* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010 Felipe Meneguzzi
* JavaGP is distributed under LGPL. See file LGPL.txt in this directory.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* To contact the author:
* http://www.meneguzzi.eu/felipe/contact.html
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package graphplan;
import graphplan.domain.DomainDescription;
import graphplan.domain.Operator;
import graphplan.domain.Proposition;
import graphplan.flyweight.OperatorFactory;
import graphplan.flyweight.OperatorFactoryException;
import graphplan.graph.ActionLevel;
import graphplan.graph.PropositionLevel;
import graphplan.graph.algorithm.SolutionExtractionVisitor;
import graphplan.graph.algorithm.TimeoutSolutionExtractionVisitor;
import graphplan.graph.draw.DotGraphDrawVisitor;
import graphplan.graph.memo.mutexes.StaticMutexesTable;
import graphplan.graph.planning.PlanningGraph;
import graphplan.graph.planning.PlanningGraphException;
import graphplan.graph.planning.cwa.PlanningGraphClosedWorldAssumption;
import graphplan.parser.PDDLPlannerAdapter;
import graphplan.parser.ParseException;
import graphplan.parser.PlannerParser;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import pddl4j.ParserException;
* Main class and accessor for the Graphplan algorithm
* @author Felipe Meneguzzi
public class Graphplan {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Graphplan.class.getName());
public static final String LOGGER_FILE = "logging.properties";
protected int maxLevels = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private PlanningGraph planningGraph;
private SolutionExtractionVisitor solutionExtraction;
private boolean pddl = true;
public static boolean noopsFirst = false;
public static boolean operatorsLatest = true;
public static boolean propositionsSmallest = true;
public static boolean sortGoals = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Graphplan graphplan = new Graphplan();
InputStream operators = null;
InputStream problem = null;
String problemFilename = null;
String domainFilename = null;
String graphDrawFile = null;
long timeout = 0;
boolean argsOk = true;
boolean pddl = true;
for(int i=0; i<args.length && argsOk; i++) {
if(args[i].equals("-nopddl")) {
pddl = false;
}else if(args[i].equals("-d")) { /* The domain argument */
if(++i < args.length && !args[i].startsWith("-")) {
domainFilename = args[i];
} else {
logger.warning("-d argument requires a filename with the domain");
argsOk = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-p")) { /* The problem argument */
if(++i < args.length && !args[i].startsWith("-")) {
problemFilename = args[i];
} else {
logger.warning("-p argument requires a filename with the problem");
argsOk = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-maxlevels")) {
if(++i < args.length && !args[i].startsWith("-")) {
try {
int levels = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
if(levels > 0) {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warning("-maxlevels argument requires a positive integer number of levels");
} else {
logger.warning("-maxlevels argument requires a positive integer number of levels");
argsOk = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-timeout")) {
if(++i < args.length && !args[i].startsWith("-")) {
try {
timeout = Long.parseLong(args[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warning("-timeout argument requires a positive integer amount of time");
} else {
logger.warning("-timeout argument requires a positive integer amount of time");
argsOk = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-noopsFirst")) {
noopsFirst = true;
operatorsLatest = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-operatorsLatest")) {
operatorsLatest = true;
} else if(args[i].equals("-propositionsSmallest")) {
propositionsSmallest = true;
} else if(args[i].equals("-sortGoals")) {
sortGoals = true;
propositionsSmallest = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-noHeuristics")) {
sortGoals = false;
propositionsSmallest = false;
noopsFirst = false;
operatorsLatest = false;
} else if(args[i].equals("-draw")) {
if(++i < args.length && !args[i].startsWith("-")) {
graphDrawFile = args[i];
} else {
logger.warning("-draw argument requires a valid filename");
argsOk = false;
if(domainFilename == null || problemFilename == null)
File opFile = new File(domainFilename);
File probFile = new File(problemFilename);
if(!opFile.exists()) {
logger.warning("Domain file \'"+domainFilename+"\' does not exist");
argsOk = false;
