Package com.facebook.presto

Source Code of com.facebook.presto.AbstractTestQueries

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.presto;

import com.facebook.presto.connector.dual.DualMetadata;
import com.facebook.presto.connector.dual.DualSplitManager;
import com.facebook.presto.importer.MockPeriodicImportManager;
import com.facebook.presto.metadata.InMemoryNodeManager;
import com.facebook.presto.metadata.MetadataManager;
import com.facebook.presto.spi.ColumnMetadata;
import com.facebook.presto.spi.ConnectorSplitManager;
import com.facebook.presto.spi.ConnectorTableMetadata;
import com.facebook.presto.spi.RecordCursor;
import com.facebook.presto.spi.RecordSet;
import com.facebook.presto.split.SplitManager;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.QueryExplainer;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.Session;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.parser.SqlParser;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.PlanOptimizersFactory;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.optimizations.PlanOptimizer;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.ExplainType;
import com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata;
import com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo;
import com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult;
import com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedTuple;
import io.airlift.log.Logger;
import io.airlift.log.Logging;
import io.airlift.units.Duration;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.PreparedBatch;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.PreparedBatchPart;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.StatementContext;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.ResultSetMapper;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static com.facebook.presto.connector.informationSchema.InformationSchemaMetadata.INFORMATION_SCHEMA;
import static com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.Session.DEFAULT_CATALOG;
import static com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.Session.DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
import static com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.ExplainType.Type.DISTRIBUTED;
import static com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.ExplainType.Type.LOGICAL;
import static com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata.TPCH_LINEITEM_METADATA;
import static com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata.TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME;
import static com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata.TPCH_ORDERS_METADATA;
import static com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata.TPCH_ORDERS_NAME;
import static com.facebook.presto.tpch.TpchMetadata.TPCH_SCHEMA_NAME;
import static com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo.SINGLE_LONG;
import static com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo.Type.BOOLEAN;
import static com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo.Type.DOUBLE;
import static com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo.Type.FIXED_INT_64;
import static com.facebook.presto.tuple.TupleInfo.Type.VARIABLE_BINARY;
import static com.facebook.presto.util.InMemoryTpchBlocksProvider.readTpchRecords;
import static com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult.resultBuilder;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Collections.nCopies;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

public abstract class AbstractTestQueries
    private Handle handle;

    @Test void testSpecialFloatingPointValues()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT nan(), infinity(), -infinity()");
        MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(actual.getMaterializedTuples());
        assertEquals(tuple.getField(0), Double.NaN);
        assertEquals(tuple.getField(1), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
        assertEquals(tuple.getField(2), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

    public void testMaxMinStringWithNulls()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, MAX(NULLIF(orderstatus, 'O')), MIN(NULLIF(orderstatus, 'O')) FROM orders GROUP BY custkey");

    public void testApproxPercentile()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult raw = computeActual("SELECT orderstatus, orderkey, totalprice FROM ORDERS");

        Multimap<String, Long> orderKeyByStatus = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        Multimap<String, Double> totalPriceByStatus = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (MaterializedTuple tuple : raw.getMaterializedTuples()) {
            orderKeyByStatus.put((String) tuple.getField(0), (Long) tuple.getField(1));
            totalPriceByStatus.put((String) tuple.getField(0), (Double) tuple.getField(2));

        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderstatus, " +
                "   approx_percentile(orderkey, 0.5), " +
                "   approx_percentile(totalprice, 0.5)," +
                "   approx_percentile(orderkey, 2, 0.5)," +
                "   approx_percentile(totalprice, 2, 0.5)\n" +
                "FROM ORDERS\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        for (MaterializedTuple tuple : actual.getMaterializedTuples()) {
            String status = (String) tuple.getField(0);
            Long orderKey = (Long) tuple.getField(1);
            Double totalPrice = (Double) tuple.getField(2);
            Long orderKeyWeighted = (Long) tuple.getField(3);
            Double totalPriceWeighted = (Double) tuple.getField(4);

            List<Long> orderKeys = Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(orderKeyByStatus.get(status));
            List<Double> totalPrices = Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(totalPriceByStatus.get(status));

            // verify real rank of returned value is within 1% of requested rank
            assertTrue(orderKey >= orderKeys.get((int) (0.49 * orderKeys.size())));
            assertTrue(orderKey <= orderKeys.get((int) (0.51 * orderKeys.size())));

            assertTrue(orderKeyWeighted >= orderKeys.get((int) (0.49 * orderKeys.size())));
            assertTrue(orderKeyWeighted <= orderKeys.get((int) (0.51 * orderKeys.size())));

            assertTrue(totalPrice >= totalPrices.get((int) (0.49 * totalPrices.size())));
            assertTrue(totalPrice <= totalPrices.get((int) (0.51 * totalPrices.size())));

            assertTrue(totalPriceWeighted >= totalPrices.get((int) (0.49 * totalPrices.size())));
            assertTrue(totalPriceWeighted <= totalPrices.get((int) (0.51 * totalPrices.size())));

    public void testComplexQuery()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT sum(orderkey), row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "WHERE orderkey <= 10\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderkey\n" +
                "HAVING sum(orderkey) >= 3\n" +
                "ORDER BY orderkey DESC\n" +
                "LIMIT 3");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(SINGLE_LONG, SINGLE_LONG)
                .row(7, 5)
                .row(6, 4)
                .row(5, 3)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testWhereNull()
            throws Exception
        // This query is has this strange shape to force the compiler to leave a true on the stack
        // with the null flag set so if the filter method is not handling nulls correctly, this
        // query will fail
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey FROM orders WHERE custkey = custkey AND cast(nullif(custkey, custkey) as boolean) AND cast(nullif(custkey, custkey) as boolean)");

    public void testSumOfNulls()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderstatus, sum(CAST(NULL AS BIGINT)) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testApproximateCountDistinct()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT approx_distinct(custkey) FROM orders");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64)

        assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actual.getMaterializedTuples(), expected.getMaterializedTuples());

    public void testApproximateCountDistinctGroupBy()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderstatus, approx_distinct(custkey) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus");
        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(actual.getTupleInfos())
                .row("O", 969)
                .row("F", 964)
                .row("P", 301)

        assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actual.getMaterializedTuples(), expected.getMaterializedTuples());

    public void testCountBoolean()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(true) FROM orders");

    public void testJoinWithMultiFieldGroupBy()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderstatus FROM lineitem JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT orderkey, orderstatus FROM ORDERS) T on lineitem.orderkey = T.orderkey");

    public void testGroupByRepeatedField()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT sum(custkey) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus, orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByRepeatedField2()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM (select orderstatus a, orderstatus b FROM orders) GROUP BY a, b");

    public void testGroupByMultipleFieldsWithPredicateOnAggregationArgument()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, orderstatus, MAX(orderkey) FROM ORDERS WHERE orderkey = 1 GROUP BY custkey, orderstatus");

    public void testReorderOutputsOfGroupByAggregation()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT orderstatus, a, custkey, b FROM (SELECT custkey, orderstatus, -COUNT(*) a, MAX(orderkey) b FROM ORDERS WHERE orderkey = 1 GROUP BY custkey, orderstatus) T");

    public void testGroupAggregationOverNestedGroupByAggregation()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT sum(custkey), max(orderstatus), min(c) FROM (SELECT orderstatus, custkey, COUNT(*) c FROM ORDERS GROUP BY orderstatus, custkey) T");

    public void testDistinctMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT DISTINCT custkey, orderstatus FROM ORDERS");

