* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010 Felipe Meneguzzi
* JavaGP is distributed under LGPL. See file LGPL.txt in this directory.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* To contact the author:
* http://www.meneguzzi.eu/felipe/contact.html
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package graphplan.flyweight;
import graphplan.domain.Operator;
import graphplan.domain.Proposition;
import graphplan.domain.jason.OperatorImpl;
import graphplan.domain.jason.PropositionImpl;
import graphplan.graph.GraphLevel;
import graphplan.graph.PropositionLevel;
import jason.asSemantics.Unifier;
import jason.asSyntax.Atom;
import jason.asSyntax.Literal;
import jason.asSyntax.LiteralImpl;
import jason.asSyntax.Structure;
import jason.asSyntax.Term;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A factory class to be used in the creation and maintenance of
* operators for our planning system using the flyweight pattern.
* XXX It may have to be modified if multiple instances of the planner are to be used
* @author Felipe Meneguzzi
public class OperatorFactory {
public static final String NOOP_FUNCTOR = "noop";
private static OperatorFactory operatorFactory = null;
private Map<String, Set<String>> types;
private Map<String, List<String>> parameterTypes;
private boolean usingTypes = false;
* Returns the singleton <code>OperatorFactory</code> instance.
* @return
public static OperatorFactory getInstance() {
if(operatorFactory == null) {
operatorFactory = new OperatorFactory();
return operatorFactory;
protected Hashtable<String, OperatorImpl> operatorInstances;
protected Hashtable<String, OperatorImpl> operatorTemplates;
public OperatorFactory() {
this.operatorInstances = new Hashtable<String, OperatorImpl>();
this.operatorTemplates = new Hashtable<String, OperatorImpl>();
public Operator createOperatorTemplate(String signature, String[] preconds, String[] effects) {
Structure oper = Structure.parse(signature);
ArrayList<Proposition> precondProps = new ArrayList<Proposition>(preconds.length);
ArrayList<Proposition> effectProps = new ArrayList<Proposition>(effects.length);
for (int i = 0; i < preconds.length; i++) {
PropositionImpl precond = new PropositionImpl(preconds[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < effects.length; i++) {
PropositionImpl effect = new PropositionImpl(effects[i]);
OperatorImpl operator = new OperatorImpl(oper, precondProps, effectProps);
return operator;
public void addOperatorTemplate(Operator operator) throws OperatorFactoryException {
//We check if the operator has no arguments, or if it is not ground
//Operators with arguments should not be ground
if(operator.getTerms() == null || operator.getTerms().size() == 0 || !operator.isGround()) {
//TODO this cast to OperatorImpl has to be reviewed, since it violates the Bridge pattern
this.operatorTemplates.put(operator.getOperatorIndicator(), (OperatorImpl)operator);
} else {
throw new OperatorFactoryException("Operator "+operator+" is not ground");
public static void reset() {
* Resets the operator factory so that it is detached from all flyweight
* operators created so far. Invoke this method with caution.
protected void resetOperatorFactory() {
* Resets the operator templates from this operator factory,
* this method is relevant when operating with multiple
* domains being used at the same time.
public void resetOperatorTemplates() {
* Creates a noop action to propagate the supplied proposition between two proposition
* levels.
* @param proposition
public Operator getNoop(Proposition proposition) {
String noopSignature = NOOP_FUNCTOR+"_";
if(proposition.negated()) {
} else {
if(operatorInstances.containsKey(noopSignature)) {
return operatorInstances.get(noopSignature);
} else {
List<Proposition> precondsEffects = new ArrayList<Proposition>(1);
Structure signature = Structure.parse(noopSignature);
OperatorImpl operator = new OperatorImpl(signature, precondsEffects, precondsEffects);
this.operatorInstances.put(noopSignature, operator);
return operator;
* Returns a fully instantiated operator.
