pRegleLocal
// Push la structure qui
// recevra le vctResult de l'unification.
// Prepare the unification of the current goal with the
// head of the current rule pRegleLocal.
// Push the structure which will receive the vctResult
// of the unification.
int TopOfUnification_Stack = env.unification.Unif_Stack
PrologData Donnee2 = new PrologData(uTerm, pRegleLocal.getAt(0));
// unifier la tete de la regle choisie avec le term de la pileExec
// unifier tient compte des indices de chaque term
unifiable = env.unification.unify(Donnee2, TopOfUnification_Stack,
Donnee1, TermRes.index);
Donnee2 = null;
if (unifiable) {
// La tte de la rgle courante est unifiable :
// Effectuer les trois actions de base de l'interp. :
// memoriser la place du but dans Exec_Stack, pour qu'apres
// un retour-arriere, on elimine de Exec_Stack tout ce
// qui est relatif a la queue de la regle qui avait servie
// pour la derniere satisfaction. On se retrouve ainsi
// juste a l'etat avant la satisfaction du but.
// Store the place of the goal in Exec_Stack, so that,
// after a return-back, one can eliminate from Exec_Stack
// all that which is relative to the tail of the rule
// which had been useful for the last satisfaction.
// One thus finds oneself just at the state before
// the satisfaction of the goal.
TermRes.indexInExecStack = Exec_Stack.indexOfTop();
// The element popped off Exec_Stack is pushed onto
// Return_Stack.
push_tail(pRegleLocal, 1, TopOfUnification_Stack, Return_Stack
// indice pour la tte de la regle vaut aussi pour sa queue
// le 3 arg. sert a grer le cas du cut "/"
} else {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pop(); // Eliminer de la pile
// d'unification la structure qui a ?t? utilis?e pour cet essai
// ?chou?.
} // fin de : while ((TermRes.Pos <= taillePaq) && (!unifiable))...
pRegleLocal = null;
Donnee1 = null;
return unifiable;
public void backTrack() {
TermToBeResolved TermRes = Return_Stack.getTop();
String idPred = null;
// If it is an identifier, get its identifier string in idPred
if (TermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).typeOfData == uIdentifier) {
idPred = (String) TermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).data;
// Is it a cut?
if ((idPred != null) && idPred.equals("/")) {
// Yes, it is a cut.
// .. couper le retour-arri?re.
// Cut the return-back (retour-arriere)
// TermRes.Index represente dans ce cas l'indice
// ds Return_Stack pour le term Tr
// dont la regle empilee contient le cut.
// TermRes.Index represents, in this case, the index
// into Return_Stack for the term Tr,
// whose pushed rule contains the cut.
for (int i = Return_Stack.indexOfTop(); ((i > TermRes.index) && (i >= 0)); i--) {
Return_Stack.pop(); // en depilant (afin de ne plus les
// considerer) les TermRes de PileRetour
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pop(); // Implies that we must do the
// same with their
// UnificationRecord
// Il nous faut traiter a present le TermeRes Tr dont
// la regle empilee contient le cut.
// il faut le depiler de Pile_retour et l'empiler dans
// Exec_Stack mais avec TermRes.Pos = taille du paquet
// ainsi, sa resatisfaction serait impossible, impliquant
// l'initialisation de TermRes.Pos a 0 et donc forcer un
// retour arriere.
if (TermRes.index != -1) { // TermRes.Index == -1 ; le cas de la
// question initiale qui contient le
// cut...
TermRes = Return_Stack.getTop();
while (Exec_Stack.indexOfTop() >= TermRes.indexInExecStack)
// Depiler de Exec_Stack la queue de la regle
// qui a ete utilise auparavant pour satisfaire le but.
// ainsi; il ne peut etre (re)satisfait
// Thus; it cannot be (re)satisfied
TermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else { // Is it a cut?
// No, it is not a cut.
if (TermRes.indexInExecStack >= 0) {
// TermRes represente un but defini ou un but-var
// TermRes represents a definite goal, or a
// variable-goal.
while (Exec_Stack.indexOfTop() >= TermRes.indexInExecStack) {
// Depiler de Exec_Stack la queue de la regle
// qui a ete utilise auparavant pour satisfaire le but.
// On s'apprete a une nouvelle resatisfaction;
// l'ancienne regle n'a plus d'utilite
// Pop off of Exec_Stack the tail of the rule,
// which was used before to satisfy the goal.
// We will prepare ourselves for a new resatisfaction;
// The old rule has no more utility.
// Pop something off the Return_Stack and
// push it onto the Exec_Stack.
// Pop something off of the unification stack.
idPred = null;
TermRes = null;
public void push_tail(PrologRule pRegleLocal, int LimitIndex, int Niv,
int TopOfReturnStack) {
for (int i = (pRegleLocal.size() - 1); i >= LimitIndex; i--) {
if ((pRegleLocal.getAt(i).getAt(0).typeOfData == uIdentifier)
&& ((String) pRegleLocal.getAt(i).getAt(0).data)
.equals("/")) {
// pour g?rer le cut lors d'un retour-arri?re
// For managing the cut at the time of a
// back-return (retour arrre).
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(pRegleLocal.getAt(i),
TopOfReturnStack, 0));
} else {
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(pRegleLocal.getAt(i), Niv,
// Helper methods
public String variable_goal(PrologTerm pTerme) {
// Does the goal correspond to a variable?
if (pTerme.getAt(0).typeOfData == uVariable) {
return ((String) pTerme.getAt(0).data);
} else {
return null;
public boolean identifierIsPredefinedGoal(String IdPred) {
for (int i = 0; true; i++) {
if (PredefinedGoals[i].equals(IdPred)) {
return true;
} else if (PredefinedGoals[i].equals(strEndOfPredefinedGoals)) {
return false;
boolean theGoalBelowOnTheStackIsNot() {
boolean bFound = false;
if (Exec_Stack.size() > 1) {
TermToBeResolved unTermRes = (TermToBeResolved) Exec_Stack
.elementAt(Exec_Stack.indexOfTop() - 1);
if ((unTermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).typeOfData == uIdentifier)
&& ((String) unTermRes.pTerm.getAt(0).data).equals("not")
&& (unTermRes.pos == -1)) {
bFound = true;
return bFound;
void ASSERT(boolean cond, String msg) throws ExecException {
if (!cond) {
throw new ExecException(msg);
boolean satisfyPredicateGoal(TermToBeResolved pTermRes, String IdPred)
throws ExecException, CompileException {
boolean resultat = false;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg1;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg2;
RuleVector pRules;
PrologList pLstPrlg;
PrologTerm pTerme;
if (IdPred.equals("/")) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // juste pour garder
// l'equilibre
pTermRes.indexInExecStack = Exec_Stack.indexOfTop();
// pTermRes.Pos = -1; // on n'a pas besoin car sa resatisfaction est
// speciale
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("maximalJoin") || IdPred.equals("generalize")
|| IdPred.equals("subsume")) {
// CGOper(G1, C1, G2, C2, G3, C3) or subsume(G1, C1, G2, C2)
// CGOper(G1, G2, G3) or subsume(G1, G2)
CG G1;
// CGOper(G1, C1, G2, C2, G3, C3) or subsume(G1, C1, G2, C2)
// CGOper(G1, G2, G3) or subsume(G1, G2)
CG G2;
// CGOper(G1, C1, G2, C2, G3, C3) or subsume(G1, C1, G2, C2)
// CGOper(G1, G2, G3) or subsume(G1, G2)
CG G3 = null;
int nivG1 = 0;
int nivG2 = 0;
Concept C1 = null;
Concept C2 = null;
PrologData DonRes = null;
PrologData DonResBis = null;
((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 7)
|| (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4)
|| ((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 5) && IdPred
.equals("subsume")) || ((pTermRes.pTerm
.size() == 3) && IdPred.equals("subsume"))),
"Error: Wrong number of arguments for the CG operation.\n");
if ((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 7) || (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 5)) {
// presence des points d'entree
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: the first argument of the CG operation must be a CG.\n");
G1 = (CG) Arg1.pData.data;
nivG1 = Arg1.index;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
if ((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uConcept)) {
C1 = (Concept) Arg2.pData.data;
} else {
"Error: The second argument of the CG operation should be a concept.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData != null) && (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: the third argument of the CG operation must be a CG.\n");
G2 = (CG) Arg3.pData.data;
nivG2 = Arg3.index;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg4 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(4), pTermRes.index);
if ((Arg4.pData != null) && (Arg4.pData.typeOfData == uConcept)) {
C2 = (Concept) Arg4.pData.data;
} else {
"Error: The fourth argument of the CG operation should be a concept.\n");
if (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 7) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg5 = env.unification
ASSERT((Arg5.pData == null),
"Error: the fifth argument of the CG operation must be a free variable.\n");
G3 = new CG();
DonRes = pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(5);
PrologDataIndexPair Arg6 = env.unification
ASSERT((Arg6.pData == null),
"Error: the sixth argument of the CG operation must be a free variable.\n");
DonResBis = pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(6);
} else { // les cas : CGOper(G1, G2, G3) or subsume(G1, G2)
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: the first argument of the CG operation must be a CG.\n");
G1 = (CG) Arg1.pData.data;
nivG1 = Arg1.index;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: the second argument of the CG operation must be a CG.\n");
G2 = (CG) Arg2.pData.data;
nivG2 = Arg2.index;
if (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification
ASSERT((Arg3.pData == null),
"Error: the third argument of the CG operation must be a free variable.\n");
G3 = new CG();
DonRes = pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3);
// Les arguments sont a present prets, en tenant compte des
// differentes posibilites
// Appel de l'operation de matching matchCG
CGMatchResult resMatchCG = new CGMatchResult(G3, null);
CGOperation uneOperGC = new CGOperation(env);
resultat = uneOperGC.matchCG(CGOperation.convertToByte(IdPred, G3),
C1, G1, nivG1, C2, G2, nivG2, resMatchCG);
uneOperGC = null;
if (resultat && (DonRes != null)) {
PrologData donTmp = new PrologData(uCG, resMatchCG.G3);
resultat = env.unification.unify(DonRes, pTermRes.index,
donTmp, pTermRes.index);
if (resultat && (DonResBis != null)) {
resultat = env.unification