    public void testDistinctJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.quantity), a.orderstatus " +
                "FROM orders a " +
                "JOIN lineitem b " +
                "ON a.orderkey = b.orderkey " +
                "GROUP BY a.orderstatus");

    public void testArithmeticNegation()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT -custkey FROM orders");

    public void testDistinct()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT DISTINCT custkey FROM orders");

    public void testDistinctGroupBy()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT clerk) as count, orderdate FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate ORDER BY count");

    public void testDistinctWindow()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual(
                "SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY orderdate ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT clerk)) rnk " +
                "FROM orders " +
                "GROUP BY orderdate, custkey " +
                "ORDER BY rnk " +
                "LIMIT 1");
        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64).row(1).build();
        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testDistinctWhere()
        throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT clerk) FROM orders WHERE LENGTH(clerk) > 5");

    public void testMultipleDifferentDistinct()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT orderstatus), SUM(DISTINCT custkey) FROM orders");

    public void testMultipleDistinct()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT custkey), SUM(DISTINCT custkey) FROM orders",
                "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(custkey) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT custkey FROM orders) t");

    public void testComplexDistinct()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT custkey), " +
                        "SUM(DISTINCT custkey), " +
                        "SUM(DISTINCT custkey + 1.0), " +
                        "AVG(DISTINCT custkey), " +
                        "VARIANCE(DISTINCT custkey) FROM orders",
                "SELECT COUNT(*), " +
                        "SUM(custkey), " +
                        "SUM(custkey + 1.0), " +
                        "AVG(custkey), " +
                        "VARIANCE(custkey) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT custkey FROM orders) t");

    public void testCountDistinct()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT custkey + 1) FROM orders", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT custkey + 1 FROM orders) t");

    public void testDistinctWithOrderBy()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT DISTINCT custkey FROM orders ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 10");

    @Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "For SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list")
    public void testDistinctWithOrderByNotInSelect()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT DISTINCT custkey FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10");

    public void testOrderByLimit()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT custkey, orderstatus FROM ORDERS ORDER BY orderkey DESC LIMIT 10");

    public void testOrderByExpressionWithLimit()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT custkey, orderstatus FROM ORDERS ORDER BY orderkey + 1 DESC LIMIT 10");

    public void testGroupByOrderByLimit()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT custkey, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey ORDER BY SUM(totalprice) DESC LIMIT 10");

    public void testLimitZero()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, totalprice FROM orders LIMIT 0");

    public void testRepeatedAggregations()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT SUM(orderkey), SUM(orderkey) FROM ORDERS");

    public void testRepeatedOutputs()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey a, orderkey b FROM ORDERS WHERE orderstatus = 'F'");

    public void testLimit()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfos());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);

    public void testAggregationWithLimit()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT custkey, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT custkey, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey", actual.getTupleInfos());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);

    public void testLimitInInlineView()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 100) T LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfos());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);

    public void testCountAll()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS");

    public void testCountColumn()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(orderkey) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(orderstatus) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(orderdate) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ORDERS");

        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F')) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(CAST(NULL AS BIGINT)) FROM ORDERS"); // todo: make COUNT(null) work

    public void testWildcard()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM ORDERS");

    public void testMultipleWildcards()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT *, 123, * FROM ORDERS");

    public void testMixedWildcards()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT *, orders.*, orderkey FROM orders");

    public void testQualifiedWildcardFromAlias()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT T.* FROM ORDERS T");

    public void testQualifiedWildcardFromInlineView()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT T.* FROM (SELECT orderkey + custkey FROM ORDERS) T");

    public void testQualifiedWildcard()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT ORDERS.* FROM ORDERS");

    public void testAverageAll()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT AVG(totalprice) FROM ORDERS");

    public void testVariance()
            throws Exception
        // int64
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(custkey) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

        // double
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(totalprice) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

    public void testVariancePop()
            throws Exception
        // int64
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(custkey) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

        // double
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(totalprice) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT VAR_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

    public void testStdDev()
            throws Exception
        // int64
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(custkey) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

        // double
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(totalprice) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_SAMP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

    public void testStdDevPop()
            throws Exception
        // int64
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(custkey) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(custkey) FROM (SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

        // double
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(totalprice) FROM ORDERS");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 2) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS ORDER BY totalprice LIMIT 1) T");
        assertQuery("SELECT STDDEV_POP(totalprice) FROM (SELECT totalprice FROM ORDERS LIMIT 0) T");

    public void testCountAllWithPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE orderstatus = 'F'");

    public void testGroupByNoAggregations()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey");

    public void testGroupByCount()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT orderstatus, COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY orderstatus",
                "SELECT orderstatus, CAST(COUNT(*) AS INTEGER) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus"

    public void testGroupByMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, orderstatus, COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey, orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByWithAlias()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT orderdate x, COUNT(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate",
                "SELECT orderdate x, CAST(COUNT(*) AS INTEGER) FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate"

    public void testGroupBySum()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderstatus, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByWithWildcard()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM orders) t GROUP BY orderkey");

    public void testCountAllWithComparison()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE tax < discount");

    public void testSelectWithComparison()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM lineitem WHERE tax < discount");

    public void testCountWithNotPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE NOT tax < discount");

    public void testCountWithNullPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE NULL");

    public void testCountWithIsNullPredicate()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F') IS NULL",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'F' "

    public void testCountWithIsNotNullPredicate()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F') IS NOT NULL",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE orderstatus <> 'F' "

    public void testCountWithNullIfPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F') = orderstatus ");

    public void testCountWithCoalescePredicate()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE COALESCE(NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F'), 'bar') = 'bar'",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'F'"

    public void testCountWithAndPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE tax < discount AND tax > 0.01 AND discount < 0.05");

    public void testCountWithOrPredicate()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE tax < 0.01 OR discount > 0.05");

    public void testCountWithInlineView()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM lineitem) x");

    public void testNestedCount()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT orderkey, COUNT(*) FROM lineitem GROUP BY orderkey) x");

    public void testAggregationWithProjection()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT sum(totalprice * 2) - sum(totalprice) FROM orders");

    public void testAggregationWithProjection2()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT sum(totalprice * 2) + sum(totalprice * 2) FROM orders");

    public void testInlineView()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey, custkey FROM (SELECT orderkey, custkey FROM ORDERS) U");

    public void testAliasedInInlineView()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT x, y FROM (SELECT orderkey x, custkey y FROM ORDERS) U");

    public void testInlineViewWithProjections()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT x + 1, y FROM (SELECT orderkey * 10 x, custkey y FROM ORDERS) u");

    public void testGroupByWithoutAggregation()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderstatus FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testHistogram()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT lines, COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT orderkey, COUNT(*) lines FROM lineitem GROUP BY orderkey) U GROUP BY lines");

    public void testSimpleJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = 2");

    public void testJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON orders.orderkey = 2");

    public void testSimpleJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = 2");

    public void testSimpleJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = 2");

    public void testJoinDoubleClauseWithLeftOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = orders.custkey");

    public void testJoinDoubleClauseWithRightOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = lineitem.partkey");

    public void testJoinWithAlias()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM (lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey) x");

    public void testJoinWithConstantExpression()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND 123 = 123");

    public void testJoinUsing()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem join orders using (orderkey)",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem join orders on lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey"

    public void testJoinWithReversedComparison()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON orders.orderkey = lineitem.orderkey");

