* Prolog+CG : Prolog with conceptual graphs
* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Adil Kabbaj
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Website
* =======
* Prolog+CG has a website here:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/
* Contact
* =======
* Please DO NOT send email to Prof. Kabbaj. Instead, all
* correspondence regarding Prolog+CG should be sent to the current
* maintainter:
* Ulrik Petersen <ulrikp{t-a}users{dot}sourceforge{|dot|}net
* (Email obfuscated to foil spammers).
* ==========
* SUPPORT! No support is available.
* If you need help in using Prolog+CG, please check out the resources
* available at:
* http://prologpluscg.sourceforge.net/docs.html
* That page points to ample resources for learning Prolog+CG.
* Bugreports
* ==========
* Notwithstanding the lack of support, the maintainer will gladly
* receive bugreports and bugfixes. Please feel free to send such
* bulletins to the address given above.
package PrologPlusCG.cg;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.PPCGEnv;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.DataTypes;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.ExecException;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.PrologData;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.PrologDataIndexPair;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.PrologList;
import PrologPlusCG.prolog.UnifyCG;
public class CGOperation implements DataTypes {
final byte e_inComeBranch = 0;
final byte e_outComeBranch = 1;
UnifyCG aUnifyCG = null;
// corefMatchVec est commune aux instances de OperCG qui ont ete
// instancie suite aux appels recursifs a OperCG
Vector<CoreferenceMatch> corefMatchVec = new Vector<CoreferenceMatch>();
byte[] setOpersId = {
e_completeContract, e_partialContract, e_subsumeWithoutResult
Vector<ConceptMatch> concMatchVec;
Vector<RelationMatch> relMatchVec;
private PPCGEnv env = null;
public CGOperation(PPCGEnv myenv) {
env = myenv;
aUnifyCG = new UnifyCG(env);
// Created for each instance/call of CGOperation
// Cree pour chaque instance/appel a CGOperation
concMatchVec = new Vector<ConceptMatch>();
relMatchVec = new Vector<RelationMatch>();
private void concMatchVec_MakeEmpty(Vector<ConceptMatch> lst) {
ConceptMatch aCMatch;
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e = lst.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
aCMatch = (ConceptMatch) e.nextElement();
private void relMatchVec_MakeEmpty(Vector<RelationMatch> lst) {
RelationMatch aRMatch;
for (Enumeration<RelationMatch> e = lst.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
aRMatch = (RelationMatch) e.nextElement();
public void corefMatchVec_MakeEmpty() {
CoreferenceMatch aCorefMatch;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> e = corefMatchVec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
aCorefMatch = (CoreferenceMatch) e.nextElement();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean sameNameRel(PrologData rla1, int niv1, PrologData rla2,
int niv2) throws ExecException {
PrologDataIndexPair valIndLeft = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(rla1, niv1);
PrologDataIndexPair valIndRight = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(rla2, niv2);
if ((valIndLeft.pData == null) || (valIndRight.pData == null)) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: for CG operations, relations should have specific values\nand not be free variables.");
// The two PrologData are particular relations
// Les deux donn?es sont des relations particuliers
Object pData1Left;
Object pData1Right;
pData1Left = valIndLeft.pData.data;
pData1Right = valIndRight.pData.data;
String sDon1 = (String) pData1Left;
String sDon2 = (String) pData1Right;
return (sDon1.equals(sDon2));
public static byte convertToByte(String IdOperGC, CG G3) {
byte result = 0;
if (IdOperGC.equals("maximalJoin")) {
result = e_maximalJoin;
} else if (IdOperGC.equals("generalize")) {
result = e_generalize;
} else if (IdOperGC.equals("subsume") && (G3 == null)) {
result = e_subsumeWithoutResult;
} else if (IdOperGC.equals("subsume") && (G3 != null)) {
result = e_subsume;
return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// CorefMatchL_MakeEmpty(); C'est celui qui appelle pour la 1ere fois matchCG
// qui devrait executer : CorefMatchL_MakeEmpty();
public boolean matchCG(byte OperCG, Concept E1, CG G1, int level1, Concept E2,
CG G2, int level2, CGMatchResult resMatchCG) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = false;
// subsume(G1, G2) : tester si G1 est plus generale que G2 et retourner
// la partie de G2 qui est isomorphe ? G1
// subsumeSRes(G1, G2) : tester si G1 est plus generale que G2 sans retourner
// la partie de G2 qui est isomorphe ? G1
// project(G1, G2) : projeter un GC G1 sur un autre G2;
// G1 doit etre isomorphe a un sous-graphe de G2.
// subsume(G1, G2) : Tests if CG1 is more general than G2
// and returns the part of G2 which is
// isomorphic to G1.
// subsumeWithoutResult(G1, G2) : Tests if G1 is more
// general than G2 without returning the part
// of G2 which is isomorphic to G1.
