Package flex.messaging.endpoints.amf

Source Code of flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SuspendableLegacyFilter

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package flex.messaging.endpoints.amf;

import flex.messaging.messages.Message;
import flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;

* This filter adds support for legacy FlashRemoting invocations.
* <p>
* AMF Headers are of limited use because the apply to the entire AMF packet, which
* may contain a batch of several requests.
* </p>
* <p>
* Rather than relying on the Flash Player team to change the AMF specification,
* Flex 1.5 introduced the concept of a Message Envelope that allowed them to provide
* message level headers that apply to a single request body.
* </p>
* <p>
* Essentially they introduced one more layer of indirection with an ASObject of type &quot;Envelope&quot;
* that had two properties:<br/>
* - <i>headers</i>, which was an array of Header structures<br/>
* - <i>body</i>, which was the actual data of the request (typically an array of arguments)
* </p>
* <p>
* To save space on the wire, a Header structure was simply an array. The first element was
* the header name as a String, and was the only required field. The second element, a boolean,
* indicated whether the header must be understood. The third element, any Object, represented
* the header value, if required.
* </p>
* <p>
* This implementation will never suspend the chain and performs no internal synchronization.
* </p>
public class SuspendableLegacyFilter extends SuspendableAMFFilter
    // Private Static Constants

    private static final String LEGACY_ENVELOPE_FLAG_KEY = "_flag";
    private static final String LEGACY_ENVELOPE_FLAG_VALUE = "Envelope";
    private static final String LEGACY_SECURITY_HEADER_NAME = "Credentials";
    private static final String LEGACY_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL = "userid";
    private static final String LEGACY_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS = "password";

    // Constructor

     * Constructs a <tt>SuspendableLegacyFilter</tt>.
     * Legacy AMF requests require custom authentication handling that requires
     * access to a <tt>LoginManager</tt> (authentication is performed on every request
     * unlike the connection-level authentication in Flex 2+).
     * @param loginManager The <tt>LoginManager</tt> to use to authenticate legacy requests.
    public SuspendableLegacyFilter(LoginManager loginManager)
        this.loginManager = loginManager;

    // Variables

     * The login manager to use to auth legacy requests.
    private LoginManager loginManager;

    // Protected Methods

     * @see flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SuspendableAMFFilter#doInboundFilter(ActionContext)
    protected void doInboundFilter(final ActionContext context) throws IOException
        MessageBody requestBody = context.getRequestMessageBody();

        // Parameters are usually sent as an AMF Array.
        Object data = requestBody.getData();
        List newParams = null;

        // Check whether we're a new Flex 2.0 Messaging request.
        if (data != null)
            if (data.getClass().isArray())
                int paramLength = Array.getLength(data);
                if (paramLength == 1)
                    Object obj = Array.get(data, 0);
                    if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof Message))
                        newParams = new ArrayList();

                // It was not a Flex 2.0 Message, but we have an array, use its contents as our params.
                if (newParams == null)
                    newParams = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < paramLength; i++)
                            newParams.add(Array.get(data, i));
                        catch (Throwable ignore)
                            // NOWARN
            else if (data instanceof List)
                List paramList = (List)data;
                if (paramList.size() == 1)
                    Object obj = paramList.get(0);
                    if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof Message))
                        newParams = new ArrayList();

                // It was not a Flex 2.0 Message, but we have a list, so use it as our params.
                if (newParams == null)
                    newParams = (List)data;

        // We still haven't found any lists of params, so create one with whatever data we have.
        if (newParams == null)
            newParams = new ArrayList();


        if (context.isLegacy())
            newParams = legacyRequest(context, newParams);


     * @see flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SuspendableAMFFilter#doOutboundFilter(ActionContext)
    protected void doOutboundFilter(final ActionContext context) throws IOException
        if (context.isLegacy())
            MessageBody responseBody = context.getResponseMessageBody();
            Object response = responseBody.getData();

            if (response instanceof ErrorMessage)
                ErrorMessage error = (ErrorMessage)response;
                ASObject aso = new ASObject();
                aso.put("message", error.faultString);
                aso.put("code", error.faultCode);
                aso.put("details", error.faultDetail);
                aso.put("rootCause", error.rootCause);
                response = aso;
            else if (response instanceof Message)
                response = ((Message)response).getBody();