.unify(DonResBis, pTermRes.index, new PrologData(
uConcept, resMatchCG.E3), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
if (resMatchCG.G3 != null) {
if (resMatchCG.E3 != null) {
resMatchCG.E3 = null;
resMatchCG = null;
} else if (IdPred.equals("length")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: length takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: The first argument of length must be a list.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData == null) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error: The second argument of length must be an integer or a free variable.\n");
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg1.pData.data;
int taille = 0;
if (pLstPrlg != null) {
taille = pLstPrlg.size();
PrologDataIndexPair ValVarList = null;
PrologData uneDonTmp = null;
boolean finished = false;
int Arg1Niv = Arg1.index;
while (!finished) {
try {
uneDonTmp = (PrologData) pLstPrlg.lastElement();
} catch (NoSuchElementException nsex) {
// This could possibly happen
if (uneDonTmp.typeOfData == uVarList) {
ValVarList = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
uneDonTmp, Arg1Niv);
Arg1Niv = ValVarList.index;
if ((ValVarList.pData != null)
&& (ValVarList.pData.typeOfData != uList)) {
throw new ExecException(
"The value of the variable after | should be a list.\n");
} else if (ValVarList.pData != null) {
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) ValVarList.pData.data;
taille--; // decremente la taille de -1 car |x ne
// doit pas etre compte
if (pLstPrlg == null) {
finished = true;
} else {
taille = taille + pLstPrlg.size();
} else {
throw new ExecException(
"Warning : The length of the list can not be determined since it is partially specified; the variable after | is free.\n");
} else {
finished = true;
resultat = env.unification.unify(new PrologData(uNumber,
new Long(taille)), pTermRes.index, pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("stringToLetters")
|| IdPred.equals("identToLetters")) {
byte typeMot = 0;
if (IdPred.equals("stringToLetters")) {
typeMot = uString;
} else {
typeMot = uIdentifier;
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == typeMot)),
"Error: The first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a string/ident or a free variable.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData == null) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: The second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a list or a free variable.\n");
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData != null) || (Arg2.pData != null)),
"Error: At least one of the two arguments of " + IdPred
+ " must be bound.\n");
if (Arg1.pData != null) { // le mot est fourni, passer au cars
String mot = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
// Construire la liste des lettres qui compose la chaine
// String.valueOf(char) ==> String
int tailleMot = mot.length();
int i = 0;
if (IdPred.equals("stringToLetters")) {
// Ignorer les doubles quotes du string
String carToString = null;
pLstPrlg = new PrologList();
PrologData uneDon;
for (; i < tailleMot; i++) {
carToString = "\"" + String.valueOf(mot.charAt(i)) + "\"";
uneDon = new PrologData(uString, carToString);
uneDon = new PrologData(uList, pLstPrlg);
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
} else { // le mot n'est pas fourni, le composer
// La liste des cars est fournie
// 1. Former un vecteur de char ? partir de la liste des
// chaines/cars
// 2. Former le mot ? partir du vecteur form? pr?c?demment
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
pLstPrlg = copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(pLstPrlg, Arg2.index);
int tailleVect = pLstPrlg.size();
int i = 0;
char[] vectCars = null;
if (IdPred.equals("stringToLetters")) {
tailleVect = tailleVect + 2;
vectCars = new char[tailleVect];
vectCars[0] = '\"';
vectCars[tailleVect - 1] = '\"';
i = 1;
} else {
vectCars = new char[tailleVect];
PrologData uneDon;
String s = null;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = pLstPrlg.elements(); e
.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
s = (String) uneDon.data;
vectCars[i] = s.charAt(1);
String mot = new String(vectCars);
uneDon = new PrologData(typeMot, mot);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, uneDon, pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("concat")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes three arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null) || (typeIsPrimitive(Arg1.pData.typeOfData))),
"Error: The first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a number, a boolean, an identifier, a string, or a free variable.\n");
int nNoOfFreeArguments = 0;
if (Arg1.pData == null) {
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData == null) || (typeIsPrimitive(Arg2.pData.typeOfData))),
"Error: The second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a number, a boolean, an identifier, a string, or a free variable.\n");
if (Arg2.pData == null) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData == null) || (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: The third argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a string or a free variable.\n");
if (Arg3.pData == null) {
(nNoOfFreeArguments == 1) || (nNoOfFreeArguments == 0),
"Error: "
+ IdPred
+ " must have either two or three bound arguments.\n");
if (Arg3.pData == null || nNoOfFreeArguments == 0) {
// We are concat'ing the easy case of Arg1 + Arg2
String s1 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg1.pData);
String s2 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg2.pData);
String s3 = "\"" + s1.substring(1, s1.length() - 1)
+ s2.substring(1, s2.length() - 1) + "\"";
PrologData uneDon = new PrologData(uString, s3);
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
} else if (Arg2.pData == null) {
// Arg3 is not null, and nNoOfArguments == 1
String s1 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg1.pData);
String s3 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg3.pData);
String s1stripped = s1.substring(1, s1.length() - 1);
String s3stripped = s3.substring(1, s3.length() - 1);
resultat = s3stripped.startsWith(s1stripped);
if (!resultat) {
} else {
int s1strippedLength = s1stripped.length();
String s2 = "\""
+ s3stripped.substring(s1strippedLength, s3stripped
.length()) + "\"";
PrologData uneDon = new PrologData(uString, s2);
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
} else {
// Arg1.pDonnee is null, and nNoOfFreeArguments == 1
String s2 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg2.pData);
String s3 = primitiveTypeToString(Arg3.pData);
String s2stripped = s2.substring(1, s2.length() - 1);
String s3stripped = s3.substring(1, s3.length() - 1);
resultat = s3stripped.endsWith(s2stripped);
if (!resultat) {
} else {
int s2strippedLength = s2stripped.length();
String s1 = "\""
+ s3stripped.substring(0, s3stripped.length()
- s2strippedLength) + "\"";
PrologData uneDon = new PrologData(uString, s1);
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("branchOfCG")) { // branchOfCG(CG_Branch, CG)
// on le traitera de la meme maniere que member : on parcourt le CG,
// similaire en cela a une liste de branchs
// et on tentera d'unifier notre branch arg1 avec la branch courante
// dans CG
// branchOfCG must have two arguments
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: branchOfCG takes two arguments.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: The second argument of branchOfCG must be a CG.\n");
CG unGC = (CG) Arg2.pData.data;
Vector<Relation> vctRels = unGC.m_vctRelations;
int nbreBranch = vctRels.size();
while ((pTermRes.pos < nbreBranch) && !resultat) {
// Creer un CG a partir de la branche/relation courante dans le
// CG arg2
// Remplir branchCadre
CG unGCBranch = createCGBranch((Relation) vctRels
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification.unify(
new PrologData(uCG, unGCBranch), Arg2.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("concOfCG")) { // concOfCG(ConceptOUVar, CG)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: concOfCG takes two arguments.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG)),
"Error: The second argument of concOfCG must be a CG.\n");
CG unGC = (CG) Arg2.pData.data;
Vector<Concept> vctConcepts = unGC.m_vctConcepts;
int nbreConcs = vctConcepts.size();
resultat = false;
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
while ((pTermRes.pos < nbreConcs) && !resultat) {
Concept concCour = (Concept) vctConcepts
// Is Arg1 a free variable?
if (Arg1.pData == null) {
// Yes, it was a free variable.
// Therefore, we don't transform it to a CG,
// since otherwise, we will unify the whole CG.
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification.unify(new PrologData(uConcept,
concCour), Arg2.index, pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
} else {
// No, it was not a free variable.
// Therefore, there is no harm done in making it a CG.
// Make a CG out of the concept.
// This is because env.unification.unifier does not do the
// special variable-substitution magic on uConcept.
CG gTmp = new CG();
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification
.unify(new PrologData(uCG, gTmp), Arg2.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("member")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: member takes two arguments.\n"); // member doit
// avoir deux
// arg.
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: The second argument of member must be a list.\n");
// INUTIL : env.unification.Unif_Stack.addNewElement(); // pour la
// forme initiale de membre
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
* le parcourt de la liste a le recherche de l'element pourrait
* impliquer, avec des VarList, des passages d'une liste a une
* autre. Il faudrait alors savoir tj dans quelle liste on est. Pour
* cela, la solution adoptee consiste a ajouter un arg a pTermRes,
* lstMember, qui specifiera la liste courante***********
pTermRes.lstMember = null;
pTermRes.indLstMember = 0;
int Arg2Niv = Arg2.index;
int dernierInd = pLstPrlg.size() - 1;
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished && !resultat) {
while ((pTermRes.pos < dernierInd) && !resultat) {
* Si on arrive au dernier element de la liste et c'est une
* VarList alors il faut chercher sa valeur et relancer le
* membre ...