logger.warning("Problem file \'"+problemFilename+"\' does not exist");
argsOk = false;
if(!pddl) {
try {
operators = new FileInputStream(opFile);
problem = new FileInputStream(probFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
argsOk = false;
argsOk = (operators != null) && (problem != null);
if(argsOk) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
DomainDescription domain = null;
try {
logger.finest("JavaGP - PDDL\n");
logger.finest("+ DOMAIN: " + domainFilename);
logger.finest("+ PROBLEM: " + problemFilename);
PDDLPlannerAdapter parserPDDL = new PDDLPlannerAdapter(domainFilename, problemFilename);
domain = parserPDDL.getDomainDescriptionFromPddlObject();
} else {
logger.finest("JavaGP - STRIPS\n");
logger.finest("+ DOMAIN: " + domainFilename);
logger.finest("+ PROBLEM: " + problemFilename);
PlannerParser parser = new PlannerParser();
domain = parser.parseProblem(operators, problem);
} catch (ParserException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
PlanResult result = null;
logger.fine("Selected Heuristics: ");
logger.fine("\t+ Heuristic for actions: Select Noops first");
logger.fine("\t+ Heuristic for actions: Select actions that appears latest in the Planning Graph.");
logger.fine("\t+ Heuristic for subgoals: Select firstly propositions that leads to the smallest set of resolvers.");
logger.fine("\t+ Heuristic for subgoals: Sort goals by proposition that appears earliest in the Planning Graph.");
try {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
NumberFormat fm = DecimalFormat.getInstance();
logger.info("Running planner, maximum memory: "+fm.format(runtime.maxMemory()/Math.pow(1024, 2))+"MB");
if(timeout > 0) {
result = graphplan.plan(domain, timeout);
} else {
result = graphplan.plan(domain);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalTime = (t2-t1);
logger.info("Planning took "+(totalTime)+"ms ( " + (totalTime/1000)+"s )");
logger.info("Total memory used: "+fm.format(runtime.totalMemory()/Math.pow(1024, 2))+"MB");
if(result.isTrue()) {
logger.info("Plan found:\n"+result.toString());
logger.info("Plan length: " + result.getPlanLength());
if(graphDrawFile != null) {
logger.info("Drawing planning graph to "+graphDrawFile);
DotGraphDrawVisitor drawVisitor = new DotGraphDrawVisitor();
if(graphplan.planningGraph.accept(drawVisitor)) {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(graphDrawFile));
} else {
logger.warning("No plan found");
} catch (PlanningGraphException e) {
} catch (OperatorFactoryException e) {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
logger.severe("Memory use exceeded maximum allocated for VM");
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalTime = (t2-t1);
logger.info("Planning took "+(totalTime)+"ms ( " + (totalTime/1000)+"s ) before error");
logger.severe("Current maximum memory: "+runtime.maxMemory()/1024+"kb");
} else {
private static void wrongParametersMessage(){
logger.warning("Wrong parameters");
logger.info("Usage: \'java -jar JavaGP \'" +
"\n\t>>> STRIPS Language: " +
"\n\t\t" + "java -jar javagp.jar -nopddl -d examples/strips/ma-prodcell/domain.txt -p examples/strips/ma-prodcell/problem.txt" +
"\n\n\t>>> PDDL Language: " +
"\n\t\t" + "java -jar javagp.jar -d examples/pddl/blocksworld/blocksworld.pddl -p examples/pddl/blocksworld/pb1.pddl" +
"\n\n\t>>> Planner arguments: " +
"\n\t-maxlevels <NUMBER>, " + "\tMax Graph levels."+
"\n\t-timeout <NUMBER>, " + "\tPlanning timeout." +
"\n\n\t-noHeuristics, " + "\t\tNo Heuristics." +
"\n\n\t[Heuristics for actions]" +
"\n\t-operatorsLatest, " + "\tSelect actions that appears latest in the Planning Graph." +
"\n\tor" +
"\n\t-noopsFirst, " + "\t\tSelect Noops first." +
"\n\n\t[Heuristic for propositions]" +
"\n\t-propositionsSmallest, Select firstly propositions that leads to the smallest set of resolvers." +
"\n\tor" +
"\n\t-sortGoals, Sort goals by proposition that appears earliest in the Planning Graph." +
"\n\n\t[JavaGP Default Heuristics]" +
+ "\n\n -v write verbose output"
public static void setupLogger() {
try {
if (new File(LOGGER_FILE).exists()) {
LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(new FileInputStream(new File(LOGGER_FILE)));
} else {
LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(Graphplan.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + LOGGER_FILE));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error setting up logger:" + e);
* Empty constructor for testing.
public Graphplan() {
* Sets the maximum number of levels to be searched for in creating the graph.