// project(G1, G2) : project a CG G1 on top of another CG G2;
// G1 must be isomorphic to a sub-graph of G2.
if (((OperCG == e_project) || (OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_subsumeWithoutResult) || (OperCG == e_completeContract)) &&
((G1.m_vctRelations.size() > G2.m_vctRelations.size()) ||
!bagInclusion(G1.m_vctRelations, level1, G2.m_vctRelations, level2))) {
bResult = false;
} else {
bResult = computeEntryPointsAndMatch(OperCG, E1, G1, level1,
E2, G2, level2, resMatchCG);
// CorefMatchL_MakeEmpty(); C'est celui qui appelle pour la 1ere fois matchCG
// qui devrait executer : CorefMatchL_MakeEmpty();
return bResult;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
boolean bagInclusion(Vector<Relation> lr1, int niv1, Vector<Relation> lr2, int niv2)
throws ExecException {
Vector<Relation> lst = new Vector<Relation>();
Relation rla1 = null;
Relation rla2 = null;
boolean bFound;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = lr1.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
rla1 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
bFound = false;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e1 = lr2.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bFound;) {
rla2 = (Relation) e1.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rla1.m_pdRelationName, niv1, rla2.m_pdRelationName, niv2) &&
!lst.contains(rla2)) {
bFound = true;
if (bFound) {
} else {
lst = null;
return false;
lst = null;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean computeEntryPointsAndMatch(byte OperCG, Concept E1, CG G1,
int level1, Concept E2, CG G2, int level2, CGMatchResult resMatchCG)
throws ExecException {
Concept C1;
Concept C2;
boolean bResult = false;
if ((E1 != null) && (E2 != null)) {
/** Inutil a present puisque E1 et E2 referent aux concepts eux-memes
Concept CEE1 = LocConcEq(E1, G1);
Concept CEE2 = LocConcEq(E2, G2);
if (CEE1 == null || CEE2 == null)
throw new ExecException("Error: the entry concepts are not in the CG.");
if (!G1.m_vctConcepts.contains(E1)) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: the first entry concept is not in the corresponding CG.");
if (!G2.m_vctConcepts.contains(E2)) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: the second entry concept is not in the corresponding CG.");
bResult = matchWithBack(OperCG, E1, E2, null, null, G1, level1, G2,
level2, resMatchCG.G3);
if (bResult) {
ConceptMatch eMatchL = inCMatchL(E1, E2);
resMatchCG.E3 = eMatchL.m_ResultOfMatch;
} else if ((G1.m_vctConcepts.size() == 1) && G1.m_vctRelations.isEmpty()) {
C1 = (Concept) G1.m_vctConcepts.firstElement();
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C2 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
bResult = matchConcept(OperCG, C1, level1, C2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
// if (!BRes) env.unification.EnleverContraintes();
bResult = bResult &&
postMatch(OperCG, G1, level1, G2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
} else if ((G2.m_vctConcepts.size() == 1) && G2.m_vctRelations.isEmpty()) {
C2 = (Concept) G2.m_vctConcepts.firstElement();
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G1.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C1 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
bResult = matchConcept(OperCG, C1, level1, C2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
// if (!BRes) env.unification.EnleverContraintes();
bResult = bResult &&
postMatch(OperCG, G1, level1, G2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
} else {
Vector<Concept> vConcs = new Vector<Concept>(2);
if ((OperCG != e_generalize) &&
(aUnifyCG.identRef(G1, level1, G2, level2, vConcs) ||
varCoref(G1, G2, vConcs))) {
C1 = (Concept) vConcs.firstElement();
C2 = (Concept) vConcs.elementAt(1);
bResult = matchWithBack(OperCG, C1, C2, null, null, G1, level1, G2,
level2, resMatchCG.G3);
vConcs = null;
} else if ((OperCG == e_project) || (OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_subsumeWithoutResult) || (OperCG == e_completeContract)) {
Relation rl1 = (Relation) G1.m_vctRelations.firstElement();
Relation rl2;
for (Enumeration e = G2.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl2 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rl1.m_pdRelationName, level1, rl2.m_pdRelationName, level2)) {
bResult = matchWithBack(OperCG, rl1.m_concSource,
rl2.m_concSource, rl1.m_concDestination, rl2.m_concDestination,
G1, level1, G2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
Relation rl1;
Relation rl2;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e1 = G1.m_vctRelations.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl1 = (Relation) e1.nextElement();
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = G2.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl2 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rl1.m_pdRelationName, level1, rl2.m_pdRelationName, level2)) {
bResult = matchWithBack(OperCG, rl1.m_concSource,
rl2.m_concSource, rl1.m_concDestination, rl2.m_concDestination,
G1, level1, G2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
} else {
Relation rl1;
boolean bRelationFound = false;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = G1.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl1 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
Relation rl2;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e1 = G2.m_vctRelations.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
rl2 = (Relation) e1.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rl1.m_pdRelationName, level1, rl2.m_pdRelationName, level2)) {
bResult = matchWithBack(OperCG, rl1.m_concSource,
rl2.m_concSource, rl1.m_concDestination,
rl2.m_concDestination, G1, level1, G2, level2,
bRelationFound = true;
// si on n'a pas trouve de relation, alors necessairement bResult = false.
// If we didn't find any relation, then by necessity bResult = false.