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, pLstPrlg.getAt(pTermRes.pos),
if (resultat) {
} else {
if (!resultat && (pTermRes.pos == dernierInd)) {
// avec la condition pTermRes.Pos == dernierInd, on traite
// le cas o? la liste est vide
if (pLstPrlg.getAt(dernierInd).typeOfData == uVarList) {
PrologDataIndexPair contr = env.unification
ASSERT((contr.pData != null)
&& (contr.pData.typeOfData == uList),
"Error: The second argument of member should be a list.\n");
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) contr.pData.data;
Arg2Niv = contr.index;
pTermRes.lstMember = pLstPrlg;
pTermRes.indLstMember = contr.index;
dernierInd = pLstPrlg.size() - 1;
pTermRes.pos = 0;
} else {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // pour la
// forme
// instanciee
// de
// membre
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index, pLstPrlg
.getAt(dernierInd), Arg2Niv);
if (resultat) {
} else {
finished = true;
} else {
finished = true;
if (!resultat) {
pTermRes.lstMember = null;
pTermRes.indLstMember = 0;
pTermRes.pos = 0;
} else if (IdPred.equals("not")) { // not(But)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: not takes one argument.\n"); // not doit avoir 1
// arg.
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uTerm)
|| (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG))),
"Error: The not argument must be a term or a CG.\n");
pTermRes.pos = -1; // not(But) reste dans la Exec_Stack
pTermRes.indexInExecStack = Return_Stack.indexOfTop();
// et on empile ensuite But
PrologTerm aTrmtmp = null;
if ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)
|| (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)) {
aTrmtmp = new PrologTerm();
} else {
aTrmtmp = (PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data;
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(aTrmtmp, Arg1.index, 0));
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("findall")) { // findall(Var, But, ListValVar)
* resolution de findall est traite comme suit : elle consiste ?
* cr?er une liste L (listfindall), et faire comme si findall(X,B,L)
* :- B, addElemForAll(..), fail. et donc : depiler findall pour
* l'empiler dans Return_Stack et empiler dans Exec_Stack les buts :
* But, addElemForAll(ValVar, ListValVar), fail . Le "fail" va
* imposer des resatisfactions de But suivi de addElemForAll qui
* mettera les valeurs de X dans ListValVar. Une fois But ?puis?,
* l'interpreteur tentera de resatisfaire findall. On aura alors
* dans la Exec_Stack : findall(), B, addElemForAll(..), fail. La
* premi?re resatisfaction de findall consistera ? le depiler pour
* l'empiler dans Return_Stack et a enlever les trois ?l?ments qui
* se trouvent au sommet de la Exec_Stack (B, addElemForAll(..),
* fail), comme si les trois buts n'ont jamais existe, et on
* indiquera quelle est resatisfaite mais quelle ne peut plus etre
* resatisfaite. d'autres aspects (detail mais important) se
* retrouvent dans le code
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4),
"Error: findall takes three arguments.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && ((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uTerm)
|| (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG))),
"Error: The second argument of findall must be a term or a CG.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null)
&& ((pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).typeOfData == uVariable) || (pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1).typeOfData == uVarList)) && isVariableGoal(
(String) pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).data, Arg2.pData)),
"Error: The first argument of findall must be a free variable that is contained in the second argument.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
(Arg3.pData == null)
&& ((pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3).typeOfData == uVariable) || (pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(3).typeOfData == uVarList)),
"Error: the third argument of findall must be a free variable.\n");
// Creer la liste qui contiendra les valeurs possibles
// de X; le premier arg de findall
pTermRes.pos = -1; // findall(X,But,L) sera resatisfaite
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pLstPrlg = new PrologList();
PrologData nouvDon = new PrologData(uList, pLstPrlg);
env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index,
nouvDon, pTermRes.index);
pTermRes.lstMember = pLstPrlg;
Return_Stack.push(Exec_Stack.pop()); // il s'agit du but findall(..)
// Push le but fail
PrologTerm aTrmTmp = new PrologTerm();
nouvDon = new PrologData(uIdentifier, "fail");
nouvDon = null;
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(aTrmTmp, pTermRes.index, 0));
// Push le but inserer(ValVar, ListValVar)
aTrmTmp = new PrologTerm();
aTrmTmp.addData(new PrologData(uIdentifier, "addElemForAll"));
aTrmTmp.addData(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1)); // on met la variable car
// sa valeur changera
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(aTrmTmp, pTermRes.index, 0));
// et on empile ensuite But
if (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG) {
aTrmTmp = new PrologTerm();
} else {
aTrmTmp = (PrologTerm) Arg2.pData.data;
Exec_Stack.push(new TermToBeResolved(aTrmTmp, Arg2.index, 0));
aTrmTmp = null;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("set_list")) { // set_list(Ensemble, Liste)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: set_list takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData == null) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uSet)),
"Error: the first argument of set_list must be a free variable or a set.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData == null) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the second argument of set_list must be a free variable or a list.\n");
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData != null) || (Arg2.pData != null)),
"Error: the two arguments of set_list can not be two free variables.\n"); // on
// ne
// peut
// avoir
// deux
// var.
// libres
if (Arg1.pData == null) { // Ensemble non connue, on le cr?e
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
pLstPrlg = copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(pLstPrlg, Arg2.index);
PrologData uneDon = new PrologData(uSet, pLstPrlg);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, uneDon, pTermRes.index);
} else { // Liste non connue, on la cree
PrologData uneDon = Arg1.pData.myCopy();
uneDon.typeOfData = uList; // On a transforme l'ensemble en une
// liste
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("shuffle")) { // set_list(Input_List, Output_List)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: shuffle takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uList),
"Error: the first argument of shuffle must be a list.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT((Arg2.pData == null),
"Error: the second argument of shuffle must be a free variable.\n");
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg1.pData.data;
pLstPrlg = copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(pLstPrlg, Arg1.index);
PrologData uneDon = new PrologData(uList, pLstPrlg);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
pTermRes.index, uneDon, pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("term_list")) { // term_list(Terme, Liste)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: term_list takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData == null) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uTerm)),
"Error: the first argument of term_list must be a free variable or a term.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData == null) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the second argument of term_list must be a free variable or a list.\n");
ASSERT(((Arg1.pData != null) || (Arg2.pData != null)),
"Error: the two arguments of term_list can not be two free variables.\n"); // on
// ne
// peut
// avoir
// deux
// var.
// libres
if (Arg1.pData == null) { // Terme non connue, on le cr?e
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
// Vector vct = (Vector) Arg2.pDonnee.Don; // Arg2..
// retournerait en principe une PrologList
ASSERT((pLstPrlg.size() != 0),
"Error: the second argument of term_list can not be an empty list.\n");
// Verifier que le 1er elem de la liste est un ident
PrologDataIndexPair ArgTmp = env.unification
.valueFromUnifStack((PrologData) pLstPrlg.elementAt(0),
((ArgTmp.pData != null) && (ArgTmp.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the first element of the list (the second argument of term_list) must be an identifier.\n");
// ******** IMPORTANT*********************////
// *** A REVOIR**** touteLaListe ici ne constitue pas une
// solution tres satisfaisante
// car la valeur d'une variable peut etre une structure qui
// contient elle
// pLstPrlg = touteLaListe(pLstPrlg, Arg2.niv);
// On conserve donc le probleme.. pour le cas ou le dernier elem
// de la liste
// est une VarListe ..... a traiter ce probleme par la suite,
// une fois que
// ********* le probleme d'indexation soit reglee
pTerme = new PrologTerm();
PrologData uneDon;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = pLstPrlg.elements(); e
.hasMoreElements();) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
pTerme.setElementAt(ArgTmp.pData, 0); // remplacer son premier
// elem
ArgTmp = null; // pour que ArgTmp soit eliminer localement et
// correctement
uneDon = new PrologData(uTerm, pTerme);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, uneDon, pTermRes.index);
} else { // Terme connu; construire ou tester la liste (2 arg)
pTerme = (PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data;
pLstPrlg = new PrologList();
PrologData uneDon = null;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = pTerme.elements(); e
.hasMoreElements();) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
uneDon = new PrologData(uList, pLstPrlg);
resultat = env.unification.unify(uneDon, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("read") || IdPred.equals("read_sentence")) {
// We mustn't be an applet
"Cannot use the 'read' or 'read_sentence' predicates in an applet!");
if (IdPred.equals("read")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: read takes one argument.\n"); // read doit avoir
// 1 arg.