* @param maxLevels
public void setMaxLevels(int maxLevels) {
this.maxLevels = maxLevels;
* @param domainDescription
* @return
* @throws PlanningGraphException
* @throws OperatorFactoryException
public PlanResult plan(DomainDescription domainDescription) throws PlanningGraphException, OperatorFactoryException {
PropositionLevel initialLevel = new PropositionLevel();
this.solutionExtraction = new SolutionExtractionVisitor(domainDescription.getGoalState());
/*Closed World Assumption - Simple Implementation by goals*/
// for(Proposition g: domainDescription.getGoalState()){
// if(!initialLevel.hasProposition(g)){
// //Add negative for proposition g
// PropositionImpl p = new PropositionImpl(g.negated(), g.getFunctor());
// p.setTerms(g.getTerms());
// initialLevel.addProposition(p);
// }
// }
logger.fine("OPTIMIZATION: JavaGP using Static Mutexes Table");
logger.fine("OPTIMIZATION: JavaGP using Memoization");
if(this.pddl) {
logger.fine("OPTIMIZATION: JavaGP using Types");
//If domain has negative preconditions, the planner will use the closed world assumption
if(domainDescription.isNegativePreconditions()) {
logger.fine("OPTIMIZATION: JavaGP using Closed World Assumption (Lazily)");
this.planningGraph = new PlanningGraphClosedWorldAssumption(initialLevel, domainDescription.getTypes(), domainDescription.getParameterTypes(), new StaticMutexesTable(new ArrayList<Operator>(domainDescription.getOperators())));
} else this.planningGraph = new PlanningGraph(initialLevel, domainDescription.getTypes(), domainDescription.getParameterTypes(), new StaticMutexesTable(new ArrayList<Operator>(domainDescription.getOperators())));
} else this.planningGraph = new PlanningGraph(initialLevel, new StaticMutexesTable(new ArrayList<Operator>(domainDescription.getOperators())));
// System.out.println();
for(Operator operator:domainDescription.getOperators()) {
boolean planFound = false;
while(!planFound && (this.planningGraph.size() <= this.maxLevels)) {
try {
logger.info("Expanding graph");
} catch (PlanningGraphException e) {
//If we have a problem with the planning graph
//Issue the error and quit
return new PlanResult(false);
if(this.planningGraph.goalsPossible(domainDescription.getGoalState(), this.planningGraph.size()-1)) {
//Extract solution
logger.info("Extracting solution");
planFound = this.planningGraph.accept(this.solutionExtraction);
if(planFound) {
logger.info("Plan found with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
} else {
logger.info("Plan not found with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
if(!planPossible()) {
throw new PlanningGraphException("Graph has levelled off, plan is not possible.",this.planningGraph.levelOffIndex());
} else {
logger.info("Goals not possible with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
//If the goals are not possible, and the graph has levelled off,
//then this problem has no possible plan
if(this.planningGraph.levelledOff()) {
throw new PlanningGraphException("Goals are not possible and graph has levelled off, plan is not possible.",this.planningGraph.levelOffIndex());
return this.solutionExtraction.getPlanResult();
* Executes the Graphplan algorithm with a specified timeout.
* @param domainDescription
* @param timeout
* @return
* @throws PlanningGraphException
* @throws OperatorFactoryException
* @throws TimeoutException
public PlanResult plan(DomainDescription domainDescription, long timeout) throws PlanningGraphException, OperatorFactoryException, TimeoutException {
PropositionLevel initialLevel = new PropositionLevel();
this.solutionExtraction = new TimeoutSolutionExtractionVisitor(domainDescription.getGoalState());
this.planningGraph = new PlanningGraph(initialLevel, new StaticMutexesTable(new ArrayList<Operator>(domainDescription.getOperators())));
for(Operator operator:domainDescription.getOperators()) {
boolean planFound = false;
while(!planFound && (this.planningGraph.size() <= this.maxLevels)) {
try {
logger.info("Expanding graph");
} catch (PlanningGraphException e) {
//If we have a problem with the planning graph
//Issue the error and quit
return new PlanResult(false);
if(planningGraph.goalsPossible(domainDescription.getGoalState(), this.planningGraph.size()-1)) {
//Extract solution
logger.info("Extracting solution");
planFound = this.planningGraph.accept(this.solutionExtraction);
if(planFound) {
logger.info("Plan found with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
} else {
if(((TimeoutSolutionExtractionVisitor)solutionExtraction).timedOut()) {
logger.info("Planner timed out after "+timeout+" milliseconds");
throw new TimeoutException("No plan possible in "+timeout+" milliseconds");
logger.info("Plan not found with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
if(!planPossible()) {
throw new PlanningGraphException("Graph has levelled off, plan is not possible.",this.planningGraph.levelOffIndex());
} else {
logger.info("Goals not possible with "+((int)this.planningGraph.size()/2)+" steps");
//If the goals are not possible, and the graph has levelled off,
//then this problem has no possible plan
if(this.planningGraph.levelledOff()) {
throw new PlanningGraphException("Goals are not possible and graph has levelled off, plan is not possible.",this.planningGraph.levelOffIndex());
return solutionExtraction.getPlanResult();
* Returns whether or not a plan is possible according to both the
* memoization table criterion and the graph level size criterion.