if (!bRelationFound) {
Concept conc1;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G1.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
conc1 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
Concept conc2;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e1 = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
conc2 = (Concept) e1.nextElement();
bResult = matchConcept(OperCG, conc1, level1, conc2,
level2, resMatchCG.G3);
bResult = bResult &&
postMatch(OperCG, G1, level1, G2, level2, resMatchCG.G3);
if ((OperCG != e_partialContract) && (OperCG != e_completeContract)) {
// Pour l'instant, on ne travaille qu'avec une contraction sur des GC simples
// IMPORTANT :: Dans le cas d'une contraction, il faudrait ensuite appeler
// de l'exterieur (de resolution) les deux instructions suivantes
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Determiner points d'entree par matching des coreferents ///
// Determine points of entry for matching of coreferents
boolean varCoref(CG G1, CG G2, Vector<Concept> vConcs) {
boolean bResult = false;
Concept C1 = null;
Concept C2 = null;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G1.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C1 = (Concept) e.nextElement();
String sRef1 = null;
if ((C1.m_pdReferent != null) && (C1.m_pdReferent.data instanceof String)) {
sRef1 = (String) C1.m_pdReferent.data;
if ((sRef1 != null) && isCoreferent(C1.m_pdReferent)) {
CoreferenceMatch CM;
boolean trouve = false;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> e1 = corefMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult && !trouve;) {
CM = (CoreferenceMatch) e1.nextElement();
if ((CM.Var1 != null) && CM.Var1.equals(sRef1)) {
trouve = true;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e2 = G2.m_vctConcepts.elements();
e2.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
C2 = (Concept) e2.nextElement();
bResult = ((C2.m_pdReferent != null) && (CM.Var2 != null) &&
(C2.m_pdReferent.data instanceof String) &&
if (bResult) {
return bResult;
boolean isCoreferent(PrologData Ref) {
// ancien : if (Ref.startsWith("coref") || Ref.startsWith("Coref")) return true;
if ((Ref != null) && (Ref.typeOfData == uVariable)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchWithBack(byte OperCG, Concept Cs1, Concept Cs2, Concept Ct1,
Concept Ct2, CG G1, int level1, CG G2, int level2, CG G3)
throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = false;
Vector<CoreferenceMatch> AncCorefL = new Vector<CoreferenceMatch>();
// ----- copy of corefMatchVec in AncCorefL
CoreferenceMatch elm;
// ----- copy of corefMatchVec in AncCorefL
CoreferenceMatch Nelm;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> e = corefMatchVec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
elm = (CoreferenceMatch) e.nextElement();
String s1 = null;
if (elm.Var1 != null) {
s1 = elm.Var1;
String s2 = null;
if (elm.Var2 != null) {
s2 = elm.Var2;
String s3 = null;
if (elm.Var3 != null) {
s3 = elm.Var3;
Nelm = new CoreferenceMatch(s1, s2, s3);
if (matchConcept(OperCG, Cs1, level1, Cs2, level2, G3) &&
((Ct1 == null) ||
matchConcept(OperCG, Ct1, level1, Ct2, level2, G3)) &&
propagateMatchCG(OperCG, G1, level1, G2, level2, G3)) {
bResult = true;
} else {
// On recopie AncCorefL dans corefMatchVec
// env.unification.EnleverContraintes();
// We recopy AncCorefL into corefMatchVec
// env.unification.EnleverContraintes(); // FIXME: Use correct method name!
CoreferenceMatch CorefMTmp;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> ex = AncCorefL.elements(); ex.hasMoreElements();) {
CorefMTmp = (CoreferenceMatch) ex.nextElement();
if (G3 != null) {
bResult = false;
CoreferenceMatch aCorefMatch;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> ex = AncCorefL.elements(); ex.hasMoreElements();) {
aCorefMatch = (CoreferenceMatch) ex.nextElement();
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean propagateMatchCG(byte OperCG, CG G1, int niv1, CG G2, int niv2,
CG G3) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
boolean suite = true;
while (bResult && suite) {
ConceptMatch E = null;
suite = false;
// On cherche d'abord un couple de concepts deja matche qui
// doivent etre match? localement ...
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e = concMatchVec.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !suite;) {
E = (ConceptMatch) e.nextElement();
suite = (E.m_IsConcMatched && !E.m_IsMatchedLocally);
// sinon, on cherche deux couples de concepts ? matcher et ensuite
// ? matcher localement
if (!suite) {
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e1 = concMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !suite;) {
E = (ConceptMatch) e1.nextElement();
suite = !E.m_IsConcMatched;
if (suite) {
if (!E.m_IsConcMatched) {
bResult = matchConceptS(OperCG, E.m_ConcMatched1, niv1, E.m_ConcMatched2, niv2);
if (bResult) {
bResult = matchBranches(e_outComeBranch, OperCG,
E.m_ConcMatched1, niv1, E.m_ConcMatched2,
niv2, E.m_ResultOfMatch, G3) &&
matchBranches(e_inComeBranch, OperCG, E.m_ConcMatched1,
niv1, E.m_ConcMatched2, niv2,
E.m_ResultOfMatch, G3);
if (bResult) {
E.m_IsMatchedLocally = true;
return (bResult && postMatch(OperCG, G1, niv1, G2, niv2, G3));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchBranches(byte BranchDirection, byte OperCG, Concept C1,
int level1, Concept C2, int level2, Concept C3, CG G3)
throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
Relation rel1;