} else {
((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2) || (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3)),
"Error: read_sentence takes one or two arguments.\n");
byte modeLecture = 0;
if (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2) { // read(x) or read_sentence(L)
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
((Arg1.pData == null) && ((pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).typeOfData == uVariable) || (pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1).typeOfData == uVarList))),
"Error: the read and read_sentence/1 argument must be a free variable.\n");
if (IdPred.equals("read")) {
modeLecture = uReadData;
} else {
modeLecture = uReadSentence;
env.io.appendToConsole("|: ");
} else { // Le cas de read_sentence(String, List)
modeLecture = uReadSentence;
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: The first argument of read_sentence/2 must be a String.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
((Arg2.pData == null) && ((pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2).typeOfData == uVariable) || (pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2).typeOfData == uVarList))),
"Error: The second argument of read_sentence/2 must be a free variable.\n");
try {
String sTmp = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
env.compile.CompileTxt = sTmp.substring(1,
sTmp.length() - 1); // Enlever les doubles quotes
env.compile.textEndIndex = env.compile.CompileTxt.length();
env.compile.curCharIndex = 0;
} catch (CompileException e1) {
if (!e1.getMessage().equals("End Of Text")
|| env.compile.vctUnitTyp.isEmpty()) {
env.io.appendToConsole("\n Error in the given string.");
if (!env.compile.vctUnitTyp.isEmpty() && (modeLecture == uReadData)) {
PrologTerm trmTmp = new PrologTerm();
try {
env.compile.currElem = 0;
env.compile.tPrologData(true, trmTmp);
} catch (CompileException ce) {
// This could possibly happen
PrologData donIn = trmTmp.getAt(0);
trmTmp = null;
resultat = env.unification.unify(donIn, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else { // {
// pTermRes.Pos = 0; inutil puisqu'il l'est au depart et il ne
// change pas ici
// }; // cela s'applique aussi pour les buts suivants
} else if (!env.compile.vctUnitTyp.isEmpty()
&& (modeLecture == uReadSentence)) {
// Cr?er la liste des mots composant la phrase
PrologList LstPrlg = new PrologList();
UnitType unitTyp = null;
String sTmp = null;
for (Enumeration<UnitType> e = env.compile.vctUnitTyp
.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
unitTyp = (UnitType) e.nextElement();
sTmp = '"' + unitTyp.unit.toString() + '"';
LstPrlg.addData(new PrologData(uString, sTmp));
// Unifier la liste ainsi cr?e avec l'argument correspondant de
// read_sentence
PrologData donTmp = new PrologData(uList, LstPrlg);
int indArg = 0;
if (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2) {
indArg = 1;
} else {
indArg = 2;
resultat = env.unification.unify(donTmp, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(indArg), pTermRes.index);
donTmp = null;
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else {
throw new ExecException("Error while reading data.");
} else if (IdPred.equals("addElemForAll")) {
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
if ((pLstPrlg.size() == 0)
|| (Arg1.pData != ((PrologData) pLstPrlg.lastElement()))) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("write")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: write takes one argument.\n"); // write doit avoir 1
// arg.
// if (env.bIsApplet) {
// PrologPlusCGFrame.pCurPrologTextArea =
// PrologPlusCGApplet.webConsoleArea;
// } else {
// PrologPlusCGFrame.pCurPrologTextArea =
// PrologPlusCGFrame.consoleArea;
// }
env.printer.indVar = 0;
pTermRes.index, true);
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("writenl")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: writenl takes one argument.\n"); // writenl doit
// avoir 1 arg.
// if (env.bIsApplet) {
// PrologPlusCGFrame.pCurPrologTextArea =
// PrologPlusCGApplet.webConsoleArea;
// } else {
// PrologPlusCGFrame.pCurPrologTextArea =
// PrologPlusCGFrame.consoleArea;
// }
env.printer.indVar = 0;
pTermRes.index, true);
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // Even if there was
// no unification;
// for homogenizing
// with
// RetourArriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("clearConsole")) {
// clearConsole must have no arguments
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 1),
"Error: clearConsole takes no arguments.\n");
// Clear the web console area
// Set everything OK
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // Even if there was
// no unification;
// for homogenizing
// with
// RetourArriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("nl")) {
// nl must have no arguments
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 1),
"Error: nl takes no arguments.\n");
// Clear the web console area
// Set everything OK
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // Even if there was
// no unification;
// for homogenizing
// with
// RetourArriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("exec") || IdPred.equals("execAndWait")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes one argument.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an executable file.\n");
Process unProcess = null;
try {
unProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec((String) Arg1.pData.data);
} catch (SecurityException sex) {
// This could possibly happen
} catch (java.io.IOException ioex) {
// This could possibly happen
try {
if (IdPred.equals("execAndWait")) {
} catch (InterruptedException intEx) {
// This could possibly happen
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("destroyAll")) { // destroyAll
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 1),
"Error: destroyAll has no argument.\n");
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("destroy")) { // destroy(IdObj)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: destroy takes one argument.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the first argument of destroy must be an identifier.\n");
String IdObj = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
ASSERT((globalPrlgPCGObjs.get(IdObj) != null),
"Error : Object unknown.");
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("objectify")) { // objectify(_variable, IdObj)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: objectify takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uObject)),
"Error: the first argument of objectify must be an object.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the second argument of objectify must be an identifier.\n");
String IdObj = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
ASSERT((globalPrlgPCGObjs.get(IdObj) == null),
"Error : Object already exists.");
// Rentrer l'association <IdObj, nouvObj> dans la table des
// "donneesGlobales"
globalPrlgPCGObjs.put(IdObj, new PrologData(uObject, Arg1.pData.data));
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("get") || IdPred.equals("set")) { // get(Data,
// Attribute,
// IdObject)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes three arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null) || typeIsPrimitive(Arg1.pData.typeOfData)),
"Error: the first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a variable or an elementary data.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a string (an attribute identifier).\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData != null) && (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the third argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be an identifier (an object identifier).\n");
// Chercher l'objet et sa classe
String IdObj = (String) Arg3.pData.data;
PrologData donTmp = (PrologData) globalPrlgPCGObjs.get(IdObj);
ASSERT(((donTmp != null) && (donTmp.typeOfData == uObject)),
"Error : Only a Java Object can be considered.\n");
Object obj = donTmp.data;
Class<? extends Object> classDeObj = obj.getClass();
// Localiser l'attribut (arg 2 de get/set) pour la classe
String NomAttr = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
NomAttr = NomAttr.substring(1, NomAttr.length() - 1); // enlever les
// entre-guillemets
Field attr = null;
try {
attr = classDeObj.getField(NomAttr);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfexe) {
throw new ExecException("Error: " + NomAttr
+ " is not a field in the class : "
+ classDeObj.getName());
} catch (SecurityException sex) {
throw new ExecException("Security Error: in trying to locate "
+ NomAttr + " as a field in the class : "
+ classDeObj.getName());
// Chercher la valeur de l'attribut si c'est get
// .. ou lui affecter une valeur si c'est set
Object valAttr = null;
try {
if (IdPred.equals("set")) {
valAttr = Arg1.pData.data;
attr.set(obj, valAttr);
} else {
valAttr = attr.get(obj);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iaex) {
throw new ExecException(
"Illegal Access Error : The underlying constructor of "
+ obj.toString() + " is inaccessible.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
throw new ExecException(
"Illegal Argument Error : The given value is not conform to the type of "
+ NomAttr);
} catch (NullPointerException npex) {
throw new ExecException("Null Pointer Error.");
} catch (ExceptionInInitializerError exInInitErr) {
throw new ExecException("Error during initialization.");
// si le but est get; Unifier cette valeur avec le premier arg du
// but get(...)
if (IdPred.equals("set")) {
resultat = true;
} else {
byte typeValAttr = typeFromClass(valAttr.getClass());
PrologData donRes = new PrologData(typeValAttr, valAttr);
resultat = env.unification.unify(donRes, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("new")) { // new(IdObj, NomClass,
// ListeArgsConstr)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4),
"Error: new takes three arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the first argument of new must be an identifier.\n");
String IdObj = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: the second argument of new must be a string (a class name).\n");
String NomClass = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
NomClass = NomClass.substring(1, NomClass.length() - 1);
Class<? extends Object> classDeNouvObj = null;
try {
classDeNouvObj = Class.forName(NomClass);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException clNtFdEx) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the specified class "
+ NomClass + " is not found.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData != null) && (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the third argument of new must be a list; the arguments list for the constructor.\n");
// 3bis determiner le type des arguments et former
// le vecteur Class[] vectTypArgs
// 3bis2. Construire le vecteurs des objets qui seront les arguments
// du constructeur
PrologList listArgsMetd = (PrologList) Arg3.pData.data;
int nbreArgs = 0;
Object[] vectObjsArgs = null;
Class[] vectTypArgs = null;
if ((listArgsMetd != null) && !listArgsMetd.isEmpty()) {
listArgsMetd = copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(listArgsMetd,
nbreArgs = listArgsMetd.size();
vectObjsArgs = new Object[nbreArgs];
vectTypArgs = new Class[nbreArgs];
int i = 0;
PrologData uneDon;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = listArgsMetd.elements(); e
.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
if (uneDon.typeOfData == uString) {
String st = (String) uneDon.data;
vectObjsArgs[i] = st.substring(1, st.length() - 1);
} else {
vectObjsArgs[i] = uneDon.data;
vectTypArgs[i] = uneDon.data.getClass();
// Creer le Constructeur
Constructor constrClass = null;
try {
constrClass = classDeNouvObj.getConstructor(vectTypArgs);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the specified class "
+ NomClass + " has not the specified constructor.\n");
// Creer l'objet
Object nouvObj = null;
try {
nouvObj = constrClass.newInstance(vectObjsArgs);
} catch (IllegalAccessException ilAcExe) {
throw new ExecException(
"Illegal Access Error: the specified class " + NomClass
+ " is not found.\n");
} catch (InstantiationException instExe) {
throw new ExecException(
"Instantiation Error: the specified class " + NomClass
+ " is not found.\n");
} catch (InvocationTargetException invTrgtExe) {
throw new ExecException(
"Instantiation Error: Target invocation error during instantiation of the class "
+ NomClass + " .\n");
ASSERT((globalPrlgPCGObjs.get(IdObj) == null),
"Error : Object already exists.");
// Rentrer l'association <IdObj, nouvObj> dans la table des
// "donneesGlobales"
globalPrlgPCGObjs.put(IdObj, new PrologData(uObject, nouvObj));
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("execMethod")) { // execMethod(Data,
// ClassNameOrObjId,
// MethodName,
// ParametersList)
// ou bien execMethod(Data, TypeOfData, ClassNameOrObjId,
// MethodName, ParametersList)
// TypeOfData peut etre specifie entre double quote ou non
// si la methode ne retourne rien, il faut specifier void comme Arg1
// de execMethod
((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 5) || (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 6)),
"Error: execMethod takes four or five arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null) || typeIsPrimitive(Arg1.pData.typeOfData)),
"Error: the first argument of execMethod must be a variable, an elementary data or the key word void.\n");
String typeRetSpec = null;
int i = 0;
if (pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 6) {
i++; // incrementer l'indice de l'arg courant de pTermRes.pTerm
PrologDataIndexPair Arg1Bis = env.unification
typeRetSpec = (String) Arg1Bis.pData.data;
if (typeRetSpec.charAt(0) == '"') {
typeRetSpec = typeRetSpec.substring(1,
typeRetSpec.length() - 1);
ASSERT(((Arg1Bis.pData != null) && (typeRetSpec
|| typeRetSpec.equals("Double")
|| typeRetSpec.equals("Boolean") || typeRetSpec
"Error: the second argument of execMethod must be an elementary data.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(2 + i), pTermRes.index);
((Arg2.pData != null) && ((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uString) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier))),
"Error: argument inconsistent with the signature of execMethod.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3 + i), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData != null) && (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uString)),
"Error: argument inconsistent with the signature of execMethod.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg4 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(4 + i), pTermRes.index);
ASSERT(((Arg4.pData != null) && (Arg4.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: argument inconsistent with the signature of execMethod.\n");
// 1. Determiner le nom de la classe (ou de l'objet) ? partir du
// second arg.