    public void testJoinWithComplexExpressions()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT SUM(custkey) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = CAST(orders.orderkey AS BIGINT)");

    public void testJoinWithComplexExpressions2()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT SUM(custkey) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = CASE WHEN orders.custkey = 1 and orders.orderstatus = 'F' THEN orders.orderkey ELSE NULL END");

    public void testJoinWithComplexExpressions3()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT SUM(custkey) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey + 1 = orders.orderkey + 1",
                "SELECT SUM(custkey) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey "
                // H2 takes a million years because it can't join efficiently on a non-indexed field/expression

    public void testSelfJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders a JOIN orders b on a.orderkey = b.orderkey");

    public void testWildcardFromJoin()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT * FROM (select orderkey, partkey from lineitem) a join (select orderkey, custkey from orders) b using (orderkey)",
                "SELECT * FROM (select orderkey, partkey from lineitem) a join (select orderkey, custkey from orders) b on a.orderkey = b.orderkey"

    public void testQualifiedWildcardFromJoin()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT a.*, b.* FROM (select orderkey, partkey from lineitem) a join (select orderkey, custkey from orders) b using (orderkey)",
                "SELECT a.*, b.* FROM (select orderkey, partkey from lineitem) a join (select orderkey, custkey from orders) b on a.orderkey = b.orderkey"

    public void testJoinAggregations()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT x + y FROM (" +
                        "   SELECT orderdate, COUNT(*) x FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate) a JOIN (" +
                        "   SELECT orderdate, COUNT(*) y FROM orders GROUP BY orderdate) b ON a.orderdate = b.orderdate");

    public void testJoinOnMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.shipdate = orders.orderdate");

    public void testJoinUsingMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN (SELECT orderkey, orderdate shipdate FROM ORDERS) T USING (orderkey, shipdate)",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.shipdate = orders.orderdate"

    public void testJoinWithNonJoinExpression()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.custkey = 1");

    public void testJoinWithNullValues()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM lineitem\n" +
                "  WHERE partkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS lineitem \n" +
                "JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 2 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                "  WHERE custkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testLeftFilteredJoin()
            throws Exception
        // Test predicate move around
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, linestatus, tax, totalprice, orderstatus FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a JOIN orders ON a.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testRightFilteredJoin()
            throws Exception
        // Test predicate move around
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, linestatus, tax, totalprice, orderstatus FROM lineitem JOIN (SELECT *  FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a ON lineitem.orderkey = a.orderkey");

    public void testJoinWithFullyPushedDownJoinClause()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON orders.custkey = 1 AND lineitem.orderkey = 1");

    public void testJoinPredicateMoveAround()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND partkey % 2 = 0) lineitem\n" +
                "JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND custkey % 2 = 0) orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey % 8 = orders.orderkey % 8 AND lineitem.linenumber % 2 = 0\n" +
                "WHERE orders.custkey % 8 < 7 AND orders.custkey % 8 = lineitem.orderkey % 8 AND lineitem.suppkey % 7 > orders.custkey % 7");

    public void testSimpleLeftJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testLeftJoinNormalizedToInner()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey WHERE orders.orderkey IS NOT NULL");

    public void testLeftJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testLeftJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON orders.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testSimpleLeftJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = 2");

    public void testSimpleLeftJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = 2");

    public void testDoubleFilteredLeftJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) orders ON orders.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testDoubleFilteredLeftJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) orders ON lineitem.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testLeftJoinDoubleClauseWithLeftOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = orders.custkey");

    public void testLeftJoinDoubleClauseWithRightOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = lineitem.partkey");

    public void testBuildFilteredLeftJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM lineitem LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a ON lineitem.orderkey = a.orderkey");

    public void testProbeFilteredLeftJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a LEFT JOIN orders ON a.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testLeftJoinPredicateMoveAround()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND partkey % 2 = 0) lineitem\n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND custkey % 2 = 0) orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey % 8 = orders.orderkey % 8\n" +
                "WHERE (orders.custkey % 8 < 7 OR orders.custkey % 8 IS NULL) AND orders.custkey % 8 = lineitem.orderkey % 8");

    public void testLeftJoinEqualityInference()
            throws Exception
        // Test that we can infer orders.orderkey % 4 = orders.custkey % 3 on the inner side
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0 AND suppkey % 2 = partkey % 2 AND linenumber % 3 = orderkey % 3) lineitem\n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0) orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.linenumber % 3 = orders.orderkey % 4 AND lineitem.orderkey % 3 = orders.custkey % 3\n" +
                "WHERE lineitem.suppkey % 2 = lineitem.linenumber % 3");

    public void testLeftJoinWithNullValues()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM lineitem\n" +
                "  WHERE partkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS lineitem \n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 2 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                "  WHERE custkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testSimpleRightJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT OUTER JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testRightJoinNormalizedToInner()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey WHERE lineitem.orderkey IS NOT NULL");

    public void testRightJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testRightJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON orders.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testDoubleFilteredRightJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) orders ON orders.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testDoubleFilteredRightJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) lineitem RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 1024 = 0) orders ON lineitem.orderkey = 1024");

    public void testSimpleRightJoinWithLeftConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = 2");

    public void testSimpleRightJoinWithRightConstantEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = 2");

    public void testRightJoinDoubleClauseWithLeftOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND lineitem.orderkey = orders.custkey");

    public void testRightJoinDoubleClauseWithRightOverlap()
            throws Exception
        // Checks to make sure that we properly handle duplicate field references in join clauses
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN orders ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey AND orders.orderkey = lineitem.partkey");

    public void testBuildFilteredRightJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, linestatus, tax, totalprice, orderstatus FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a RIGHT JOIN orders ON a.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testProbeFilteredRightJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, linestatus, tax, totalprice, orderstatus FROM lineitem RIGHT JOIN (SELECT *  FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0) a ON lineitem.orderkey = a.orderkey");

    public void testRightJoinPredicateMoveAround()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND custkey % 2 = 0) orders\n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 16 = 0 AND partkey % 2 = 0) lineitem\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey % 8 = orders.orderkey % 8\n" +
                "WHERE (orders.custkey % 8 < 7 OR orders.custkey % 8 IS NULL) AND orders.custkey % 8 = lineitem.orderkey % 8");

    public void testRightJoinEqualityInference()
            throws Exception
        // Test that we can infer orders.orderkey % 4 = orders.custkey % 3 on the inner side
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0) orders\n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0 AND suppkey % 2 = partkey % 2 AND linenumber % 3 = orderkey % 3) lineitem\n" +
                "ON lineitem.linenumber % 3 = orders.orderkey % 4 AND lineitem.orderkey % 3 = orders.custkey % 3\n" +
                "WHERE lineitem.suppkey % 2 = lineitem.linenumber % 3");

    public void testRightJoinWithNullValues()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT lineitem.orderkey, orders.orderkey\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM lineitem\n" +
                "  WHERE partkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS lineitem \n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 2 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                "  WHERE custkey % 512 = 0\n" +
                ") AS orders\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey");

    public void testOrderBy()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderstatus");

    public void testOrderBy2()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey DESC");

    public void testOrderByMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY custkey DESC, orderstatus");

    public void testOrderByWithNulls()
            throws Exception
        // nulls first
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS FIRST, custkey ASC");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) DESC NULLS FIRST, custkey ASC");

        // nulls last
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) DESC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC");