* @return
public boolean planPossible() {
if(!this.planningGraph.levelledOff()) {
return true;
} else {
return this.solutionExtraction.levelledOff(this.planningGraph.levelOffIndex());
* Returns a list with the minimum preconditions necessary for the supplied plan to
* be successful.
* TODO General cleanup and tuning of this method.
* @param plan A list of operator invocations representing a plan
* @param description The domain description in which the supplied plan is executed
* @return The minimum set of propositions that must be true before execution
public List<Proposition> getPlanPreconditions(List<String> plan, DomainDescription description) {
// XXX This variable has been placed here to give us a slight speed up and to ease debug
// XXX But this might not be a good idea if we try and change the singleton at runtime
OperatorFactory operatorFactory = OperatorFactory.getInstance();
for(Iterator<Operator> iter = description.getOperators().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
try {
} catch (OperatorFactoryException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Operator concreteOperators[] = new Operator[plan.size()];
//First, get operator instances corresponing to the operator invocations
//in the parameter
for (int i = 0; i < concreteOperators.length; i++) {
try {
//concreteOperators[i] = OperatorFactory.getInstance().getOperator(plan.get(i));
concreteOperators[i] = operatorFactory.getOperator(plan.get(i));
} catch (OperatorFactoryException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//Then Create the planning graph with an empty initial state
PlanningGraph graph = new PlanningGraph(new PropositionLevel());
//And populate it with action levels and proposition levels containing the obvious
//preconditions from the subsequent action level
for (int i = 0; i < concreteOperators.length; i++) {
//We always assume our graph has a proposition level as its last level
PropositionLevel propositionLevel = (PropositionLevel) graph.getGraphLevel(graph.size()-1);
//into which we add the preconditions for this action
//We then create an action level to contain this action
ActionLevel actionLevel = new ActionLevel();
//And create another proposition level for its effects
PropositionLevel propositionLevel2 = new PropositionLevel();
//Then walk the graph backwards propagating the preconditions that were not generated
//by the previous action level using noops
for(int i = graph.size()-1; i > 0; i=i-2) {
//We need to get the proposition levels surrounding our action level
//As in: precond <- action <- effect
PropositionLevel effectLevel = (PropositionLevel) graph.getGraphLevel(i);
PropositionLevel precondLevel = (PropositionLevel) graph.getGraphLevel(i-2);
ActionLevel actionLevel = (ActionLevel) graph.getGraphLevel(i-1);
//Then see if each proposition in the effectLevel is connected by some action
//to the precondLevel
for (Iterator<Proposition> iter = effectLevel.getPropositions(); iter.hasNext();) {
Proposition proposition = iter.next();
//If no action is connected to the effect level
if(actionLevel.getGeneratingActions(proposition).size() == 0) {
//We need to propagate this action to the previous level
//this last bit looks rather nasty, I should review this when time allows
PropositionLevel level = (PropositionLevel) graph.getGraphLevel(0);
List<Proposition> planPreconditions = new ArrayList<Proposition>(level.size());
for (Iterator<Proposition> iter = level.getPropositions(); iter.hasNext();) {
return planPreconditions;
* @return the solutionExtraction
public SolutionExtractionVisitor getSolutionExtraction() {
return solutionExtraction;
* @param solutionExtraction the solutionExtraction to set
public void setSolutionExtraction(SolutionExtractionVisitor solutionExtraction) {
this.solutionExtraction = solutionExtraction;
public void setPddl(boolean pddl) {
this.pddl = pddl;