Class classDeMethod = null;
String NomClassOuObj = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
Object obj = null;
if (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) {
// A partir de l'ident de l'objet, chercher l'objet et sa classe
PrologData donTmp = (PrologData) globalPrlgPCGObjs
ASSERT(((donTmp != null) && (donTmp.typeOfData == uObject)),
"Error : Object unknown.\n");
obj = donTmp.data;
classDeMethod = obj.getClass();
} else {
NomClassOuObj = NomClassOuObj.substring(1, NomClassOuObj
.length() - 1);
try {
classDeMethod = Class.forName(NomClassOuObj);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException clNtFdEx) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the specified class "
+ NomClassOuObj + " is not found.\n");
// 2. determiner ? partir de arg3 le nom de la m?thode appel?
String nomMethod = (String) Arg3.pData.data;
nomMethod = nomMethod.substring(1, nomMethod.length() - 1);
// 3bis determiner le type des arguments de la m?thode et former
// le vecteur Class[] vectTypArgs
// 3bis2. Construire le vecteurs des objets qui seront les arguments
// de la methode
PrologList listArgsMetd = (PrologList) Arg4.pData.data;
int nbreArgs = 0;
Object[] vectObjsArgs = null;
Class[] vectTypArgs = null;
if ((listArgsMetd != null) && !listArgsMetd.isEmpty()) {
listArgsMetd = copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(listArgsMetd,
nbreArgs = listArgsMetd.size();
vectObjsArgs = new Object[nbreArgs];
vectTypArgs = new Class[nbreArgs];
i = 0; // nouvelle utilisation de i
PrologData uneDon;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = listArgsMetd.elements(); e
.hasMoreElements(); i++) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
if (uneDon.typeOfData == uString) {
String st = (String) uneDon.data;
vectObjsArgs[i] = st.substring(1, st.length() - 1);
} else {
vectObjsArgs[i] = uneDon.data;
vectTypArgs[i] = uneDon.data.getClass();
// 4. Chercher la m?thode, de la classe ou de l'objet, ? partir de
// son nom et les classes de ses arg
Method methodRecherchee = null;
try {
methodRecherchee = classDeMethod.getMethod(nomMethod,
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex) {
Method[] vctMtds = classDeMethod.getMethods();
int tailleVctMtds = vctMtds.length;
boolean mtdTrouve = false;
for (int j = 0; (!mtdTrouve && (j < tailleVctMtds)); j++) {
methodRecherchee = vctMtds[j];
if (methodRecherchee.getName().equals(nomMethod)) {
mtdTrouve = true;
if (!mtdTrouve) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: "
+ nomMethod
+ " is not a method of the specified class or object.\n");
} catch (SecurityException sex) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: "
+ nomMethod
+ " is not a method of the specified class or object.\n");
// 5. Determiner le type/class de la valeur qui sera retourn?e
Class classReturnType = methodRecherchee.getReturnType();
// 6. Invoker la methode et saisir la valeur retourn?e
Object objRet = null;
try {
objRet = methodRecherchee.invoke(obj, vectObjsArgs);
} catch (InvocationTargetException invTrgtEx) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: problem in the invocation of the method "
+ nomMethod + " .\n");
} catch (IllegalAccessException illAcEx) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: illegal access during the invocation of the method "
+ nomMethod + " .\n");
// 7. Traiter l'objet retourn? selon que la m?thode est de type void
// ;
// elle ne retourne pas de valeur ou quelle retourne une valeur
if (objRet == null) { // La methode est de type void
// Verifier que le programmeur a bien fourni "void" comme Arg1
// de execMethod
if ((Arg1.pData != null)
&& (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)) {
String str = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
resultat = str.equals("void");
ASSERT(resultat, "Error : The type of the method is void");
} else {
"Error : the method does not return a value; its type is void");
} else { // Creer une donnee Prolog pour "wrapper" l'objet retourn?
byte typeDonRet = 0;
if (typeRetSpec == null) {
typeDonRet = typeFromClass(classReturnType);
} else {
typeDonRet = typeFromString(typeRetSpec);
PrologData donRes = new PrologData(typeDonRet, objRet);
// Unifier cette donnee avec le permier argument Arg1
resultat = env.unification.unify(donRes, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("createInstance")) { // createInstance(Ident,
// Terme);
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: createInstance takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uString))),
"Error: the first argument of createInstance must be an identifier.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uTerm)),
"Error: the second argument of createInstance must be a term.\n");
if (env.program == null) {
"No program has been loaded and compiled.\n Only predefined goal (except asserta/z, createInstance, retract and suppress) can be satisfied.",
return resultat;
PrologRule pRegle = new PrologRule();
// Par ailleurs, la regle Ident <- Terme sera transformee en :
// Ident::valSysIdVar <- Terme::valSysIdVar,
// l'ajout de la variable des deux cotes va nous permettre de
// resoudre correctement l'heritage...
// a. transformer Ident en Ident::valSysIdVar; valSysCleBtCp(Ident,
// valSysIdVar)
PrologTerm aCple = new PrologTerm();
PrologData uneDonId = new PrologData(uIdentifier,
aCple.addData(uneDonId); // construction de valSysCleBtCp(
PrologTerm aTerm1 = new PrologTerm();
aTerm1.addData(Arg1.pData); // mettre Ident en un Terme
String ClePaquet = env.compile.valSysGEN
+ env.compile.nameOfArgument(aTerm1, -1);
aCple.addData(new PrologData(uTerm, aTerm1)); // construction de
// valSysCleBtCp(Ident,
PrologData uneDonVr = new PrologData(uVariable,
aCple.addData(uneDonVr); // construction de valSysCleBtCp(Ident,
// valSysIdVar)
// b. remplacer dans pCurRule t2 par t2::valSysIdVar;
// valSysCleBtCp(t2, valSysIdVar)
aCple = new PrologTerm();
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program.get(ClePaquet);
if (pRules != null) {
} else { // un nouveau paquet
pRules = new RuleVector();
env.program.put(ClePaquet, pRules);
programModified = true;
pRules = null;
ClePaquet = null;
pRegle = null;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("asserta") || IdPred.equals("assertz")) {
// asserta/z(Terme, ListeTermes); la liste souvent vide
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: asserta/z takes two arguments.\n"); // asserta/z
// doit avoir
// deux arg.
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT(Arg1.pData != null,
"Error: the first argument of asserta/z must be bound.\n");
if ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)
|| (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)) { // Il faut le
// transformer en un
// term
PrologTerm unTrm = new PrologTerm();
Arg1.pData = new PrologData(uTerm, unTrm);
} else {
ASSERT(Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uTerm,
"Error: the first argument of asserta/z must be a term or a CG.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the second argument of asserta/z must be a list.\n");
if (env.program == null) {
String strMessage = "No program has been loaded and compiled.\n Only predefined goal (except asserta/z, createInstance, retract and suppress) can be satisfied.";
if (!env.bIsApplet) {
env.io.showMessageDialog(strMessage, "Warning");
} else {
return false;
PrologRule pRule = new PrologRule();
pRule.addTerm(assertTerm((PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data, Arg1.index));
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
// ******* IMPORTANT : Comme pour term_list; touteLaListe n'est pas
// appropriee
// ***** ici; car il faut garder les variables et traiter les
// structures contenant les variables ..