        // assure that default is nulls last
                "SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC, custkey ASC",
                "SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC");

    public void testOrderByAlias()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderstatus x FROM orders ORDER BY x ASC");

    public void testOrderByAliasWithSameNameAsUnselectedColumn()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderstatus orderdate FROM orders ORDER BY orderdate ASC");

    public void testOrderByOrdinal()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderstatus, orderdate FROM orders ORDER BY 2, 1");

    public void testOrderByOrdinalWithWildcard()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY 1");

    public void testGroupByOrdinal()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT orderstatus, sum(totalprice) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT orderstatus, sum(totalprice) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testGroupBySearchedCase()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END");

                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END");

    public void testGroupBySearchedCaseNoElse()
            throws Exception
        // whole CASE in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' END");

                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'O' THEN 'a' END");

        assertQuery("SELECT CASE WHEN true THEN orderstatus END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByCase()
            throws Exception
        // whole CASE in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END");

                "SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END");

        // operand in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        // condition in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE 'O' WHEN orderstatus THEN 'a' ELSE 'b' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        // 'then' in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN orderstatus ELSE 'x' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        // 'else' in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'x' ELSE orderstatus END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByCaseNoElse()
            throws Exception
        // whole CASE in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' END");

        // operand in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        // condition in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE 'O' WHEN orderstatus THEN 'a' END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        // 'then' in group by clause
        assertQuery("SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN orderstatus END, count(*)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

    public void testGroupByCast()
            throws Exception
        // whole CAST in group by expression
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR)");

                "SELECT CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR)");

        // argument in group by expression
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

    public void testGroupByCoalesce()
            throws Exception
        // whole COALESCE in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT COALESCE(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY COALESCE(orderkey, custkey)");

                "SELECT COALESCE(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT COALESCE(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY COALESCE(orderkey, custkey)"

        // operands in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT COALESCE(orderkey, 1), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

        // operands in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT COALESCE(1, orderkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

    public void testGroupByNullIf()
            throws Exception
        // whole NULLIF in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT NULLIF(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY NULLIF(orderkey, custkey)");

                "SELECT NULLIF(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT NULLIF(orderkey, custkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY NULLIF(orderkey, custkey)");

        // first operand in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT NULLIF(orderkey, 1), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

        // second operand in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT NULLIF(1, orderkey), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

    public void testGroupByExtract()
            throws Exception
        // whole expression in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now()), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now())");

                "SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now()), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now()), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now())");

        // argument in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM now()), count(*) FROM orders GROUP BY now()");

    public void testGroupByBetween()
            throws Exception
        // whole expression in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey BETWEEN 1 AND 100 FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey BETWEEN 1 AND 100 ");

        // expression in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey BETWEEN 1 AND 100 AS BIGINT) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

        // min in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(50 BETWEEN orderkey AND 100 AS BIGINT) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

        // max in group by
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(50 BETWEEN 1 AND orderkey AS BIGINT) FROM orders GROUP BY orderkey");

    public void testHaving()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderstatus, sum(totalprice) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus HAVING orderstatus = 'O'");

    public void testHaving2()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, sum(orderkey) FROM orders GROUP BY custkey HAVING sum(orderkey) > 400000");

    public void testHaving3()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, sum(totalprice) * 2 FROM orders GROUP BY custkey");
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, avg(totalprice + 5) FROM orders GROUP BY custkey");
        assertQuery("SELECT custkey, sum(totalprice) * 2 FROM orders GROUP BY custkey HAVING avg(totalprice + 5) > 10");

    public void testGroupByAsJoinProbe()
            throws Exception
        // we join on customer key instead of order key because
        // orders is effectively distributed on order key due the
        // generated data being sorted
        assertQuery("SELECT " +
                "  b.orderkey, " +
                "  b.custkey, " +
                "  a.custkey " +
                "FROM ( " +
                "  SELECT custkey" +
                "  FROM orders " +
                "  GROUP BY custkey" +
                ") a " +
                "JOIN orders b " +
                "  ON a.custkey = b.custkey ");

    public void testColumnAliases()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT x, T.y, z + 1 FROM (SELECT custkey, orderstatus, totalprice FROM orders) T (x, y, z)",
                "SELECT custkey, orderstatus, totalprice + 1 FROM orders");

    public void testSameInputToAggregates()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT max(a), max(b) FROM (SELECT custkey a, custkey b FROM orders) x");

    public void testWindowFunctionsExpressions()
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, orderstatus\n" +
                ", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey * 2) *\n" +
                "  row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey DESC) + 100\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) x\n" +
                "ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, VARIABLE_BINARY, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(1, "O", (1 * 10) + 100)
                .row(2, "O", (2 * 9) + 100)
                .row(3, "F", (3 * 8) + 100)
                .row(4, "O", (4 * 7) + 100)
                .row(5, "F", (5 * 6) + 100)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testWindowFunctionsFromAggregate()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT * FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT orderstatus, clerk, sales\n" +
                "  , rank() OVER (PARTITION BY x.orderstatus ORDER BY sales DESC) rnk\n" +
                "  FROM (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderstatus, clerk, sum(totalprice) sales\n" +
                "    FROM orders\n" +
                "    GROUP BY orderstatus, clerk\n" +
                "   ) x\n" +
                ") x\n" +
                "WHERE rnk <= 2\n" +
                "ORDER BY orderstatus, rnk");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(VARIABLE_BINARY, VARIABLE_BINARY, DOUBLE, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row("F", "Clerk#000000090", 2784836.61, 1)
                .row("F", "Clerk#000000084", 2674447.15, 2)
                .row("O", "Clerk#000000500", 2569878.29, 1)
                .row("O", "Clerk#000000050", 2500162.92, 2)
                .row("P", "Clerk#000000071", 841820.99, 1)
                .row("P", "Clerk#000001000", 643679.49, 2)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testOrderByWindowFunction()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                "ORDER BY 2 DESC\n" +
                "LIMIT 5");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(34, 10)
                .row(33, 9)
                .row(32, 8)
                .row(7, 7)
                .row(6, 6)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testOrderByWindowFunctionWithNulls()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual;
        MaterializedResult expected;

        // Nulls first
        actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) NULLS FIRST)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                "ORDER BY 2 ASC\n" +
                "LIMIT 5");

        expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(3, 1)
                .row(1, 2)
                .row(2, 3)
                .row(4, 4)
                .row(5, 5)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

        // Nulls last
        actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) NULLS LAST)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                "ORDER BY 2 DESC\n" +
                "LIMIT 5");

        expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(3, 10)
                .row(34, 9)
                .row(33, 8)
                .row(32, 7)
                .row(7, 6)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

        // and nulls last should be the default
        actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3))\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                "ORDER BY 2 DESC\n" +
                "LIMIT 5");

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testScalarFunction()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT SUBSTR('Quadratically', 5, 6) FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    public void testCast()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST('1' AS BIGINT) FROM orders");
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(totalprice AS BIGINT) FROM orders");
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey AS DOUBLE) FROM orders");
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey AS VARCHAR) FROM orders");
        assertQuery("SELECT CAST(orderkey AS BOOLEAN) FROM orders");

    public void testConcatOperator()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT '12' || '34' FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    public void testQuotedIdentifiers()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT \"TOTALPRICE\" \"my price\" FROM \"ORDERS\"");