boolean bAlreadyMatched;
Vector<Relation> vctRels1 = null;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
vctRels1 = C1.m_vctIncomingRelations;
} else {
vctRels1 = C1.m_vctOutgoingRelations;
// Matcher (traiter) toute branche de vctRels1
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = vctRels1.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() && bResult;) {
rel1 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
bAlreadyMatched = false;
RelationMatch E = null;
for (Enumeration<RelationMatch> e1 = relMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bAlreadyMatched;) {
E = (RelationMatch) e1.nextElement();
bAlreadyMatched = (rel1 == E.m_RelMatched1);
if (!bAlreadyMatched) {
bResult = matchTheBranch(BranchDirection, OperCG, rel1, C2,
C3, G3, level1, level2);
} else {
bResult = unificationIsValid(BranchDirection, C2, E.m_RelMatched1,
return bResult;
boolean unificationIsValid(byte BranchDirection, Concept C2,
Relation rel1, Relation rel2) {
Concept Ca1;
Concept Ca2;
boolean bResult = false;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concSource;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concSource;
bResult = (C2 == rel2.m_concDestination);
} else {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concDestination;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concDestination;
bResult = (C2 == rel2.m_concSource);
if (bResult) {
ConceptMatch E = inCMatchL(Ca1, Ca2);
/* if (E != null) bResult = (E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1 && E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2);
else bResult = false; *******/
if (E == null) {
bResult = false;
return bResult;
/*** Verify that the pair (Ca1, Ca2) exists in concMatchVec *****/
ConceptMatch inCMatchL(Concept Ca1, Concept Ca2) {
boolean bResult = false;
ConceptMatch E = null;
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e = concMatchVec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
E = (ConceptMatch) e.nextElement();
if ((E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1) && (E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2)) {
bResult = true;
BRes = E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1 && E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2;
}; ***/
if (bResult) {
return E;
} else {
return null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchTheBranch(byte BranchDirection, byte OperCG, Relation rel1,
Concept C2, Concept C3, CG G3, int niv1, int niv2)
throws ExecException {
// 1. Chercher une branche de G2 ayant meme ident de relation
boolean bResult = false;
Relation rel2 = null;
Vector<Relation> vRels;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
vRels = C2.m_vctIncomingRelations;
} else {
vRels = C2.m_vctOutgoingRelations;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = vRels.elements(); !bResult && e.hasMoreElements();) {
rel2 = (Relation) e.nextElement();
if (sameNameRel(rel1.m_pdRelationName, niv1, rel2.m_pdRelationName, niv2)) {
bResult = true;
if (bResult) {
// 2. Test that rel2 hasn't already been matched.
boolean bAlreadyMatched = false;
RelationMatch Er;
for (Enumeration<RelationMatch> e1 = relMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bAlreadyMatched;) {
Er = (RelationMatch) e1.nextElement();
bAlreadyMatched = (rel2 == Er.m_RelMatched2);
// So try one more...
if (bAlreadyMatched) {
bResult = false;
if (bResult) {
// 2. Tester que rel2 n'a pas encore ete matchee
boolean dejaMatchee = false;
RelationMatch Er;
for (Enumeration e1 = relMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !dejaMatchee;) {
Er = (RelationMatch) e1.nextElement();
dejaMatchee = (rel2 == Er.m_RelMatched2);
// Already unified with another branch, situation is
// impossible for functional CGs. Therefore, return false.
if (dejaMatchee) {
return false;
// On a localise une branche qu'on pourrait considerer pour le matching
Concept Ca1;
// On a localise une branche qu'on pourrait considerer pour le matching
Concept Ca2;
// On a localise une branche qu'on pourrait considerer pour le matching
Concept Ca3;
Ca1 = Ca2 = Ca3 = null;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concSource;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concSource;
} else {
Ca1 = rel1.m_concDestination;
Ca2 = rel2.m_concDestination;
ConceptMatch E = inCMatchL(Ca1, Ca2);
/*** Verify that the pair (Ca1, Ca2) exists in concMatchVec *****/
if (E != null) {
bResult = ((E.m_ConcMatched1 == Ca1) && (E.m_ConcMatched2 == Ca2));
} else {
bResult = matchConcept(OperCG, Ca1, niv1, Ca2, niv2, G3);
if (bResult) {
relMatchVec.addElement(new RelationMatch(rel1, rel2));
if (!in(OperCG, setOpersId, 2)) {
// On doit construire la branche resultante du matching
ConceptMatch El;
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e4 = concMatchVec.elements();
e4.hasMoreElements() && (Ca3 == null);) {
El = (ConceptMatch) e4.nextElement();
if ((Ca1 == El.m_ConcMatched1) &&
(Ca2 == El.m_ConcMatched2)) {
Ca3 = El.m_ResultOfMatch;
Relation Rp = new Relation();
PrologDataIndexPair ValRel1 = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(rel1.m_pdRelationName, niv1);
Rp.m_pdRelationName = new PrologData(uIdentifier,ValRel1.pData.data);
ValRel1 = null;
if (BranchDirection == e_inComeBranch) {
Rp.m_concSource = Ca3;
Rp.m_concDestination = C3;
} else {
Rp.m_concSource = C3;
Rp.m_concDestination = Ca3;
if (!bResult) {
// pas de branche correspondante dans G2
// None of the branches correspond in G2.
