* Capsule
* Copyright (c) 2014, Parallel Universe Software Co. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are licensed under the terms
* of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
import capsule.DependencyManagerImpl;
import capsule.DependencyManager;
import capsule.JarClassLoader;
import capsule.PomReader;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
* An application capsule.
* <p>
* This API is to be used by custom capsules to programmatically (rather than declaratively) configure the capsule and possibly provide custom behavior.
* <p>
* All non-final protected methods may be overridden by custom capsules. These methods will usually be called once, but they must be idempotent,
* i.e. if called numerous times they must always return the same value, and produce the same effect as if called once. The only exception to this
* rule is the {@link #launch(List) launch} method.
* <br>
* Overridden methods need not be thread-safe, and are guaranteed to be called by a single thread at a time.
* <p>
* Final methods implement various utility or accessors, which may be freely used by custom capsules.
* @author pron
public class Capsule implements Runnable {
* This class contains several strange hacks to avoid creating more classes,
* as we'd like this file to compile to a single .class file.
* Also, the code is not meant to be the most efficient, but methods should be as independent and stateless as possible.
* Other than those few methods called in the constructor, all others are can be called in any order, and don't rely on any state.
* We do a lot of data transformations that would have really benefited from Java 8's lambdas and streams,
* but we want Capsule to support Java 7.
private static final String VERSION = "0.8.0";
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Constants">
/////////// Constants ///////////////////////////////////
private static final String PROP_VERSION = "capsule.version";
private static final String PROP_TREE = "capsule.tree";
private static final String PROP_RESOLVE = "capsule.resolve";
private static final String PROP_MODES = "capsule.modes";
private static final String PROP_TRAMPOLINE = "capsule.trampoline";
private static final String PROP_RESET = "capsule.reset";
private static final String PROP_LOG_LEVEL = "capsule.log";
private static final String PROP_APP_ID = "capsule.app.id";
private static final String PROP_PRINT_JRES = "capsule.jvms";
private static final String PROP_CAPSULE_JAVA_HOME = "capsule.java.home";
private static final String PROP_MODE = "capsule.mode";
private static final String PROP_USE_LOCAL_REPO = "capsule.local";
private static final String PROP_JVM_ARGS = "capsule.jvm.args";
private static final String PROP_JAVA_VERSION = "java.version";
private static final String PROP_JAVA_HOME = "java.home";
private static final String PROP_OS_NAME = "os.name";
private static final String PROP_USER_HOME = "user.home";
private static final String PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH = "java.library.path";
private static final String PROP_FILE_SEPARATOR = "file.separator";
private static final String PROP_PATH_SEPARATOR = "path.separator";
private static final String PROP_JAVA_SECURITY_POLICY = "java.security.policy";
private static final String PROP_JAVA_SECURITY_MANAGER = "java.security.manager";
private static final String ENV_CACHE_DIR = "CAPSULE_CACHE_DIR";
private static final String ENV_CACHE_NAME = "CAPSULE_CACHE_NAME";
private static final String ENV_CAPSULE_REPOS = "CAPSULE_REPOS";
private static final String ENV_CAPSULE_LOCAL_REPO = "CAPSULE_LOCAL_REPO";
private static final String ATTR_APP_NAME = "Application-Name";
private static final String ATTR_APP_VERSION = "Application-Version";
private static final String ATTR_MODE_DESC = "Description";
private static final String ATTR_APP_CLASS = "Application-Class";
private static final String ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT = "Application";
private static final String ATTR_UNIX_SCRIPT = "Unix-Script";
private static final String ATTR_WINDOWS_SCRIPT = "Windows-Script";
private static final String ATTR_EXTRACT = "Extract-Capsule";
private static final String ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION = "Min-Java-Version";
private static final String ATTR_JAVA_VERSION = "Java-Version";
private static final String ATTR_MIN_UPDATE_VERSION = "Min-Update-Version";
private static final String ATTR_JDK_REQUIRED = "JDK-Required";
private static final String ATTR_JVM_ARGS = "JVM-Args";
private static final String ATTR_ARGS = "Args";
private static final String ATTR_ENV = "Environment-Variables";
private static final String ATTR_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES = "System-Properties";
private static final String ATTR_APP_CLASS_PATH = "App-Class-Path";
private static final String ATTR_CAPSULE_IN_CLASS_PATH = "Capsule-In-Class-Path";
private static final String ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH = "Boot-Class-Path";
private static final String ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH_A = "Boot-Class-Path-A";
private static final String ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH_P = "Boot-Class-Path-P";
private static final String ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_A = "Library-Path-A";
private static final String ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_P = "Library-Path-P";
private static final String ATTR_SECURITY_MANAGER = "Security-Manager";
private static final String ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY = "Security-Policy";
private static final String ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY_A = "Security-Policy-A";
private static final String ATTR_JAVA_AGENTS = "Java-Agents";
private static final String ATTR_REPOSITORIES = "Repositories";
private static final String ATTR_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS = "Allow-Snapshots";
private static final String ATTR_DEPENDENCIES = "Dependencies";
private static final String ATTR_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES_LINUX = "Native-Dependencies-Linux";
private static final String ATTR_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES_WIN = "Native-Dependencies-Win";
private static final String ATTR_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES_MAC = "Native-Dependencies-Mac";
private static final String ATTR_MAIN_CLASS = "Main-Class";
private static final String ATTR_IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION = "Implementation-Version";
private static final String ATTR_LOG_LEVEL = "Capsule-Log-Level";
private static final Set<String> NON_MODAL_ATTRS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
// outgoing
private static final String VAR_CAPSULE_APP = "CAPSULE_APP";
private static final String VAR_CAPSULE_DIR = "CAPSULE_DIR";
private static final String VAR_CAPSULE_JAR = "CAPSULE_JAR";
private static final String VAR_CLASSPATH = "CLASSPATH";
private static final String VAR_JAVA_HOME = "JAVA_HOME";
private static final String PROP_CAPSULE_JAR = "capsule.jar";
private static final String PROP_CAPSULE_DIR = "capsule.dir";
private static final String PROP_CAPSULE_APP = "capsule.app";
private static final String PROP_CAPSULE_APP_PID = "capsule.app.pid";
// misc
private static final String CACHE_DEFAULT_NAME = "capsule";
private static final String DEPS_CACHE_NAME = "deps";
private static final String APP_CACHE_NAME = "apps";
private static final String POM_FILE = "pom.xml";
private static final String SEPARATOR_DOT = "\\.";
private static final String SEPARATOR_PIPE = "\\|";
private static final String LOCK_FILE_NAME = ".lock";
private static final String TIMESTAMP_FILE_NAME = ".extracted";
private static final String MANIFEST_NAME = java.util.jar.JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME;
private static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty(PROP_FILE_SEPARATOR);
private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty(PROP_PATH_SEPARATOR);
private static final Path WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_1 = Paths.get("C:", "Program Files");
private static final Path WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_2 = Paths.get("C:", "Program Files (x86)");
private static final Object DEFAULT = new Object();
// logging
private static final String LOG_PREFIX = "CAPSULE: ";
protected static final int LOG_NONE = 0;
protected static final int LOG_QUIET = 1;
protected static final int LOG_VERBOSE = 2;
protected static final int LOG_DEBUG = 3;
//<editor-fold desc="Main">
/////////// Main ///////////////////////////////////
private static Capsule CAPSULE;
protected static Capsule myCapsule() {
if (CAPSULE == null)
CAPSULE = newCapsule(findMyJarFile(), getCacheDir());
return CAPSULE;
* Launches the capsule
@SuppressWarnings({"BroadCatchBlock", "CallToPrintStackTrace"})
public static final void main(String[] args0) {
try {
Capsule capsule = myCapsule();
final List<String> args = Arrays.asList(args0);
if (propertyDefined(PROP_VERSION))
if (propertyDefined(PROP_MODES))
if (propertyDefined(PROP_TREE))
if (propertyDefined(PROP_RESOLVE))
if (propertyDefined(PROP_PRINT_JRES))
if (propertyDefined(PROP_TRAMPOLINE))
capsule.trampoline(args); // never returns
final Process p = capsule.launch(args);
if (p != null)
} catch (Throwable t) {
System.err.print("CAPSULE EXCEPTION: " + t.getMessage());
if (getLogLevel(System.getProperty(PROP_LOG_LEVEL)) >= LOG_VERBOSE) {
} else
System.err.println(" (for stack trace, run with -D" + PROP_LOG_LEVEL + "=verbose)");
private static Map<String, Path> JAVA_HOMES; // an optimization trick (can be injected by CapsuleLauncher)
private final Path cacheDir; // never null
private final Path jarFile; // never null
private final Manifest manifest; // never null
private final String appId; // null iff isEmptyCapsule()
private String mode;
private final Path appCache; // non-null iff capsule is extracted
private final boolean cacheUpToDate;
private FileLock appCacheLock;
private final Object pom; // non-null iff jar has pom AND manifest doesn't have ATTR_DEPENDENCIES
private final Object dependencyManager; // non-null iff needsDependencyManager is true
private final int logLevel;
private Process child;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Constructors">
/////////// Constructors ///////////////////////////////////
* Constructs a capsule from the given JAR file
* @param jarFile the path to the JAR file
* @param cacheDir the path to the (shared) Capsule cache directory
protected Capsule(Path jarFile, Path cacheDir) {
this(jarFile, cacheDir, DEFAULT);
// Used directly by tests
private Capsule(Path jarFile, Path cacheDir, Object dependencyManager) {
Objects.requireNonNull(jarFile, "jarFile can't be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(cacheDir, "cacheDir can't be null");
this.jarFile = jarFile;
try (JarInputStream jis = openJarInputStream()) {
this.manifest = jis.getManifest();
if (manifest == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Capsule " + jarFile + " does not have a manifest");
this.pom = !hasAttribute(ATTR_DEPENDENCIES) ? createPomReader(jis) : null;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not read JAR file " + jarFile, e);
this.logLevel = chooseLogLevel();
this.cacheDir = initCacheDir(cacheDir);
if (dependencyManager != DEFAULT)
this.dependencyManager = dependencyManager;
this.dependencyManager = needsDependencyManager() ? createDependencyManager(getRepositories()) : null;
this.appId = buildAppId();
this.appCache = needsAppCache() ? getAppCacheDir() : null;
this.cacheUpToDate = appCache != null ? isUpToDate() : false;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Properties">
/////////// Properties ///////////////////////////////////
* Tests if this is an empty capsule.