    // Private Methods

     * Converts a legacy request to a Flex 2+ message.
    private List legacyRequest(ActionContext context, List oldParams)
        List newParams = new ArrayList(1);
        Map headerMap = new HashMap();
        Object body = oldParams;
        Message message = null;
        MessageBody requestBody = context.getRequestMessageBody();

        // Legacy Packet Security
        List packetHeaders = context.getRequestMessage().getHeaders();

        // Legacy Body
        if (oldParams.size() == 1)
            Object obj = oldParams.get(0);

            if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof ASObject))
                ASObject aso = (ASObject)obj;

                // Unwrap legacy Flex 1.5 Envelope type.
                if (isEnvelope(aso))
                    body = aso.get("data");

                    // Envelope level headers.
                    Object h = aso.get("headers");
                    if ((h != null) && (h instanceof List))
                        readEnvelopeHeaders((List)h, headerMap);

        // Convert legacy body into a RemotingMessage.
        message = createMessage(requestBody, body, headerMap);
        return newParams;

     * Determines whether an <tt>ASObject</tt> is an AMF envelope.
    private boolean isEnvelope(ASObject aso)
        String flag = null;
        Object f = aso.get(LEGACY_ENVELOPE_FLAG_KEY);
        if ((f != null) && (f instanceof String))
            flag = (String)f;

        if ((flag != null) && flag.equalsIgnoreCase(LEGACY_ENVELOPE_FLAG_VALUE))
            return true;

        return false;

     * Creates a Flex 2+ RemotingMessage from a legacy AMF message.
    private RemotingMessage createMessage(MessageBody messageBody, Object body, Map headerMap)
        RemotingMessage remotingMessage = new RemotingMessage();
        // MessageBroker expects non-null messageId and we don't need to
        // incur the cost of generating a UUID value so assigning empty string.

        // Decode legacy target URI; format is "destination.operation"
        String targetURI = messageBody.getTargetURI();

        int dotIndex = targetURI.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (dotIndex > 0)
            String destination = targetURI.substring(0, dotIndex);

        if (targetURI.length() > dotIndex)
            String operation = targetURI.substring(dotIndex + 1);

        return remotingMessage;

     * Process legacy AMF envelope headers and store them in a headers map that will be assigned
     * to the generated Flex 2+ RemotingMessage.
    private Map readEnvelopeHeaders(List headers, Map headerMap)
        int count = headers.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            Object obj = headers.get(i);

            // We currently expect a plain old AS Array.
            if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof List))
                List h = (List)obj;

                Object name = null;
                // Ignore must-understand legacy headers.
                // Object mustUnderstand = null;
                Object data = null;

                int numFields = h.size();

                // The array representing each header must have exactly three fields.
                // Otherwise, it's malformed; ignore it.
                if (numFields == 3)
                    name = h.get(0);

                    if ((name != null) && (name instanceof String))
                        // mustUnderstand = h.get(1);
                        data = h.get(2);
                        headerMap.put(name, data);

        return headerMap;

     * Process legacy AMF envelope-level security.
    private void envelopeCredentials(Map headers)
        // Process Legacy Security Credentials
        Object obj = headers.get(LEGACY_SECURITY_HEADER_NAME);
        if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof ASObject))
            ASObject header = (ASObject)obj;
            String principal = (String)header.get(LEGACY_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL);
            Object credentials = header.get(LEGACY_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS);
            loginManager.login(principal, credentials.toString());

     * Process legacy AMF packet-level security.
    private void packetCredentials(List packetHeaders)
        if (packetHeaders.size() > 0)
            for (Iterator iter = packetHeaders.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                MessageHeader header = (MessageHeader);
                if (header.getName().equals(LEGACY_SECURITY_HEADER_NAME))
                    Map loginInfo = (Map)header.getData();
                    String principal = loginInfo.get(LEGACY_SECURITY_PRINCIPAL).toString();
                    Object credentials = loginInfo.get(LEGACY_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS);
                    loginManager.login(principal, credentials.toString());

Related Classes of flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.SuspendableLegacyFilter

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