    @Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = ".*orderkey_1.*")
    public void testInvalidColumn()
            throws Exception
        computeActual("select * from lineitem l join (select orderkey_1, custkey from orders) o on l.orderkey = o.orderkey_1");

    public void testUnaliasedSubqueries()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM orders)");

    public void testUnaliasedSubqueries1()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT a FROM (SELECT orderkey a FROM orders)");

    public void testJoinUnaliasedSubqueries()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM lineitem) join (SELECT * FROM orders) using (orderkey)",
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem join orders on lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey"

    public void testWith()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM orders) " +
                "SELECT * FROM a",
                "SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testWithQualifiedPrefix()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (SELECT 123 FROM orders LIMIT 1)" +
                "SELECT a.* FROM a",
                "SELECT 123 FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    public void testWithAliased()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM orders) " +
                "SELECT * FROM a x",
                "SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testReferenceToWithQueryInFromClause()
            throws Exception
                "WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM orders)" +
                        "SELECT * FROM (" +
                        "   SELECT * FROM a" +
                "SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testWithChaining()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (SELECT orderkey n FROM orders)\n" +
                ", b AS (SELECT n + 1 n FROM a)\n" +
                ", c AS (SELECT n + 1 n FROM b)\n" +
                "SELECT n + 1 FROM c",
                "SELECT orderkey + 3 FROM orders");

    public void testWithSelfJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH x AS (SELECT DISTINCT orderkey FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                "SELECT count(*) FROM x a JOIN x b USING (orderkey)", "" +
                "SELECT count(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT DISTINCT orderkey FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) a\n" +
                "JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT orderkey FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) b ON a.orderkey = b.orderkey");

    public void testWithNestedSubqueries()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (\n" +
                "  WITH aa AS (SELECT 123 x FROM orders LIMIT 1)\n" +
                "  SELECT x y FROM aa\n" +
                "), b AS (\n" +
                "  WITH bb AS (\n" +
                "    WITH bbb AS (SELECT y FROM a)\n" +
                "    SELECT bbb.* FROM bbb\n" +
                "  )\n" +
                "  SELECT y z FROM bb\n" +
                ")\n" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  WITH q AS (SELECT z w FROM b)\n" +
                "  SELECT j.*, k.*\n" +
                "  FROM a j\n" +
                "  JOIN q k ON (j.y = k.w)\n" +
                ") t", "" +
                "SELECT 123, 123 FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    @Test(enabled = false)
    public void testWithColumnAliasing()
            throws Exception
                "WITH a (id) AS (SELECT 123 FROM orders LIMIT 1) SELECT * FROM a",
                "SELECT 123 FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    public void testWithHiding()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "WITH a AS (SELECT custkey FROM orders), " +
                "     b AS (" +
                "         WITH a AS (SELECT orderkey FROM orders)" +
                "         SELECT * FROM a" + // should refer to inner 'a'
                "    )" +
                "SELECT * FROM b",
                "SELECT orderkey FROM orders"

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Recursive WITH queries are not supported")
    public void testWithRecursive()
            throws Exception
        computeActual("WITH RECURSIVE a AS (SELECT 123 FROM dual) SELECT * FROM a");

    public void testCaseNoElse()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey, CASE orderstatus WHEN 'O' THEN 'a' END FROM orders");

    public void testIfExpression()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT sum(IF(orderstatus = 'F', totalprice, 0.0)) FROM orders",
                "SELECT sum(CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'F' THEN totalprice ELSE 0.0 END) FROM orders");
                "SELECT sum(IF(orderstatus = 'Z', totalprice)) FROM orders",
                "SELECT sum(CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'Z' THEN totalprice END) FROM orders");
                "SELECT sum(IF(orderstatus = 'F', NULL, totalprice)) FROM orders",
                "SELECT sum(CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'F' THEN NULL ELSE totalprice END) FROM orders");
                "SELECT IF(orderstatus = 'Z', orderkey / 0, orderkey) FROM orders",
                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderstatus = 'Z' THEN orderkey / 0 ELSE orderkey END FROM orders");
                "SELECT sum(IF(NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F') <> 'F', totalprice, 5.1)) FROM orders",
                "SELECT sum(CASE WHEN NULLIF(orderstatus, 'F') <> 'F' THEN totalprice ELSE 5.1 END) FROM orders");

    public void testIn()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders WHERE orderkey IN (1, 2, 3)");
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders WHERE orderkey IN (1.5, 2.3)");
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders WHERE totalprice IN (1, 2, 3)");

    public void testGroupByIf()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT IF(orderkey between 1 and 5, 'orders', 'others'), sum(totalprice) FROM orders GROUP BY 1",
                "SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey BETWEEN 1 AND 5 THEN 'orders' ELSE 'others' END, sum(totalprice)\n" +
                        "FROM orders\n" +
                        "GROUP BY CASE WHEN orderkey BETWEEN 1 AND 5 THEN 'orders' ELSE 'others' END");

    public void testDuplicateFields()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT * FROM (SELECT orderkey, orderkey FROM orders)",
                "SELECT orderkey, orderkey FROM orders");

    public void testWildcardFromSubquery()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM (SELECT orderkey X FROM orders)");

    public void testCaseInsensitiveOutputAliasInOrderBy()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey X FROM orders ORDER BY x");

    public void testCaseInsensitiveAttribute()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT x FROM (SELECT orderkey X FROM orders)");

    public void testCaseInsensitiveAliasedRelation()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT A.* FROM orders a");

    public void testSubqueryBody()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("(SELECT orderkey, custkey FROM ORDERS)");

    public void testSubqueryBodyOrderLimit()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("(SELECT orderkey AS a, custkey AS b FROM ORDERS) ORDER BY a LIMIT 1");

    public void testSubqueryBodyProjectedOrderby()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("(SELECT orderkey, custkey FROM ORDERS) ORDER BY orderkey * -1");

    public void testSubqueryBodyDoubleOrderby()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("(SELECT orderkey, custkey FROM ORDERS ORDER BY custkey) ORDER BY orderkey");

    public void testNodeRoster()
            throws Exception
        List<MaterializedTuple> result = computeActual("SELECT * FROM sys.node").getMaterializedTuples();
        assertEquals(result.size(), getNodeCount());

    public void testDual()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SELECT * FROM dual");
        List<MaterializedTuple> tuples = result.getMaterializedTuples();
        assertEquals(tuples.size(), 1);

    public void testDefaultExplainTextFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testDefaultExplainGraphvizFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (FORMAT GRAPHVIZ) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getGraphvizExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testLogicalExplain()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE LOGICAL) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testLogicalExplainTextFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE LOGICAL, FORMAT TEXT) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testLogicalExplainGraphvizFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE LOGICAL, FORMAT GRAPHVIZ) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getGraphvizExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testDistributedExplain()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, DISTRIBUTED));

    public void testDistributedExplainTextFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED, FORMAT TEXT) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, DISTRIBUTED));

    public void testDistributedExplainGraphvizFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED, FORMAT GRAPHVIZ) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getGraphvizExplainPlan(query, DISTRIBUTED));

    public void testExplainOfExplain()
        String query = "EXPLAIN SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getExplainPlan(query, LOGICAL));

    public void testShowSchemas()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW SCHEMAS");
        ImmutableSet<String> schemaNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(schemaNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_SCHEMA_NAME, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, "sys"));

    public void testShowSchemasFrom()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual(String.format("SHOW SCHEMAS FROM %s", TpchMetadata.TPCH_CATALOG_NAME));
        ImmutableSet<String> schemaNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(schemaNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_SCHEMA_NAME, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, "sys"));

    public void testShowTables()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));

    public void testShowTablesFrom()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM DEFAULT");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));