protected final boolean isEmptyCapsule() {
return !hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT) && !hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS) && getScript() == null;
* This capsule's current mode.
protected final String getMode() {
return mode;
* This capsule's cache directory, or {@code null} if capsule has been configured not to extract.
protected final Path getAppCache() {
return appCache;
* This capsule's JAR file.
protected final Path getJarFile() {
return jarFile;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Capsule JAR">
/////////// Capsule JAR ///////////////////////////////////
private static Path findMyJarFile() {
final URL url = Capsule.class.getClassLoader().getResource(Capsule.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
if (!"jar".equals(url.getProtocol()))
throw new IllegalStateException("The Capsule class must be in a JAR file, but was loaded from: " + url);
final String path = url.getPath();
if (path == null || !path.startsWith("file:"))
throw new IllegalStateException("The Capsule class must be in a local JAR file, but was loaded from: " + url);
try {
final URI jarUri = new URI(path.substring(0, path.indexOf('!')));
return Paths.get(jarUri);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private String toJarUrl(String relPath) {
return "jar:file:" + jarFile.toAbsolutePath() + "!/" + relPath;
private JarInputStream openJarInputStream() throws IOException {
return new JarInputStream(skipToZipStart(Files.newInputStream(jarFile)));
private InputStream getEntry(ZipInputStream zis, String name) throws IOException {
for (ZipEntry entry; (entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null;) {
if (entry.getName().equals(name))
return zis;
return null;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Main Operations">
/////////// Main Operations ///////////////////////////////////
private void printVersion(List<String> args) {
System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + "Application " + getAppId(args));
System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + "Capsule Version " + VERSION);
private void printModes(List<String> args) {
System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + "Application " + getAppId(args));
System.out.println("Available modes:");
final Set<String> modes = getModes();
if (modes.isEmpty())
System.out.println("Default mode only");
else {
for (String m : modes) {
final String desc = getModeDescription(m);
System.out.println("* " + m + (desc != null ? ": " + desc : ""));
private void printJVMs(List<String> args) {
final Map<String, Path> jres = getJavaHomes();
if (jres == null)
println("No detected Java installations");
else {
System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + "Detected Java installations:");
for (Map.Entry<String, Path> j : jres.entrySet())
System.out.println(j.getKey() + (j.getKey().length() < 8 ? "\t\t" : "\t") + j.getValue());
final Path javaHome = chooseJavaHome();
System.out.println(LOG_PREFIX + "selected " + (javaHome != null ? javaHome : (System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_HOME) + " (current)")));
private void printDependencyTree(List<String> args) {
System.out.println("Dependencies for " + getAppId(args));
if (dependencyManager == null)
System.out.println("No dependencies declared.");
else if (hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT) || isEmptyCapsule()) {
final String appArtifact = isEmptyCapsule() ? getCommandLineArtifact(args) : getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT);
if (appArtifact == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("capsule " + jarFile + " has nothing to run");
printDependencyTree(appArtifact, "jar");
} else
printDependencyTree(getDependencies(), "jar");
final List<String> nativeDeps = getNativeDependencies();
if (nativeDeps != null) {
System.out.println("\nNative Dependencies:");
printDependencyTree(nativeDeps, getNativeLibExtension());
private void resolve(List<String> args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
resolveAppArtifact(getAppArtifact(args), "jar");
resolveDependencies(getDependencies(), "jar");
log(LOG_QUIET, "Capsule resolved");
private void trampoline(List<String> args) {
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_ENV)) {
println("Capsule cannot trampoline because manifest defines the " + ATTR_ENV + " attribute.");
final ProcessBuilder pb = prelaunch(args);
pb.command().remove("-D" + PROP_TRAMPOLINE);
System.out.println(join(pb.command(), " "));
* Creates the {@link Process} this capsule will launch.
* Custom capsules may override this method to display a message prior to launch, or to configure the process's IO streams.
* @param args the application's command-line arguments (does not include JVM args)
* @return the process this capsule will launch
protected Process launch(List<String> args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final ProcessBuilder pb = prelaunch(args);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(this));
if (!isInheritIoBug())
this.child = pb.start();
if (isInheritIoBug())
final int pid = getPid(child);
if (pid > 0)
System.setProperty(PROP_CAPSULE_APP_PID, Integer.toString(pid));
return child;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Launch">
/////////// Launch ///////////////////////////////////
private ProcessBuilder prelaunch(List<String> args) {
final List<String> jvmArgs = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments();
ProcessBuilder pb = launchCapsuleArtifact(jvmArgs, args);
if (pb == null)
pb = prepareForLaunch(jvmArgs, args);
return pb;
// directly used by CapsuleLauncher
final ProcessBuilder prepareForLaunch(List<String> jvmArgs, List<String> args) {
final ProcessBuilder pb = buildProcess(jvmArgs, args);
if (appCache != null && !cacheUpToDate)
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Launching app " + appId + (mode != null ? " in mode " + mode : ""));
return pb;
private void chooseMode1() {
this.mode = chooseMode();
if (mode != null && !hasMode(mode))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capsule " + jarFile + " does not have mode " + mode);
* Chooses this capsule's mode.
* The mode is chosen during the preparations for launch (not at construction time).
protected String chooseMode() {
return emptyToNull(System.getProperty(PROP_MODE));
private void ensureExtractedIfNecessary() {
if (appCache != null) {
if (!cacheUpToDate) {
if (shouldExtract())
} else
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "App cache " + appCache + " is up to date.");
private ProcessBuilder buildProcess(List<String> jvmArgs, List<String> args) {
final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
if (!buildScriptProcess(pb))
buildJavaProcess(pb, jvmArgs);
final List<String> command = pb.command();
log(LOG_VERBOSE, join(command, " "));
return pb;
* Returns a list of command line arguments to pass to the application.
* @param args The command line arguments passed to the capsule at launch
protected List<String> buildArgs(List<String> args) {
return expandArgs(nullToEmpty(expand(getListAttribute(ATTR_ARGS))), args);
// visible for testing
static List<String> expandArgs(List<String> args0, List<String> args) {
final List<String> args1 = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean expanded = false;
for (String a : args0) {
if (a.startsWith("$")) {
if (a.equals("$*")) {
expanded = true;
} else {
try {
final int i = Integer.parseInt(a.substring(1));
args1.add(args.get(i - 1));
expanded = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!expanded)
return args1;
* Returns a map of environment variables (property-value pairs).
