Package com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan

Source Code of com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan.NStreamQueryPlanBuilder

* Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved.                            *
*                                                          *
*                                                           *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license       *
* a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file.  *
package com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan;

import com.espertech.esper.client.EventType;
import com.espertech.esper.collection.NumberSetPermutationEnumeration;
import com.espertech.esper.collection.NumberSetShiftGroupEnumeration;
import com.espertech.esper.collection.Pair;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprNodeUtility;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.base.HistoricalViewableDesc;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.table.HistoricalStreamIndexList;
import com.espertech.esper.util.DependencyGraph;
import com.espertech.esper.util.JavaClassHelper;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.*;

2 Stream query strategy/execution tree
(stream 0)         Lookup in stream 1
(stream 1)         Lookup in stream 0

* ------ Example 1   a 3 table join
*          " where = " +
            "   and =";

=> Index propery names for each stream
    for stream 0 to 4 = "id"

=> join order, ie.
    for stream 0 = {1, 2}
    for stream 1 = {factor [0,2]}
    for stream 2 = {1, 0}

=> IndexKeyGen optionalIndexKeyGen, created by nested query plan nodes

3 Stream query strategy
(stream 0)          Nested iteration
    Lookup in stream 1        Lookup in stream 2

(stream 1)         Factor
    Lookup in stream 0        Lookup in stream 2

(stream 2)         Nested iteration
    Lookup in stream 1        Lookup in stream 0

* ------ Example 2  a 4 table join
*          " where = " +
            "   and =";
            "   and =";

=> join order, ie.
    for stream 0 = {1, 2, 3}
    for stream 1 = {factor [0,2], use 2 for 3}
    for stream 2 = {factor [1,3], use 1 for 0}
    for stream 3 = {2, 1, 0}

concepts... nested iteration, inner loop

select * from s1, s2, s3, s4 where and and

(stream 0)              Nested iteration
    Lookup in stream 1        Lookup in stream 2        Lookup in stream 3

(stream 1)              Factor
lookup in stream 0                 Nested iteration
                          Lookup in stream 2        Lookup in stream 3

(stream 2)              Factor
lookup in stream 3                 Nested iteration
                          Lookup in stream 1        Lookup in stream 0

(stream 3)              Nested iteration
    Lookup in stream 2        Lookup in stream 1        Lookup in stream 0

* ------ Example 4  a 4 table join, orphan table
*          " where = " +
            "   and ="; (no table D join criteria)

* ------ Example 5  a 3 table join with 2 indexes for stream B
*          " where streamA.A1 = streamB.B1 " +
            "   and streamB.B2 = streamC.C1"; (no table D join criteria)

* Builds a query plan for 3 or more streams in a join.
public class NStreamQueryPlanBuilder
     * Build a query plan based on the stream property relationships indicated in queryGraph.
     * @param queryGraph - navigation info between streams
     * @param typesPerStream - event types for each stream
     * @param dependencyGraph - dependencies between historical streams
     * @param historicalStreamIndexLists - index management, populated for the query plan
     * @return query plan
    protected static QueryPlan build(QueryGraph queryGraph,
                                     EventType[] typesPerStream,
                                     HistoricalViewableDesc historicalViewableDesc,
                                     DependencyGraph dependencyGraph,
                                     HistoricalStreamIndexList[] historicalStreamIndexLists,
                                     boolean hasForceNestedIter,
                                     String[][][] indexedStreamsUniqueProps)
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug(".build queryGraph=" + queryGraph);

        int numStreams = queryGraph.getNumStreams();
        QueryPlanIndex[] indexSpecs = QueryPlanIndexBuilder.buildIndexSpec(queryGraph, typesPerStream, indexedStreamsUniqueProps);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug(".build Index build completed, indexes=" + QueryPlanIndex.print(indexSpecs));

        // any historical streams don't get indexes, the lookup strategy accounts for cached indexes
        if (historicalViewableDesc.isHasHistorical())
            for (int i = 0; i < historicalViewableDesc.getHistorical().length; i++)
                if (historicalViewableDesc.getHistorical()[i])
                    indexSpecs[i] = null;

        QueryPlanNode[] planNodeSpecs = new QueryPlanNode[numStreams];
        int worstDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int streamNo = 0; streamNo < numStreams; streamNo++)
            // no plan for historical streams that are dependent upon other streams
            if ((historicalViewableDesc.getHistorical()[streamNo]) && (dependencyGraph.hasDependency(streamNo)))
                planNodeSpecs[streamNo] = new QueryPlanNodeNoOp();