        result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM TPCH.DEFAULT");
        tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));

        result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM UNKNOWN");
        tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of());

    public void testShowTablesLike()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'or%'");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME));

    public void testShowColumns()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SHOW COLUMNS FROM orders");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(VARIABLE_BINARY, VARIABLE_BINARY, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN)
                .row("orderkey", "bigint", true, false)
                .row("custkey", "bigint", true, false)
                .row("orderstatus", "varchar", true, false)
                .row("totalprice", "double", true, false)
                .row("orderdate", "varchar", true, false)
                .row("orderpriority", "varchar", true, false)
                .row("clerk", "varchar", true, false)
                .row("shippriority", "bigint", true, false)
                .row("comment", "varchar", true, false)

        assertEquals(actual, expected);

    public void testShowPartitions()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM orders");
        // table is not partitioned
        // TODO: add a partitioned table for tests and test where/order/limit
        assertEquals(result.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 0);

    public void testShowFunctions()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW FUNCTIONS");
        ImmutableMultimap<String, MaterializedTuple> functions = Multimaps.index(result.getMaterializedTuples(), new Function<MaterializedTuple, String>()
            public String apply(MaterializedTuple input)
                assertEquals(input.getFieldCount(), 5);
                return (String) input.getField(0);

        assertTrue(functions.containsKey("avg"), "Expected function names " + functions + " to contain 'avg'");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().size(), 2);
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(0).getField(1), "double");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(0).getField(2), "bigint");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(0).getField(3), "aggregate");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(1).getField(1), "double");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(1).getField(2), "double");
        assertEquals(functions.get("avg").asList().get(0).getField(3), "aggregate");

        assertTrue(functions.containsKey("abs"), "Expected function names " + functions + " to contain 'abs'");
        assertEquals(functions.get("abs").asList().get(0).getField(3), "scalar");

        assertTrue(functions.containsKey("rand"), "Expected function names " + functions + " to contain 'rand'");
        assertEquals(functions.get("rand").asList().get(0).getField(3), "scalar (non-deterministic)");

        assertTrue(functions.containsKey("rank"), "Expected function names " + functions + " to contain 'rank'");
        assertEquals(functions.get("rank").asList().get(0).getField(3), "window");

        assertTrue(functions.containsKey("rank"), "Expected function names " + functions + " to contain 'split_part'");
        assertEquals(functions.get("split_part").asList().get(0).getField(1), "varchar");
        assertEquals(functions.get("split_part").asList().get(0).getField(2), "varchar, varchar, bigint");
        assertEquals(functions.get("split_part").asList().get(0).getField(3), "scalar");

    public void testNoFrom()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT 1 + 2, 3 + 4", "SELECT 1 + 2, 3 + 4 FROM orders LIMIT 1");

    public void testTopNByMultipleFields()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey ASC, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey ASC, custkey DESC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey DESC, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey DESC, custkey DESC LIMIT 10");

        // now try with order by fields swapped
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY custkey ASC, orderkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY custkey ASC, orderkey DESC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY custkey DESC, orderkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY custkey DESC, orderkey DESC LIMIT 10");

        // nulls first
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS FIRST, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) DESC NULLS FIRST, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");

        // nulls last
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) DESC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");

        // assure that default is nulls last
                "SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC, custkey ASC LIMIT 10",
                "SELECT orderkey, custkey, orderstatus FROM orders ORDER BY nullif(orderkey, 3) ASC NULLS LAST, custkey ASC LIMIT 10");

    public void testUnion()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders UNION SELECT custkey FROM orders");

    public void testUnionDistinct()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders UNION DISTINCT SELECT custkey FROM orders");

    public void testUnionAll()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT orderkey FROM orders UNION ALL SELECT custkey FROM orders");

    public void testChainedUnionsWithOrder()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT orderkey FROM orders UNION (SELECT custkey FROM orders UNION SELECT linenumber FROM lineitem) UNION ALL SELECT orderkey FROM lineitem ORDER BY orderkey");

    public void testSubqueryUnion()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT * FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM orders UNION SELECT custkey FROM orders UNION SELECT orderkey FROM orders) ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 1000");

    public void testSelectOnlyUnion()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT 123, 'foo' UNION ALL SELECT 999, 'bar'");

    public void testMultiColumnUnionAll()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT * FROM orders UNION ALL SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testTableQuery()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("TABLE orders", "SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testTableQueryOrderLimit()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("TABLE orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10", "SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10", true);

    public void testTableQueryInUnion()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("(SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) UNION ALL TABLE orders", "(SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM orders");

    public void testTableAsSubquery()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("(TABLE orders) ORDER BY orderkey", "(SELECT * FROM orders) ORDER BY orderkey", true);

    public void testLimitPushDown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual(
                "(TABLE orders ORDER BY orderkey) UNION ALL " +
                        "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'F' UNION ALL " +
                        "(TABLE orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 20) UNION ALL " +
                        "(TABLE orders LIMIT 5) UNION ALL " +
                        "TABLE orders LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT * FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfos());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);

    public void testOrderLimitCompaction()
            throws Exception
        assertQueryOrdered("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey) LIMIT 10");

    public void testUnaliasSymbolReferencesWithUnion()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT 1, 1, 'a', 'a' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 2, 'a', 'b'");

    public void testCrossJoins()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT a.custkey, b.orderkey " +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) a " +
                "CROSS JOIN (SELECT * FROM lineitem ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) b");

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Implicit cross joins are not yet supported; use CROSS JOIN")
    public void testImplicitCrossJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) a, " +
                "(SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) b, " +
                "(SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) c ");

    public void testJoinOnConstantExpression()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) a " +
                "   JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5) b " +
                "   ON 123 = 123");

    public void testSemiJoin()
            throws Exception
        // Throw in a bunch of IN subquery predicates
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *, o2.custkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE orderkey % 5 = 0)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE custkey % 256 = 0) o1\n" +
                "JOIN (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE custkey % 256 = 0) o2\n" +
                "  ON (o1.orderkey IN (SELECT orderkey FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0)) = (o2.orderkey IN (SELECT orderkey FROM lineitem WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0))\n" +
                "WHERE o1.orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE orderkey % 4 = 0)\n" +
                "ORDER BY o1.orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE orderkey % 7 = 0)");
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE partkey % 4 = 0),\n" +
                "  SUM(\n" +
                "    CASE\n" +
                "      WHEN orderkey\n" +
                "        IN (\n" +
                "          SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "          FROM lineitem\n" +
                "          WHERE suppkey % 4 = 0)\n" +
                "      THEN 1\n" +
                "      ELSE 0\n" +
                "      END)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE partkey % 4 = 0)\n" +
                "HAVING SUM(\n" +
                "  CASE\n" +
                "    WHEN orderkey\n" +
                "      IN (\n" +
                "        SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "        FROM lineitem\n" +
                "        WHERE suppkey % 4 = 0)\n" +
                "      THEN 1\n" +
                "      ELSE 0\n" +
                "      END) > 1");

    public void testAntiJoin()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *, orderkey\n" +
                "  NOT IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE orderkey % 3 = 0)\n" +
                "FROM orders");

    public void testSemiJoinLimitPushDown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0)\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                "  LIMIT 10)");

    public void testSemiJoinNullHandling()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem)\n" +
                "FROM orders");
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM orders)");
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 4 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END AS orderkey\n" +
                "  FROM orders)");