* @param env the current environment
protected void buildEnvironmentVariables(Map<String, String> env) {
final List<String> jarEnv = getListAttribute(ATTR_ENV);
if (jarEnv != null) {
for (String e : jarEnv) {
String var = getBefore(e, '=');
String value = getAfter(e, '=');
if (var == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed env variable definition: " + e);
boolean overwrite = false;
if (var.endsWith(":")) {
overwrite = true;
var = var.substring(0, var.length() - 1);
if (overwrite || !env.containsKey(var))
env.put(var, value != null ? value : "");
if (appCache != null)
env.put(VAR_CAPSULE_DIR, appCache.toAbsolutePath().toString());
env.put(VAR_CAPSULE_JAR, jarFile.toString());
assert appId != null;
env.put(VAR_CAPSULE_APP, appId);
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Script">
/////////// Script ///////////////////////////////////
private String getScript() {
return getAttribute(isWindows() ? ATTR_WINDOWS_SCRIPT : ATTR_UNIX_SCRIPT);
private boolean buildScriptProcess(ProcessBuilder pb) {
final String script = getScript();
if (script == null)
return false;
if (appCache == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot run the startup script " + script + " when the "
+ ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
final List<Path> classPath = buildClassPath();
pb.environment().put(VAR_CLASSPATH, compileClassPath(classPath));
final Path scriptPath = appCache.resolve(sanitize(script)).toAbsolutePath();
return true;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Capsule Artifact">
/////////// Capsule Artifact ///////////////////////////////////
// visible for testing
final ProcessBuilder launchCapsuleArtifact(List<String> cmdLine, List<String> args) {
if (getScript() == null) {
final String appArtifact = getAppArtifact(args);
if (appArtifact != null && isDependency(appArtifact)) {
try {
final List<Path> jars = resolveAppArtifact(appArtifact, "jar");
if (jars == null || jars.isEmpty())
return null;
if (isCapsule(jars.get(0))) {
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Running capsule " + jars.get(0));
return launchCapsule(jars.get(0), cacheDir,
cmdLine, isEmptyCapsule() ? args.subList(1, args.size()) : buildArgs(args));
} else if (isEmptyCapsule())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Artifact " + appArtifact + " is not a capsule.");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (isEmptyCapsule())
throw new RuntimeException("Usage: java -jar capsule.jar CAPSULE_ARTIFACT_COORDINATES args...\n" + e, e);
throw e;
return null;
private static boolean isCapsule(Path path) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(path)) {
try {
return hasEntry(path, "Capsule.class");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return false;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="App ID">
/////////// App ID ///////////////////////////////////
* Computes and returns application's ID
protected String buildAppId() {
if (isEmptyCapsule())
return null;
String appName = System.getProperty(PROP_APP_ID);
if (appName == null)
appName = getAttribute(ATTR_APP_NAME);
if (appName == null) {
final String appArtifact = getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT);
if (appArtifact != null && isDependency(appArtifact)) {
if (hasModalAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("App ID-related attribute " + ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT + " is defined in a modal section of the manifest. "
+ " In this case, you must add the " + ATTR_APP_NAME + " attribute to the manifest's main section.");
return getAppArtifactId(getAppArtifactSpecificVersion(appArtifact));
if (appName == null) {
if (pom != null)
return getPomAppName();
appName = getAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS);
if (appName != null && hasModalAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("App ID-related attribute " + ATTR_APP_CLASS + " is defined in a modal section of the manifest. "
+ " In this case, you must add the " + ATTR_APP_NAME + " attribute to the manifest's main section.");
if (appName == null) {
if (isEmptyCapsule())
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capsule jar " + jarFile + " must either have the " + ATTR_APP_NAME + " manifest attribute, "
+ "the " + ATTR_APP_CLASS + " attribute, or contain a " + POM_FILE + " file.");
final String version = hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_VERSION) ? getAttribute(ATTR_APP_VERSION) : getAttribute(ATTR_IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION);
return appName + (version != null ? "_" + version : "");
* Returns the app's ID.
* The arguments are required in case this is an empty capsule, in which case the ID is determined by the artifact supplied at the command line.
* @param args the command line arguments; may be {@code null}.
* @return the app ID
protected final String getAppId(List<String> args) {
if (appId != null)
return appId;
assert isEmptyCapsule();
String appArtifact = getAppArtifact(args);
if (appArtifact == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No application to run");
return getAppArtifactId(getAppArtifactSpecificVersion(appArtifact));
private static String getAppArtifactId(String coords) {
if (coords == null)
return null;
final String[] cs = coords.split(":");
if (cs.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal main artifact coordinates: " + coords);
String id = cs[0] + "_" + cs[1];
if (cs.length > 2)
id += "_" + cs[2];
return id;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Capsule Cache">
/////////// Capsule Cache ///////////////////////////////////
private static Path getCacheDir() {
final Path cache;
final String cacheDirEnv = System.getenv(ENV_CACHE_DIR);
if (cacheDirEnv != null)
cache = Paths.get(cacheDirEnv);
else {
final String cacheNameEnv = System.getenv(ENV_CACHE_NAME);
final String cacheName = cacheNameEnv != null ? cacheNameEnv : CACHE_DEFAULT_NAME;
cache = getCacheHome().resolve((isWindows() ? "" : ".") + cacheName);
return cache;
private static Path initCacheDir(Path cache) {
try {
if (!Files.exists(cache))
if (!Files.exists(cache.resolve(APP_CACHE_NAME)))
if (!Files.exists(cache.resolve(DEPS_CACHE_NAME)))
return cache;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error opening cache directory " + cache.toAbsolutePath(), e);
private static Path getCacheHome() {
final Path userHome = Paths.get(System.getProperty(PROP_USER_HOME));
if (!isWindows())
return userHome;
Path localData;
final String localAppData = System.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA");
if (localAppData != null) {
localData = Paths.get(localAppData);
if (!Files.isDirectory(localData))
throw new RuntimeException("%LOCALAPPDATA% set to nonexistent directory " + localData);
} else {
localData = userHome.resolve(Paths.get("AppData", "Local"));
if (!Files.isDirectory(localData))
localData = userHome.resolve(Paths.get("Local Settings", "Application Data"));
if (!Files.isDirectory(localData))
throw new RuntimeException("%LOCALAPPDATA% is undefined, and neither "
+ userHome.resolve(Paths.get("AppData", "Local")) + " nor "
+ userHome.resolve(Paths.get("Local Settings", "Application Data")) + " have been found");
return localData;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="App Cache">
/////////// App Cache ///////////////////////////////////
private Path getAppCacheDir() {
assert appId != null;
Path appDir = cacheDir.resolve(APP_CACHE_NAME).resolve(appId);
try {
if (!Files.exists(appDir))
return appDir;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Application cache directory " + appDir.toAbsolutePath() + " could not be created.");
private boolean needsAppCache() {
if (isEmptyCapsule())
return false;
if (hasRenamedNativeDependencies())
return true;
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT) && isDependency(getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT)))
return false;
return shouldExtract();
private boolean shouldExtract() {
final String extract = getAttribute(ATTR_EXTRACT);
return extract == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(extract);
private void resetAppCache() {
try {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Creating cache for " + jarFile + " in " + appCache.toAbsolutePath());
final Path lockFile = appCache.resolve(LOCK_FILE_NAME);
try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(appCache)) {
for (Path f : ds) {
if (lockFile.equals(f))
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception while extracting jar " + jarFile + " to app cache directory " + appCache.toAbsolutePath(), e);
private boolean isUpToDate() {
try {
boolean res = isUpToDate0();
if (!res) {
res = isUpToDate0();
if (res)
return res;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private boolean isUpToDate0() {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(PROP_RESET, "false")))
return false;
try {
Path extractedFile = appCache.resolve(TIMESTAMP_FILE_NAME);
if (!Files.exists(extractedFile))
return false;
FileTime extractedTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(extractedFile);
FileTime jarTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(jarFile);
return extractedTime.compareTo(jarTime) >= 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private void extractCapsule() {
try {
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Extracting " + jarFile + " to app cache directory " + appCache.toAbsolutePath());
extractJar(openJarInputStream(), appCache);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception while extracting jar " + jarFile + " to app cache directory " + appCache.toAbsolutePath(), e);
private void markCache() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void lockAppCache() throws IOException {
final Path lockFile = appCache.resolve(LOCK_FILE_NAME);
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Locking " + lockFile);
final FileChannel c = FileChannel.open(lockFile, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
this.appCacheLock = c.lock();
private void unlockAppCache() throws IOException {
if (appCacheLock != null) {
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Unocking " + appCache.resolve(LOCK_FILE_NAME));
appCacheLock = null;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Build Java Process">
/////////// Build Java Process ///////////////////////////////////
private boolean buildJavaProcess(ProcessBuilder pb, List<String> cmdLine) {
final Path javaHome = setJavaHomeEnv(pb);
final List<String> command = pb.command();
addOption(command, "-Xbootclasspath:", compileClassPath(buildBootClassPath(cmdLine)));
addOption(command, "-Xbootclasspath/p:", compileClassPath(buildBootClassPathP()));
addOption(command, "-Xbootclasspath/a:", compileClassPath(buildBootClassPathA()));
final List<Path> classPath = buildClassPath();
for (String jagent : nullToEmpty(buildJavaAgents()))
command.add("-javaagent:" + jagent);
return true;
private Path setJavaHomeEnv(ProcessBuilder pb) {
final Path javaHome = getJavaHome();
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Using JVM: " + javaHome);
pb.environment().put(VAR_JAVA_HOME, javaHome.toString());
return javaHome;
private static List<String> compileSystemProperties(Map<String, String> ps) {
final List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : ps.entrySet())
command.add("-D" + entry.getKey() + (entry.getValue() != null && !entry.getValue().isEmpty() ? "=" + entry.getValue() : ""));
return command;
private static String compileClassPath(List<Path> cp) {
return join(cp, PATH_SEPARATOR);
private static void addOption(List<String> cmdLine, String prefix, String value) {
if (value == null)
cmdLine.add(prefix + value);
* Compiles and returns the application's classpath as a list of paths.