            BestChainResult bestChainResult = computeBestPath(streamNo, queryGraph, dependencyGraph);
            int[] bestChain = bestChainResult.getChain();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug(".build For stream " + streamNo + " bestChain=" + Arrays.toString(bestChain));

            if (bestChainResult.depth < worstDepth) {
                worstDepth = bestChainResult.depth;

            planNodeSpecs[streamNo] = createStreamPlan(streamNo, bestChain, queryGraph, indexSpecs, typesPerStream, historicalViewableDesc.getHistorical(), historicalStreamIndexLists);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug(".build spec=" + planNodeSpecs[streamNo]);

        // We use the merge/nested (outer) join algorithm instead.
        if ((worstDepth < numStreams - 1) && (!hasForceNestedIter)) {
            return null;
        return new QueryPlan(indexSpecs, planNodeSpecs);

     * Walks the chain of lookups and constructs lookup strategy and plan specification based
     * on the index specifications.
     * @param lookupStream - the stream to construct the query plan for
     * @param bestChain - the chain that the lookup follows to make best use of indexes
     * @param queryGraph - the repository for key properties to indexes
     * @param indexSpecsPerStream - specifications of indexes
     * @param typesPerStream - event types for each stream
     * @param isHistorical - indicator for each stream if it is a historical streams or not
     * @param historicalStreamIndexLists - index management, populated for the query plan
     * @return NestedIterationNode with lookups attached underneath
    protected static QueryPlanNode createStreamPlan(int lookupStream, int[] bestChain, QueryGraph queryGraph,
                                                    QueryPlanIndex[] indexSpecsPerStream, EventType[] typesPerStream,
                                                    boolean[] isHistorical, HistoricalStreamIndexList[] historicalStreamIndexLists)
        NestedIterationNode nestedIterNode = new NestedIterationNode(bestChain);
        int currentLookupStream = lookupStream;

        // Walk through each successive lookup
        for (int i = 0; i < bestChain.length; i++)
            int indexedStream = bestChain[i];

            QueryPlanNode node;
            if (isHistorical[indexedStream])
                if (historicalStreamIndexLists[indexedStream] == null)
                    historicalStreamIndexLists[indexedStream] = new HistoricalStreamIndexList(indexedStream, typesPerStream, queryGraph);
                node = new HistoricalDataPlanNode(indexedStream, lookupStream, currentLookupStream, typesPerStream.length, null);
                TableLookupPlan tableLookupPlan = createLookupPlan(queryGraph, currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexSpecsPerStream[indexedStream], typesPerStream);
                node = new TableLookupNode(tableLookupPlan);

            currentLookupStream = bestChain[i];

        return nestedIterNode;

     * Create the table lookup plan for a from-stream to look up in an indexed stream
     * using the columns supplied in the query graph and looking at the actual indexes available
     * and their index number.
     * @param queryGraph - contains properties joining the 2 streams
     * @param currentLookupStream - stream to use key values from
     * @param indexedStream - stream to look up in
     * @param indexSpecs - index specification defining indexes to be created for stream
     * @param typesPerStream - event types for each stream
     * @return plan for performing a lookup in a given table using one of the indexes supplied
    protected static TableLookupPlan createLookupPlan(QueryGraph queryGraph, int currentLookupStream, int indexedStream,
                                               QueryPlanIndex indexSpecs, EventType[] typesPerStream)
        QueryGraphValue queryGraphValue = queryGraph.getGraphValue(currentLookupStream, indexedStream);
        QueryGraphValuePairHashKeyIndex hashKeyProps = queryGraphValue.getHashKeyProps();
        List<QueryGraphValueEntryHashKeyed> hashKeyPropsKeys = hashKeyProps.getKeys();
        String[] hashIndexProps = hashKeyProps.getIndexed();

        QueryGraphValuePairRangeIndex rangeProps = queryGraphValue.getRangeProps();
        List<QueryGraphValueEntryRange> rangePropsKeys = rangeProps.getKeys();
        String[] rangeIndexProps = rangeProps.getIndexed();

        Pair<String, int[]> pairIndexHashRewrite = indexSpecs.getIndexNum(hashIndexProps, rangeIndexProps);
        String indexNum = pairIndexHashRewrite == null ? null : pairIndexHashRewrite.getFirst();

        // handle index redirection towards unique index
        if (pairIndexHashRewrite != null && pairIndexHashRewrite.getSecond() != null) {
            int[] indexes = pairIndexHashRewrite.getSecond();
            String[] newHashIndexProps = new String[indexes.length];
            List<QueryGraphValueEntryHashKeyed> newHashKeys = new ArrayList<QueryGraphValueEntryHashKeyed>();
            for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
                newHashIndexProps[i] = hashIndexProps[indexes[i]];
            hashIndexProps = newHashIndexProps;
            hashKeyPropsKeys = newHashKeys;
            rangeIndexProps = new String[0];
            rangePropsKeys = Collections.emptyList();