* @param operatorSignature
* @return
* @throws OperatorFactoryException
public Operator getOperator(String operatorSignature) throws OperatorFactoryException {
//If this operator has been used before, retrieve it from the flyweights
if(operatorInstances.containsKey(operatorSignature)) {
return operatorInstances.get(operatorSignature);
} else {
//Otherwise, we have to create a new one from a template
Structure signature = Structure.parse(operatorSignature);
//If a template exists matching the supplied indicator
if(this.operatorTemplates.containsKey(signature.getPredicateIndicator().toString())) {
//We get the template
OperatorImpl template = (OperatorImpl) this.operatorTemplates.get(signature.getPredicateIndicator().toString());
//And start copying it
Structure templateSignature = new Structure(template);
Unifier un = new Unifier();
//The signature should unify with the template
if(!un.unifies(signature, templateSignature)) {
//This should not happen in a properly described domain
throw new OperatorFactoryException("Failed to unify "+templateSignature+" with operator "+templateSignature+" instantiating "+operatorSignature);
PropositionFactory propositionFactory = PropositionFactory.getInstance();
//Then get the preconditions in the template
List<Proposition> templatePreconds = template.getPreconds();
List<Proposition> concretePreconds = new ArrayList<Proposition>(templatePreconds.size());
//And apply the unifier to them
for (Iterator iter = templatePreconds.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
PropositionImpl precond = (PropositionImpl) iter.next();
Literal literal = new LiteralImpl(precond);
PropositionImpl concretePrecond = (PropositionImpl)propositionFactory.getProposition(literal.toString());
// XXX Uncomment the code to debug operator instantiation, it is removed to avoid wasting time here
// if(!concretePrecond.isGround()) {
// //throw new OperatorFactoryException("We have a non-concrete precond in operator "+signature+": "+concretePrecond);
// System.err.println("We have a non-concrete precond in operator "+signature+": "+concretePrecond);
// }
List<Proposition> templateEffects = template.getEffects();
List<Proposition> concreteEffects = new ArrayList<Proposition>(templateEffects.size());
for (Iterator iter = templateEffects.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
PropositionImpl effect = (PropositionImpl) iter.next();
Literal literal = new LiteralImpl(effect);
PropositionImpl concreteEffect = (PropositionImpl)propositionFactory.getProposition(literal.toString());
// XXX Uncomment the code to debug operator instantiation, it is removed to avoid wasting time here
// if(!concreteEffect.isGround()) {
// //throw new OperatorFactoryException("We have a non-concrete effect in operator "+signature+": "+concreteEffect);
// System.err.println("We have a non-concrete effect in operator "+signature+": "+concreteEffect);
// }
OperatorImpl operatorImpl = new OperatorImpl(templateSignature, concretePreconds, concreteEffects);
this.operatorInstances.put(operatorImpl.getSignature(), operatorImpl);
return operatorImpl;
} else {
throw new OperatorFactoryException("No operator template for "+operatorSignature);
//return null;
public List<Operator> getRequiringOperatorTemplates(Proposition precond) {
List<Operator> templates = new ArrayList<Operator>();
//Scan every operator template
for(Enumeration<OperatorImpl> e = operatorTemplates.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
OperatorImpl oper = e.nextElement();
//if the parameter is null or a true proposition
//return any empty preconditions operator
if(precond == null) {
if(oper.getPreconds().isEmpty()) {
//or trying to unify the supplied precondition with any of the preconditions
for (Proposition oPrecond : oper.getPreconds()) {
if(precond.unifies(oPrecond)) {
return templates;
public List<Operator> getCausingOperatorsTemplates(Proposition effect) {
List<Operator> templates = new ArrayList<Operator>();
//Scan every operator template
for(Enumeration<OperatorImpl> e = operatorTemplates.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
OperatorImpl oper = e.nextElement();
//and trying to unify the supplied effect with any of the effects
for (Proposition oEffect : oper.getEffects()) {
if(effect.unifies(oEffect)) {
return templates;
public Set<Operator> getAllPossibleInstantiations(List<Operator> operators, List<Proposition> preconds) throws OperatorFactoryException {
return this.getAllPossibleInstantiations(operators, preconds, null);
* Returns all possible instantiations of the supplied operators, given
* the supplied preconditions.