//if ((OperCG == e_maximalJoin) || (OperCG == e_generalize)) {
if ((OperCG == e_maximalJoin)) {
bResult = true;
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean postMatch(byte OperCG, CG G1, int niv1, CG G2, int niv2, CG G3)
throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
switch (OperCG) {
case e_maximalJoin:
addBranches(e_maximalJoin, G1, niv1, G2, niv2, G3);
case e_project:
case e_subsume:
case e_subsumeWithoutResult:
case e_completeContract: { // verifier que toutes les relations de G1
// ont ete matchees
Relation R;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e = G1.m_vctRelations.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && bResult;) {
R = (Relation) e.nextElement();
bResult = false;
RelationMatch er;
for (Enumeration<RelationMatch> e1 = relMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && !bResult;) {
er = (RelationMatch) e1.nextElement();
bResult = (R == er.m_RelMatched1);
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void addBranches(byte m, CG G1, int niv1, CG G2, int niv2, CG G3)
throws ExecException {
if (m == e_maximalJoin) {
addBranchsOfCG(G1, niv1, 1, G3);
addBranchsOfCG(G2, niv2, 2, G3);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void addBranchsOfCG(CG G, int niv, int N, CG Gt) throws ExecException {
Concept C;
for (Enumeration<Concept> e = G.m_vctConcepts.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
// 1. Localiser tout concept de G (G1 ou G2)
C = (Concept) e.nextElement();
Concept Cc;
Concept Cck;
// 2. Chercher son correspondant (retourner C3 s'il y a eu matching ou
// le concept C lui-meme sinon
Cc = matchedConc(C, niv, N, Gt);
// 3. Considerer toute relation en entree de C
Relation R;
for (Enumeration<Relation> e1 = C.m_vctIncomingRelations.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements();) {
R = (Relation) e1.nextElement();
if (!matchedRel(R, N)) {
Concept Ck = R.m_concSource;
Cck = matchedConc(Ck, niv, N, Gt);
addRel(N, Cck, R, niv, Cc, Gt);
// 4. Considerer toute relation en sortie de C
for (Enumeration<Relation> e2 = C.m_vctOutgoingRelations.elements();
e2.hasMoreElements();) {
R = (Relation) e2.nextElement();
if (!matchedRel(R, N)) {
Concept Ck = R.m_concDestination;
Cck = matchedConc(Ck, niv, N, Gt);
addRel(N, Cc, R, niv, Cck, Gt);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchedRel(Relation R, int N) {
RelationMatch r;
for (Enumeration<RelationMatch> e = relMatchVec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
r = (RelationMatch) e.nextElement();
if (((N == 1) && (r.m_RelMatched1 == R)) ||
((N == 2) && (r.m_RelMatched2 == R))) {
return true;
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Appeler uniquement au sein de AddBranhsOfCG
Concept matchedConc(Concept C, int niv, int N, CG Gt)
throws ExecException {
ConceptMatch ec;
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e = concMatchVec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
ec = (ConceptMatch) e.nextElement();
if ((N == 1) && (ec.m_ConcMatched1 == C)) {
// on travaille sur G1 et le concept a ete match?
return ec.m_ResultOfMatch;
} else if ((N == 2) && (ec.m_ConcMatched2 == C)) {
// on travaille sur G2 et le concept a ete match?
return ec.m_ResultOfMatch;
return addConc(N, C, niv, Gt);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Concept addConc(int N, Concept C, int niv, CG Gt) throws ExecException {
//Concept Cp = C.Copie();
Concept Cp = null;
if (C.m_pdType == null) {
PrologDataIndexPair ValRef = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(C.m_pdReferent, niv);
if (ValRef.pData == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: The concept to be added should be a specific concept, not a free variable.");
} else {
Concept cTmp = (Concept) ValRef.pData.data;
Cp = cTmp.copyValue(niv);
} else {
Cp = C.copyValue(niv);
ConceptMatch M = null;
if (N == 1) {
M = new ConceptMatch(C, Cp, Cp, true, false);
} else {
M = new ConceptMatch(Cp, C, Cp, true, false);
return Cp;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void addRel(int N, Concept CP, Relation R, int niv, Concept CF, CG Gt) {
Relation Rp = new Relation();
PrologDataIndexPair ValRel = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(R.m_pdRelationName, niv);
String sRel = (String) ValRel.pData.data;
Rp.m_pdRelationName = new PrologData(uIdentifier, sRel);
Rp.m_concSource = CP;
Rp.m_concDestination = CF;
RelationMatch M = null;
if (N == 1) {
M = new RelationMatch(R, null);
} else {
M = new RelationMatch(null, R);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// cette operation matche totalement les concepts simples
// et partiellement les concepts composes.
boolean matchConcept(byte OperCG, Concept C1, int niv1, Concept C2,
int niv2, CG G3) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
Concept C3 = null;
if ((C1.m_pdValue != null) && (C1.m_pdValue.typeOfData == uCG) &&
(C2.m_pdValue != null) && (C2.m_pdValue.typeOfData == uCG)) {
if (!in(OperCG, setOpersId, 2)) {
C3 = new Concept(env);
if (matchType(OperCG, C1.m_pdType, niv1, C2.m_pdType, niv2, C3)) {
ConceptMatch M = new ConceptMatch(C1, C2, C3, false, false);
if (C3 != null) {
} else {
bResult = false;
} else {
ConceptMatchResult resMatch = matchConc(OperCG, C1, niv1, C2, niv2);
if (resMatch.bRes) {
C3 = resMatch.C3;
ConceptMatch M = new ConceptMatch(C1, C2, C3, true, false);
if (C3 != null) {
} else {
bResult = false;
resMatch = null;
C3 = null;
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// similaire a matchConcept sauf qu'ici on matche meme les
// concepts composes.