// ****** A REVOIR ***************//
// pLstPrlg = touteLaListe(pLstPrlg, Arg2.niv);
PrologData uneDon;
PrologTerm unTrm;
for (Enumeration<PrologData> e = pLstPrlg.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
uneDon = (PrologData) e.nextElement();
if ((uneDon.typeOfData == uIdentifier)
|| (uneDon.typeOfData == uCG)
|| (uneDon.typeOfData == uVariable)) { // Il faut le
// transformer
// en un term
unTrm = new PrologTerm();
pRule.addTerm(assertTerm(unTrm, Arg2.index));
} else {
ASSERT((uneDon.typeOfData == uTerm),
"Error: the second argument of asserta/z must be a list of terms or CG.\n");
pRule.addTerm(assertTerm((PrologTerm) uneDon.data,
pLstPrlg = null;
uneDon = null;
String ClePaquet = env.compile.nameOfArgument(pRule.getAt(0),
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program.get(ClePaquet);
if (pRules != null) {
if (IdPred.equals("asserta")) { // ajouter au debut du paquet
try {
pRules.insertElementAt(pRule, 0);
} catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exp) {
// This could possibly happen
} else { // ajouter a la fin du paquet
} else { // un nouveau paquet
pRules = new RuleVector();
env.program.put(ClePaquet, pRules);
programModified = true;
pRules = null;
ClePaquet = null;
pRule = null;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("retract")) { // retract(Terme); eliminer toute
// regle dont la tete puisse
// s'unifier...
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: retract takes one argument.\n"); // retract doit
// avoir 1 arg.
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT(Arg1.pData != null,
"Error: the argument of retract must be bound.\n");
if ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)
|| (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)) { // Il faut le
// transformer en un
// term
PrologTerm unTrm = new PrologTerm();
Arg1.pData = new PrologData(uTerm, unTrm);
} else {
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uTerm),
"Error: the argument of retract must be a term.\n");
String IdCle = env.compile.nameOfArgument(
(PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data, Arg1.index);
if (env.program == null) {
"No program has been loaded and compiled.\n Only predefined goal (except asserta/z, createInstance, retract and suppress) can be satisfied.",
return resultat;
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program.get(IdCle);
if (pRules != null) {
// //env.unification.Unif_Stack.addNewElement(); // une pour la
// forme initiale
PrologData Donnee2;
PrologRule uneRegle;
int indRegle = 0;
for (Enumeration<PrologRule> e = pRules.elements(); (e.hasMoreElements() && !resultat);) {
uneRegle = (PrologRule) e.nextElement();
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // une pour la
// forme
// instanciee
int TopOfUnification_Stack = env.unification.Unif_Stack
Donnee2 = new PrologData(uTerm, uneRegle.getAt(0));
resultat = env.unification.unify(Donnee2,
TopOfUnification_Stack, Arg1.pData, Arg1.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
uneRegle = null;
if (pRules.isEmpty()) {
programModified = true;
} else {
} // fin du for (...
Donnee2 = null;
uneRegle = null;
} else {
resultat = false;
IdCle = null;
} else if (IdPred.equals("suppress")) { // suppress(Ident, Nbre), Nbre
// designe le nbre d'arg
// suppress elimine tout le paquet
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: suppress takes two arguments.\n"); // suppress doit
// avoir deux
// arg.
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the first argument of suppress must be an identifier.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error: the second argument of suppress must be an integer.\n");
if (env.program == null) {
"No program has been loaded and compiled.\n Only predefined goal (except asserta/z, createInstance, retract and suppress) can be satisfied.",
return resultat;
String Strg = env.compile.getTermSlashNumberOfArgumentsString(
(String) Arg1.pData.data, ((Long) Arg2.pData.data)
pRules = (RuleVector) env.program.get(Strg);
PrologRule uneRegle;
if (pRules != null) {
for (Enumeration<PrologRule> e = pRules.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
uneRegle = (PrologRule) e.nextElement();
uneRegle = null;
programModified = true;
resultat = true;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("isInstance")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: instance takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uString))),
"Error : the first argument of isInstance should be an identifier or a string.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error : the second argument of isInstance should be an identifier.\n");
try {
UnifyCG aUnifyCG = new UnifyCG(env);
resultat = aUnifyCG.conform(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, (String) Arg2.pData.data);
} catch (ExecException exex) {
resultat = false;
if (resultat) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("addInstance")) {
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified.");
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: addInstance takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uString))),
"Error : the first argument of addInstance should be an identifier or a string.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error : the second argument of addInstance should be an identifier.\n");
env.typeHierarchy.addInstance((String) Arg1.pData.data,
(String) Arg2.pData.data);
resultat = true;
programModified = true;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("free")) { // free(DonneePrlg)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2),
"Error: free takes one argument.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
resultat = (Arg1.pData == null);
if (resultat) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("val")) { // val(VarLibre, ExpressionPrefixe)
// ou
// val(VarLibre, IdObjet) ou val(IdObj, Expr)
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: val takes two arguments.\n"); // val doit avoir 2
// arg.
// ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.getS(1).typDon == uVariable),
// "Error: the first argument of val must be a free variable.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData == null) || (pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the first argument of val must be a free variable or an object identifier.\n");
PrologData donTmp = null;
if (pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2).typeOfData == uIdentifier) {
String IdObj = (String) pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2).data;
donTmp = (PrologData) globalPrlgPCGObjs.get(IdObj);
ASSERT((donTmp != null), "Error : The object " + IdObj
+ " is unknown.\n");
} else {
donTmp = evalExpr(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
// donTmp = new PrologData(uNumber, nbreRes);
if (pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).typeOfData == uVariable) {
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, donTmp, pTermRes.index);
} else {
String IdObj = (String) pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1).data;
globalPrlgPCGObjs.put(IdObj, donTmp);
resultat = true;
ASSERT((resultat == true),
"Error: the two arguments of val should be unified");
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("sup") || IdPred.equals("inf")
|| IdPred.equals("eqv")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes two arguments.\n");
PrologData uneDonTrans1 = evalExpr(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((uneDonTrans1 != null) && (uneDonTrans1.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error : the expression should return a number.");
Number val1 = (Number) uneDonTrans1.data;
PrologData uneDonTrans2 = evalExpr(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((uneDonTrans2 != null) && (uneDonTrans2.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error : the expression should return a number.");
Number val2 = (Number) uneDonTrans2.data;
if (IdPred.equals("sup")) {
resultat = val1.doubleValue() > val2.doubleValue();
} else if (IdPred.equals("inf")) {
resultat = val1.doubleValue() < val2.doubleValue();
} else if (IdPred.equals("eqv")) {
resultat = val1.doubleValue() == val2.doubleValue();
if (resultat) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("seed")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 2), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes one argument.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error: the argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
Number val1 = (Number) Arg1.pData.data;
long val1Long = val1.longValue();
val1Long >= 0 && val1Long <= 2100000000L,
"Error: the argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there was
// no unification:
// For homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("rnd")) {
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes three arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
((Arg1.pData != null) && (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error: the first argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
Number val1 = (Number) Arg1.pData.data;
long val1Long = val1.longValue();
val1Long >= 0 && val1Long <= 2100000000L,
"Error: the first argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
((Arg2.pData != null) && (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error: the second argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
Number val2 = (Number) Arg2.pData.data;
long val2Long = val2.longValue();
val2Long >= 0 && val2Long <= 2100000000L,
"Error: the second argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be a number between 0 and 2,100,000,000.\n");
ASSERT(val1Long <= val2Long, "Error: the first argument of "
+ IdPred
+ " must be less than or equal to the second argument.\n");
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
ASSERT(Arg3.pData == null, "Error: the third argument of "
+ IdPred + " must be a free variable.\n");
double randomDouble = rndRandom.nextDouble();
double myDifference = (double) val2Long - val1Long;
double mySolutionDouble = (myDifference * randomDouble) + val1Long;
Double mySolutionDoubleObject = new Double(mySolutionDouble);
Long mySolutionLong = new Long(mySolutionDoubleObject
PrologData aPrologData = new PrologData(uNumber, mySolutionLong);
resultat = env.unification.unify(aPrologData, pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
pTermRes.pos = -1;
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("eq")) { // this corresponds to unification
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: eq takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
if ((Arg1.pData != null)
&& ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uConcept))
&& (Arg2.pData != null)
&& ((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uConcept))) {
resultat = env.unification
.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
} else {
resultat = env.unification
.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("dif")) { // this corresponds to not(eq...))