protected List<Path> buildClassPath() {
final List<Path> classPath = new ArrayList<Path>();
if (!isEmptyCapsule() && !hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT)) {
// the capsule jar
final String isCapsuleInClassPath = getAttribute(ATTR_CAPSULE_IN_CLASS_PATH);
if (isCapsuleInClassPath == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(isCapsuleInClassPath))
else if (appCache == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set the " + ATTR_CAPSULE_IN_CLASS_PATH + " attribute to false when the "
+ ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is also set to false");
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT)) {
if (isDependency(getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT)))
classPath.addAll(nullToEmpty(resolveAppArtifact(getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT), "jar")));
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS_PATH)) {
for (String sp : getListAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS_PATH)) {
Path p = path(expand(sanitize(sp)));
if (appCache == null && (!p.isAbsolute() || p.startsWith(appCache)))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot resolve " + sp + " in " + ATTR_APP_CLASS_PATH + " attribute when the "
+ ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
p = appCache.resolve(p);
if (appCache != null)
addAllIfNotContained(classPath, nullToEmpty(getDefaultCacheClassPath()));
classPath.addAll(nullToEmpty(resolveDependencies(getDependencies(), "jar")));
return classPath;
private List<Path> getDefaultCacheClassPath() {
final List<Path> cp = new ArrayList<Path>();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(appCache)) {
for (Path f : ds) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(f) && f.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".jar"))
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException();
// sort to give same reults on all platforms
// doing it this way isn't quite right as Path's Javadoc ensures lexicographic ordering, yet warns different results on different platforms
// ... but I hope this works well enough. If not, we need to convert to strings, sort, and then convert back.
// (I assume the platform dependence has to do with case-sensitivity, and we don't care about that)
cp.add(0, appCache);
return cp;
* Returns a list of dependencies, each in the format {@code groupId:artifactId:version[:classifier]} (classifier is optional)
protected List<String> getDependencies() {
List<String> deps = getListAttribute(ATTR_DEPENDENCIES);
if ((deps == null || deps.isEmpty()) && pom != null)
deps = getPomDependencies();
return (deps != null && !deps.isEmpty()) ? Collections.unmodifiableList(deps) : null;
* Compiles and returns the application's boot classpath as a list of paths.
private List<Path> buildBootClassPath(List<String> cmdLine) {
String option = null;
for (String o : cmdLine) {
if (o.startsWith("-Xbootclasspath:"))
option = o.substring("-Xbootclasspath:".length());
if (option != null)
return toPath(Arrays.asList(option.split(PATH_SEPARATOR)));
return buildBootClassPath();
* Compiles and returns the application's boot classpath as a list of paths.
protected List<Path> buildBootClassPath() {
return getPath(getListAttribute(ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH));
* Compiles and returns the paths to be prepended to the application's boot classpath.
protected List<Path> buildBootClassPathP() {
return buildClassPath(ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH_P);
* Compiles and returns the paths to be appended to the application's boot classpath.
protected List<Path> buildBootClassPathA() {
return buildClassPath(ATTR_BOOT_CLASS_PATH_A);
private List<Path> buildClassPath(String attr) {
return getPath(getListAttribute(attr));
private Map<String, String> buildSystemProperties(List<String> cmdLine) {
final Map<String, String> systemProperties = buildSystemProperties();
// command line overrides everything
for (String option : cmdLine) {
if (option.startsWith("-D"))
addSystemProperty(option.substring(2), systemProperties);
return systemProperties;
* Returns a map of system properties (property-value pairs).
protected Map<String, String> buildSystemProperties() {
final Map<String, String> systemProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
// attribute
for (Map.Entry<String, String> pv : nullToEmpty(getMapAttribute(ATTR_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES, "")).entrySet())
systemProperties.put(pv.getKey(), expand(pv.getValue()));
// library path
final List<Path> libraryPath = buildNativeLibraryPath();
systemProperties.put(PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH, compileClassPath(libraryPath));
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY) || hasAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY_A)) {
systemProperties.put(PROP_JAVA_SECURITY_MANAGER, "");
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY_A))
systemProperties.put(PROP_JAVA_SECURITY_POLICY, toJarUrl(getAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY_A)));
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY))
systemProperties.put(PROP_JAVA_SECURITY_POLICY, "=" + toJarUrl(getAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_POLICY)));
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_SECURITY_MANAGER))
// Capsule properties
if (appCache != null)
systemProperties.put(PROP_CAPSULE_DIR, appCache.toAbsolutePath().toString());
systemProperties.put(PROP_CAPSULE_JAR, jarFile.toString());
assert appId != null;
systemProperties.put(PROP_CAPSULE_APP, appId);
return systemProperties;
private static void addSystemProperty(String p, Map<String, String> ps) {
try {
String name = getBefore(p, '=');
String value = getAfter(p, '=');
ps.put(name, value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal system property definition: " + p);
//<editor-fold desc="Native Dependencies">
/////////// Native Dependencies ///////////////////////////////////
private List<Path> buildNativeLibraryPath() {
final List<Path> libraryPath = new ArrayList<Path>(toPath(Arrays.asList(System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH).split(PATH_SEPARATOR))));
if (appCache != null) {
libraryPath.addAll(0, nullToEmpty(toAbsolutePath(appCache, getListAttribute(ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_P))));
libraryPath.addAll(nullToEmpty(toAbsolutePath(appCache, getListAttribute(ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_A))));
} else if (hasAttribute(ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_P) || hasAttribute(ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_A))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use the " + ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_P + " or the " + ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_A
+ " attributes when the " + ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
return libraryPath;
private void resolveNativeDependencies() {
final List<String> depsAndRename = getNativeDependencies();
if (depsAndRename == null || depsAndRename.isEmpty())
if (appCache == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot have native dependencies when the " + ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
final List<String> deps = new ArrayList<String>(depsAndRename.size());
final List<String> renames = new ArrayList<String>(depsAndRename.size());
for (String depAndRename : depsAndRename) {
String[] dna = depAndRename.split(",");
renames.add(dna.length > 1 ? dna[1] : null);
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Resolving native libs " + deps);
final List<Path> resolved = resolveDependencies(deps, getNativeLibExtension());
if (resolved.size() != deps.size())
throw new RuntimeException("One of the native artifacts " + deps + " reolved to more than a single file or to none");
assert appCache != null;
if (!cacheUpToDate) {
if (isLogging(LOG_DEBUG))
System.err.println("Copying native libs to " + appCache);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) {
final Path lib = resolved.get(i);
final String rename = sanitize(renames.get(i));
Files.copy(lib, appCache.resolve(rename != null ? rename : lib.getFileName().toString()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception while copying native libs", e);
* Constructs this capsule's native dependency list.
* @return a list of native dependencies, each in the format {@code groupId:artifactId:version[:classifier][,renameTo]}
* (classifier and renameTo are optional).
protected List<String> getNativeDependencies() {
if (isWindows())
return getListAttribute(ATTR_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES_WIN);
if (isMac())
return getListAttribute(ATTR_NATIVE_DEPENDENCIES_MAC);
if (isUnix())
return null;
private List<String> getStrippedNativeDependencies() {
return stripNativeDependencies(getNativeDependencies());
private List<String> stripNativeDependencies(List<String> nativeDepsAndRename) {
if (nativeDepsAndRename == null)
return null;
final List<String> deps = new ArrayList<String>(nativeDepsAndRename.size());
for (String depAndRename : nativeDepsAndRename) {
String[] dna = depAndRename.split(",");
return deps;
private boolean hasRenamedNativeDependencies() {
final List<String> depsAndRename = getNativeDependencies();
if (depsAndRename == null)
return false;
for (String depAndRename : depsAndRename) {
if (depAndRename.contains(","))
return true;
return false;
private List<String> buildJVMArgs(List<String> cmdLine) {
final Map<String, String> jvmArgs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for (String option : buildJVMArgs())
addJvmArg(option, jvmArgs);
for (String option : nullToEmpty(split(System.getProperty(PROP_JVM_ARGS), " ")))
addJvmArg(option, jvmArgs);
// command line overrides everything
for (String option : cmdLine) {
if (!option.startsWith("-D") && !option.startsWith("-Xbootclasspath:"))
addJvmArg(option, jvmArgs);
return new ArrayList<String>(jvmArgs.values());
* Returns a list of JVM arguments.