    public void testPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT orderkey+1 as a FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'F' UNION ALL \n" +
                "  SELECT orderkey FROM orders WHERE orderkey % 2 = 0 UNION ALL \n" +
                "  (SELECT orderkey+custkey FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10)\n" +
                ") \n" +
                "WHERE a < 20 OR a > 100 \n" +
                "ORDER BY a");

    public void testJoinPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM lineitem \n" +
                "JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE orders.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND lineitem.suppkey > orders.orderkey");

    public void testLeftJoinAsInnerPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM lineitem \n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE orders.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.custkey IS NULL)");

    public void testPlainLeftJoinPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM lineitem \n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE lineitem.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.orderkey IS NULL)");

    public void testLeftJoinPredicatePushdownWithSelfEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM lineitem \n" +
                "LEFT JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE orders.orderkey = orders.orderkey\n" +
                "  AND lineitem.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.orderkey IS NULL)");

    public void testRightJoinAsInnerPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders\n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN lineitem\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE orders.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.custkey IS NULL)");

    public void testPlainRightJoinPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN lineitem\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE lineitem.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.orderkey IS NULL)");

    public void testRightJoinPredicatePushdownWithSelfEquality()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orders.orderkey % 2 = 0\n" +
                ") orders \n" +
                "RIGHT JOIN lineitem\n" +
                "ON lineitem.orderkey = orders.orderkey \n" +
                "WHERE orders.orderkey = orders.orderkey\n" +
                "  AND lineitem.orderkey % 4 = 0\n" +
                "  AND (lineitem.suppkey % 2 = orders.orderkey % 2 OR orders.orderkey IS NULL)");

    public void testPredicatePushdownJoinEqualityGroups()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT custkey custkey1, custkey%4 custkey1a, custkey%8 custkey1b, custkey%16 custkey1c\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                ") orders1 \n" +
                "JOIN (\n" +
                "  SELECT custkey custkey2, custkey%4 custkey2a, custkey%8 custkey2b\n" +
                "  FROM orders\n" +
                ") orders2 ON orders1.custkey1 = orders2.custkey2\n" +
                "WHERE custkey2a = custkey2b\n" +
                "  AND custkey1 = custkey1a\n" +
                "  AND custkey2 = custkey2a\n" +
                "  AND custkey1a = custkey1c\n" +
                "  AND custkey1b = custkey1c\n" +
                "  AND custkey1b % 2 = 0");

    public void testGroupByKeyPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT *\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT custkey1, orderstatus1, SUM(totalprice1) totalprice, MAX(custkey2) maxcustkey\n" +
                "  FROM (\n" +
                "    SELECT *\n" +
                "    FROM (\n" +
                "      SELECT custkey custkey1, orderstatus orderstatus1, CAST(totalprice AS BIGINT) totalprice1, orderkey orderkey1\n" +
                "      FROM orders\n" +
                "    ) orders1 \n" +
                "    JOIN (\n" +
                "      SELECT custkey custkey2, orderstatus orderstatus2, CAST(totalprice AS BIGINT) totalprice2, orderkey orderkey2\n" +
                "      FROM orders\n" +
                "    ) orders2 ON orders1.orderkey1 = orders2.orderkey2\n" +
                "  ) \n" +
                "  GROUP BY custkey1, orderstatus1\n" +
                ")\n" +
                "WHERE custkey1 = maxcustkey\n" +
                "AND maxcustkey % 2 = 0 \n" +
                "AND orderstatus1 = 'F'\n" +
                "AND totalprice > 10000\n" +
                "ORDER BY custkey1, orderstatus1, totalprice, maxcustkey");

    public void testNonDeterministicJoinPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult materializedResult = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT DISTINCT *\n" +
                "  FROM (\n" +
                "    SELECT 'abc' as col1a, 500 as col1b FROM lineitem limit 1\n" +
                "  ) table1\n" +
                "  JOIN (\n" +
                "    SELECT 'abc' as col2a FROM lineitem limit 1000000\n" +
                "  ) table2\n" +
                "  ON table1.col1a = table2.col2a\n" +
                "  WHERE rand() * 1000 > table1.col1b\n" +
        MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(materializedResult.getMaterializedTuples());
        Assert.assertEquals(tuple.getFieldCount(), 1);
        long count = (Long) tuple.getField(0);
        // Technically non-deterministic unit test but has essentially a next to impossible chance of a false positive
        Assert.assertTrue(count > 0 && count < 1000000);

    public void testTrivialNonDeterministicPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dual WHERE rand() >= 0");

    public void testNonDeterministicTableScanPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult materializedResult = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT *\n" +
                "  FROM lineitem\n" +
                "  LIMIT 1000\n" +
                ")\n" +
                "WHERE rand() > 0.5");
        MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(materializedResult.getMaterializedTuples());
        Assert.assertEquals(tuple.getFieldCount(), 1);
        long count = (Long) tuple.getField(0);
        // Technically non-deterministic unit test but has essentially a next to impossible chance of a false positive
        Assert.assertTrue(count > 0 && count < 1000);

    public void testNonDeterministicAggregationPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult materializedResult = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT orderkey, COUNT(*)\n" +
                "  FROM lineitem\n" +
                "  GROUP BY orderkey\n" +
                "  LIMIT 1000\n" +
                ")\n" +
                "WHERE rand() > 0.5");
        MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(materializedResult.getMaterializedTuples());
        Assert.assertEquals(tuple.getFieldCount(), 1);
        long count = (Long) tuple.getField(0);
        // Technically non-deterministic unit test but has essentially a next to impossible chance of a false positive
        Assert.assertTrue(count > 0 && count < 1000);

    public void testSemiJoinPredicateMoveAround()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders WHERE custkey % 2 = 0 AND orderkey % 3 = 0)\n" +
                "WHERE orderkey\n" +
                "  IN (\n" +
                "    SELECT CASE WHEN orderkey % 7 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE orderkey END\n" +
                "    FROM lineitem\n" +
                "    WHERE partkey % 2 = 0)\n" +
                "  AND\n" +
                "    orderkey % 2 = 0");

    public void testTableSampleBernoulliBoundaryValues()
            throws Exception

        MaterializedResult fullSample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI (100)");
        MaterializedResult emptySample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI (0)");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM orders", fullSample.getTupleInfos());

        assertEquals(emptySample.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 0);

    public void testTableSampleBernoulli()
            throws Exception
        DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();

        int total = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM orders", ImmutableList.of(SINGLE_LONG)).getMaterializedTuples().size();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            List<MaterializedTuple> values = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI (50)").getMaterializedTuples();

            assertEquals(values.size(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(values).size(), "TABLESAMPLE produced duplicate rows");
            stats.addValue(values.size() * 1.0 / total);

        double mean = stats.getGeometricMean();
        assertTrue(mean > 0.45 && mean < 0.55, String.format("Expected mean sampling rate to be ~0.5, but was %s", mean));

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "\\QUnexpected parameters (bigint) for function length. Expected: length(varchar)\\E")
    public void testFunctionNotRegistered()
        computeActual("SELECT length(1)");

    @Test(expectedExceptions = RuntimeException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Types are not comparable with '<>': bigint vs varchar")
    public void testTypeMismatch()
        computeActual("SELECT 1 <> 'x'");

    public void testTimeLiterals()
            throws Exception
                "SELECT TIME '3:04', TIMESTAMP '1960-01-22 3:04', DATE '2013-03-22', INTERVAL '123' DAY\n",
                "SELECT " +
                        MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()) + ",  " +
                        MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(new DateTime(1960, 1, 22, 3, 4, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()) + ",  " +
                        MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(new DateTime(2013, 3, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()) + ",  " +

    public void testNonReservedTimeWords()
            throws Exception
        assertQuery("" +
                "FROM (SELECT 1 TIME, 2 TIMESTAMP, 3 DATE, 4 INTERVAL)");