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: dif takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
if ((Arg1.pData != null)
&& ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG) || (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uConcept))
&& (Arg2.pData != null)
&& ((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uCG) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uConcept))) {
resultat = env.unification
.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
} else {
resultat = env.unification
.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
resultat = !resultat;
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
// env.unification.Unif_Stack.pop();
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("fail")) {
resultat = false;
} else if (IdPred.equals("isSubType") || IdPred.equals("isSuperType")) { // isSubType(Type1,
// Type2)
// ou
// isSuperType(Type1,
// Type2)
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified.");
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type1 = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type2 = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
if (IdPred.equals("isSubType")) {
resultat = env.typeHierarchy.isSubType(Type1, Type2);
} else {
resultat = env.typeHierarchy.isSuperType(Type1, Type2);
if (resultat) {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else if (IdPred.equals("immediateSubTypes")
|| IdPred.equals("immediateSuperTypes")
|| IdPred.equals("subTypes") || IdPred.equals("superTypes")) { // oper(Type,
// LstOfTypes)
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified.");
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 3), "Error: " + IdPred
+ " takes two arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT(((Arg2.pData == null) || (Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a free variable or a list.\n");
PrologData L = null;
if (IdPred.equals("immediateSubTypes")) {
L = env.typeHierarchy.immediateSubTypes(Type);
} else if (IdPred.equals("immediateSuperTypes")) {
L = env.typeHierarchy.immediateSuperTypes(Type);
} else if (IdPred.equals("subTypes")) {
L = env.typeHierarchy.subTypes(Type);
} else {
L = env.typeHierarchy.superTypes(Type);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
pTermRes.index, L, pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("maxComSubTypes")
|| IdPred.equals("minComSuperTypes")) { // XComYTypes(Typ1,
// Typ2, MaxMinType)
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified.");
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4), "Error:" + IdPred
+ " takes tree arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type1 = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type2 = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
ASSERT(((Arg3.pData == null) || (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uList)),
"Error: the third argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a free variable or a list.\n");
Vector<String> Types3 = null;
if (IdPred.equals("maxComSubTypes")) {
Types3 = env.typeHierarchy.maxComSubTypes(Type1, Type2);
} else {
Types3 = env.typeHierarchy.minComSuperTypes(Type1, Type2);
PrologList aList = new PrologList();
for (Enumeration<String> e = Types3.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String aType = (String) e.nextElement();
PrologData aDonnee = new PrologData(uIdentifier, aType);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3),
pTermRes.index, new PrologData(uList, aList),
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("maxComSubType")
|| IdPred.equals("minComSuperType")) { // XComYType(Typ1, Typ2,
// MaxMinType)
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified.");
ASSERT((pTermRes.pTerm.size() == 4), "Error:" + IdPred
+ " takes tree arguments.\n");
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
ASSERT((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the first argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type1 = (String) Arg1.pData.data;
Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2),
ASSERT((Arg2.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier),
"Error: the second argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be an identifier.\n");
String Type2 = (String) Arg2.pData.data;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg3 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index);
((Arg3.pData == null) || (Arg3.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)),
"Error: the third argument of " + IdPred
+ " must be a free variable or an identifier.\n");
String Type3 = null;
if (IdPred.equals("maxComSubType")) {
Type3 = env.typeHierarchy.maxComSubType(Type1, Type2);
} else {
Type3 = env.typeHierarchy.minComSuperType(Type1, Type2);
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3),
pTermRes.index, new PrologData(uIdentifier, Type3),
if (resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = -1;
} else {
if (!resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = 0;
return resultat;
* Dans cette nouvelle version : on cree une instanciation en profondeur du
* du term. Pour cela, on ecrit le term dans le tampon
* env.printer.nodeTreeDebug pour avoir la forme instanciee, en chaine de
* caracteres et ensuite on la compile pour avoir sa representation interne
PrologTerm assertTerm(PrologTerm pTerme, int niv) throws CompileException {
env.bWriteToDebugTree = true;
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
env.printer.printTerm(pTerme, niv); // Ecriture dans
// alternatePrintString
PrologTerm trm = env.compile
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
env.bWriteToDebugTree = false;
return trm;
* Ancienne def. Son probleme : elle ne fait pas une instanciation en
* profondeur; mais juste au premier niveau PrologTerm assertTerm(PrologTerm
* pTerme, int niv) { PrologTerm nouvTerm = new PrologTerm(); PrologData
* uneDon; PrologDataIndexPair valArg; for (Enumeration e =
* pTerme.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { uneDon = (PrologData)
* e.nextElement(); valArg = env.unification.valeur(uneDon, niv); if
* (valArg.pDonnee != null) nouvTerm.add(valArg.pDonnee); else
* nouvTerm.add(uneDon); };
* return nouvTerm; }
public boolean resatisfyPredicateGoal(TermToBeResolved pTermRes,
String IdPred) throws ExecException, CompileException {
boolean resultat = false;
RuleVector pLocalRules = null;
if (IdPred.equals("branchOfCG")) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
CG unGC = (CG) Arg2.pData.data;
Vector<Relation> vctRels = unGC.m_vctRelations;
int nbreBranch = vctRels.size();
while ((pTermRes.pos < nbreBranch) && !resultat) {
// Creer un CG a partir de la branche/relation courante dans le
// CG arg2
CG unGCBranch = createCGBranch((Relation) vctRels
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification.unify(
new PrologData(uCG, unGCBranch), Arg2.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("concOfCG")) { // concOfCG(ConceptOUVar, CG)
PrologDataIndexPair Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
CG unGC = (CG) Arg2.pData.data;
Vector<Concept> vctConcepts = unGC.m_vctConcepts;
int nbreConcs = vctConcepts.size();
resultat = false;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
while ((pTermRes.pos < nbreConcs) && !resultat) {
Concept concCour = (Concept) vctConcepts
// Is Arg1 a free variable?
if (Arg1.pData == null) {
// Yes, it was a free variable.
// Therefore, we don't transform it to a CG,
// since otherwise, we will unify the whole CG.
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification.unify(new PrologData(uConcept,
concCour), Arg2.index, pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
} else {
// No, it was not a free variable.
// Therefore, there is no harm done
// in making a CG out of the concept.
// Make a CG out of the concept.
// This is because env.unification.unifier does not do the
// special variable-substitution magic on uConcept.
CG gTmp = new CG();
// Inverser les arg de unifier comme pour la primitive "eq"
resultat = env.unification
.unify(new PrologData(uCG, gTmp), Arg2.index,
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
if (resultat) {
} else {
} else if (IdPred.equals("member")) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg2 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(2), pTermRes.index);
PrologList pLstPrlg = null;
int Arg2Niv = Arg2.index;
if (pTermRes.lstMember == null) {
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) Arg2.pData.data;
} else {
pLstPrlg = pTermRes.lstMember;
Arg2Niv = pTermRes.indLstMember;
int dernierInd = pLstPrlg.size() - 1;
boolean finished = false;
while (!finished && !resultat) {
while ((pTermRes.pos < dernierInd) && !resultat) {
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
pTermRes.index, pLstPrlg.getAt(pTermRes.pos),
if (resultat) {
} else {
* Si on arrive au dernier element de la liste et c'est une
* VarList alors il faut chercher sa valeur et relancer le
* membre ...
if (!resultat && (pTermRes.pos == dernierInd)) {
if (pLstPrlg.getAt(dernierInd).typeOfData == uVarList) {
PrologDataIndexPair contr = env.unification
ASSERT((contr.pData != null)
&& (contr.pData.typeOfData == uList),
"Error: The second argument of member should be a list.\n");
pLstPrlg = (PrologList) contr.pData.data;
Arg2Niv = contr.index;
pTermRes.lstMember = pLstPrlg;
pTermRes.indLstMember = contr.index;
dernierInd = pLstPrlg.size() - 1;
pTermRes.pos = 0;
} else {
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // pour la
// forme
// instanciee
// de
// membre
resultat = env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm
.getAt(1), pTermRes.index, pLstPrlg
.getAt(dernierInd), Arg2Niv);
if (resultat) {
} else {
finished = true;
} else {
finished = true;
if (!resultat) {
pTermRes.lstMember = null;
pTermRes.indLstMember = 0;
} else if (IdPred.equals("not")) {
if (pTermRes.pos == -1) { // dans ce cas, indexInExecStack marque
// Return_Stack et non Exec_Stack
for (int i = Return_Stack.indexOfTop(); ((i > pTermRes.indexInExecStack) && (i >= 0)); i--) {
Return_Stack.pop(); // en depilant (afin de ne plus les
// considerer) les TermRes de PileRetour
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pop(); // impliquent qu'il faut
// faire de meme avec
// leur
// UnificationRecord
pTermRes.indexInExecStack = -1;
// a ce niveau, vctResult = false (par defaut, ce qui est desire)
// ... et en bas, on mettra pTermPos = 0
} else if (IdPred.equals("findall")) {
if (pTermRes.indLstMember != -1) {
// voir remarque ci-dessous sur indLstMember ..
// D?piler les trois buts au sommet de Exec_Stack fail,
// addElemForAll(..), B
// indLstMember est utilis? ici juste comme un tag indiquant la
// prochaine fois
// qu'il faut sauter ce traitement ci
pTermRes.indLstMember = -1;
env.unification.Unif_Stack.pushEmptyRecord(); // even if there
// was no
// unification:
// For
// homogenizing
// with
// Retour_Arriere
env.unification.unify(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(3), pTermRes.index,
new PrologData(uList, pTermRes.lstMember),
pTermRes.lstMember = null;
Return_Stack.push(Exec_Stack.pop()); // il s'agit du but
// findall(..)
Exec_Stack.pop(); // depiler But
Exec_Stack.pop(); // depiler addElemForAll(..)