protected List<String> buildJVMArgs() {
final Map<String, String> jvmArgs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for (String a : nullToEmpty(getListAttribute(ATTR_JVM_ARGS))) {
a = a.trim();
if (!a.isEmpty() && !a.startsWith("-Xbootclasspath:") && !a.startsWith("-javaagent:"))
addJvmArg(expand(a), jvmArgs);
return new ArrayList<String>(jvmArgs.values());
private static void addJvmArg(String a, Map<String, String> args) {
args.put(getJvmArgKey(a), a);
private static String getJvmArgKey(String a) {
if (a.equals("-client") || a.equals("-server"))
return "compiler";
if (a.equals("-enablesystemassertions") || a.equals("-esa")
|| a.equals("-disablesystemassertions") || a.equals("-dsa"))
return "systemassertions";
if (a.equals("-jre-restrict-search") || a.equals("-no-jre-restrict-search"))
return "-jre-restrict-search";
if (a.startsWith("-Xloggc:"))
return "-Xloggc";
if (a.startsWith("-Xss"))
return "-Xss";
if (a.startsWith("-Xmx"))
return "-Xmx";
if (a.startsWith("-Xms"))
return "-Xms";
if (a.startsWith("-XX:+") || a.startsWith("-XX:-"))
return "-XX:" + a.substring("-XX:+".length());
if (a.contains("="))
return a.substring(0, a.indexOf("="));
return a;
private List<String> buildJavaAgents() {
final Map<String, String> agents0 = getMapAttribute(ATTR_JAVA_AGENTS, "");
if (agents0 == null)
return null;
final List<String> agents = new ArrayList<String>(agents0.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> agent : agents0.entrySet()) {
final String agentJar = agent.getKey();
final String agentOptions = agent.getValue();
try {
final Path agentPath = getPath(agent.getKey());
agents.add(agentPath + ((agentOptions != null && !agentOptions.isEmpty()) ? "=" + agentOptions : ""));
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
if (appCache == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run the embedded Java agent " + agentJar + " when the " + ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
throw e;
return agents;
private String getMainClass(List<Path> classPath) {
try {
String mainClass = getAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS);
if (mainClass == null && hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT))
mainClass = getMainClass(classPath.get(0));
if (mainClass == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Jar " + classPath.get(0).toAbsolutePath() + " does not have a main class defined in the manifest.");
return mainClass;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private String getAppArtifact(List<String> args) {
String appArtifact = null;
if (isEmptyCapsule()) {
if (args == null)
return null;
appArtifact = getCommandLineArtifact(args);
if (appArtifact == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Capsule " + jarFile + " has nothing to run");
if (appArtifact == null)
appArtifact = getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT);
return appArtifact;
private String getCommandLineArtifact(List<String> args) {
if (!args.isEmpty())
return args.get(0);
return null;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Get Java Home">
/////////// Get Java Home ///////////////////////////////////
private Path javaHome_; // cached value
* The path to the Java installation this capsule's app will use.
protected final Path getJavaHome() {
if (javaHome_ == null) {
final Path jhome = chooseJavaHome();
this.javaHome_ = jhome != null ? jhome : Paths.get(System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_HOME));
return javaHome_;
* Chooses which Java installation to use for running the app.
* @return the path of the Java installation to use for launching the app, or {@code null} if the current JVM is to be used.
protected Path chooseJavaHome() {
Path jhome = System.getProperty(PROP_CAPSULE_JAVA_HOME) != null ? Paths.get(System.getProperty(PROP_CAPSULE_JAVA_HOME)) : null;
if (jhome == null && !isMatchingJavaVersion(System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_VERSION))) {
final boolean jdk = hasAttribute(ATTR_JDK_REQUIRED) && Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttribute(ATTR_JDK_REQUIRED));
jhome = findJavaHome(jdk);
if (jhome == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find Java installation for requested version "
+ '[' + "Min. Java version: " + getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION)
+ " JavaVersion: " + getAttribute(ATTR_JAVA_VERSION)
+ " Min. update version: " + getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_UPDATE_VERSION) + ']'
+ " (JDK required: " + jdk + ")"
+ ". You can override the used Java version with the -D" + PROP_CAPSULE_JAVA_HOME + " flag.");
return jhome != null ? jhome.toAbsolutePath() : jhome;
private Path findJavaHome(boolean jdk) {
Map<String, Path> homes = getJavaHomes();
if (jdk)
homes = getJDKs(homes);
if (homes == null)
return null;
Path best = null;
String bestVersion = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, Path> e : homes.entrySet()) {
final String v = e.getKey();
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Trying JVM: " + e.getValue() + " (version " + e.getKey() + ")");
if (isMatchingJavaVersion(v)) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "JVM " + e.getValue() + " (version " + e.getKey() + ") matches");
if (bestVersion == null || compareVersions(v, bestVersion) > 0) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "JVM " + e.getValue() + " (version " + e.getKey() + ") is best so far");
bestVersion = v;
best = e.getValue();
return best;
private boolean isMatchingJavaVersion(String javaVersion) {
try {
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION) && compareVersions(javaVersion, getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION)) < 0) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Java version " + javaVersion + " fails to match due to " + ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION + ": " + getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_JAVA_VERSION));
return false;
if (hasAttribute(ATTR_JAVA_VERSION) && compareVersions(javaVersion, shortJavaVersion(getAttribute(ATTR_JAVA_VERSION)), 3) > 0) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Java version " + javaVersion + " fails to match due to " + ATTR_JAVA_VERSION + ": " + getAttribute(ATTR_JAVA_VERSION));
return false;
if (getMinUpdateFor(javaVersion) > parseJavaVersion(javaVersion)[3]) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Java version " + javaVersion + " fails to match due to " + ATTR_MIN_UPDATE_VERSION + ": " + getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_UPDATE_VERSION) + " (" + getMinUpdateFor(javaVersion) + ")");
return false;
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Java version " + javaVersion + " matches");
return true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
log(LOG_VERBOSE, "Error parsing Java version " + javaVersion);
return false;
private int getMinUpdateFor(String version) {
final Map<String, String> m = getMapAttribute(ATTR_MIN_UPDATE_VERSION, null);
if (m == null)
return 0;
final int[] ver = parseJavaVersion(version);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : m.entrySet()) {
if (equals(ver, toInt(shortJavaVersion(entry.getKey()).split(SEPARATOR_DOT)), 3))
return Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue());
return 0;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="POM">
/////////// POM ///////////////////////////////////
private Object createPomReader(ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException {
final InputStream is = getEntry(zis, POM_FILE);
if (is == null)
return null;
try {
return new PomReader(is);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Jar " + jarFile
+ " contains a pom.xml file, while the necessary dependency management classes are not found in the jar");
private List<String> getPomRepositories() {
return ((PomReader) pom).getRepositories();
private List<String> getPomDependencies() {
return ((PomReader) pom).getDependencies();
private String getPomAppName() {
final PomReader pr = (PomReader) pom;
return pr.getGroupId() + "_" + pr.getArtifactId() + "_" + pr.getVersion();
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Dependency Manager">
/////////// Dependency Manager ///////////////////////////////////
private boolean needsDependencyManager() {
return hasAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT)
|| isEmptyCapsule()
|| getDependencies() != null
|| getStrippedNativeDependencies() != null;
private List<String> getRepositories() {
final List<String> repos = new ArrayList<String>();
final List<String> envRepos = split(System.getenv(ENV_CAPSULE_REPOS), "[,\\s]\\s*");
final List<String> attrRepos = getListAttribute(ATTR_REPOSITORIES);
if (envRepos != null)
if (attrRepos != null)
if (pom != null) {
for (String repo : nullToEmpty(getPomRepositories())) {
if (!repos.contains(repo))
return !repos.isEmpty() ? Collections.unmodifiableList(repos) : null;
private Object createDependencyManager(List<String> repositories) {
try {
final boolean reset = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(PROP_RESET, "false"));
final Path localRepo = getLocalRepo();
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Local repo: " + localRepo);
final boolean allowSnapshots = hasAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS) && Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS));
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Allow snapshots: " + allowSnapshots);
return new DependencyManagerImpl(localRepo.toAbsolutePath(), repositories, reset, allowSnapshots, logLevel);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Jar " + jarFile
+ " specifies dependencies, while the necessary dependency management classes are not found in the jar");
private Path getLocalRepo() {
Path localRepo = cacheDir.resolve(DEPS_CACHE_NAME);
final String local = expandCommandLinePath(propertyOrEnv(PROP_USE_LOCAL_REPO, ENV_CAPSULE_LOCAL_REPO));
if (local != null)
localRepo = !local.isEmpty() ? Paths.get(local) : null;
return localRepo;
private void printDependencyTree(String root, String type) {
final DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager) dependencyManager;
dm.printDependencyTree(root, type, System.out);
private void printDependencyTree(List<String> dependencies, String type) {
if (dependencies == null)
final DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager) dependencyManager;
dm.printDependencyTree(dependencies, type, System.out);
private List<Path> resolveDependencies(List<String> dependencies, String type) {
if (dependencies == null)
return null;
return ((DependencyManager) dependencyManager).resolveDependencies(dependencies, type);
private String getAppArtifactSpecificVersion(String appArtifact) {
return getArtifactLatestVersion(appArtifact, "jar");
private String getArtifactLatestVersion(String coords, String type) {
if (coords == null)
return null;
final DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager) dependencyManager;
return dm.getLatestVersion(coords, type);
private List<Path> resolveAppArtifact(String coords, String type) {
if (coords == null)
return null;
final DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager) dependencyManager;
return dm.resolveDependency(coords, type);
private static Path getDependencyPath(Object dependencyManager, String p) {
if (dependencyManager == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No dependencies specified in the capsule. Cannot resolve dependency " + p);
final DependencyManager dm = (DependencyManager) dependencyManager;
List<Path> depsJars = dm.resolveDependency(p, "jar");
if (depsJars == null || depsJars.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Dependency " + p + " was not found.");
return depsJars.iterator().next().toAbsolutePath();
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Attributes">
/////////// Attributes ///////////////////////////////////
* The methods in this section are the only ones accessing the manifest. Therefore other means of
* setting attributes can be added by changing these methods alone.
