* Copyright © 2014 Cask Data, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package co.cask.tigon.data.queue;
import co.cask.tigon.io.BinaryDecoder;
import co.cask.tigon.io.BinaryEncoder;
import co.cask.tigon.io.Encoder;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
* Defines QueueEntry.
public class QueueEntry {
private final Map<String, Integer> hashKeys;
private final byte[] data;
public QueueEntry(byte[] data) {
this(ImmutableMap.<String, Integer>of(), data);
public QueueEntry(String hashKey, int hashValue, byte[] data) {
this(ImmutableMap.of(hashKey, hashValue), data);
public QueueEntry(Map<String, Integer> hashKeys, byte[] data) {
this.data = data;
this.hashKeys = ImmutableMap.copyOf(hashKeys);
public byte[] getData() {
return this.data;
public Map<String, Integer> getHashKeys() {
return hashKeys;
public Integer getHashKey(String key) {
return this.hashKeys.get(key);
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("data", Bytes.toStringBinary(this.data))
.add("hashKeys", this.hashKeys)
// many entries will have no hash keys. Serialize that once and for good
private static byte[] serializeEmptyHashKeys() {
try {
// we don't synchronize here: the worst thing that go wrong here is repeated assignment to the same value
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Encoder encoder = new BinaryEncoder(bos);
return bos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("encoding empty hash keys went wrong - bailing out: " + e.getMessage(), e);
private static final byte[] SERIALIZED_EMPTY_HASH_KEYS = serializeEmptyHashKeys();
public static byte[] serializeHashKeys(Map<String, Integer> hashKeys) throws IOException {
// many entries will have no hash keys. Reuse a static value for that
if (hashKeys == null || hashKeys.isEmpty()) {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Encoder encoder = new BinaryEncoder(bos);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : hashKeys.entrySet()) {
encoder.writeInt(0); // per Avro spec, end with a (block of length) zero
return bos.toByteArray();
public static Map<String, Integer> deserializeHashKeys(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
return deserializeHashKeys(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
public static Map<String, Integer> deserializeHashKeys(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (bytes == null || (len == 1 && bytes[off] == 0)) {
// No hash keys.
return ImmutableMap.of();
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, off, len);
BinaryDecoder decoder = new BinaryDecoder(bis);
int size = decoder.readInt();
Map<String, Integer> hashKeys = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(size);
while (size > 0) { // per avro spec, ther ecan be multiple blocks
while (size-- > 0) {
String key = decoder.readString();
int value = decoder.readInt();
hashKeys.put(key, value);
size = decoder.readInt(); // next block length, will be always zero in this case
return hashKeys;