    @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
    public void setupDatabase()
            throws Exception

        handle ="jdbc:h2:mem:test" + System.nanoTime());

        RecordSet ordersRecords = readTpchRecords(TPCH_ORDERS_METADATA);
        handle.execute("CREATE TABLE orders (\n" +
                "  orderkey BIGINT PRIMARY KEY,\n" +
                "  custkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderstatus CHAR(1) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  totalprice DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderdate CHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderpriority CHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  clerk CHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  shippriority BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  comment VARCHAR(79) NOT NULL\n" +
        insertRows(TPCH_ORDERS_METADATA, handle, ordersRecords);

        RecordSet lineItemRecords = readTpchRecords(TPCH_LINEITEM_METADATA);
        handle.execute("CREATE TABLE lineitem (\n" +
                "  orderkey BIGINT,\n" +
                "  partkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  suppkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  linenumber BIGINT,\n" +
                "  quantity BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  extendedprice DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  discount DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  tax DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  returnflag CHAR(1) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  linestatus CHAR(1) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  shipdate CHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  commitdate CHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  receiptdate CHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  shipinstruct VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  shipmode VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  comment VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  PRIMARY KEY (orderkey, linenumber)" +
        insertRows(TPCH_LINEITEM_METADATA, handle, lineItemRecords);

        setUpQueryFramework(TpchMetadata.TPCH_CATALOG_NAME, TpchMetadata.TPCH_SCHEMA_NAME);

    @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true)
    public void cleanupDatabase()
            throws Exception

    protected abstract int getNodeCount();

    protected abstract void setUpQueryFramework(String catalog, String schema)
            throws Exception;

    protected void tearDownQueryFramework()
            throws Exception

    protected abstract MaterializedResult computeActual(@Language("SQL") String sql);

    protected void assertQuery(@Language("SQL") String sql)
            throws Exception
        assertQuery(sql, sql, false);

    private void assertQueryOrdered(@Language("SQL") String sql)
            throws Exception
        assertQuery(sql, sql, true);

    protected void assertQuery(@Language("SQL") String actual, @Language("SQL") String expected)
            throws Exception
        assertQuery(actual, expected, false);

    protected void assertQueryOrdered(@Language("SQL") String actual, @Language("SQL") String expected)
            throws Exception
        assertQuery(actual, expected, true);

    private static final Logger log = Logger.get(AbstractTestQueries.class);

    private void assertQuery(@Language("SQL") String actual, @Language("SQL") String expected, boolean ensureOrdering)
            throws Exception
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        MaterializedResult actualResults = computeActual(actual);"FINISHED in %s", Duration.nanosSince(start));

        MaterializedResult expectedResults = computeExpected(expected, actualResults.getTupleInfos());

        if (ensureOrdering) {
            assertEquals(actualResults.getMaterializedTuples(), expectedResults.getMaterializedTuples());
        else {
            assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualResults.getMaterializedTuples(), expectedResults.getMaterializedTuples());

    public static void assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(Iterable<?> actual, Iterable<?> expected)
        assertNotNull(actual, "actual is null");
        assertNotNull(expected, "expected is null");

        ImmutableMultiset<?> actualSet = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(actual);
        ImmutableMultiset<?> expectedSet = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(expected);
        if (!actualSet.equals(expectedSet)) {
            fail(format("not equal\nActual %s rows:\n    %s\nExpected %s rows:\n    %s\n",
                    Joiner.on("\n    ").join(Iterables.limit(actualSet, 100)),
                    Joiner.on("\n    ").join(Iterables.limit(expectedSet, 100))));

    private MaterializedResult computeExpected(@Language("SQL") final String sql, List<TupleInfo> resultTupleInfos)
        return new MaterializedResult(

    private static ResultSetMapper<MaterializedTuple> tupleMapper(final List<TupleInfo> tupleInfos)
        return new ResultSetMapper<MaterializedTuple>()
            public MaterializedTuple map(int index, ResultSet resultSet, StatementContext ctx)
                    throws SQLException
                int count = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
                checkArgument(tupleInfos.size() == count, "tuple info does not match result");
                List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(count);
                for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
                    TupleInfo.Type type = tupleInfos.get(i - 1).getType();
                    switch (type) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            boolean booleanValue = resultSet.getBoolean(i);
                            if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
                            else {
                        case FIXED_INT_64:
                            long longValue = resultSet.getLong(i);
                            if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
                            else {
                        case DOUBLE:
                            double doubleValue = resultSet.getDouble(i);
                            if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
                            else {
                        case VARIABLE_BINARY:
                            String value = resultSet.getString(i);
                            if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
                            else {
                            throw new AssertionError("unhandled type: " + type);
                return new MaterializedTuple(MaterializedResult.DEFAULT_PRECISION, row);

    private static void insertRows(ConnectorTableMetadata tableMetadata, Handle handle, RecordSet data)
        String vars = Joiner.on(',').join(nCopies(tableMetadata.getColumns().size(), "?"));
        String sql = format("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)", tableMetadata.getTable().getTableName(), vars);

        RecordCursor cursor = data.cursor();
        while (true) {
            // insert 1000 rows at a time
            PreparedBatch batch = handle.prepareBatch(sql);
            for (int row = 0; row < 1000; row++) {
                if (!cursor.advanceNextPosition()) {
                PreparedBatchPart part = batch.add();
                for (int column = 0; column < tableMetadata.getColumns().size(); column++) {
                    ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = tableMetadata.getColumns().get(column);
                    switch (columnMetadata.getType()) {
                        case BOOLEAN:
                            part.bind(column, cursor.getBoolean(column));
                        case LONG:
                            part.bind(column, cursor.getLong(column));
                        case DOUBLE:
                            part.bind(column, cursor.getDouble(column));
                        case STRING:
                            part.bind(column, new String(cursor.getString(column), UTF_8));

    protected Function<MaterializedTuple, String> onlyColumnGetter()
        return new Function<MaterializedTuple, String>()
            public String apply(MaterializedTuple input)
                assertEquals(input.getFieldCount(), 1);
                return (String) input.getField(0);

    private static String getExplainPlan(String query, ExplainType.Type planType)
        QueryExplainer explainer = getQueryExplainer();
        return explainer.getPlan(SqlParser.createStatement(query), planType);

    private static String getGraphvizExplainPlan(String query, ExplainType.Type planType)
        QueryExplainer explainer = getQueryExplainer();
        return explainer.getGraphvizPlan(SqlParser.createStatement(query), planType);

    private static QueryExplainer getQueryExplainer()
        Session session = new Session("user", "test", DEFAULT_CATALOG, DEFAULT_SCHEMA, null, null);
        MetadataManager metadata = new MetadataManager();
        metadata.addInternalSchemaMetadata(MetadataManager.INTERNAL_CONNECTOR_ID, new DualMetadata());
        SplitManager splitManager = new SplitManager(ImmutableSet.<ConnectorSplitManager>of(new DualSplitManager(new InMemoryNodeManager())));
        List<PlanOptimizer> optimizers = new PlanOptimizersFactory(metadata, splitManager).get();
        return new QueryExplainer(session, optimizers, metadata, new MockPeriodicImportManager(), new MockStorageManager());

Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.AbstractTestQueries

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