private void verifyNonModalAttributes() {
for (Map.Entry<String, Attributes> entry : manifest.getEntries().entrySet()) {
for (String attr : NON_MODAL_ATTRS) {
if (entry.getValue().containsKey(new Attributes.Name(attr)))
throw new IllegalStateException("Manifest section " + entry.getKey() + " contains non-modal attribute " + attr);
private boolean hasModalAttribute(String attr) {
final Attributes.Name key = new Attributes.Name(attr);
for (Map.Entry<String, Attributes> entry : manifest.getEntries().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().containsKey(key))
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasMode(String mode) {
return manifest.getAttributes(mode) != null;
* Returns the names of all modes defined in this capsule's manifest.
protected final Set<String> getModes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(manifest.getEntries().keySet());
* Returns the description of the given mode.
* @param mode
* @return the description of the given mode, or {@code null} if no description is found.
protected final String getModeDescription(String mode) {
return manifest.getAttributes(mode).getValue(ATTR_MODE_DESC);
* Returns the value of the given manifest attribute with consideration to the capsule's mode.
* @param attr the attribute
protected final String getAttribute(String attr) {
String value = null;
if (mode != null && !NON_MODAL_ATTRS.contains(attr))
value = manifest.getAttributes(mode).getValue(attr);
if (value == null)
value = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(attr);
return value;
* Tests whether the given attribute is found in the manifest.
* @param attr the attribute
protected final boolean hasAttribute(String attr) {
final Attributes.Name key = new Attributes.Name(attr);
if (mode != null && !NON_MODAL_ATTRS.contains(attr)) {
if (manifest.getAttributes(mode).containsKey(key))
return true;
return manifest.getMainAttributes().containsKey(new Attributes.Name(attr));
* Returns the value of the given attribute (with consideration to the capsule's mode) as a list.
* The items comprising attribute's value must be whitespace-separated.
* @param attr the attribute
protected final List<String> getListAttribute(String attr) {
return split(getAttribute(attr), "\\s+");
* Returns the value of the given attribute (with consideration to the capsule's mode) as a map.
* The key-value pairs comprising attribute's value must be whitespace-separated, with each pair written as <i>key</i>=<i>value</i>.
* @param attr the attribute
protected final Map<String, String> getMapAttribute(String attr, String defaultValue) {
return mapSplit(getAttribute(attr), '=', "\\s+", defaultValue);
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Dependency Utils">
/////////// Dependency Utils ///////////////////////////////////
private static boolean isDependency(String lib) {
return lib.contains(":");
private String dependencyToLocalJar(boolean withGroupId, String p) {
String[] coords = p.split(":");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (withGroupId)
if (coords.length > 3)
return sb.toString();
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Paths">
/////////// Paths ///////////////////////////////////
private Path getPath(String p) {
if (p == null)
return null;
if (isDependency(p) && dependencyManager != null)
return getDependencyPath(dependencyManager, p);
if (appCache == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
(isDependency(p) ? "Dependency manager not found. Cannot resolve" : "Capsule not extracted. Cannot obtain path")
+ " " + p);
if (isDependency(p)) {
Path f = appCache.resolve(dependencyToLocalJar(true, p));
if (Files.isRegularFile(f))
return f;
f = appCache.resolve(dependencyToLocalJar(false, p));
if (Files.isRegularFile(f))
return f;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dependency manager not found, and could not locate artifact " + p + " in capsule");
} else
return toAbsolutePath(appCache, p);
private List<Path> getPath(List<String> ps) {
if (ps == null)
return null;
final List<Path> res = new ArrayList<Path>(ps.size());
for (String p : ps)
return res;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="JAR Extraction">
/////////// JAR Extraction ///////////////////////////////////
private static void extractJar(JarInputStream jar, Path targetDir) throws IOException {
for (JarEntry entry; (entry = jar.getNextJarEntry()) != null;) {
if (entry.isDirectory() || !shouldExtractFile(entry.getName()))
writeFile(targetDir, entry.getName(), jar);
private static boolean shouldExtractFile(String fileName) {
if (fileName.equals(Capsule.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class")
|| (fileName.startsWith(Capsule.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + "$") && fileName.endsWith(".class")))
return false;
if (fileName.endsWith(".class"))
return false;
if (fileName.startsWith("capsule/"))
return false;
if (fileName.startsWith("META-INF/"))
return false;
return true;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Path Utils">
/////////// Path Utils ///////////////////////////////////
private Path path(String p, String... more) {
return cacheDir.getFileSystem().getPath(p, more);
private static Path relativeToRoot(Path p) {
return p != null ? p.getRoot().relativize(p) : null;
private List<Path> toPath(List<String> ps) {
if (ps == null)
return null;
final List<Path> aps = new ArrayList<Path>(ps.size());
for (String p : ps)
return aps;
private static List<Path> toAbsolutePath(Path root, List<String> ps) {
if (ps == null)
return null;
final List<Path> aps = new ArrayList<Path>(ps.size());
for (String p : ps)
aps.add(toAbsolutePath(root, p));
return aps;
private static Path toAbsolutePath(Path root, String p) {
return root.resolve(sanitize(p)).toAbsolutePath();
private static String sanitize(String path) {
if (path.startsWith("/") || path.startsWith("../") || path.contains("/../"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + path + " is not local");
return path;
private static String expandCommandLinePath(String str) {
if (str == null)
return null;
// if (isWindows())
// return str;
// else
return str.startsWith("~/") ? str.replace("~", System.getProperty(PROP_USER_HOME)) : str;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="OS">
/////////// OS ///////////////////////////////////
* Tests whether the current OS is Windows.
protected static final boolean isWindows() {
return System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME).toLowerCase().startsWith("windows");
* Tests whether the current OS is MacOS.
protected static final boolean isMac() {
return System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME).toLowerCase().startsWith("mac");
* Tests whether the current OS is UNIX/Linux.
protected static final boolean isUnix() {
return System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME).toLowerCase().contains("nux")
|| System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME).toLowerCase().contains("solaris")
|| System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME).toLowerCase().contains("aix");
private String getNativeLibExtension() {
if (isWindows())
return "dll";
if (isMac())
return "dylib";
if (isUnix())
return "so";
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported operating system: " + System.getProperty(PROP_OS_NAME));
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="JAR Utils">
/////////// JAR Utils ///////////////////////////////////
private static String getMainClass(Path jar) throws IOException {
return getMainClass(getManifest(jar));
private static String getMainClass(Manifest manifest) {
if (manifest == null)
return null;
return manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(ATTR_MAIN_CLASS);
private static Manifest getManifest(Path jar) throws IOException {
try (final JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(skipToZipStart(Files.newInputStream(jar)))) {
return jis.getManifest();
private static boolean hasEntry(Path jarFile, String name) throws IOException {
try (final JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(skipToZipStart(Files.newInputStream(jarFile)))) {
for (JarEntry entry; (entry = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null;) {
if (name.equals(entry.getName()))
return true;
return false;
private static int[] ZIP_HEADER = new int[]{'\n', 'P', 'K', 0x03, 0x04};
private static InputStream skipToZipStart(InputStream is) throws IOException {
if (!is.markSupported())
is = new BufferedInputStream(is);
int state = 1;
for (;;) {
if (state == 1)
final int b = is.read();
if (b < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a JAR/ZIP file");
if (b == ZIP_HEADER[state]) {
if (state == ZIP_HEADER.length)
} else {
state = 0;
if (b == ZIP_HEADER[state]) // consecutive '\n'
return is;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="File Utils">
/////////// File Utils ///////////////////////////////////
* Returns the contents of a directory
* @param dir the directory
protected static final List<Path> listDir(Path dir) {
final List<Path> list = new ArrayList<>();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) {
for (Path f : ds)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return list;
private static String getDirectory(String filename) {
final int index = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index < 0)
return null;
return filename.substring(0, index);
private static void writeFile(Path targetDir, String fileName, InputStream is) throws IOException {
final String dir = getDirectory(fileName);
if (dir != null)
final Path targetFile = targetDir.resolve(fileName);
Files.copy(is, targetFile);
// visible for testing
static void delete(Path file) throws IOException {
// not using FileWalker so as not to create another class
if (Files.isDirectory(file)) {
try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(file)) {
for (Path f : ds)
private static void ensureExecutable(Path file) {
if (!Files.isExecutable(file)) {
try {
Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(file);
if (!perms.contains(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE)) {
Set<PosixFilePermission> newPerms = EnumSet.copyOf(perms);
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file, newPerms);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="JRE Installations">
/////////// JRE Installations ///////////////////////////////////
private static Map<String, Path> getJDKs(Map<String, Path> homes) {
Map<String, Path> jdks = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Path> entry : homes.entrySet()) {
Path home = entry.getValue();
if (isJDK(home))
jdks.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return jdks.isEmpty() ? null : jdks;
private static boolean isJDK(Path javaHome) {
final String name = javaHome.toString().toLowerCase();
return name.contains("jdk") && !name.contains("jre");
* Returns all found Java installations.