        // full table scan - no lookups
        if (hashIndexProps.length == 0 && rangeIndexProps.length == 0) {

            QueryGraphValuePairInKWSingleIdx singles = queryGraphValue.getInKeywordSingles();
            if (!singles.getKey().isEmpty()) {
                QueryGraphValueEntryInKeywordSingleIdx single = singles.getKey().get(0);
                Pair<String, int[]> pairIndex = indexSpecs.getIndexNum(new String[]{singles.getIndexed()[0]}, null);
                if (pairIndex != null) {
                    return new InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, pairIndex.getFirst(), single.getKeyExprs());

            List<QueryGraphValuePairInKWMultiIdx> multis = queryGraphValue.getInKeywordMulti();
            if (!multis.isEmpty()) {
                QueryGraphValuePairInKWMultiIdx multi = multis.get(0);
                String[] indexNameArray = new String[multi.getIndexed().length];
                boolean foundAll = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < multi.getIndexed().length; i++) {
                    String indexedText = ExprNodeUtility.toExpressionStringMinPrecedence(multi.getIndexed()[i]);
                    Pair<String, int[]> pairIndex = indexSpecs.getIndexNum(new String[]{indexedText}, null);
                    if (pairIndex == null) {
                        foundAll = false;
                    else {
                        indexNameArray[i] = pairIndex.getFirst();
                if (foundAll) {
                    return new InKeywordTableLookupPlanMultiIdx(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNameArray, multi.getKey().getKeyExpr());

            // We don't use a keyed index but use the full stream set as the stream does not have any indexes

            // If no such full set index exists yet, add to specs
            if (indexNum == null)
                indexNum = indexSpecs.addIndex(null, null);
            return new FullTableScanLookupPlan(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNum);

        if (indexNum == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to query plan as index for " + Arrays.toString(hashIndexProps) + " and " + Arrays.toString(rangeIndexProps) + " in the index specification");

        // straight keyed-index lookup
        if (hashIndexProps.length > 0 && rangeIndexProps.length == 0)
            // Constructed keyed lookup strategy
            List<QueryGraphValueEntryHashKeyed> hashKeys = hashKeyPropsKeys;

            TableLookupPlan tableLookupPlan;
            if (hashKeys.size() == 1) {
                tableLookupPlan = new IndexedTableLookupPlanSingle(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNum, hashKeys.get(0));
            else {
                tableLookupPlan = new IndexedTableLookupPlanMulti(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNum, hashKeys);

            // Determine coercion required
            CoercionDesc coercionTypes = CoercionUtil.getCoercionTypesHash(typesPerStream, currentLookupStream, indexedStream, hashKeys, hashIndexProps);
            if (coercionTypes.isCoerce())
                // check if there already are coercion types for this index
                Class[] existCoercionTypes = indexSpecs.getCoercionTypes(hashIndexProps);
                if (existCoercionTypes != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < existCoercionTypes.length; i++)
                        coercionTypes.getCoercionTypes()[i] = JavaClassHelper.getCompareToCoercionType(existCoercionTypes[i], coercionTypes.getCoercionTypes()[i]);
                indexSpecs.setCoercionTypes(hashIndexProps, coercionTypes.getCoercionTypes());

            return tableLookupPlan;

        // sorted index lookup
        if (hashIndexProps.length == 0 && rangeIndexProps.length == 1) {
            QueryGraphValueEntryRange range = rangePropsKeys.get(0);
            return new SortedTableLookupPlan(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNum, range);
        // composite range and index lookup
        else {
            List<QueryGraphValueEntryHashKeyed> hashKeys = hashKeyPropsKeys;
            return new CompositeTableLookupPlan(currentLookupStream, indexedStream, indexNum, hashKeys, rangePropsKeys);