boolean matchConceptS(byte OperCG, Concept C1, int level1, Concept C2, int level2) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
ConceptMatchResult resMatch = matchConc(OperCG, C1, level1, C2, level2);
Concept C3 = resMatch.C3;
if (resMatch.bRes) {
// 1. Localiser la structure qui enregistre le matching
// de C1/C2
ConceptMatch E = null;
ConceptMatch ec;
for (Enumeration<ConceptMatch> e1 = concMatchVec.elements();
e1.hasMoreElements() && (E == null);) {
ec = (ConceptMatch) e1.nextElement();
if ((ec.m_ConcMatched1 == C1) && (ec.m_ConcMatched2 == C2)) {
E = ec;
// 2. Noter que les concepts C1/C2 ont ete match? ? pr?sent
E.m_IsConcMatched = true;
// 3. maj l'ancien vctResult du matching par le nouveau vctResult; C3
if (C3 != null) {
copyDataCept(C3, E.m_ResultOfMatch);
} else {
bResult = false;
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Une variante de la methode Copie de Concept;
// ici, on copie-ecrase dans un concept qui existe deja
void copyDataCept(Concept C1, Concept C2) {
C2.m_pdType = C1.m_pdType.myCopy();
if (C1.m_pdReferent != null) {
C2.m_pdReferent = C1.m_pdReferent.myCopy();
if (C1.m_pdValue != null) {
C2.m_pdValue = C1.m_pdValue.myCopy();
// --------Concept----------------------------------------------------------
ConceptMatchResult matchConc(byte OperCG, Concept C1, int niv1, Concept C2,
int niv2) throws ExecException {
Concept C3 = null;
boolean bResult = true;
if (!in(OperCG, setOpersId, 2)) {
C3 = new Concept(env);
switch (OperCG) {
case e_maximalJoin:
case e_generalize:
case e_subsume:
case e_subsumeWithoutResult:
case e_partialContract:
case e_completeContract:
bResult = matchType(OperCG, C1.m_pdType, niv1, C2.m_pdType, niv2, C3) &&
matchRef(OperCG, C1.m_pdReferent, niv1, C2.m_pdReferent, niv2, C3) &&
matchValue(OperCG, C1.m_pdValue, niv1, C2.m_pdValue, niv2, C3);
case e_match:
case e_project: {
C3 = new Concept(env);
String Typ1 = (String) C1.m_pdType.data;
String Typ2 = (String) C2.m_pdType.data;
C3.m_pdType = new PrologData(uIdentifier,
"match(" + Typ1 + "," + Typ2 + ")");
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uIdentifier, "matchedReferent"); //(" + C1.GetRef() + "," + C2.GetRef() + ")";
return new ConceptMatchResult(bResult, C3);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchType(byte OperCG, PrologData Type1, int level1,
PrologData Type2, int level2, Concept C3) throws ExecException {
String Type3 = null;
boolean bResult = false;
PrologDataIndexPair valIndLeft = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Type1, level1);
PrologDataIndexPair valIndRight = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Type2, level2);
if ((valIndLeft.pData == null) || (valIndRight.pData == null)) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error: for CG operations, types shoud have specific values.");
} else {
// The two PrologData are particular types (not free variables)
Object pData1Left;
Object pData1Right;
pData1Left = valIndLeft.pData.data;
pData1Right = valIndRight.pData.data;
String sData1 = (String) pData1Left;
String sData2 = (String) pData1Right;
if (env.typeHierarchy == null) {
throw new ExecException(
"Error : No type hierarchy is specified (a CG operation needs it).");
switch (OperCG) {
case e_maximalJoin: {
if (sData1.equals(sData2)) {
Type3 = sData1;
} else {
Type3 = env.typeHierarchy.maxComSubType(sData1,
bResult = (!Type3.equals("Absurd"));
case e_subsume: {
bResult = env.typeHierarchy.isSubType(sData2, sData1);
Type3 = sData2;
case e_subsumeWithoutResult:
case e_partialContract:
case e_completeContract:
bResult = env.typeHierarchy.isSubType(sData2, sData1);
case e_generalize: {
if (sData1.equals(sData2)) {
Type3 = sData1;
} else {
Type3 = env.typeHierarchy.minComSuperType(sData1,
bResult = (!Type3.equals("Universal") &&
throw new ExecException("Error : CG Operation not predefined.");
if (bResult && (Type3 != null)) {
C3.m_pdType = new PrologData(uIdentifier, Type3);
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchRef(byte OperCG, PrologData Ref1, int niv1, PrologData Ref2,
int niv2, Concept C3) throws ExecException {
// Pour l'instant, on ne considere pas les niv des variables, ...
boolean bResult = LocaliseOrAdd(OperCG, Ref1, Ref2, C3);
if (!bResult) {
return bResult;
PrologDataIndexPair valIndLeft;
if (Ref1 != null) {
valIndLeft = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref1, niv1);
} else {
valIndLeft = null;
PrologDataIndexPair valIndRight;
if (Ref2 != null) {
valIndRight = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Ref2, niv2);
} else {
valIndRight = null;
if (((Ref1 == null) || (valIndLeft.pData == null) ||
((Ref1.data instanceof String) &&
((String) Ref1.data).equals("super"))) &&
((Ref2 == null) || (valIndRight.pData == null) ||
((Ref2.data instanceof String) &&
((String) Ref2.data).equals("super")))) {
bResult = true;
} else {
if ((valIndLeft != null) && (valIndLeft.pData != null) &&
(valIndRight != null) && (valIndRight.pData != null)) {
if (((valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData != uIdentifier) &&
(valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData != uString) &&
(valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData != uSet)) ||
((valIndRight.pData.typeOfData != uIdentifier) &&
(valIndRight.pData.typeOfData != uString) &&
(valIndRight.pData.typeOfData != uSet))) {
throw new ExecException("Error: the referent " +
Ref1.data.toString() + " or " + Ref2.data.toString() +
" is not an identifier or a string or a set.");
} else if ((valIndLeft.pData.data instanceof String) &&
(valIndRight.pData.data instanceof String)) {
String sval1 = (String) valIndLeft.pData.data;
String sval2 = (String) valIndRight.pData.data;
if (sval1.equals(sval2)) {
if ((OperCG == e_maximalJoin) || (OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_generalize)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndLeft.pData.myCopy();
} else if (OperCG == e_generalize) {
C3.m_pdReferent = null;
} else {
bResult = false;
} else if ((valIndLeft.pData.data instanceof PrologList) &&
(valIndRight.pData.data instanceof PrologList)) {
// Ttraiter le cas des referents-ensembles
PrologList setVal1 = (PrologList) valIndLeft.pData.data;
PrologList setVal2 = (PrologList) valIndRight.pData.data;
PrologList setVal3 = null;
if (OperCG == e_maximalJoin) { // Determiner l'union
setVal3 = env.compile.union(setVal1, setVal2);
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uSet, setVal3);
bResult = aUnifyCG.conform(C3.m_pdReferent, valIndLeft.index,
(String) C3.m_pdType.data); // et si le type est une variable qui a une valeur..?