* @return a map from installations' versions to their respective paths
protected static Map<String, Path> getJavaHomes() {
if (JAVA_HOMES != null)
return JAVA_HOMES;
Path dir = Paths.get(System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_HOME)).getParent();
while (dir != null) {
Map<String, Path> homes = getJavaHomes(dir);
if (homes != null) {
if (isWindows())
homes = windowsJavaHomesHeuristics(dir, homes);
JAVA_HOMES = homes;
return homes;
dir = dir.getParent();
return null;
private static Map<String, Path> windowsJavaHomesHeuristics(Path dir, Map<String, Path> homes) {
Path dir2 = null;
if (dir.startsWith(WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_1))
dir2 = WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_2.resolve(WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_1.relativize(dir));
else if (dir.startsWith(WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_2))
dir2 = WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_1.resolve(WINDOWS_PROGRAM_FILES_2.relativize(dir));
if (dir2 != null) {
Map<String, Path> allHomes = new HashMap<>(homes);
return allHomes;
} else
return homes;
private static Map<String, Path> getJavaHomes(Path dir) {
if (!Files.isDirectory(dir))
return null;
Map<String, Path> dirs = new HashMap<String, Path>();
for (Path f : listDir(dir)) {
if (Files.isDirectory(f)) {
String dirName = f.getFileName().toString();
String ver = isJavaDir(dirName);
if (ver != null) {
final Path home = searchJavaHomeInDir(f).toAbsolutePath();
if (home != null) {
if (parseJavaVersion(ver)[3] == 0)
ver = getActualJavaVersion(home);
dirs.put(ver, home);
return !dirs.isEmpty() ? dirs : null;
// visible for testing
static String isJavaDir(String fileName) {
fileName = fileName.toLowerCase();
if (fileName.startsWith("jdk") || fileName.startsWith("jre") || fileName.endsWith(".jdk") || fileName.endsWith(".jre")) {
if (fileName.startsWith("jdk") || fileName.startsWith("jre"))
fileName = fileName.substring(3);
if (fileName.endsWith(".jdk") || fileName.endsWith(".jre"))
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4);
return shortJavaVersion(fileName);
} else
return null;
private static Path searchJavaHomeInDir(Path dir) {
if (!Files.isDirectory(dir))
return null;
for (Path f : listDir(dir)) {
if (isJavaHome(f))
return f;
Path home = searchJavaHomeInDir(f);
if (home != null)
return home;
return null;
private static boolean isJavaHome(Path dir) {
if (Files.isDirectory(dir)) {
for (Path f : listDir(dir)) {
if (Files.isDirectory(f) && f.getFileName().toString().equals("bin")) {
for (Path f0 : listDir(f)) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(f0)) {
String fname = f0.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase();
if (fname.equals("java") || fname.equals("java.exe"))
return true;
return false;
private static Path getJavaProcessImage(Path javaHome) {
return javaHome.resolve("bin").resolve("java" + (isWindows() ? ".exe" : ""));
private static final Pattern PAT_JAVA_VERSION_LINE = Pattern.compile(".*?\"(.+?)\"");
private static String getActualJavaVersion(Path javaHome) {
try {
final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(getJavaProcessImage(javaHome).toString(), "-version");
if (javaHome != null)
pb.environment().put("JAVA_HOME", javaHome.toString());
final Process p = pb.start();
final String version;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()))) {
final String versionLine = reader.readLine();
final Matcher m = PAT_JAVA_VERSION_LINE.matcher(versionLine);
if (!m.matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse version line: " + versionLine);
version = m.group(1);
// p.waitFor();
return version;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Version Strings">
/////////// Version Strings ///////////////////////////////////
// visible for testing
static String shortJavaVersion(String v) {
try {
final String[] vs = v.split(SEPARATOR_DOT);
if (vs.length == 1) {
if (Integer.parseInt(vs[0]) < 5)
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized major Java version: " + v);
v = "1." + v + ".0";
if (vs.length == 2)
v += ".0";
return v;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
static final int compareVersions(String a, String b, int n) {
return compareVersions(parseJavaVersion(a), parseJavaVersion(b), n);
static final int compareVersions(String a, String b) {
return compareVersions(parseJavaVersion(a), parseJavaVersion(b));
private static int compareVersions(int[] a, int[] b) {
return compareVersions(a, b, 5);
private static int compareVersions(int[] a, int[] b, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return a[i] - b[i];
return 0;
private static boolean equals(int[] a, int[] b, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
private static final Pattern PAT_JAVA_VERSION = Pattern.compile("(?<major>\\d+)\\.(?<minor>\\d+)\\.(?<patch>\\d+)(_(?<update>\\d+))?(-(?<pre>[^-]+))?(-(?<build>.+))?");
// visible for testing
static int[] parseJavaVersion(String v) {
final Matcher m = PAT_JAVA_VERSION.matcher(v);
if (!m.matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse version: " + v);
final int[] ver = new int[5];
ver[0] = toInt(m.group("major"));
ver[1] = toInt(m.group("minor"));
ver[2] = toInt(m.group("patch"));
ver[3] = toInt(m.group("update"));
final String pre = m.group("pre");
if (pre != null) {
if (pre.startsWith("rc"))
ver[4] = -1;
else if (pre.startsWith("beta"))
ver[4] = -2;
else if (pre.startsWith("ea"))
ver[4] = -3;
return ver;
// visible for testing
static String toJavaVersionString(int[] version) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (version.length > 3 && version[3] > 0)
if (version.length > 4 && version[4] != 0) {
final String pre;
switch (version[4]) {
case -1:
pre = "rc";
case -2:
pre = "beta";
case -3:
pre = "ea";
pre = "?";
return sb.toString();
private static int toInt(String s) {
return s != null ? Integer.parseInt(s) : 0;
private static int[] toInt(String[] ss) {
int[] res = new int[ss.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++)
res[i] = ss[i] != null ? Integer.parseInt(ss[i]) : 0;
return res;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="String Expansion">
/////////// String Expansion ///////////////////////////////////
private List<String> expand(List<String> strs) {
if (strs == null)
return null;
final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(strs.size());
for (String s : strs)
return res;
* Expands occurrences of {@code $VARNAME} in attribute values.
* @param str the original string
* @return the expanded string
protected String expand(String str) {
if ("$0".equals(str))
return jarFile.toString();
if (appCache != null)
str = str.replaceAll("\\$" + VAR_CAPSULE_DIR, appCache.toAbsolutePath().toString());
else if (str.contains("$" + VAR_CAPSULE_DIR))
throw new IllegalStateException("The $" + VAR_CAPSULE_DIR + " variable cannot be expanded when the "
+ ATTR_EXTRACT + " attribute is set to false");
str = expandCommandLinePath(str);
assert appId != null;
str = str.replaceAll("\\$" + VAR_CAPSULE_APP, appId);
str = str.replaceAll("\\$" + VAR_CAPSULE_JAR, jarFile.toString());
str = str.replaceAll("\\$" + VAR_JAVA_HOME, getJavaHome().toString());
str = str.replace('/', FILE_SEPARATOR.charAt(0));
return str;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="String Utils">
/////////// String Utils ///////////////////////////////////
* Splits a string into a list using a regex separator
protected final static List<String> split(String str, String separator) {
if (str == null)
return null;
String[] es = str.split(separator);
final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(es.length);
for (String e : es) {
e = e.trim();
if (!e.isEmpty())
return list;
* Splits a string into a map
* @param map the string
* @param kvSeparator the character separating each key from its corresponding value
* @param separator a regex separator between key-value pairs
* @param defaultValue A default value to use for keys without a value, or {@code null} if such an event should throw an exception
* @return the map
protected final static Map<String, String> mapSplit(String map, char kvSeparator, String separator, String defaultValue) {
if (map == null)
return null;
Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
for (String entry : split(map, separator)) {
final String key = getBefore(entry, kvSeparator);
String value = getAfter(entry, kvSeparator);
if (value == null) {
if (defaultValue != null)
value = defaultValue;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element " + entry + " in \"" + map + "\" is not a key-value entry separated with " + kvSeparator + " and no default value provided");
m.put(key.trim(), value.trim());
return m;
* Joins a collections into a string, separating elements with the given separator string.