     * Compute a best chain or path for lookups to take for the lookup stream passed in and the query
     * property relationships.
     * The method runs through all possible permutations of lookup path {@link NumberSetPermutationEnumeration}
     * until a path is found in which all streams can be accessed via an index.
     * If not such path is found, the method returns the path with the greatest depth, ie. where
     * the first one or more streams are index accesses.
     * If no depth other then zero is found, returns the default nesting order.
     * @param lookupStream - stream to start look up
     * @param queryGraph - navigability between streams
     * @param dependencyGraph - dependencies between historical streams
     * @return chain and chain depth
    protected static BestChainResult computeBestPath(int lookupStream, QueryGraph queryGraph, DependencyGraph dependencyGraph)
        int[] defNestingorder = buildDefaultNestingOrder(queryGraph.getNumStreams(), lookupStream);
        Enumeration<int[]> streamEnum;
        if (defNestingorder.length < 6) {
            streamEnum = new NumberSetPermutationEnumeration(defNestingorder);
        else {
            streamEnum = new NumberSetShiftGroupEnumeration(defNestingorder);
        int[] bestPermutation = null;
        int bestDepth = -1;

            int[] permutation = streamEnum.nextElement();

            // Only if the permutation satisfies all dependencies is the permutation considered
            if (dependencyGraph != null)
                boolean pass = isDependencySatisfied(lookupStream, permutation, dependencyGraph);
                if (!pass)

            int permutationDepth = computeNavigableDepth(lookupStream, permutation, queryGraph);

            if (permutationDepth > bestDepth)
                bestPermutation = permutation;
                bestDepth = permutationDepth;

            // Stop when the permutation yielding the full depth (lenght of stream chain) was hit
            if (permutationDepth == queryGraph.getNumStreams() - 1)

        return new BestChainResult(bestDepth, bestPermutation);

     * Determine if the proposed permutation of lookups passes dependencies
     * @param lookupStream stream to initiate
     * @param permutation permutation of lookups
     * @param dependencyGraph dependencies
     * @return pass or fail indication
    protected static boolean isDependencySatisfied(int lookupStream, int[] permutation, DependencyGraph dependencyGraph)
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : dependencyGraph.getDependencies().entrySet())
            int target = entry.getKey();
            int positionTarget = positionOf(target, lookupStream, permutation);
            if (positionTarget == -1)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target dependency not found in permutation for target " + target + " and permutation " + Arrays.toString(permutation) + " and lookup stream " + lookupStream);

            // check the position of each dependency, it must be higher
            for (int dependency : entry.getValue())
                int positonDep = positionOf(dependency, lookupStream, permutation);
                if (positonDep == -1)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dependency not found in permutation for dependency " + dependency + " and permutation " + Arrays.toString(permutation+ " and lookup stream " + lookupStream);

                if (positonDep > positionTarget)
                    return false;
        return true;

    private static int positionOf(int stream, int lookupStream, int[] permutation)
        if (stream == lookupStream)
            return 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < permutation.length; i++)
            if (permutation[i] == stream)
                return i + 1;
        return -1;

     * Given a chain of streams to look up and indexing information, compute the index within the
     * chain of the first non-index lookup.
     * @param lookupStream - stream to start lookup for
     * @param nextStreams - list of stream numbers next in lookup
     * @param queryGraph - indexing information
     * @return value between 0 and (nextStreams.lenght - 1)
    protected static int computeNavigableDepth(int lookupStream, int[] nextStreams, QueryGraph queryGraph)
        int currentStream = lookupStream;
        int currentDepth = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < nextStreams.length; i++)
            int nextStream = nextStreams[i];
            boolean navigable = queryGraph.isNavigableAtAll(currentStream, nextStream);
            if (!navigable)
            currentStream = nextStream;

        return currentDepth;

     * Returns default nesting order for a given number of streams for a certain stream.
     * Example: numStreams = 5, forStream = 2, result = {0, 1, 3, 4}
     * The resulting array has all streams except the forStream, in ascdending order.
     * @param numStreams - number of streams
     * @param forStream - stream to generate a nesting order for
     * @return int array with all stream numbers starting at 0 to (numStreams - 1) leaving the
     * forStream out
    protected static int[] buildDefaultNestingOrder(int numStreams, int forStream)
        int[] nestingOrder = new int[numStreams - 1];

        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
            if (i == forStream)
            nestingOrder[count++] = i;

        return nestingOrder;

     * Encapsulates the chain information.
    public static class BestChainResult
        private int depth;
        private int[] chain;

         * Ctor.
         * @param depth - depth this chain resolves into a indexed lookup
         * @param chain - chain for nested lookup
        public BestChainResult(int depth, int[] chain)
            this.depth = depth;
            this.chain = chain;

         * Returns depth of lookups via index in chain.
         * @return depth
        public int getDepth()
            return depth;

         * Returns chain of stream numbers.
         * @return array of stream numbers
        public int[] getChain()
            return chain;

        public String toString()
            return "depth=" + depth + " chain=" + Arrays.toString(chain);

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NStreamQueryPlanBuilder.class);

Related Classes of com.espertech.esper.epl.join.plan.NStreamQueryPlanBuilder

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