Exec_Stack.pop(); // depiler fail
resultat = true;
} else if (IdPred.equals("retract")) {
PrologDataIndexPair Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1), pTermRes.index);
Arg1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(pTermRes.pTerm.getAt(1),
if ((Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uIdentifier)
|| (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uCG)) { // Il faut le
// transformer en un
// term
PrologTerm unTrm = new PrologTerm();
Arg1.pData = new PrologData(uTerm, unTrm);
String IdCle = env.compile.nameOfArgument(
(PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data, Arg1.index);
pLocalRules = (RuleVector) env.program.get(IdCle);
if (pLocalRules != null) {
// //env.unification.Unif_Stack.addNewElement(); // une pour la
// forme initiale
PrologData data2;
PrologRule aRule;
int indRegle = 0;
for (Enumeration<PrologRule> e = pLocalRules.elements(); (e
.hasMoreElements() && !resultat);) {
aRule = (PrologRule) e.nextElement();
int TopOfUnification_Stack = env.unification.Unif_Stack
data2 = new PrologData(uTerm, aRule.getAt(0));
resultat = env.unification.unify(data2,
TopOfUnification_Stack, Arg1.pData, Arg1.index);
if (resultat) {
aRule = null;
if (pLocalRules.isEmpty()) {
// pTermRes.Pos = 0;
programModified = true;
} else {
} // fin du for (...
// if (!vctResult) env.unification.Unif_Stack.Pop();
data2 = null;
aRule = null;
} else {
resultat = false;
IdCle = null;
if (!resultat) {
pTermRes.pos = 0;
return resultat;
PrologData evalExpr(PrologData pDon, int niv) throws ExecException {
Number aNumber = null;
PrologDataIndexPair Arg1 = env.unification
.valueFromUnifStack(pDon, niv);
ASSERT((Arg1.pData != null),
"Error: any variable in an expression should have a value.\n");
if (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uNumber) {
aNumber = (Number) Arg1.pData.data;
} else if (Arg1.pData.typeOfData == uTerm) {
PrologTerm pTerm = (PrologTerm) Arg1.pData.data;
String IdTerm = (String) pTerm.getAt(0).data;
ASSERT((IdTerm.equals("add") || IdTerm.equals("sub")
|| IdTerm.equals("mul") || IdTerm.equals("div")),
"Error: an operator in an expression must be add, sub, mul or div.\n");
ASSERT((pTerm.size() == 3),
"Error: any operator must have two arguments.\n");
PrologData aDataTrans1 = evalExpr(pTerm.getAt(1), Arg1.index);
((aDataTrans1 != null) && (aDataTrans1.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error : the operand should be a number.");
Number val1 = (Number) aDataTrans1.data;
PrologData aDataTrans2 = evalExpr(pTerm.getAt(2), Arg1.index);
((aDataTrans2 != null) && (aDataTrans2.typeOfData == uNumber)),
"Error : the operand should be a number.");
Number val2 = (Number) aDataTrans2.data;
if ((val1 instanceof Long) && (val2 instanceof Long)) {
int nbreEntier = 0;
if (IdTerm.equals("add")) {
nbreEntier = val1.intValue() + val2.intValue();
} else if (IdTerm.equals("sub")) {
nbreEntier = val1.intValue() - val2.intValue();
} else if (IdTerm.equals("mul")) {
nbreEntier = val1.intValue() * val2.intValue();
aNumber = new Long(nbreEntier);
if (IdTerm.equals("div")) {
double nbreDouble = 0.0;
nbreDouble = val1.doubleValue() / val2.doubleValue();
aNumber = new Double(nbreDouble);
} else {
double nbreDouble = 0.0;
if (IdTerm.equals("add")) {
nbreDouble = val1.doubleValue() + val2.doubleValue();
} else if (IdTerm.equals("sub")) {
nbreDouble = val1.doubleValue() - val2.doubleValue();
} else if (IdTerm.equals("mul")) {
nbreDouble = val1.doubleValue() * val2.doubleValue();
} else {
nbreDouble = val1.doubleValue() / val2.doubleValue();
aNumber = new Double(nbreDouble);
} else {
"Error: an element in an expression is neither a number nor an operator.\n");
Arg1 = null;
return new PrologData(uNumber, aNumber);
public void clear_globalPrlgPCGObjs() {
globalPrlgPCGObjs.clear(); // Est-ce suffisant pour detruire les objets
// aussi ??
// une liste peut se terminer par un constructeur suivi d'une variable
// dont la valeur serait une liste, elle meme peut se terminer ...
// dans certains cas, on aimerait avoir la liste qui contiendrait tous
// elements des listes "lies" par les constructeurs
PrologList copyAllOfTheListWithUnification(PrologList aList, int level)
throws ExecException {
if (aList.isEmpty()) {
return aList;
PrologList newList = new PrologList();
copyListWithUnification(aList, level, newList);
PrologData lastElem = (PrologData) aList.lastElement();
boolean finished = false;
PrologDataIndexPair ValVarList = null;
int valLevel = level;
PrologList aList1 = null;
while (!finished) {
ValVarList = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(lastElem, valLevel);
valLevel = ValVarList.index;
if (lastElem.typeOfData == uVarList) {
if ((ValVarList.pData != null)
&& (ValVarList.pData.typeOfData != uList)) {
throw new ExecException(
"The value of the variable after | should be a list.\n");
} else if (ValVarList.pData != null) {
// Enlever le dernier element de la liste courante;
// il represente une varListe qui est remplacee par sa
// valeur
// nouvListe.removeElementAt(nouvListe.size() - 1);
aList1 = (PrologList) ValVarList.pData.data;
copyListWithUnification(aList1, ValVarList.index, newList);
try {
lastElem = (PrologData) aList1.lastElement();
} catch (Exception expt) {
finished = true;
} else {
throw new ExecException(
"Warning : The list is partially specified; the variable after | is free.\n");
} else {
finished = true;
return newList;
void copyListWithUnification(PrologList aList, int level, PrologList newList) {
int indexOfLastElement = aList.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < indexOfLastElement; i++) {
PrologDataIndexPair contr = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(
(PrologData) aList.elementAt(i), level);
CG createCGBranch(Relation rel) {
// 1. Creer le CG cadre
Relation newRelation = new Relation();
newRelation.m_pdRelationName = rel.m_pdRelationName;
Concept concSrce = rel.m_concSource;
Concept newConcSrce = new Concept(concSrce.m_pdType,
concSrce.m_pdReferent, concSrce.m_pdValue,
newRelation.m_concSource = newConcSrce;
Concept concDest = rel.m_concDestination;
Concept newConcDest = new Concept(concDest.m_pdType,
concDest.m_pdReferent, concDest.m_pdValue,
newRelation.m_concDestination = newConcDest;
Vector<Concept> nouvVctConcs = new Vector<Concept>(2);
Vector<Relation> newVctRels = new Vector<Relation>(1);
return new CG(nouvVctConcs, newVctRels);
boolean isVariableGoal(String strIdVar, PrologData aTerm) {
env.bWriteToDebugTree = true;
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
// -1 because we want to "print" the variable
// and not its value.
env.printer.printPrologData(aTerm, -1);
String str = env.printer.alternatePrintString;
env.printer.alternatePrintString = "";
env.bWriteToDebugTree = false;
int indDebStr = str.indexOf(strIdVar);
boolean valRet = false;
if (indDebStr >= 0) {
int taille = strIdVar.length();
// boolean finished = false;
char carAvDeb;
// boolean finished = false;
char carAprFin;
while ((indDebStr >= 0) && !valRet) {
carAvDeb = str.charAt(indDebStr - 1); // En principe, indDebStr
// > 0
carAprFin = str.charAt(indDebStr + taille);
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(carAvDeb) && (carAvDeb != '_')
&& !Character.isLetterOrDigit(carAprFin)
&& (carAprFin != '_')) {
valRet = true;
} else {
indDebStr = str.indexOf(strIdVar, indDebStr + taille);
return valRet;
byte typeFromClass(Class<? extends Object> aClass) {
String strClassName = aClass.getName();
byte resultType = 0;
if (strClassName.equals("java.lang.Integer")
|| strClassName.equals("int")
|| strClassName.equals("java.lang.Long")
|| strClassName.equals("long")
|| strClassName.equals("java.lang.Double")
|| strClassName.equals("double")) {
resultType = uNumber;
} else if (strClassName.equals("java.lang.Boolean")
|| strClassName.equals("boolean")) {
resultType = uBoolean;
} else if (strClassName.equals("java.lang.String")) {
resultType = uString;
} else {
resultType = uObject;
return resultType;
byte typeFromString(String nameOfClass) {
byte result = 0;
if (nameOfClass.equals("Long") || nameOfClass.equals("Double")) {
result = uNumber;
} else if (nameOfClass.equals("Boolean")) {
result = uBoolean;
} else if (nameOfClass.equals("String")) {
result = uString;
} else {
result = uObject;
return result;
// Check whether type is a primitive type
// (number, boolean, identifier, string)
boolean typeIsPrimitive(byte typDon) {
return ((typDon == uNumber) || (typDon == uBoolean)
|| (typDon == uIdentifier) || (typDon == uString));
String primitiveTypeToString(PrologData pData) throws ExecException {
"Error: wrong type of PrologData: Should be a number, a boolean, an identifier, or a string.\n");
switch (pData.typeOfData) {
case uNumber:
if (pData.data instanceof Long) {
Long valLong = ((Long) pData.data);
return "\"" + valLong.toString() + "\"";
} else {
Double valDble = ((Double) pData.data);
return "\"" + valDble.toString() + "\"";
case uBoolean: {
boolean valBool = ((Boolean) pData.data).booleanValue();
if (valBool) {
return "\"true\"";
} else {
return "\"false\"";
case uIdentifier:
return "\"" + (String) pData.data + "\"";
case uString:
return (String) pData.data;
"Unreachable code reached in Resolution.primitiveTypeToString");
return "";