} else if (OperCG == e_generalize) { // Determiner l'intersection
setVal3 = env.compile.intersection(setVal1, setVal2);
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uSet, setVal3);
} else if ((OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_subsumeWithoutResult) ||
(OperCG == e_partialContract) ||
(OperCG == e_completeContract)) { // Determiner inclusion
if (env.compile.set1IsSubsetOfSet2(setVal1, setVal2)) {
if (OperCG == e_subsume) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
} else {
bResult = false;
} else if ((valIndLeft.pData.data instanceof String) &&
(valIndRight.pData.data instanceof PrologList)) {
// Traiter le cas ou l'un est un ref et l'autre un ensemble
String sVal1 = (String) valIndLeft.pData.data;
PrologList setVal2 = (PrologList) valIndRight.pData.data;
PrologList setVal3 = null;
if (OperCG == e_maximalJoin) {
setVal3 = env.compile.union(valIndLeft.pData, setVal2);
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uSet, setVal3);
bResult = aUnifyCG.conform(C3.m_pdReferent, valIndLeft.index,
(String) C3.m_pdType.data); // et si le type est une variable qui a une valeur..?
} else if (OperCG == e_generalize) { // Determiner l'intersection
if (env.compile.hasString(sVal1, setVal2)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndLeft.pData.myCopy();
} else {
C3.m_pdReferent = null;
} else if ((OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_subsumeWithoutResult) ||
(OperCG == e_partialContract) ||
(OperCG == e_completeContract)) { // Determiner inclusion
if (env.compile.hasString(sVal1, setVal2)) {
if (OperCG == e_subsume) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
} else {
bResult = false;
} else if ((valIndLeft.pData.data instanceof PrologList) &&
(valIndRight.pData.data instanceof String)) {
// Traiter le cas ou l'un est un ref et l'autre un ensemble
PrologList setVal1 = (PrologList) valIndLeft.pData.data;
String sVal2 = (String) valIndRight.pData.data;
PrologList setVal3 = null;
if (OperCG == e_maximalJoin) {
setVal3 = env.compile.union(valIndRight.pData, setVal1);
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uSet, setVal3);
bResult = aUnifyCG.conform(C3.m_pdReferent, valIndLeft.index,
(String) C3.m_pdType.data); // et si le type est une variable qui a une valeur..?
} else if (OperCG == e_generalize) { // Determiner l'intersection
if (env.compile.hasString(sVal2, setVal1)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
} else {
C3.m_pdReferent = null;
} else if ((OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_subsumeWithoutResult) ||
(OperCG == e_partialContract) ||
(OperCG == e_completeContract)) { // Determiner inclusion
if ((setVal1.size() == 1) &&
env.compile.hasString(sVal2, setVal1)) {
if (OperCG == e_subsume) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
} else {
bResult = false;
} else {
switch (OperCG) {
case e_maximalJoin: {
if ((valIndLeft != null) && (valIndLeft.pData != null)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndLeft.pData.myCopy();
bResult = aUnifyCG.conform(C3.m_pdReferent, valIndLeft.index,
(String) C3.m_pdType.data);
} else if ((valIndRight != null) &&
(valIndRight.pData != null)) {
// TRAITEMENT A COMPLETER : dans LocaliseOrAdd, si un des referents est une variable et lautre ******
// un identifiant alors on prend la variable (consideree comme un coref) comme referent pour C3 ********
// et ici, on ecrase l'ancien referent avec nouveau et de ce fait la coreference disparait, IL FAU REVOIR *********
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
bResult = aUnifyCG.conform(C3.m_pdReferent, valIndRight.index,
(String) C3.m_pdType.data);
case e_subsume: {
if ((Ref1 == null) ||
((Ref1.data instanceof String) &&
((String) Ref1.data).equals("super")) ||
(valIndLeft.pData == null)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = valIndRight.pData.myCopy();
} else {
bResult = false;
case e_subsumeWithoutResult:
case e_partialContract:
case e_completeContract:
bResult = ((Ref1 == null) ||
((Ref1.data instanceof String) &&
((String) Ref1.data).equals("super")) ||
(valIndLeft.pData == null));
case e_generalize:
bResult = true;
return bResult;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
boolean matchValue(byte OperCG, PrologData Val1, int level1,
PrologData Val2, int level2, Concept C3) throws ExecException {
boolean bResult = true;
PrologDataIndexPair valIndLeft;
if (Val1 != null) {
valIndLeft = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Val1, level1);
} else {
valIndLeft = null;
PrologDataIndexPair valIndRight;