* @param operators
* @param propositions
* @return
* @throws OperatorFactoryException
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Set<Operator> getAllPossibleInstantiations(List<Operator> operators, List<Proposition> preconds, GraphLevel initialState) throws OperatorFactoryException {
final Set<Operator> instances = new HashSet<Operator>();
final Set<Term> terms = getAllPossibleTerms(preconds);
//For each operator template
//We need to instantiate it in every possible way
//allowed by the propositions
for(Operator operator : operators) {
//If this operator has no parameters, there is only one way
//to instantiate it
if(operator.getTerms() == null) {
} else {
int size = operator.getTerms().size();
//Otherwise, we have to come up with all possible combinations
//of parameters
Term termInstances[] = null;
for(TermInstanceIterator it = new TermInstanceIterator(terms, size);
it.hasNext(); ){
termInstances = it.next();
//Never allow different variables to have the same value
boolean addInstance = true;
for(int i=0; addInstance && i<termInstances.length; i++) {
for(int j=i+1; j<termInstances.length; j++) {
if(termInstances[i]==termInstances[j]) {
addInstance = false;
if(!addInstance) {
List<String> pTypes = this.parameterTypes.get(operator.getFunctor());
int n = pTypes.size();
addInstance = true;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
Set<String> tTypes = this.types.get(pTypes.get(i));
if(tTypes == null || !tTypes.contains(((Atom)termInstances[i]).getFunctor())) {
addInstance = false;
if(!addInstance) continue;
final OperatorImpl copy = (OperatorImpl) operator.clone();
Structure struct = new Structure(copy.getFunctor());
for(Term term : termInstances) {
Unifier unifier = new Unifier();
if(unifier.unifies(copy, struct)) {
} else {
System.err.println("Big mess!");
for(Proposition proposition : copy.getPreconds()) {
PropositionImpl realProp = (PropositionImpl) proposition;
addInstance = preconds.contains(proposition);
if(proposition.negated() && !addInstance) {
/*Closed World Assumption*/
if(initialState != null && initialState.isPropositionLevel()){
PropositionLevel initial = (PropositionLevel) initialState;
PropositionImpl positiveProposition = new PropositionImpl(proposition.getFunctor());
//addInstance = true;
if(!addInstance) {
if(addInstance) {
return instances;
protected Set<Term> getAllPossibleTerms(List<Proposition> propositions) {
Set<Term> possibleTerms = new HashSet<Term>();
for(Proposition proposition : propositions) {
if(proposition.getTerms() != null) {
return possibleTerms;
* A utility function that returns an empty operator iterator
* @return
public static Iterator<Operator> getEmptyIterator() {
Iterator<Operator> iterator = new Iterator<Operator>() {
public boolean hasNext() {return false;}
public Operator next() {return null;}
public void remove() {}
return iterator;
* An iterator to generate all possible combinations of
* terms for a given vector size
* @author Felipe Meneguzzi
protected class TermInstanceIterator implements Iterator<Term[]> {
protected final Iterator<Term>[] iterators;
protected final Term[] currentTerms;
protected final Set<Term> terms;
public TermInstanceIterator(Set<Term> terms, int size) {
iterators = new Iterator[size];
currentTerms = new Term[size];
this.terms = terms;
for(int i=0; i<iterators.length; i++) {
//Initialize all but the first term
//to comply with the next method
if(i>0) {
currentTerms[i] = iterators[i].next();
public boolean hasNext() {
for(Iterator<Term> iterator : iterators) {
if(iterator.hasNext()) {
return true;
return false;
public Term[] next() {
boolean advanceNext = true;
int i=0;
while(advanceNext) {
if(iterators[i].hasNext()) {
advanceNext = false;
currentTerms[i] = iterators[i].next();
} else {
iterators[i] = terms.iterator();
currentTerms[i] = iterators[i].next();
return currentTerms;
public void remove() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void setTypes(Map<String, Set<String>> types) {
this.usingTypes = true;
this.types = types;
public void setParameterTypes(Map<String, List<String>> parameterTypes) {
this.usingTypes = true;
this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;