Package flex.messaging.util

Source Code of flex.messaging.util.SettingsReplaceUtil

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package flex.messaging.util;

import flex.messaging.MessageException;
import flex.messaging.FlexContext;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* Methods for replacing tokens in config files
* {context.root}, {context-root}, {}, {server-name}, {server.port}, {server-port}.
* @exclude
public class SettingsReplaceUtil
    private static final int TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED = 10129;
    private static final int TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED_ANY = 10130;
    private static final int PARSE_ERROR_DYNAMIC_URL = 10131;

    public static final String SLASH_CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN = "/{context.root}";
    public static final String CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN = "{context.root}";
    public static final String CONTEXT_PATH_ALT_TOKEN = "{context-root}";
    public static final String SERVER_NAME_TOKEN = "{}";
    public static final String SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN = "{server-name}";
    public static final String SERVER_PORT_TOKEN = "{server.port}";
    public static final String SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN = "{server-port}";

     * replace {context.root}, {context-root}.
    public static String replaceContextPath(String url, String contextPath)
        String token = CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN;
        int contextIndex = url.indexOf(CONTEXT_PATH_ALT_TOKEN);
        if (contextIndex != -1)
            token = CONTEXT_PATH_ALT_TOKEN;
            url = StringUtils.substitute(url, CONTEXT_PATH_ALT_TOKEN, CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN);
        contextIndex = url.indexOf(CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN);

        if ((contextPath == null) && (contextIndex != -1))
            MessageException me = new MessageException();
            if (FlexContext.getHttpRequest() == null)
                me.setMessage(TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED, "0", new Object[] {token});
                me.setMessage(TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {token});
            throw me;
        else if (contextPath != null)
            if (contextIndex == 0)
                url = contextPath + url.substring(CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN.length());
            else if (contextIndex > 0)
                // Avoid adding //contextPath to URLs that have a /{context.root} pattern
                if (url.indexOf(SLASH_CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN) != -1)
                    url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SLASH_CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN, contextPath);
                    url = StringUtils.substitute(url, CONTEXT_PATH_TOKEN, contextPath);

        return url;

    public static String replaceAllTokensGivenServerName(String url, String contextPath, String serverName,
                                                         String serverPort, String serverProtocol)
        if (url.startsWith("/"))
            url = serverProtocol + "://{}:{server.port}" + url;
        url = SettingsReplaceUtil.replaceContextPath(url, contextPath);

        String token = SERVER_NAME_TOKEN;
        int serverNameIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN);
        if (serverNameIndex != -1)
            token = SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN;
            url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN, SERVER_NAME_TOKEN);

        serverNameIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_NAME_TOKEN);
        if ((serverName == null) && (serverNameIndex != -1))
            MessageException me = new MessageException();
            me.setMessage(TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {token});
            throw me;
        else if ((serverName != null) && (serverNameIndex != -1))
            url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_NAME_TOKEN, serverName);

        token = SERVER_PORT_TOKEN;
        int serverPortIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN);
        if (serverPortIndex != -1)
            token = SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN;
            url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN, SERVER_PORT_TOKEN);

        serverPortIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_PORT_TOKEN);
        if ((serverPort == null) && (serverPortIndex != -1))
            MessageException me = new MessageException();
            me.setMessage(TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {token});
            throw me;
        else if ((serverPort != null) && (serverPortIndex != -1))
            url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_PORT_TOKEN, serverPort);

        return updateIPv6(url);

    public static Set replaceAllTokensCalculateServerName(List urls, String contextPath)
        List contextParsedUrls = new ArrayList(urls.size());
        Set newURLs = new HashSet(urls.size());

        // first replace context path
        for (int i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++)
            String url = (String)urls.get(i);
            url = url.toLowerCase().trim();
            url = SettingsReplaceUtil.replaceContextPath(url, contextPath);

        // then replace {}
        replaceServerNameWithLocalHost(contextParsedUrls, newURLs);

        return newURLs;

     * replace {} a horribly complicated way.  This is needed to support relative
     * URLs.  I would like for us to rethink this someday and find a better way to do this
    public static void replaceServerNameWithLocalHost(List urls, Set newURLs)
        for (Iterator iterator = urls.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            String url = (String);
            url = url.toLowerCase().trim();