if (Val2 != null) {
valIndRight = env.unification.valueFromUnifStack(Val2, level2);
} else {
valIndRight = null;
if (((Val1 == null) || (valIndLeft.pData == null)) &&
((Val2 == null) || (valIndRight.pData == null))) {
bResult = true;
} else {
if ((valIndLeft != null) && (valIndLeft.pData != null) &&
(valIndRight != null) && (valIndRight.pData != null)) {
if ((valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData == uCG) &&
(valIndRight.pData.typeOfData == uCG)) {
CG sval1 = (CG) valIndLeft.pData.data;
CG sval2 = (CG) valIndRight.pData.data;
CGMatchResult resMatchCG = new CGMatchResult(new CG(), null);
//GC gcImb = new GC();
CGOperation operCGImb = new CGOperation(env);
bResult = operCGImb.matchCG(OperCG, null, sval1, level1, null,
sval2, level2, resMatchCG);
operCGImb = null;
if (bResult &&
((OperCG == e_maximalJoin) ||
(OperCG == e_subsume) || (OperCG == e_generalize))) {
C3.m_pdValue = new PrologData(uCG, resMatchCG.G3);
resMatchCG = null;
} else if (valuesAreEqual(valIndLeft.pData, valIndRight.pData)) {
if ((OperCG == e_maximalJoin) || (OperCG == e_subsume) ||
(OperCG == e_generalize)) {
C3.m_pdValue = new PrologData(valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData,
} else if (OperCG == e_generalize) {
C3.m_pdValue = null;
} else {
bResult = false;
} else {
switch (OperCG) {
case e_maximalJoin: {
if ((valIndLeft != null) && (valIndLeft.pData != null)) {
C3.m_pdValue = new PrologData(valIndLeft.pData.typeOfData,
} else if ((valIndRight != null) &&
(valIndRight.pData != null)) {
C3.m_pdValue = new PrologData(valIndRight.pData.typeOfData,
case e_subsume: {
bResult = ((Val1 == null) || (valIndLeft.pData == null));
C3.m_pdValue = new PrologData(valIndRight.pData.typeOfData,
case e_subsumeWithoutResult:
case e_partialContract:
case e_completeContract:
bResult = ((Val1 == null) || (valIndLeft.pData == null));
case e_generalize:
bResult = true;
return bResult;
boolean valuesAreEqual(PrologData Val1, PrologData Val2) {
if ((Val1.typeOfData != Val2.typeOfData) || !Val1.data.equals(Val2.data)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Localiser un couple de variables qui joueraient le role
// de coreferent. En fait, toute variable est considere par defaut comme
// un coreferent. Cela se confirmera si on la retrouve a nouveau comme referent
// dun concept imbrique
boolean LocaliseOrAdd(byte OperCG, PrologData Ref1, PrologData Ref2,
Concept C3) {
boolean BRes = true;
boolean existe = false;
String sRef1 = null;
String sRef2 = null;
if ((Ref1 != null) && (Ref1.data instanceof String)) {
sRef1 = (String) Ref1.data;
if ((Ref2 != null) && (Ref2.data instanceof String)) {
sRef2 = (String) Ref2.data;
if ((sRef1 == null) && (sRef2 == null)) {
return true;
CoreferenceMatch E = null;
for (Enumeration<CoreferenceMatch> e = corefMatchVec.elements();
e.hasMoreElements() && !existe;) {
E = (CoreferenceMatch) e.nextElement();
existe = ((sRef1 != null) && (E.Var1 != null) &&
E.Var1.equals(sRef1)) ||
((sRef2 != null) && (E.Var2 != null) && E.Var2.equals(sRef2));
if (existe) { // Le couple est localis?; une des variables a ete deja utilise..
if ((sRef1 != null) && (E.Var1 != null)) {
BRes = E.Var1.equals(sRef1);
if (BRes && (sRef2 != null) && (E.Var2 != null)) {
BRes = E.Var2.equals(sRef2);
if (BRes) {
if ((E.Var3 != null) && !in(OperCG, setOpersId, 2)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = new PrologData(uVariable, E.Var3);
} else if (isCoreferent(Ref1) || isCoreferent(Ref2)) { // Il n'est pas localis?; il faut ajouter le couple, si au moins un des referents est une variable
if (OperCG == e_subsume) {
if ((sRef1 != null) && (sRef2 == null)) {
BRes = false;
} else {
C3.m_pdReferent = Ref2.myCopy();
corefMatchVec.addElement(new CoreferenceMatch(sRef1, sRef2,
(String) C3.m_pdReferent.data));
} else if (OperCG == e_maximalJoin) {
// || (OperCG == e_generalize && EstCoref(sRef1) && EstCoref(sRef2)) ) {
// Le cas des oper. de jointure ou generalisation
// on presume que les referents sont des variables representant des coreferents.
// NOTE IMPRT: un element d un CoreferenceMatch peut etre null
if (isCoreferent(Ref1)) {
C3.m_pdReferent = Ref1.myCopy();
} else {
C3.m_pdReferent = Ref2.myCopy();
corefMatchVec.addElement(new CoreferenceMatch(sRef1, sRef2,
(String) C3.m_pdReferent.data));
//corefMatchVec.addElement(new CoreferenceMatch(sRef1, sRef2, nouvCoref));
return BRes;
boolean in(byte v, byte[] vctByte, int indLastElem) {
boolean bFound = false;
for (int i = 0; (i <= indLastElem) && !bFound; i++) {
bFound = (vctByte[i] == v);
return bFound;