protected final static String join(Collection<?> coll, String separator) {
if (coll == null)
return null;
if (coll.isEmpty())
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object e : coll) {
if (e != null)
sb.delete(sb.length() - separator.length(), sb.length());
return sb.toString();
private static String getBefore(String s, char separator) {
final int i = s.indexOf(separator);
if (i < 0)
return s;
return s.substring(0, i);
private static String getAfter(String s, char separator) {
final int i = s.indexOf(separator);
if (i < 0)
return null;
return s.substring(i + 1);
// private static String globToRegex(String line) {
// line = line.trim();
// int strLen = line.length();
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strLen);
// // Remove beginning and ending * globs because they're useless
// if (line.startsWith("*")) {
// line = line.substring(1);
// strLen--;
// }
// if (line.endsWith("*")) {
// line = line.substring(0, strLen - 1);
// strLen--;
// }
// boolean escaping = false;
// int inCurlies = 0;
// for (char currentChar : line.toCharArray()) {
// switch (currentChar) {
// case '*':
// if (escaping)
// sb.append("\\*");
// else
// sb.append(".*");
// escaping = false;
// break;
// case '?':
// if (escaping)
// sb.append("\\?");
// else
// sb.append('.');
// escaping = false;
// break;
// case '.':
// case '(':
// case ')':
// case '+':
// case '|':
// case '^':
// case '$':
// case '@':
// case '%':
// sb.append('\\');
// sb.append(currentChar);
// escaping = false;
// break;
// case '\\':
// if (escaping) {
// sb.append("\\\\");
// escaping = false;
// } else
// escaping = true;
// break;
// case '{':
// if (escaping)
// sb.append("\\{");
// else {
// sb.append('(');
// inCurlies++;
// }
// escaping = false;
// break;
// case '}':
// if (inCurlies > 0 && !escaping) {
// sb.append(')');
// inCurlies--;
// } else if (escaping)
// sb.append("\\}");
// else
// sb.append("}");
// escaping = false;
// break;
// case ',':
// if (inCurlies > 0 && !escaping)
// sb.append('|');
// else if (escaping)
// sb.append("\\,");
// else
// sb.append(",");
// break;
// default:
// escaping = false;
// sb.append(currentChar);
// }
// }
// return sb.toString();
// }
private static String emptyToNull(String s) {
if (s == null)
return null;
s = s.trim();
return s.isEmpty() ? null : s;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Collection Utils">
/////////// Collection Utils ///////////////////////////////////
private static <T> List<T> nullToEmpty(List<T> list) {
if (list == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
return list;
private static <K, V> Map<K, V> nullToEmpty(Map<K, V> map) {
if (map == null)
return Collections.emptyMap();
return map;
private static <C extends Collection<T>, T> C addAllIfNotContained(C c, Collection<T> c1) {
for (T e : c1) {
if (!c.contains(e))
return c;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Misc Utils">
/////////// Misc Utils ///////////////////////////////////
private static boolean propertyDefined(String... props) {
for (String prop : props) {
if (System.getProperty(prop) != null)
return true;
return false;
private static String propertyOrEnv(String propName, String envVar) {
String val = System.getProperty(propName);
if (val == null)
val = emptyToNull(System.getenv(envVar));
return val;
// private static void setLibraryPath(String path) {
// try {
// System.setProperty("java.library.path", path);
// final java.lang.reflect.Field fieldSysPath = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sys_paths");
// fieldSysPath.setAccessible(true);
// fieldSysPath.set(null, null);
// } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
// throw new AssertionError(e);
// }
// }
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Logging">
/////////// Logging ///////////////////////////////////
* Chooses and returns the capsules log level.
protected int chooseLogLevel() {
String level = System.getProperty(PROP_LOG_LEVEL);
if (level == null)
level = getAttribute(ATTR_LOG_LEVEL);
int lvl = getLogLevel(level);
if (lvl < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized log level: " + level);
return lvl;
private static int getLogLevel(String level) {
if (level == null || level.isEmpty())
level = "QUIET";
switch (level.toUpperCase()) {
case "NONE":
return LOG_NONE;
case "QUIET":
return LOG_QUIET;
case "VERBOSE":
case "DEBUG":
return LOG_DEBUG;
return -1;
* Tests id the given log level is currently being logged
* @param level
protected final boolean isLogging(int level) {
return level <= logLevel;
private void println(String str) {
log(LOG_QUIET, str);
private void log(int level, String str) {
if (isLogging(level))
System.err.println(LOG_PREFIX + str);
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Pipe Streams (workaround for inheritIO bug)">
/////////// Pipe Streams (workaround for inheritIO bug) ///////////////////////////////////
private static boolean isInheritIoBug() {
return isWindows() && compareVersions(System.getProperty(PROP_JAVA_VERSION), "1.8.0") < 0;
private void pipeIoStreams() {
new Thread(this, "pipe-out").start();
new Thread(this, "pipe-err").start();
new Thread(this, "pipe-in").start();
* @deprecated marked deprecated to exclude from javadoc
public final void run() {
if (isInheritIoBug()) {
switch (Thread.currentThread().getName()) {
case "pipe-out":
pipe(child.getInputStream(), System.out);
case "pipe-err":
pipe(child.getErrorStream(), System.err);
case "pipe-in":
pipe(System.in, child.getOutputStream());
default: // shutdown hook
if (child != null)
private void pipe(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {
try (OutputStream out1 = out) {
int read;
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
while (-1 != (read = in.read(buf))) {
out.write(buf, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (isLogging(LOG_VERBOSE))
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="POSIX">
/////////// POSIX ///////////////////////////////////
private static int getPid(Process p) {
try {
java.lang.reflect.Field pidField = p.getClass().getDeclaredField("pid");
return pidField.getInt(p);
} catch (Exception e) {
return -1;
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Object Methods">
/////////// Object Methods ///////////////////////////////////
* Throws a {@link CloneNotSupportedException}
protected final Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public final int hashCode() {
int hash = 3;
hash = 47 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.jarFile);
hash = 47 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.mode);
return hash;
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final Capsule other = (Capsule) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(this.jarFile, other.jarFile))
return false;
if (!Objects.equals(this.mode, other.mode))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (appId != null) {
sb.append(", ").append(appId);
sb.append(getAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS) != null ? getAttribute(ATTR_APP_CLASS) : getAttribute(ATTR_APP_ARTIFACT));
} else
sb.append(", ").append("empty");
if (mode != null)
sb.append(", ").append("mode: ").append(mode);
return sb.toString();
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Capsule Loading and Launching">
/////////// Capsule Loading and Launching ///////////////////////////////////
// visible for testing
static Capsule newCapsule(Path jarFile, Path cacheDir) {
return (Capsule) newCapsule(jarFile, cacheDir, Capsule.class.getClassLoader());
private static Object newCapsule(Path jarFile, Path cacheDir, ClassLoader cl) {
try {
final String mainClassName = getMainClass(jarFile);
if (mainClassName != null) {
final Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(mainClassName);
if (isCapsuleClass(clazz)) {
final Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(Path.class, Path.class);
return ctor.newInstance(jarFile, cacheDir);
throw new RuntimeException(jarFile + " does not appear to be a valid capsule.");
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(jarFile + " does not appear to be a valid capsule.", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw rethrow(e.getTargetException());
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate capsule.", e);
private static ProcessBuilder launchCapsule(Path path, Path cacheDir, List<String> cmdLine, List<String> args) {
try {
final ClassLoader cl = (ClassLoader) createClassLoader(path);
final Object capsule = newCapsule(path, cacheDir, cl);
final Method launch = getMethod(capsule.getClass(), "prepareForLaunch", List.class, List.class);
if (launch != null)
return (ProcessBuilder) launch.invoke(capsule, cmdLine, args);
throw new RuntimeException(path + " does not appear to be a valid capsule.");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw rethrow(e.getTargetException());
private static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) t;
if (t instanceof Error)
throw (Error) t;
throw new RuntimeException(t);
private static boolean isCapsuleClass(Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz == null)
return false;
return Capsule.class.getName().equals(clazz.getName()) || isCapsuleClass(clazz.getSuperclass());
private static Object createClassLoader(Path path) throws IOException {
return new JarClassLoader(path, true); // new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{path.toUri().toURL()}); //
private static Method getMethod(Class<?> clazz, String name, Class<?>... paramTypes) {
try {
final Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(name, paramTypes);
return method;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return clazz.getSuperclass() != null ? getMethod(clazz.getSuperclass(), name, paramTypes) : null;