            String token = SERVER_PORT_TOKEN;
            int serverPortIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN);
            if (serverPortIndex != -1)
                token = SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN;
                url = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_PORT_ALT_TOKEN, SERVER_PORT_TOKEN);

            serverPortIndex = url.indexOf(SERVER_PORT_TOKEN);
            if (serverPortIndex != -1)
                MessageException me = new MessageException();
                me.setMessage(TOKEN_NOT_SUPPORTED_ANY, new Object[] {token});
                throw me;

            if (url.indexOf(SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN) != 0)
                StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_NAME_ALT_TOKEN, SERVER_NAME_TOKEN);

            if (url.indexOf(SERVER_NAME_TOKEN) != 0)

                    addLocalServerURL(url, "localhost", newURLs);
                    addLocalServerURL(url, "", newURLs);
                    addLocalServerURL(url, "[::1]", newURLs); // for IPv6
                    InetAddress local  = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                    addInetAddress(local, url, newURLs);

                    // if we're using JDK 1.4 or higher, we use NetworkInterface to get the list of hostnames
                    // and IP addresses.
                    Enumeration e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
                    while (e.hasMoreElements())
                        NetworkInterface address = (NetworkInterface)e.nextElement();
                        Enumeration e2 = (Enumeration)address.getInetAddresses();
                        while (e2.hasMoreElements())
                            local = (InetAddress) e2.nextElement();
                            addInetAddress(local, url, newURLs);
                catch(Exception e)
                    MessageException me = new MessageException();
                    throw me;
            else {
                addParsedURL(url, newURLs);

    private static void addInetAddress(InetAddress local, String url, Set newURLs) throws Exception
        String localHostAddress = local.getHostAddress();
        if (localHostAddress != null)
            addLocalServerURL(url, localHostAddress, newURLs);

        String localHostName = local.getHostName();
        if (localHostName != null)
            addLocalServerURL(url, localHostName, newURLs);

            InetAddress[] addrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(localHostName);
            for (int i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++)
                InetAddress addr = addrs[i];
                String hostName = addr.getHostName();
                if (! hostName.equals(localHostName))
                    addLocalServerURL(url, hostName, newURLs);
                String hostAddress = addr.getHostAddress();
                if (! hostAddress.equals(localHostAddress))
                    addLocalServerURL(url, hostAddress, newURLs);

    private static void addLocalServerURL(String url, String sub, Set newURLs)
        String toSub = null;
        // if ipv6, then add square brackets
        if (sub.indexOf(":") != -1)
            StringBuffer ipv6Sub = new StringBuffer("[");
            toSub = ipv6Sub.toString();
            toSub = sub;
        String newUrl = StringUtils.substitute(url, SERVER_NAME_TOKEN, toSub);
        addParsedURL(newUrl, newURLs);

    private static void addParsedURL(String url, Set newURLs)
        if (! newURLs.contains(url))
    public static String updateIPv6(String src)
        // if the ip address has "[" and "]" then it's IPv6, check that it's long form as well
        if ((src != null) && (src.indexOf('[') != -1) && (src.indexOf(']') != -1))
            // then, it's IPv6 and remove the square brackets and update to long form if required   
            int start = src.indexOf('[');
            int end = src.indexOf(']');

            StringBuffer updated = new StringBuffer(src.substring(0, start + 1));
            updated.append(updateToLongForm(src.substring(start + 1, end)));
            return updated.toString();
            return src;

    protected static String updateToLongForm(String src)
        // Let's see if the short form is in use.
        int numberOfTokens = 0;
        int doubleColonIndex = src.indexOf("::", 0);
        if (doubleColonIndex != -1)
            String[] hexTokens = src.split("\\:");
            for (int i = 0; i < hexTokens.length; i++)
                if (!hexTokens[i].equals(""))

            // Replace missing zeros
            int numberOfMissingZeros = 8 - numberOfTokens;
            if (numberOfMissingZeros > 0)
                String replacement = "";
                if (!src.startsWith("::"))
                    replacement = ":";
                while (numberOfMissingZeros-- > 0)
                    replacement += "0:";               
                src = src.replaceFirst("\\::", replacement);

        return src;

Related Classes of flex.messaging.util.SettingsReplaceUtil

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